Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 9


Vreau să învăț pe de rost

Vreau să învăț pe de rost
cu gura mea corpul tău,
copilă de aprilie,
și să-ți străbat pântecele,
în căutarea fiului
ce nu trebuie să vină.
Vreau să-ți încep cu cântecul meu
al tău corp de copilă,
și, scufundându-mă în el, să trăiesc.
Nu-mi pasă de oamenii
care bârfesc și se bagă,
căci nu mă vor înțelege.
Cum să le explic că te iubesc,
că îmi zâmbesc și mor
ori de câte ori te văd trecând?
Cum să le explic că te iubesc,
deși n-ai fost a mea și nu vei fi niciodată?
Cum să le explic că mă doare
chiar și aerul care se joacă
în părul și cu mersul tău?
Puștoaico, dacă-mi auzi cântecul,
vei ști că e plânsul,
că e plânsul meu pentru tine.
Puțin îmi pasă de oamenii
care bârfesc și se bagă,
căci nu vor înțelege,
Ah, dac-aș putea ca la pieptul tău
să-mi aflu liniștea
și să-ntâlnesc pacea,
și mângâindu-ți părul,
să găsesc visul
ce nu-l pot descoperi!
Ah, dacă gura ta mi-ar oferi
în tăcere, calea iubirii, felul de-a iubi,
aș găsi un motiv
să trăiesc în continuare,
să pot lupta.
Vreau să învăț pe de rost
cu gura mea corpul tău,
copilă de aprilie,
și să-ți străbat pântecele,
în căutarea fiului
ce nu trebuie să vină.

Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong, Those Matters of the Love

Versions: #1
Eh, je-je-je-jey-eh-jey ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... Those matters of the Love ...
Occurred to me some days ago
arriving at the Station:
I went up, she got off,
I saw her and she at me saw ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... ¿Will be the Love? ...
LF: Hi, ¿could I go with you?
CL: ...
LF: ¿Has the cat got your tongue?
CL: No. I'm going to study, ¿why?
LF: No, no, ... for nothing ... but ...
¿Couldn't you play hookey?
CL: ¿What?
LF: No, ... I say if you can skip school ...
CL: No, ¿what for?
LF: I don't know ... to chat ¿no?
CL: ¡No!
And so•we went walking
by the street Santa Fé:
she be pleased with a rose,
a carnation I prefer...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... Goes prowling the Love ...
She is fragile, tender and sweet.
Look that find her I (just so) ...
I'm thinking and smile:
'For me that exist (a) God ...'
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... In the matters of the Love ...
LF: So ... heat, huh? ...
CF: uh-huh ...
LF: Tell me ... you let me ... ¿would let me give you a kiss?
CL: No.
LF: Be niiice ...
CL: No.
LF: But ...
CL: ¡No!
LF: Okay, okay ... ¡Goodness! ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... No a•ccord in the Love ...
If she say that 'The Bee Gees',
I say 'The Tremeloes'.
If she say that 'The Beatles',
I say 'The Rolling Stones'.
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
CL: You got angry ...
LF: No.
CL: Yes ...
LF: No ...
[ La-rai-ra, la-rai-ra-ra ... ]
If she say that 'Los Gatos',
I say 'Pintura Fresca'.
If she say better Favio,
I say 'Palito' Ortega ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... For sing to Love ...
CL: Did you see? ... got angry ...
LF: No.
CL: Liar. Your ears are going to grow...
so, ¿do you give me a kiss?
LF: ¿What?
CL: If you give me a kiss ...
LF: Oo-ee ... I love you, love you, luv you!
It's monday and I wait her.
For sure that she will come.
Today I'm loving the world entire
and the world entire is loving me.
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... 'Cause there is Love ...
She will miss school.
I will miss the wo•orkshop.
(If) she gift to me a kiss,
a carnation to her I gift ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... And, it was the Love ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
LF: ¿Do you know how I love you? ... If one day you'll lack me ... ¿Do you like the cinema?
CL: Yes.
LF: ¿And the music?
CL: uh-huh, ... Vivaldi, Bach ...
LF: Right ... but really, to me ... ¿do you know who likes me?. Leo Dan.
CL: ¿Leo Dan?
LF: Yep ...
CL: Wow, ¡Me too!
LF: ¿Yeah ... ?
CL: Yes ...
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong

Ai fost a mea o vară

Azi am văzut-o, din întâmplare,
Eu eram în bar, ea m-a privit în trecere.
I-am zâmbit și-am vrut să-i vorbesc,
M-a rugat să n-o fac, poate altă dată.
Poate altă dată, poate altă dată.
Dulce răsărit, știu că niciodată.
Cum să uit părul tău, cum să-ți uit parfumul,
Dacă mai navighează pe buzele mele savoarea gurii tale?
Fiecare tipă care merge cu o carte în mână
Îmi va aduce numele tău, ca în acea vară.
Ai fost a mea o vară, numai o vară.
Nu uit plaja, nici acea veche cafenea,
Nici acea pasăre rănită, pe care-n palme tu ai încălzit-o,
Nici glasul tăi, nici pașii tăi ce se vor îndepărta.
Poate altădată, poate altădată.
Dulce răsărit, știu că niciodată!

It will be

I don't know if it may happen
my dream gets real
Like the one that makes my heart shine in my eyes
When it sees you
I do not know what will happen
If my dream comes true
Like one which is passionate that the time does not fade
If it happens, if it happens, I gonna go on
Dreaming a little more
It will be, it will be right now
It will be, it will be like this
How to look from outside?
How to immerse yourself in the sound of the hours
Without any fear?
And you, and you, my life
You'll see that soon I get back
from where I once have lost you
I know that one day you will change
and what it doesn't change now, It will changes.
I mean, 'I will be here with our stuff'
Everything because, Everything because I will go on
Dreaming a little more
Because this dream is mine,
it's my dream that sleeps deep in the heart
(I know it won't die)
Life one day, I know, I'm reasoning
The life will side with me on, I know
(Because you will not die)
I say while I wait for you
Because I always have believed
It will be, it will be right now
It will be, it will be like this
It will be, much more and more than it has been before
Like a bright light on me (x3)

Further than the sun, further than the sea

For me, it only remains memories from you,
Things which will never go out of my mind.
When you talked to me crying
The last time we met, it was the end for the two of us.
You took my dreams, my life.
You achieved to take my world
And with it my peace,
Your photos, your face.
These are details that can't be deleted so easily in one life,
They are too strong to be forgotten.
Give me back this half you took from me.
For not loosing you anymore,
I'll never say goodbye to you again,
Never from me,
Never again.
I need you so to survive.
I am nothing, I am nobody,
I am able to die,
I'll do everything I can to conquer you again,
Even after life,
Further than the sun, further than the sea.


I'll slide without getting distracted
I won't look down so I won't suffer
I'll listen to you without seeing you, yet
You'll harvest ripe fruit, kissed by the sun
We'll walk, you go ahead of me
On a carpet of big dreams
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
You were there with me
It will be that time of the year again
It will change like it happens with fashion
Every memory you have hidden
Tell me how can you
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
In a bar downtown, I notice you
Thinking it's just an impossible affair
A glass falls from a counter
A story falls apart
Bianca, my wall is white
When your airplane returns
It changes colors with you
You've seen it
Bianca, as the snow gets whiter
You move forward into the night
And I can't find anymore
All traces of you
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

The Keys of My World

What will save
Us lightning rods
Of this time?
I walk around the city
That never rests
And I'm never with her
I lost the keys of my world
It's like walking without gravity
The old man who lives in my mirror
Has a face like mine and said 'It will pass'
I don't know
How tough a soul is
For the body it lives in
It isn't easy
To survive
For a kingdom with many kings
I lost the keys of my world
It's like walking without gravity
The old man who lives in my mirror
Has a face like mine and said 'It will pass'
I'm only 20 but
His voice is like mine and it said 'It will pays'
It will pass...
It will pass...
I lost the keys of my world
It's like walking without gravity
The old man who lives in my mirror
Has a face like mine and said 'It will pass'
It will pass...
It will change...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.