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Număr de rezultate: 49


Happy Go Lucky

I can feel my pulse deep inside of me (of me)
There's an energy inside
It bubbles, it quivers, something is coming
(Something is coming)
And the vibrations emerges from my epicentre
I dance through town, under the cloud
No one can stop me (stop me)
Cause I want to live day by day, day by day
I'm just happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
I feel the light is back, is back
Cause I'm happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
If the rain falls down, I'll endure that too
It will strengthen me
Cause I want to live day by day, day by day
I'm just happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
I can feel the bass deep in my chest
Cause on this floor we dance close together
Tonight we'll keep going until the morning light, mm
Cause I want to live day by day, day by day
I'm just happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
I feel the light is back, is back
Cause I'm happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
If the rain falls down, I'll endure that too
It will strengthen me
Cause I want to live day by day, day by day
I'm just happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
Happy go lucky
Cause I want to live day by day, day by day
I'm just happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
I feel the light is back, is back
Cause I'm happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
If the rain falls down, I'll endure that too
It will strengthen me
Cause I want to live day by day, day by day
I'm just happy go lucky (happy go lucky)
Happy go lucky

Home theatre system

You stand there on the right
And I'll stand here on the left
Should we little by little
Look each other straight in the eyes
Now is not the right moment
To bring up those things
That we don't want to be included
In this movie of our lives
This has to look good
Even though this sucks
But keep going on for yet a moment
So we didn't build up this set for nothing
yeah cheers to you all
And then a pretentiously warm hug
Oh how wonderfully you can
Mislead people completely
When night arrives
The curtain goes down
Our home theatre system shuts down
Both turn on their own sides
Both fear the day when this bed will be left
Half full
There's beautiful walls and glass stairs
Heartfelt atmospherical sentences
But if the home is where the heart is
Then I'm completely homeless
I'm watching this scene now
I'm no longer confused
The plot is, that we don't talk
To each other without drinking
Yeah, I'm looking at you there on the right
And thinking here on the left
That maybe after this performance
We too could think about renovating the facade
When night arrives
The curtain goes down
Our home theatre system shuts down
Both turn on their own sides
Both fear the day when this bed will be left
Half full


Be good in an evil world
Do your best to stay on the light
Don't be afraid
Don't let
Don't let them land you from your flight
Don't let them touch what is holly to you
Don't settle with the evil
About you
You can talk about yourself
You can lie everything about yourself
Get in level with the bottom
And with your bare
With your bare eye you will see
Fuzzy shadows all in 2D
Shallow hollow
Shallow hollow
But that is not it
Let the door so I could come in
Without taking the roof apart
Just let the door so I could come in
No tearing the roof apart
I am the last rhino
I am the last rhino
And what do you want?
Would you run away if you could?
Would you scream 'oh god'?
Can't you see how scared I am?
But still
Deep under the skin
You won't run away
Where the shadow is the contraplan
I have no faith in you
I have no faith in you
And you're all that is left for me
I know I am mentally retarded
I am ashamed of everything I became
I am ashamed of what I was and what I stayed
But you get me
You understand me
It is your job
I have no faith in you
Not one bit of faith
Be good in that evil world
And don't let the evil
Be good in the evil

Google Translate Cântă: Eclipsă Totală De Inimă

În orice caz și apoi
Sunt mică
Și nu vei veni
În orice caz și apoi
Ei sunt puțin stomac
Lacrimile mele mă ascultă
Din când în când, îmi e frică
Anul ăsta o să fie un lucru bun
Tu și eu vom lua o hărtie
Îți vezi ochii
Ochi rotunzi strălucitori
Măcar am fugit
Ochi rotunzi strălucitori
Uneori m-am dizolvat
Din când în când
Am găsit una mică
Și iau niște resturi sălbatice
Din când în când
Am un servitor neinteresat
Drept copil, vorbesc drept mâinile mele
Oricum am luat un râs mic
Știu, și curg
Oricum devin puțin grozavă
Însă te văd în mâinile mele
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
în orice caz după cădere
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Uneori am abandonat
Și azi ai nevoie de asta azi
Chiar vroiam mai mult
Tu să mă onorezi în siguranță
O să trăim pentru totdeauna
Și doar îl pregătim
Nu putem facem nimic
Poți elimina ultima propoziție
Iubirea ta e întotdeauna în umbră
Nu știu ce să fac când eram în școală
Trăim într-un hot dog și lăsăm flori
Te iubesc foarte mult azi
Vei începe noaptea asta
Trebuie să începi noaptea asta
Îmi place
Dar acum devin separată
E imposibil să faci ceva
Mâine în inimă
Eram o lumină în viața mea
Dar acum, există un singur om care iubește întunericul
Nu ai putut face nimic
Inimă de întuneric
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Măcar am fugit
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Uneori am fost demolată
Și acum, această parte
Mi-a plăcut foarte mult
Avem viață eternă
Ne preparăm pentru asta
Nu, nu putem face nimic greșit
Putem să eliminăm efectele procesului
Te voi iubi pentru totdeauna
Nu știu ce să fac când studiez în întuneric
Trăim într-o combinație de cald și fără flori
Te iubesc foarte mult azi
Vei începe noaptea asta
Trebuie să începi noaptea asta
Până la urmă, am fost vreodată iubită
Dar ei doar o vor stinge
Sunt lucruri pe care le pot face
În inima timpului care va veni
Există puțin din viața mea
Însă, doar o dragoste neagră
Nu, nu
Atac de cord
Inimă de întuneric
Mâine în inimă
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Ochi rotunzi strălucitori
Vino înapoi

Lasă ritmul să te miște

Trebuie să lași ritmul să te miște, să te miște,
Trebuie să lași ritmul să-ți miște trupul în cadență.
Trebuie să lași ritmul să te miște, să te miște,
Trebuie să lași ritmul să-ți miște trupul în cadență.
Mișcă-ți trupul, mișcă-ți trupul,
Mișcă-ți trupul în cadență!
Mișcă-ți trupul, mișcă-ți trupul,
Mișcă-ți trupul în cadență!
Rap 1:
Cred că vreau să plec, am să-ți dau de știre
Unde e vibrația, ca să poți pluti.
Nu aștepta, corect, vino jos
Și mișcă-ți trupul mult deasupra pământului.
La unu, la doi, la trei, la patru, la cinci
Muzica mă face să mă simt viu.
O să încerc să țin pasul, deci pot să-mi încerc norocul.
Intră într-o stare de transă și dansează!
Intră într-o stare de transă și dansează!
(Hei, hei, hei, hei, hei...)
Trebuie să te ridici, trebuie să-ți miști trupul,
Trebuie să te ridici, trebuie să-ți miști picioarele,
Trebuie să te ridici, trebuie să-ți miști trupul,
Trebuie să te ridici, haide, mișcă-te pe ritm!
Rap 2:
Sări într-un tren și du-te într-o lungă călătorie,
Simte-l pe dinăuntru, apoi lasă-l să alunece.
Indiferent ce faci, să nu te oprești vreodată,
Căci mergem înainte,
Luând-o pe altă cale spre vârf.
Iată ritmul și el pulsează,
Nu poți rezista, trebuie să faci ceva.
Scutură-l, frânge-l, circumstanță,
Intră într-o stare de transă și dansează!
Intră într-o stare de transă și dansează!
(Hei, hei, hei, hei, hei...)
Trebuie să te ridici, trebuie să-ți miști trupul,
Trebuie să te ridici, trebuie să-ți miști picioarele,
Trebuie să te ridici, trebuie să-ți miști trupul,
Trebuie să te ridic, haide, mișcă-te pe ritm!
Hei, hei, hei, hei,
Hei mișcă-te
Hei, hei, hei, hei
Trebuie să lași ritmul.
Hei, hei, hei, hei,
Hei mișcă-te
Hei, hei, hei, hei
Mișcă-ți trupul în cadență!

Zombie Apocalypse

Versions: #1
Come on, come on, follow me,
Let's go all together, everybody at the same time,
Always forward, it doesn't matter what for,
Zero commitment, zero stress,
Get out of the hole and let's travel through the way,
Dragging everything away, devouring with no respite,
A bad crowd without any narrative or sense,
If you think here, you lose, if you think, you're lost.
There's no more tomorrow or yesterday,
It's just about today,
Yeah, logic and reason,
We all want the same here!
And they see us wander,
Feeling the fear on their skin,
Because they'll never know where we came from.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Uh, this virtual simulation,
Copy and paste, use and dispose,
We follow the pack, the soulless herd,
Demanding more of everything but without thinking at all,
They created us but now they fear us,
Because they can't manipulate what we want,
Only by instinct we go to the extreme,
And we multiply by infection and with no will.
And they can't stand that we don't care about the power,
And with their false morality, they will never subjugate us,
Because this lethal virus takes away their identities,
That was normal before we appeared though.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Zombie filming his own shadow,
Zombie clapping for the trendy zombie,
Automaton zombie, mediatic zombie,
Viral zombie, superstar zombie,
Zombies watching other soulless zombies,
Telling them from the screen,
'Don't be like that, let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten'.
We're their most real picture,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
We're what they never expected to see,
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Their most terrifying reflection,
Which will convince them,
That there's little to do in this zombie apocalypse.
Don't be like that, let yourself get bitten, [x6]
Let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten,
Let yourself get bitten, let yourself get bitten.

I miss you

I know you from somewhere, I must have seen you somewhere
The two us have met
Now, you don't me anymore
But I will remind you
Weren't you the one calling me 'your life'?
Weren't you the one I was lost in your body?
I still remember what we lived*
Even though you're gone
Weren't you the one that turned me into a prayer?
Weren't you the one whose kiss I sought?
We left everything unfinished so early
I miss you
Oh, how much I miss you
I know you from somewhere, I must have seen you somewhere
The two us have met
Now, you can't deny it
even though you want to
Because I will remind you
Weren't you the one calling me 'your life'?
Weren't you the one I was lost in your body?
I still remember what we lived*
Even though you're gone
Weren't you the one that turned me into a prayer?
Weren't you the one whose kiss I seeked?
We left everything unfinished so early
I miss you
Oh, how much I miss you

You Broke My Hair Clips

My lover is gone, he moved in with Tali
I'm sitting here, crying about the haircut that I got
I cut it myself, so of course it's crooked
I'm at home, dying of shame
And there's nothing to watch on TV
Oh God, show some mercy
Over blonde girls
In their late twenties
I settled for an apartment with a shower and no bathtub
(No bathtub...)
In the nearby pharmacy, there's no homeopathic medicine
Yesterday, at the second-hand clothing store
I couldn't find anything small-sized
(Nothing small-sized...)
I don't wanna live this life anymore
Why can't you ever order in ramen?
Oh God, show some love
To girls with an overdraft of 300 NIS
I got another zit (She's got another zit...)
Must be all the chips
Why did you break my heart
And my hair clips?
Oh God, show some mercy
Over girls who got blocked on Facebook
For three days
Oh God, show some mercy
Over blonde girls
In their late twenties
In their late twenties
Oh God

Attraction of Sexy Lips

Stare closely into my eyes,
the love radar has locked me in
If you want love don’t complain,
happiness shouldn’t be all talk and no action
Pretend not to hear any intimate whispers,
it’s not that easy to get hooked
The love you give is not pretentious,
only need to put out a reflective action
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
Blurry love evidence,
hoping to keep you from seeing me clearly
Don’t lean too close to me,
careful your eyes might caught fire
I don’t want to burst open the lie, waiting
for you to tell me you genuinely love me
You have the rights to remain silent, guessing
you can’t resist for more than three seconds
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
This perfect contour,
made everyone restless and giddy
This mysterious taste,
made one can’t resist but to take a bite
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move [my] lips,
you have been settled by me
Lips with a perfect smile,
made you distracted and mesmerized
The attraction of the sexy lips
crossing over to a dangerous relationship
Sexy Pretty & Juicy,
made you giddy and dizzy
The talent to slightly move my lips,
you have been settled by me