Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 5



Când voi ieși afară,
Voi cânta pe rouă,
Mă va auzi Ion
Care-și paște caii.
Of, și-i paște și-i tot paște
De seara până dimineața,
Noaptea este întunecată,
Plouă ploaia măruntă.
Of, plouă și tot plouă
De la un câmp la altul,
Vino la mine, mândruțo,
Care vei fi a mea.
Of, aș veni la tine,
Doar că mi-e frică,
Nu te teme, draga mea,
Că ești inima mea.

Come up

A bright moon has come up above me,
and it has shined upon two little girls.
But they werent two little girls,
they were actually two nymphs.
They walked through a forest and did magic,
one made the forest wither,
the other made the water dry up.
And a young haidut1 boy saw them,
it begged them full of sorrow:
- The forest, you see, it shouldnt wither,
the water, you see, it shouldnt dry up!
The forest cant hide young haiduts,
the water cant wash bloody knives.
  • 1. The haiduts were like bandits or freedom fighters who usually waited out rich people or those from authorities who did the others dirty, and robbed/killed them.
    They would hide in forests and gather around them.

Little Willow

Little willow, green willow, green willow,
(On St. George’s Day,1 why have you flowered early?)
Why have you flowered early, green willow?2
(On St. George’s Day, didn’t you have any worries?)
Didn’t you have any worries, green willow?
(On St. George’s Day, I had a shepherd boy.)
I had a shepherd boy, green willow.
(On St. George’s Day, I waited for him till midnight.)
I waited for him till midnight, green willow.
(On St. George’s Day, from midnight on I slept.)
Little willow, green willow, green willow,
(On St. George’s Day, why have you flowered early?)
Why have you flowered early, green willow?
(On St. George’s Day, didn’t you have any worries?)
Didn’t you have any worries, green willow?
(On St. George’s Day, I had a shepherd boy.)
I had a shepherd boy, green willow.
(On St. George’s Day, I waited for him till midnight.)
I waited for him till midnight, green willow.
(On St. George’s Day, from midnight on I slept.)
  • 1. An important traditional holiday for South Slavs, marking the beginning of spring.
  • 2. A metaphor for: Why have you woken up early, young girl?