Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 46


Night of Peace

Night of peace, night of love
The star shines bright now
And there are angels singing,
'Glory to God, glory to the heavenly king.'
The baby Jesus sleeps
The baby Jesus sleeps
Night of peace, night of love
All around all is sleeping
Keeping vigil alone in the darkness
Are the shepherds in the field
And the star in Bethlehem
And the star in Bethlehem
Night of peace, night of love
New heavenly light
The merry Christmas did bloom
It's a word and message of peace
The baby Jesus sleeps
The baby Jesus sleeps


Versions: #3
I have to go now, hug me,
I will call you as soon as I get there.
Let me go, please stop crying,
Lie down again, you'll fall asleep.
I've left you behind, and I think about you
I hear 'Goodbye my love' falling over me
I want to leave this place, I can't escape
I need to hug you again.
Come here, calm down, stop crying.
If you close your eyes you'll see
That I'm right next to you
That I'm not leaving without first
Kissing one of your tears
That goes from your face to the sea
Life comes and goes
And it goes
I walk through the doorway, I want to die
You in the bedroom crying for me
You've made me so happy that I will always be
By your side taking care of you
Come here, calm down, stop crying.
If you close your eyes you'll see
That I'm right next to you
That I'm not leaving without first
Kissing one of your tears
That goes from your face to the sea
Life comes and goes
And it goes
And come here, calm down, stop crying.
If you close your eyes you'll see
That I'm right next to you
Na na nara
Na na nara nara...

You Appear

Versions: #3
I've promised myself to apologize to myself
I've confessed to myself with my heart
I've fallen in love with all my love
I've allowed myself to say goodbye to my fears
And then suddenly you appear
I pretend to be asleep while you're talking to me
I'd be lying to you if I denied
That ever since then I only dream of you
Understand my silence
Only you
Know my secrets
Only you
Understand every gesture
Only you
The mirror has smiled at me today
I've decided to speak up
I've said goodbye to my ghosts today
And I've liked myself just the way I am
And then suddenly you appear
I pretend to be asleep while you're talking to me
I'd be lying to you if I denied
That ever since then I only dream of you
Understand my silence
Only you
Know my secrets
Only you
Understand every gesture
Only you
And I
Only want to give myself to you
Understand you and take care of you
Give you my heart
I want you to be
My soul and my intention
My life and my passion
My love story
Understand my silence
Only you
Raise me up to the clouds
Only you
Are my soul and my inspiration

One more minute

Versions: #2
A man cries without blinking, sitting at the doorway
He looks at the sky as the sun rises on time
And an angel that saw him gave him one more minute
A man cries who will spend the night on high tides
Combing stars to accept that nothing will be the same
And an angel that saw him gave him one more minute...
(Gave them one more minute)
Mmmm... he stopped shivering
mmmm... and he started to whisper
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye my girl
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye, goodbye
A man cries without tears from remembering so much
The 15 roses that will decorate his afternoon at the shire,
And an angel that saw him gave him one more minute...
(Gave them one more minute)
Mmmm... he stopped shivering
mmmm... and he started to whisper
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye my girl
Goodbye my sun
Goodbye, goodbye

Fetița care plânge la petrecerile tale

Se balansează un leagăn gol deasupra capului meu,
Se balansează prin cimitirul voinței mele.
Continui să o caut pe fetița care plânge la petrecerile tale,
Sună clopote înflorite pentru funerariul meu.
Privește-mă! Cu steaua polară la picioarele mele
Mă întorc acasă pierdută încă o dată,
Pentru că nu știu cum să fac să nu te ador.

Se balansează un leagăn gol atingând nisipul.
Lasă urmele îngerului căzut trecând.
Urme care mereu mă duc spre tine. Elixir
Precum doza de viață fugitivă pe care mi-ai dat-o s-o probez.
Privește-mă! Cu steaua polară la picioarele mele
Mă întorc acasă pierdută încă o dată,
Pentru că nu știu cum să fac să nu te ador.

Mă gândesc la tine de fiecare dată când mă îndepărtez de mine,
De fiecare datâ când prefer să mor,
Din ziua în care mi-ai spus:
„Fățuca ta e un trandafir neînflorit.”
Privește-mă! Cu steaua polară la picioarele mele
Mă întorc acasă pierdută încă o dată,
Pentru că nu știu cum să fac să nu te ador.

Gândește-te la mine de fiecare dată când mă privești așa,
Iar buzele mi se cos ție
Și luna îmi pictează ochii.
De fiecare dată când pleci mă gândesc la tine,
De ficare dată când prefer să mor,
De fiecare dată când mă săruți așa,
De fiecare dată când pleci... Privește-mă!

The Nights that Never Die

Versions: #2
Waiting for the bus we shared your umbrella
I blushed, I'm not usually like this but you made me smile.
Kiss by kiss we shared so much of each other,
orphans of a home and love,
Kiss by kiss we loved each other with so much emotion
that I lost the keys to time.
That December 3rd of 2000
You gave me so much life with so little of you.
We believed in the nights that never die but in the end
I had to leave (x8)
Winter on your nose and your hands on my face
You wanted to put the spring in me, I blushed, but this time I was happy
Kiss by kiss we shared so much of each other,
orphans of a home and love
That December 3rd of 2000
You gave me so much life with so little of you.
We believed in the nights that never die but in the end
We bent the hands of the clock
Time was only kept by your heartbeat
We closed the umbrella that made me tremble so much
Because I had to leave (x11)

When I Least Deserve it

Versions: #3
Don't say anything
When I pull down the curtains
Don't tell me to calm down
Don't tell me anything
Don't tell me to shut up
When I call for help from the fences
Don't close my wall
Don't tell me I'm pretty
And love me when I least deserve it, love me,
When I run into your arms, surrender,
When my mouth agrees with idiocy,
Don't tell me anything, just love me.
Don't tell me anything
When you notice that it my glance
There are more lances than lashes
There's more guilts than threats.
Don't tell me 'I told you so'
When I step in the puddle you keep warning me about
Don't leave me speechless,
Don't close my window.
And love me when I least deserve it, love me,
When I run into your arms, surrender,
When my mouth agrees with idiocy,
Don't tell me anything, just love me.
When fear kneels before my altar
When the floor punishes me one more time
For I am but a girl with messy hair,
Who doesn't know what's right or what's wrong.

Acea fată

Cum să-și imagineze că pe steaua cea mai strălucitoare
Nu o aștaeptă nimeni la terminarea showului,
Că fără reflectoarele ce o vrăjesc,
Ea nu e mai mult decât o fetiță
Cu costum și cu pantofi cu toc?
Iar când se-ntoarce în cabină
Se înghesuie pe coridor
Și se simte un personaj fără autor.
Atât de radiantă în reviste
Ș nu are cine să-i spună
Că fără machiaj îi stă mult mai bine.
Cum a putut să fie așa naivă
Și să uite ceea ce e important?
Stelele unui hotel nu oferă căldură.
Și în fiecare noapte, la oglindă,
Își întreabă reflexia:
„Cine ești tu și ce ai făcut
Cu cea care am fost eu?”
Acea fată puțin nebună
Care obișnuia să cânte prin bar.
Acea fată atât de zâmbitoare
Cu părul încâlcit.
Nu avea în buzunare
Mai mult decât aerul de vară,
Iar acum că are totul
Își petrece nopțile plângând.
De fiecare dată când zâmbetul ei apare la știri...
Ce credeți? Suspină și schimbă canalul.
Ce mai contează premiile
Sau câți cântă cântecele ei,
Dacă printre toți acești mii de susținători, tu nu ești?
Și-ar da diadema
Pe vechii săi papuci
Și ar pleca în fugă să te aștepte la tine la poartă.
Acea fată puțin nebună
Care obișnuia să cânte prin bar.
Acea fată atât de zâmbitoare
Cu părul încâlcit.
Nu avea în buzunare
Mai mult decât aerul de vară,
Iar acum că are totul
Își petrece nopțile plângând.
Pentru că în fiecare zi duce dorul
La tot ceea ce iubea mai mult,
Să stea până târziu cu chitara sa
Și să se trezească cu zâmbetul tău.
Să fie fericită cu așa de puțin
Să treacă neobservată.
Nu mai vrea să fie prințesă,
Ci doar...
Acea fată puțin nebună
Care obișnuia să cânte prin bar.
Acea fată atât de zâmbitoare
Cu părul încâlcit.
A ales să fie prințesa
Patriei minciunilor.
Ascultă bine ce-ți spun...
Pentru că eu sunt acea fată...

Fata din oglindă

Am auzit că în ultima vreme îți petreci nopțile plângând,
Că o rafală afurisită ți-a schimbat semnul zodiacal.
Am auzit că ți-e frică să-ți vezi chipul în oglindă
Pentru că atâta vânt, bătându-ți în față, ți-a distrus coafura.
Așa că lasă-mă să-ți spun că te cunosc din copilărie
Și că încă te-aș putea recunoaște la mii de metrii depărtare,
Că nici anii, nici părul, nici îmbrăcămintea, nici talia ta
Nu vor putea vreodată să fie capabili să-ți schimbe privirea.
Așa că vino și privește-te în oglindă.
Ți-o prezint pe fata cea mai curajoasă din univers.
Șu chiar dacă uneori îi e frică și se ascunde de propria reflexie,
Ea mereu va străluci înăuntrul tău.
Să deschidem fereastră cât se poate de larg,
Să lăsă briza să ne îmbrățișeze din nou,
Căci eu voi fi cu tine în nopțile cele mai friguroase,
Chiar dacă va fi să lupt.
Draga mea prietenă, să-ți mănânci în săruturi viața!
Am auzit că în ultima vreme nu mai treci pe la bar,
Că plângi din orice, că îți e foarte greu să râzi.
Și chiar dacă știu că e ceva timp de când nu prea mai vorbim
O prietenă știe să vadă că ai nevoie de o îmbrățișare.
Mi-au povestit că te ascunzi ca să-ți schimbi hainele,
Că nu vrei să știi nimic, nici de tendințe, nici de modă,
Dar lasă-mă să-ți povestec că am învățat că porumbelul
Mereu va fi pasăre, chiar și cu o aripă ruptă.
Așa că vino și privește-te în oglindă.
Ți-o prezint pe fata cea mai curajoasă din univers.
Șu chiar dacă uneori îi e frică și se ascunde de propria reflexie,
Ea mereu va străluci înăuntrul tău.
Să deschidem fereastră cât se poate de larg,
Să lăsă briza să ne îmbrățișeze din nou,
Căci eu voi fi cu tine în nopțile cele mai friguroase,
Chiar dacă va fi să lupt.
Pentru că nu e pentru mâinile tale, e felul în care mă mângâi.
Și cu atât mai puțin e pentru gura ta, ci pentru acel zâmbet.
Voi rămâne cu tine în nopțile cele mai friguroasă,
Chiar dacă va fi să lupt.
Draga mea pritenă...
Înainte! Vino cu mine!
Suntem mii! Înainte!
Nu uita că destinul
Nu e scris!
Înainte, înainte!
Draga mea prietenă, să-ți mănânci în săruturi viața!


Versions: #3
I'd like to make a country with you,
So that words such as 'homeland' or 'future',
'Flag', 'nation', 'frontier', 'race' or 'destiny'
Would hold any meaning to me
For it to border at the east with thousands of friends,
With your passions at the south, and the sea at the west,
At the north with those secrets I never tell you,
So I can rule them closely if you ever plan to conquer them
If you feel it too, if you also want it,
Don't think about it, let's just go, now there's two of us.
Why don't you take my hand and board this boat with me
Celebrating with a kiss that today's today
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near if we are nearby
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near, let's go
I'd love if our country would have
A whole arsenal of caresses under the sea
So that when night falls I'll light two candles
So I can invade you by surprise privately
With only two inhabitants it will be the smallest one in the world
Yet it would also be the greatest one I've ever seen,
I truly mean it when I say this anthem that I write is sincere,
It tells that there are many countries as there's people in each of them.
If you feel it too, if you also want it,
Don't think about it, let's just go, now there's two of us.
Why don't you take my hand and board this boat with me
Celebrating with a kiss that today's today
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near if we are nearby
Our homeland is wherever you and me are
Everything will be near, let's go, you and me


Versions: #2
Like jumping into the void
Or stealing a petal from a flower
Like walking back into paradise
Or adding a verse to this song
Like making a scratch on a vinyl
Or painting a stroke on a Van Gogh
My heart has become irreversible
From the moment fate put a mark on it
Watching it rain
We fell asleep
Watching it rain
A Sunday blue sky
That night I dreamt
What I later heard
And ever since I know
I want to be with you
Like talking while breaking a secret
Or writing my signature on a paper
Like watching it become winter again
And kids starting calling me 'misses'
Like opening my money box
Or deciding to be three instead of two
My heart has become irreversible
From the moment fate put a mark on it
Watching it rain
We fell asleep
Watching it rain
A Sunday blue sky
That night I dreamt
What I later heard
And ever since I know
I want to be with you
Watching it rain
We fell asleep
Watching it rain
A Sunday blue sky
That night I dreamt
What I later heard
And ever since I know
I want to be with you
Watching it rain
Watching it rain
I know I want to be with you

My life without you

Versions: #2
Another day
Starts again
The moon sleeps in San Sebastián
Looking for something to do
I hear it's raining and I think of you
You're so handsome
When you wake up
So disheveled and unkempt
It makes me happy
Seeing you by my side and I think of you
We are gonna love each other for the rest of our lives
Just like night and day love one another when they talk about you
We are gonna love each other in any other life
Because I'd rather die than being without you
Nothing is the same
When you're not here
When you're not back
I hear my *sanity laugh
And I think of you
I think of you
You come back to me
The peace I once lost comes back to me
Frontal crash
No one's alive
And I'm without you
We are gonna love each other for the rest of our lives
Just like night and day love one another when they talk about you
We are gonna love each other in any other life
Because I'd rather die than being without you
I need you here
Close to me
So close to me, so close
I need you here
To see you happy
To see you come back for me
To see you come back to love me, take care of me, lie me down, talk to me
And give me your hand or a kiss or a gift
To see you sleeping, smiling with me
And to tell you that I'm waiting for you, that I miss you so much
I want to understand my life without you
I don't want to hear anyone's comforts
I want to scream
Run to you
I don't want to realize that by dying you killed me
I want to live thinking about you


Versions: #4
He gets home late with the mist of the sea,
he arrives tense with anger.
He comes in slowly so as not to interrupt
the most beautiful sleep ever.
She comes out of the fog
of a moon yawn.
Barefoot and disheveled, she runs.
She runs into his arms like no one else will
ever, ever, ever...
And María says yes.
She blushes and says yes.
And she hides in his arms.
And he answers that everything will be okay.
That flowers will grow again
where we're crying now.
Dawn breaks while she, standing,
shines with the right spark.
Ambush face, open skies at the same time.
He thinks how beautiful she is.
Together and forgotten by sleep they go on,
telling riddles.
Till the flower closes in him,
closes in him.
And María says yes.
She blushes and says yes,
and she hides in his arms.
And he answers that everything will be okay,
that flowers will grow again
where we're crying now.
And winter came and he left.
And they tell that, without him, María
doesn't look at her reflection in puddles.
Every March 10th at 10 o'clock,
She hopes to see him again,
but he has left.
He gets home late with the mist of the sea,
he arrives tense with anger.
He comes in slowly so as not to interrupt
the most beautiful sleep ever.
She comes out of the fog
of a moon yawn.
Barefoot and disheveled, she runs.
She runs into his arms like no one else will
ever, ever, ever...

The Book

What different seems the world spin
If you laugh sat down in any bar
Talking about the eternity
And understand the life it's now and at last
Wake up and only think of you
A desire that encorage me to keep going
In the book I gave you
Let dry that kiss next to you
Don't let the time crumples
The pages of the book I gave you
How many time the sky will let us
That you cover me with sweet-tasted kisses
Someday on the door it will knocks
Today I feel that the sky comes for me
It comes wild, it doesn't want to see us laugh
Is a vulture that I have to fight with
In the book I gave you
Let dry that kiss next to you
Don't let the time crumples
The pages of the book I gave you
So many time writting
A love story
And it's now when
I understand the pain
That supposes
Say you goodbye
So many time writting
A love story
And it's now when
I understand the pain
That supposes
Say you goodbye
In the book I gave you
Let dry that kiss next to you
Don't let the time crumples
The pages of the book I gave you
In the book I gave you