Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 237


Tangoul iluziilor

Tango, leagănă-mi inima până dimineață,
Cuvintele tale au a iubirii dulceață.
Două brațe sunt a mea închisoare,
De unde întrevăd, într-o dulce-nfiorare,
Toate bucuriile unei tandre abandonări,
Și iată de ce...
Tu, pe care noaptea mi l-a dăruit să-l iubesc,
Dansează cu mine,
Și dă-i vieții mele toată dragostea ce mi-o doresc.
Tu, pe care ziua ce vine îl va reprimi în brațele ei,
Vino, nu aștepta, înflorește-mi soarta cu ceruri de bucurie!
Cântecul...Tangoul iluziilor...
Cântecul...Tangoul iluziilor...
Tango, faci să ne danseze cele două inimi,
Cuvintele tale vin să cânte fericirea.
Dragostea e minunată
Uneori e scurtă, alteori periculoasă,
Dar e mereu cel mai frumos dintre jocuri,
Până când...
Tu, pe care viața mi l-a dăruit să-l iubesc,
Culege cu mine, în miez de noapte,
Toată dragostea care te face să visezi.
Tu, pe care ziua ce vine îl va reprimi în brațele ei,
Te vei întoarce, căci destinul tău este făcut din mine!
Cântecul tău...Tangoul iluziilor...
Cântecul tău...
Tangoul iluziilor.

Santa Baby

Santa Baby, I didn't buy winter clothes
It's cold, Please give me a coat
Cashmere coat, if possible
Santa Baby, I have been an pretty good girl
Give me a present now
You have never given a present for me
Give me everything you put off until now
for 23 years
I made my Christmas List so as you to select easily
Because it is a little bit hard for me to walk for a long time, I want a Benz. It is really nothing for you
All year round I lived like an angel
Santa Honey, If it is too much for you,
Just give me this one thing

Pielea ta pe pielea mea

Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea,
Pe tot parcursul zilelor,
Pe tot parcursul nopților.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea,
În plin soare
Sau la miezul nopții.
Așa e: două trupuri necunoscute
Care se găsesc.
Iată ce-i iubirea,
Așa e: două trupuri necunoscute
Și la scurt timp, familiare.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea...
Mă mai gândesc
La acele vacanțe.
Pielea ta
Pe pielea mea...
Aș vrea atât de mult
S-o luăm de la capăt!

If I Still Had

If I still had
an hour to live,
only an hour,
I would like to live it
in your arms.
If I still had
an hour to live,
one hour,
I would like to live it
just me and you.
To forget
all my fear
and, until the last breath,
to live only of you.
To hear you saying
only words of love
and, until the last breath,
to love you, to love you, to love you
and to stop thinking,
and to think only of you.
And in a kiss,
and in a kiss,
that's how I'd like to die.
To love you, to love you, to love you
and to stop thinking,
and to think only of you.
And in a kiss,
and in a kiss,
that's how I'd like to die.

Cei din Varșovia

Cei din Varșovia,
Din Liverpool sau de aiurea,
Cei din Italia,
Din lumea nouă sau de aiurea,
Ei cântă ca noi,
Ei se iubesc ca noi,
Ei au aceeași poftă de viață.
Cei care niciodată
N-au cunoscut zăpezile primăverii,
Cei care niciodată
N-au cunoscut albastrul oceanelor,
Ei merg la fel ca noi
Ei știu la fel ca noi
Prețul lacrimilor sau chiar al râsului.
Chiar dacă ei n-au aceiași ochi,
Chiar dacă ei n-au aceeași piele,
Trebuie să moară într-o zi
Acolo unde s-au născut.
Cei din Varșovia,
Din Liverpool sau de aiurea,
Cei din Italia,
Din lumea nouă sau de aiurea,
Ei sunt exact ca noi,
Ei sunt în inima noastră,
Ei au același sânge ca și noi.
Chiar dacă ei n-au aceiași ochi,
Chiar dacă ei n-au aceeași piele,
Trebuie să moară într-o zi
Acolo unde s-au născut.
Cei din Varșovia,
Din Liverpool sau de aiurea,
Cei din Italia,
Din lumea nouă sau de aiurea,
Ei cântă ca noi,
Ei se iubesc ca noi,
Ei caută, cum căutăm și noi, iubirea...


Îi iei de după ceafă,
Îi iei de după gât,
Au încredere în tine
Au încredere în noi:
Pe aceste meleaguri ceţoase
Unde casele dorm,
Ei merg prin ploaie
Încărcați cu alge:
Ca bărbatul legat,
Ca bărbatul promis,
Îi vedem că se poticnesc
Sub greutatea vieții:
Și toamna îi ia
Între viile ei albastre,
Când porțile se închid,
Când focurile se aprind:
Partenerul plugului
Și al anotimpurilor mohorâte,
Ei sunt acolo, în curte,
În timpul recoltării
Ei traversează orașul
Fără să privească în urmă
Mă bucur că le-am pus,
La naștere, ochelari de cal:
Uneori războiul îi ia
Drept niște tablouri.
Ei cad zgomotos,
Cu două picioare în apă:
Fără să fi avut timp
Să înțeleagă, în genunchi
Ei devin toreadori
Duminică, la Cordoba:
Sunt ai tuturor timpurilor,
Ai tuturor poveștilor,
Sunt ca noi, și totuși,
Ca și noi, n-au memorie:
Când îi surprinde bătrânețea,
Când sunt aproape de sfârșit,
Atunci devin tremurători,
Atunci deja tropăie mai puțin:
Într-o dimineață de primăvară,
O dimineață de curaj,
Îmbătată de liliacul alb,
Îi duci în sat:
Și chiar și prin curte,
Purtând șorț roșu,
În timp ce mergi
Sunt umbra pantofilor tăi:
Își pleacă puțin capetele,
Își pleacă puțin gâtul.
Au încredere în tine,
Au încredere în noi:
Cai, cai!

You and I

You and I.. you and I,
We've become a story, you and I
From window to window,
Life is passing and I'm with you
I wait for my occasions,
And my occasions finish
Please don't ever leave me,
Far away from your heart
And when they blame me,
My eyes miss you
And when your love tires me,
We sit and talk, you and I
You and I.. you and I,
We've become a story, you and I
From window to window,
Life is passing and I'm with you

She and I

She and I did it in direct sunlight
Above the sleeping blue beds of the rivers
She and I
She and I
She and I have thrown lightening bolts
Over the tops of large trees, our lights tangled
She and I
She and I
She and I
She and I
She and I did it in the middle of the sea
On the black floor of hell and in the sky
She went up so high
I only had eyes for the one
Who made me more beautiful
Ah she was the most beautiful
She and I
She and I
She and I
She and I

You'd Find It Beautiful

2010 and you don't know yet
That what you call love right now only breaks your heart
You think the world would be against you, you'll see
If you keep running long enough, it'll turn
Believe me, because you will realize
In the end it is only half as bad, mh-mh
And that you sometimes eat too little
We have under control now
I've seen the future, everything will be okay
Nothing just goes by, but it hurts less
Not everything is perfect, but everything is on the way
I am sure if you could see all of this, you'd find it beautiful
Hard times, friends come and go
Believe me, time heals and dries your tears
And yes, I know it sounds like a cliché
But I'm sure, if you could see it all, you'd find it beautiful
And no, we don't have a house by the lake yet
And grandma still gives us money when no one is looking
It's worth getting up for so much, you'll see
Out of a hundred friends, three were real, who stayed with you
Believe me, because you will realize
In the end it is only half as bad, mh-mh
And please don't run after them
It's not worth the pain
I've seen the future, everything will be okay
Nothing just goes by, but it hurts less
Not everything is perfect, but everything is on the way
I am sure if you could see all of this, you'd find it beautiful
Hard times, friends come and go
Believe me, time heals and dries your tears
And yes, I know it sounds like a cliché
But I'm sure, if you could see it all, you'd find it beautiful
I understand that you are afraid, but you are at the beginning
And it will change
And what's going on with you, what's eating you up right now
It won't last forever
I've seen the future, everything will be okay
Nothing just goes by, but it hurts less
Not everything is perfect, but everything is on the way
I am sure if you could see all of this, you'd find it beautiful
Hard times, friends come and go
Believe me, time heals and dries your tears
And yes, I know it sounds like a cliché
But I'm sure, if you could see it all, you'd find it beautiful

I'm Leaving Tonight

I'm leaving tonight
Alas, it's over
The beautiful journey to London
Tomorrow I'll be in Paris
I feel my heart weigh heavy
I want to cry
And I can't believe
That now I have to leave
Leaving this country
Finding my old life again
Some more memories
And the names of some streets
The latest records
I'm on the dock
The boat is about to leave
I wave my handkerchief
But I can't bring myself to smile
My friends came
We took some photos
Which will remind us of the times
Of my vacation, it was so great.
If you come to Paris
We''ll have fun together
We'll kiss one last time
You're already fading away
And you smile but you...
You stay in your corner
You're calling me to tell
That you would really like to be able
To let everything go and leave
Goodbye my love, goodbye
I won't forget you
And when I come back to London
It will be for you
In your marvelous country
We were happy
I will write to you tomorrow
England isn't too far away
I promise you I'll come back
Lalalala lala lalalala lala
Lalalalala lala lalalalala lala
Goodbye my love, goodbye
Je ne t'oublierai pas
Goodbye my love, goodbye
Goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye
Goodbye my love

Doar inceputul

Intr-o buna zi
va sa fie bine stiut
ceea ce-ai socotit
c-ar fi fost sfarsit de drum a fi
cu-adevarat fost-a a fi fost
doar inceputul celui drum
Unele 'zavoaie/usi' ne sunt necunoscute
pana ce pregatiti ne regasim noi
a le explora


Are you still awake? I'm thinking of you
Sitting on the windowsill and smoke
Alone at home
It makes me sick, I must see you
I call you and get in my car
Just like you
You know that I lie when I say: 'I feel nothing'
The sun is rising
And again I leave without you
We only exist in the night
Only in room 108
Come to the hotel, our hotel
And I know you become weak
When I call you in the night
Come to the hotel, our hotel
Regretting nothing before the next morning
Where are you going when I'm asleep?
Please say nothing
You have to go, I stay in bed
The sky changes its colors
And I wait
You know that I lie when I say: 'I feel nothing'
The sun is rising
And again I leave without you
We only exist in the night
Only in room 108
Come to the hotel, our hotel
And I know you become weak
When I call you in the night
Come to the hotel, our hotel
Our hotel, yeah
Our hotel
Our hotel, ey
Our hotel


An ember
can become flame with a breath
just as fast into rust
I gave
all that I could of myself
can't understand, but I had to go
it will never be as it was
We danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
the rhythm was in me
then it turned quiet
no one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
In a while
we can look back on
a time no one could enjoy
a game without rules and answers
raw and cold
we toiled when it mattered
the drive was extinguished brutally
We danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
the rhythm was in me
then it turned quiet
no one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
We danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
the rhythm was in me
No one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet
No one knew what made it all become wrong
we danced wildly together
then it turned quiet

How do I live without you

Versions: #1
I no longer find the words
to talk to you of my heart
Hope is no more than a tomb
where we bury our good times
All the petals of my life
have wilted today
Remaining our memories from yesterday
and for this day we have our prayers
But how do I live without you
If you are no longer there
My heart seeks you
but my eyes can’t find you
But how do I live without you
If you are no longer there
Even if my soul is taken
Trust me, I will not forget you
When it’s talked about us “in the past tense”
I can’t accept it
I feel you close to me
but people don’t see you
I am very cold, cover me
I hear your voice but it can’t be seen
Give me your hand
Without you I am nothing
But how do I live without you
If you are no longer there
My heart seeks you
but my eyes can’t find you
But how do I live without you
If you are no longer there
Even if my soul is taken
Trust me, I will not forget you
I search for the hope that will help me overcome this fate
I'm searching all around the the path to happiness that you don't have
I cry, you don't see me
I call for you, you don't hear me
I love you, I need you
Please, come back to me
But how do I live without you
If you are no longer there
My heart seeks you
but my eyes can’t find you

Dacă aș mai avea

Dacă aș mai avea
o oră de trăit,
o singură oră,
aș vrea s-o trăiesc
în brațele tale.
Dacă aș mai avea
o oră de trăit,
o singură oră,
aș vrea s-o trăiesc
doar eu și cu tine.
Ca să dau uitării
toată temerea mea
și, până la ultima suflare,
să trăiesc din tine.
Ca să te auz zicând
numai vorbe de iubire
și, până la ultima suflare,
să te iubesc, să te iubesc, să te iubesc
și să nu mă mai gândesc,
și să nu mă mai gândesc decât la tine.
Și într-un sărut,
și într-un sărut,
așa aș vrea să mor.
Să te iubesc, să te iubesc, să te iubesc
și să nu mă mai gândesc,
și să nu mă mai gândesc decât la tine.
Și într-un sărut,
și într-un sărut,
așa aș vrea să mor.

One Against The Other

We sleep one against the other
We live one with the other
We caress each other, we embrace each other
We understand each other, we comfort each other
But in the end
We realize
That we're always alone in the world
We dance one against the other
We run one after the other
We hate each other, we separate
We destroy each other, we crave for each other
But in the end
We realize
That we're always alone in the world
We sleep one against the other
We live one with the other
We caress each other, we embrace each other
We understand each other, we comfort each other
But in the end
We realize
That we're always alone in the world
But in the end
We realize
That we're always alone in the world
Always alone in the world

What will be, will be

What will be, will be
Tomorrow is never far away
Let the future come
What will be, will be
Only time can tell
A promise just arrived
In the crib of an old castle
Belonging to an astonished princess
To whom it came by to sing:
What will be, will be
Tomorrow is never far away
Let the future come
What will be, will be
Only time can tell
The young girl who we saw
Growing up and dreaming asked:
'Tell me if I'll love anyone, mama'
And her mum said:
What will be, will be
Tomorrow is never far away
Let the future come
What will be, will be
Only time can tell
When the lover of her loves came by
The young lady asked him:
'Will you always be faithful to me?'
And the boy sang:
What will be, will be
Tomorrow is never far away
Let the future come
What will be, will be
Only time can tell

Până la capăt

Când cineva te iubeşte,
Nu este bine decât dacă te iubeşte până la capăt,
Fericit să fie lângă tine
Când ai nevoie de cineva să te-nveselească, tot timpul.
Este mai înalt decât cel mai înalt copac
Aşa este cum se simte,
Este mai adânc decât adânca mare albastră,
Aşa este cât de profund merge, dacă este adevărat.
Când cineva are nevoie de tine,
(când cineva are nevoie de tine)
Nu este bine decât dacă are nevoie de tine,
(nu este bine decât dacă are nevoie de tine),
Până la capăt,
Prin anii buni sau slabi,
Şi pentru toate cele dintre ani
(pentru toţi acei ani)
Fie ce-o fi,
(fie ce-o fi)
Cine ştie unde ne va duce drumul,
Doar un nebun ar spune,
(doar un nebun ar spune)
Dar dacă mă laşi să te iubesc,
Cu siguranţă te voi iubi până la capăt, tot timpul, până la sfârşit.
Este mai înalt decât cel mai înalt copac
Aşa este cum se simte,
Este mai adânc decât adânca mare albastră,
Aşa este cât de profund merge, dacă este adevărat.
Şi când cineva are nevoie de tine,
(când cineva are nevoie de tine)
Nu este bine decât dacă are nevoie de tine,
(nu este bine decât dacă are nevoie de tine),
Până la capăt,
Prin anii buni sau slabi,
Şi pentru toate cele dintre ani
Fie ce-o fi,
(fie ce-o fi)
Cine ştie unde ne va duce drumul,
Doar un nebun ar spune,
Dar dacă mă laşi să te iubesc,
Cu siguranţă te voi iubi până la capăt, tot timpul
(Te voi iubi până la capăt).

Cântecul de leagăn a lui Brahms

Cântec de leagăn şi noapte bună,
În cer stelele sunt strălucitoare,
În jurul capului tău flori vesele,
Dormi (stabileşte-ţi somnul) până la ziuă.
Cântec de leagăn şi noapte bună,
În cer stelele sunt strălucitoare,
În jurul capului tău flori vesele,
Dormi (stabileşte-ţi somnul) până la ziuă.
Închide-ţi ochii acum şi odihneşte-te,
Fie ca aceste ore să fie binecuvântate,
Închide-ţi ochii acum şi odihneşte-te,
Fie ca aceste ore să fie binecuvântate.
Noapte bună, drag copil,
În învelişurile tale albe,
Odihneşte-te bucuros visând cerurile,
Când ziua va reveni
Te vei trezi,
Când ziua va reveni
Te vei trezi.
Cântec de leagăn şi noapte bună,
În cer stelele sunt strălucitoare,
În jurul capului tău flori vesele,
Dormi (stabileşte-ţi somnul) până la ziuă.

(Tu mă faci să simt ca) O femeie normală

Privind afară la ploaia dimineţii
Obişnuiam să mă simt neinspirată,
Şi când ştiam că trebuia să fac faţă unei alte zile,
Oh, mă făcea să mă simt atât de obosită.
Înainte de ziua când te-am întâlnit
Viaţa era atât de neplăcută.
Dar tu eşti cheia păcii minţii mele.
Pentru că tu mă faci să simt,
Mă faci să simt ,
Mă faci să simt ,
Ca o femeie normală.
Când sufletul meu era în pierdere şi găsit,
Tu ai venit să-l revendici,
Şi nu ştiam că era ceva rău cu mine.
Oh, până ce sărutul tău m-a ajutat să-l numesc.
Acum nu mai sunt plină de-ndoială,
Pentru ce trăiesc,
Pentru că dacă te fac fericit,
Nu trebuie să fac mai mult.
Pentru că tu mă faci să simt,
Mă faci să simt ,
Mă faci să simt ,
Ca o femeie normală(femeie)
Oh, iubitule, ce mi-ai făcut (ce mi-ai făcut)
Mă faci să mă simt atât de bine în interior,( bine în interior)
Şi eu…şi eu doar vreau să fiu,( vreau să fiu)
Aproape de tine, pentru că mă faci să mă simt atât de vie.
Te vreau, te vreau, iubitule, iubitule, iubitule
Aproape de tine, pentru că mă faci să mă simt atât de vie.
Tu mă faci să simt,
Mă faci să simt ,
Mă faci să simt ,
Ca o femeie normală,(femeie)
Tu mă faci să simt,
Mă faci să simt ,
Mă faci să simt ,
Ca o femeie normală
(Tu mă faci să simt)
Oh, acum că fiecare se presupune să fie
(Tu mă faci să simt)
Mă faci să mă simt atât de bine în interior
(Mă faci să simt ca o femeie normală)
(Tu mă faci să simt)
(Mă faci să simt)
(Mă faci să simt)
(Ca o femeie normală)

Totul din cauza ta

Am crezut că aş putea-o defini,
O privire în ochii tăi când mi-a dovedit că greşesc,
Mă aflu fără cuvinte,
Acest sentiment de deplinătate este atât de puternic,
Şi eram convinsă că inima mea şi-a atins limita,
Până ce tu ai creat acest nou loc în ea.
Atingerea ta se înfăşoară în jurul meu,
În dragoste ce nu cunoaşte graniţe,
Acum, nu există nimic ce nu aş face pentru tine,
Tu eşti răspunsul de care aveam nevoie,
Viaţa are un întreg nou sens acum,
Totul din cauza ta,
Totul este diferit ,
Nu există cadru de referinţă pentru felul în care mă simt,
Decât să privesc la chipul tău,
Sunt încă uimită, nu pot crede că eşti real,
Pot sta aici pentru totdeauna privindu-te cum dormi,
Agăţată de fiecare respiraţie pe care o respiri.
Atingerea ta se înfăşoară în jurul meu,
În dragoste ce nu cunoaşte graniţe,
Acum, nu există nimic ce nu aş face pentru tine,
Tu eşti răspunsul de care aveam nevoie,
Viaţa are un întreg nou sens acum,
Totul din cauza ta,
Atingerea ta se înfăşoară în jurul meu,
În dragoste ce nu cunoaşte graniţe,
Acum, nu există nimic ce nu aş face pentru tine,
Tu eşti răspunsul de care aveam nevoie,
Viaţa are un întreg nou sens acum,
Totul din cauza ta.
În dragoste ce nu cunoaşte graniţe,
Acum, nu există nimic ce nu aş face pentru tine,
Tu eşti răspunsul de care aveam nevoie,
Viaţa are un întreg nou sens acum,
Totul din cauza ta.
Atingerea ta se înfăşoară în jurul meu,
În dragoste ce nu cunoaşte graniţe,
Acum, nu există nimic ce nu aş face pentru tine,
Tu eşti răspunsul de care aveam nevoie,
Viaţa are un întreg nou sens acum, totul din cauza ta,
Totul din cauza ta...

Cossacks in Berlin

Cossacks in Berlin
Horses were walking along a Berlin roadway
To a watering place.
The horses from Don area were going,
Shaking their manes occasionally.
The rider is singing:
“Hey, guys, this is not for the first time
for us to water the Cossack horses
From a foreign river
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
He leads horses at a slow pace,
He sees a girl with a pennant
And who has a nice plait under her sided cap,
Stands at the corner.
With a slender figure, like a willow wand,
And her eyes look by blue.
She bawls to the Cossack:
“Do not slow down traffic!”.
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
He is glad to stay more long here,
But he caught her angry eye,
“Well, guys, march behind me!”
And bawled reluctantly.
The cavalry went by dashingly
And the maiden brightened up.
The tender look she gives the Cossack
Is not by the book
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.
The horseman is again going
Along a Berlin roadway.
About his love towards the girl
He sings like this:
“Although my dear home is far away,
Although the blue Don is far away,
A Cossack met
A fellow country woman even in Berlin!”
Chorus X2
Cossacks, Cossacks,
Our Cossacks
Are going through Berlin.

The Sea, The Beach (The More I See You)

The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
Under the sun, lying down,
When you take a moment to think about it,
It's like a dream
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Here it goes again
In July
And we find ourselves once again under a clear sky,
Without a single cloud
The sea, the beach
The beach and the sea
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
We swim the crawl, we tan
And when night falls, we dance
And we do it all again
Without getting tired of it
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays,
The carefreeness
Under the sun, we marvel
At the sounds we hear in the seashells
The sea, the beach
The beach and the sea
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
The sea, the beach

The Hills Are In Bloom

My love, come back,
the hills are in bloom
and I, my love,
am dying from pain.
A year is almost already over
from when you went away,
I remember what you said
on the day you left me:
“I love you so much,
I’d like to stay, forget to go
but it’s not right, I’m a nobody,
for you I’ll become someone”.
My love, come back,
the hills are in bloom
and I, my love,
am dying from pain.
My love, come back,
it’s all right, it doesn’t matter
if you did not
become more important
because you are important to me.
A day is long
and a year is bitterly long.1
I think of what you wrote me
and feel so much cold in the heart.
“Everything is all right,
I always think of you and hope to come back,
any day now, luck
will make up its mind and arrive”.
My love, come back,
the hills are in bloom
and I, my love,
am dying from pain.
My love, come back,
it’s all right, it doesn’t matter
if you did not
become more important
because you are important to me.
My love
  • 1. Literally, “a year is long to the point of death”

We're Not Together Anymore

Here you go again
Why are you pestering me?
How many times
Have we spoken about this before?
You agreed to it, didn't you?
That it's okay to break up
You changed your mind again
You don't want to leave me
But what about me?
I don't want to wake up
If we're really together?
We have to ask that, first
There are a lot of others out there
Just open your eyes
Maybe you'll see that I'm not for you
And then you won't wait
Don't say
That your feelings can't take it
Try to love again
If it seems you can't do it
Make yourself be happy
Don't get bored if it takes a while
Prepare your heart
Aim it for
The new person that will love you
You won't get hurt anymore
Because we're not together anymore
Because we're not together anymore
Don't use crying as a way
You have to go
We didn't mean for this to happen
Let's not regret
There are a lot of others out there
Just open your eyes
Maybe you'll see that I'm not for you
And then you won't wait
Don't say
That your feelings can't take it
Try to love again
If it seems you can't do it
Make yourself be happy
Don't get bored if it takes a while
Prepare your heart
Aim it for
The new person that will love you
You won't get hurt anymore
Because we're not together anymore
Because we're not together anymore
Don't keep forcing it
If we're really not meant for each other
There are a lot of others
Don't say
That your feelings can't take it
Try to love again
If it seems you can't do it
Make yourself be happy
Don't get bored if it takes a while
Prepare your heart
Aim it for
The new person that will love you
You won't get hurt anymore
Don't say
That your feelings can't take it
Try to love again
If it seems you can't do it
Make yourself be happy
Don't get bored if it takes a while
Prepare your heart
Aim it for
The new person that will love you
You won't get hurt anymore
Because we're not together anymore
Because we're not together anymore
Because we're not together anymore

And It's Difficult

I'm putting rouge
On my face
So that they don't figure out
What really happened
That you and I are no longer together
I'm even rehearsing my smiles
So that it's not obvious
I'm suppressing my feelings
I'm crying on the inside
That you and I are no longer together
And it's difficult
Do I keep pretending?
That I'm happy
Even if the truth is
That you're really gone
And if tomorrow
When I open my eyes
You are in love with someone else
There won't be anything I can do
How do I tell
My friends
If I'll be the one to blame anyways
I was blinded
Because you and I are no longer together
And it's difficult
Do I keep pretending?
That I'm happy
Even if the truth is
That you're really gone
And if tomorrow
When I open my eyes
You are in love with someone else
There won't be anything I can do
Where did I go wrong?
I don't understand
The person who loved
Is the one who was left behind
Is the one who was left behind
And it's difficult
Do I keep pretending?
That I'm happy
Even if the truth is
That you're really gone
And if tomorrow
When I open my eyes
You are in love with someone else
There won't be anything I can do

A Quiet Breeze Blows in the Valley

A quiet breeze blows in the valley,
The sun smiles from behind the hill,
But my face has nobody to smile for,
Sorrow forced it to cry.
Blow, little breeze, for you are not blowing in vain,
My heart is weighed by a heavy yoke,
Heavy yoke, and also great sadness,
Such vernal breezes blow in heaven.
What is spring for, when everything blooms,
There is no joy for me in this world,
Only the dark grave will suit me,
In the dark grave, nothing hurts anymore.
Only the dark grave will suit me,
In the dark grave, nothing hurts anymore.

Line 'Em Up

Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Daily routine Ah
It's only good on the outside Eh
I'm bored. They're all shouting. Yeah.
Everyday friday when everyone is together
(Where's your friends at)
I'm a fairy tale man.
This song is my flute.
I'll steal your heart for a second.
All the reality that locked you up is break it (Pow!}
in a faraway country and a strange city
I'm here as if I'm possessed.
The whole world around me is going crazy.
Let's burn it. All night long.
O-o-oh, spreading goosebumps all over the body
Here we go-o-oh
Gimme that fever baby
Hesitation No-no-no
They're all gonna follow me.
Get in step with everything you've been led to.
So I can say, say
Line 'em up, line 'em up, line 'em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Ah line ‘em up hey everybody say
Ah line ‘em up hey we’re gonna line ‘em up
London via Tokyo, fill up everywhere.
Like a Super Bowl (Heads up)
Go to Rio, open Carnival (Hands up)
Make it fire for the festival
Walls, walls, walls, walls, around the world,
everywhere I go, follow me
It's gonna take forever to circle the globe ten times.
I can't stop. I'm in the rhythm.
Wave, push and pull you
O-o-oh, spreading goosebumps all over the body
Here we go-o-oh
Gimme that fever baby
Hesitation No-no-no
They're all gonna follow me.
Get in step with everything you've been led to.
So I can say, say
Line 'em up, line 'em up, line 'em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Ah line ‘em up hey everybody say
Ah line ‘em up hey we’re gonna line ‘em up
The moment we become one with the song.
a wide-open door for you
the feeling of having the whole world
Because you're the one who owns it.
So we just line 'em up, line 'em up, line 'em up, yeah
This sound that changed the flow of air
The completely changed sight eh
Break the world's standard yeah
Be the one yeah in this space
Breathe up all the heat that filled this place. (Louder)
One voice becomes huge
Shake the whole world, you're my co-star.
We put 'jump' and 'pop' together
You already know
Line 'em up, line 'em up, line 'em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
Ah line ‘em up hey everybody say
Ah line ‘em up hey we’re gonna line ‘em up
Line ‘em up, line ‘em up, line ‘em up, yeah
(Uh oh hold on babe)
Ah line ‘em up hey we’re gonna line ‘em up

Fun in the Sun

un deux trois quatre
Sunny days, imagine that
cinq six sept huit
Sparkling sands beneath our feet
find an island in the sea
catch a wave by the tree
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
vacation time with friends
Grab your snorkel, take a dive
hanging ten or maybe five
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
The party never ends
oh la, la, oh, la, la
(a oh le trois oh la, la, la
Find a seashell, dig a hole
Long board shelf board what a ride
with a dolphin by our side
Balmy breeze's waters nice
Sharing our own paradise
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
ocean times with friends
oh la, la, oh, la, la
A coconut la, la, la
big volcanoes, grassy huts
build a castle, in the sand
Watch the sunset, hand in hand
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
oh la, la
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
fun in the sun (fun in the sun)
Vacation's best with friends

M-am săturat să mă supun

Scumpo, m-am
Săturat să mă supun.
Nu știu de ce vrei să sari pe mine,
Scumpo, scumpo, scumpo, mă faci să plâng.
Scumpo, eu
Am să-mi găsesc pe altcineva,
Cineva care să fie fidelă,
Și fără să-mi impună reguli.
Știu să s-a sfârșit, pentru că
Văd semnele.
Nu mă lăsa să-ți risipesc prețiosul timp.
Scumpo, m-am
Săturat să mă supun.
Dacă vrei să scapi de mine,
Scumpo, scumpo, scumpo, te descurci perfect.
Scumpo, m-am
Săturat să mă supun.
Am să-mi încalț pantofii de plimbare
Și te las departe în urmă.
Te rostogolești iar
Și iar atât de rafinat.
Nu poți să-mi repari această inimă a mea frântă.
Scumpo, m-am
Săturat să mă supun.
Nu știu de ce vrei să sari pe mine.
Scumpo, scumpo, scumpo mă faci să plâng. (bis)
Scumpo, m-am
Săturat să mă supun. (x7)

Breaking of the Day, Today

Versions: #1
Break-up day,
is precisely today
I hate to believe it,
but it's precisely today
Sleet drifts to the street
Break-up day,
is precisely today
You still
everything from me
The sleet stings me in the face
Don't go away
Don't go away
I beg you
I beg you
Don't go away
Please don't go away
I cling to you
but it's no use
On the road of falling sleet
Sight of your back distances away as if you are running away
A lie that we can't get deeper
I feel an impulse to spit in your face
But I didn't ask you the way
Don't go away
Don't go away
Don't go away
Please don't go away
Oh don't go away
Don't go away
Don't go away
Please, don't go away
On the road of falling sleet
Sight of your back distances away as if you are running away
A lie that we can't get deeper
I feel an impulse to spit in your face
But I ask you the way ..

There's really nothing to it!

We pour the milk, we beat the cream
We even grate the gruyère!
We cover the turkey, we beat the eggs,
We taste it with a spoon!
How would you like your salad?
With vinegar? Mayonnaise?
We are the absolute masters of french cuisine!
(Chorus x2)
Tomato sauce coulis
Potato purée
We even know how to roll the dough
There's really nothing to it!
Bouillon, brioche
Pâté en croute
Leek fricassée
We cook, we grill
'All good, we're good!'
Twenty minutes cooking time
We leave the kitchen spotless
With this type of work, we are comfortable!
We are the absolute masters of french cuisine!
Tomato sauce coulis
Potato purée
We even know how to roll the dough
We have fun, we have a blast
There's really nothing to it!