Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 15
Keys of my heart
Even nightingale without finding his couple,
On willow doesn't nesting
Love to spark
Doesn't ask permission
To my heart-to my heart
You walked in
And my days-my days
You wrapped in tenderness of love
Where you found the keys
To the depth of my heart
Let's uncover together
The mystery of love
The heart accept
A similar to yourself
From afar heart feels
The truth and the false
Cântecele mele ți le dedic doar ție
Cuvintele tale de dragosteNu le pot uita, dragul meu, nu le voi uita.
Mă gândesc la tine zi și noapte,
Lasă-ți inima să mă audă.
Cântecele mele ți le dedic doar ție,
Cântecele mele ți le dedic doar ție.
Îi cer lunii să te ajute,
Poate că ți-e greu în străinătate.
Cred că astăzi vei privi luna
Și mă vei găsi cu ea.
Stau și mă uit la cea mai strălucitoare stea,
Gândindu-mă la tine.
Dorul îmi copleșește sufletul,
Inima mi se răcește.
© Vladímir Sosnín
I dedicate my songs to you
Your words of loveI can not forget, darling, and I will not forget
Thinking of you, I live both day and night,
Let it hear your heart
I dedicate my songs to you, only you
I dedicate my songs to you
I ask the moon for you,
Probably hard for you to live in a foreign land
And today you look at the moon, I think
And through it you will find me
Looking at the brightest star
I stand today thinking of you
My soul covers melancholy
My heart is cold today they
Corzile sufletului
Iarăși ți-ai întredeschis ochii,
Cât de amuzant ești!
O faci în glumă sau într-adevăr,
Sau încă mă mai aștepți.
Îmi atinge corzile sufletului
Zâmbetul tău misterios,
Când trec pe lângă tine
Gândul mi-e doar la tine.
Îmi faci inima să tresară,
Zicând că ai nevoie de mine,
Răspunde-mi fără să glumești:
Mă vei iubi toată viața?
Căldura misterioasă se păstrează atât de mult
În brațele tale așa de blânde,
Iubitule, fă-mă să mă topesc întotdeauna
În îmbrățișările acestea atât de calde.
© Vladímir Sosnín
High heels 15
High heels 15Red in the mouth
Hair loose
And little clothing
Sweet perfume
Gum in the purse
I'm ready
'Cause today the party is gonna be good
When i leave i stop the whole street
There is no one that cant think dirty
Cause i was born to provoke
Grab a ticket to try
I am one in one million, hard to get
I am exclusively made to live
I am exactly what they want to be
I am, i know
We're flying downhillMachines full of power
We celebrate ourselves
Who's the hero today?
Who has the biggest propeller?
Who the prettiest propeller?
Keep dancing faster and faster around the propeller - ella
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
We're flying in a circle
Machines run hot
We want to be the first
We've gotta hurry
Who has the biggest propeller?
Ride the prettiest propeller
Keep on dancing faster
Polishing the propeller
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
Dance, dance, dance around the propeller
It hurts to be your girlIt feels good to be your girl
Your girl sees only you
Your girl listens to you
It brings strength to be your girl
It brings fear to be your girl
Your girl stays awake for you,
Even when she knows what you do
Come love me deep
Force me to my knees
Be my heel
while I go for you
Come hurt me
as long as we still exist
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
My kryptonite, my kryptonite
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
My kryptonite, my kryptonite
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
Your girl knows what makes you tick
and knows your darkest place
She lets you be how you are
Doesn't lose a word about it
Your girl stands behind you
and the things you say
Your girl knows when you lie
And wears the dress that you like
Come love me deep
Force me to my knees
Be my heel
while I go for you
Come hurt me
as long as we still exist
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
My kryptonite, my kryptonite
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
My kryptonite, my kryptonite
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
You open me up
I guess I'll stand on it
I jump with the start
I guess I'll go on it
Come love me deep
Force me to my knees
Be my heel
while I go for you
Come hurt me
as long as we still exist
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
My kryptonite, my kryptonite
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite
My kryptonite, my kryptonite
Love me broken
You're my kryptonite