Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 144



”Goodbye” and ”Thank you” at the top of my voice
What's more important than grief
Hoping that they reach you as we part
In time for the warmth and pain
I thought it would always be like this
I envisioned our days to come
Why, when our lights calling out to each other
Still burn deep in our hearts?
We met amidst a blazing journey
Coming together, then letting go for the sake of the future
Every time a dream comes true, I’ll remember you
Wishing to become stronger, I cried
with my resolve as the parting gift
Held captive by nostalgic memories
Wailing at the cruelty of this world
There will be even more as I grow older
I never want to lose anything again
By succumbing to the grief
I might not feel pain anymore
But your words, your wishes
I swore to protect them to the end
With a roar, it's crumbling down
Our one and only, irreplaceable world
The bundle of bursting light that I reached out for and held so close
Shimmered, then disappeared for the sake of the future
Going beyond the happiness and promises I've been entrusted
I’ll keep moving forward without glancing behind
Looking straight ahead, I’m going to cry out
Lighting the flames in my heart
Until I reach that distant future…


Time passes, and my thoughts fly
into the arms of those who want me,
to see me smiling for no reason
Longingness comes to awaken my heart
That's why I made for you,
Hawaii, this song
Kaimana, Kailua, Waikiki, Manoa
With wind, with sun,
with rain and drizzle
If you see me smiling for no reason,
it's because I'm good
living in Hawaii
My setting is Manoa

If Your Name Rained Down

Versions: #1
We've never dedicated to each other,
dedicated the, the right songs
perhaps because, about us,
no one ever talks.
We've never said to each other the words.
We've never said to each other the right words,
not even by accident,
not even by accident in silence.
The city is full of fountains
but the thirst never disappears.
Is it a distraction?
Is it, is it, is it
that I always have the Sahara in my mouth?
The city is full of shops
but they always close later,
and I'm the only remaining
to give the world its change.
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is yours.
We've never seen each other for real.
We've never taken each other seriously for real,
not even by accident,
not even by accident in silence.
The city meets your dessert
which I've watered since time immemorial.
Is it my mission?
Is it, is it, is it
that I have a flower in my mouth?
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is mine.
But who am I without you?
A bunch of stacked purchases.
A book in French that I don't even,
even know well myself.
If you must go, I pay.
Forgive me if I think out loud.
Forgive me if I think out loud.
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is...

The five fingers of the hand

I know you, I know you so well
Your horrors, your anguish are in my soul too
You are my flesh and blood
It carries a precious name, its my unconditional love
I do what I can
So big and strong during the day, but so tiny in the middle of the night,
when nobody sees, nobody knows, comes the tears in the middle of the laugh
Five fingers will shelter you.
One is the moon, one is the sun, one is the pole star behind the cloud.
One is hope, one is belief
The five fingers will cradle you until you are calm.
The darkness is vast now.
The moon is split in half,
But it is night that makes the light of the day and in the light there's you,
And this world is round,
is there anyone who can make me despair?
And something that is as true,
You are afraid of your shadows,
all the threat that can never reach you.
I will sing you a promise,
and I know that you understand me.
Five fingers will shelter you.
One is the moon, one is the sun, one is the pole star behind the cloud.
One is hope, one is belief
The five fingers will cradle you until you are calm.
If you remember the path in the forest,
that we wander sometimes
we climbed down the path to the water.
Your hand in mine.
Look so far down into the deep waters,
in the bottom of the lake,
there is a silver treasure that glimmers,
that is yours tonight.
So slumber in and dream.
Five fingers will shelter you.
One is the moon, one is the sun, one is the pole star behind the cloud.
One is hope, one is belief
The five fingers will cradle you until you are calm.
The five fingers will cradle you until you are calm.

You'll understand

It ends here
Life is strange but it's like this
Dreams that
Are shattering apart and then
To navigate and getting lost
In the blue
Without you
I'm looking for the star
But there isn't
I sail the seas
Of my certainties
For your caresses
You're leaving
Without a reason
It burns inside and I'll cry
But if I will be ashes
From the fire I will be reborn
Look deep inside you
Open your eyes and look for me
You will understand
What we were
And you'll understand, one day maybe
You'll understand
You'll understand, one day maybe
You'll understand
But you chose her

N.A.K.E.D (being born as human becoming animals)

I know how to obtain your attention, ah
I'm a show, and without television, ah
Sit down in the first row, I'm much better than a movie
Tonight I strip of every pain, strip tease
I really want you to see me
Getting rid of all my insecurities
Dressed of just my skin
And I can change it like a snake if I have to
Look at me
Listen while I talk with my mouth shut
Close your eyes and look at me
The body doesn't lie to you like Judas
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings
Your hands, my extension, ah
You're my natural vocation, ah
I want to follow the rhythm, listen to the instinct
Tonight I strip you of every pain, shut up
But I can really see you
Making sense of my insecurities
Find in yours a new skin
Crawl on the ground like a snake if I have to
Look at me
Listen while I talk with my mouth shut
Close your eyes and look at me
The body doesn't lie to you like Judas
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings
Ehi, crash test, naked you're sexy, ok
Baby you're, uff, you're a snake
Tempt him, he would like it
Naked, yes
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings

Ca Mona Lisa

Știi, așa, nu te-am mai văzut
Splendidă cum ești acum
Ce este?
Ce lumină acolo în adânc tresare?
Aș vrea să știu...
Cum așa seninătatea ta
E indescifrabilă ca adevărul?
Dar cine e
În spatele acelui zâmbet enigmatic?
Aș vrea să înțeleg mai mult...
Mona Lisa, știi
Mona Lisa, nu-mi spune niciodată
Mi-e teamă că aș suferi prea mult
Oricine ar fi nu e
Cine poate să se interpună între noi
Pentru tine ar fi un vis în plus
Tu ești liberă
Liberă dacă vrei
Dar dacă tu vei dori
Il vei putea uita
Pare că tu ești dincolo de noi
O insulă pierdută în mare de-acum
Unde esti?
Departe pari aproape de neajuns
Aș vrea să înțeleg mai mult...
Mona Lisa, știi
Mona Lisa, nu-mi spune niciodată
Mi-e teamă că aș suferi prea mult
Oricine ar fi nu e
Cine se poate interpune între noi
Pentru tine ar fi un vis în plus
Tu ești liberă
Liberă dacă vrei
Dar dacă tu vei dori
Îl vei putea uita


There, where a narrow well-trodden path
Is being overtaken by an orache,
There grows a spellbound weed -
A fresh goose-grass.
A goose-grass weed, my heart is full of dismay,
Could it be we’ve never been in love with each other.
It’s a long way from you to me,
But I am from you - just a call away.
A goose-grass weed, I should have realised:
Maybe we‘ve never fell in love with each other.
From you to me -
Such a long and disappointing wait,
But I am from you - just a call, a call away
The road dust will settle down,
Will disappear as if it has never been there.
I will turn around and it will seem to me,
It was us two who just walked by.
A goose-grass weed, my heart is full of dismay,
Could it be we’ve never been in love with each other.
It’s a long way from you to me,
But I am from you - just a call away.
A goose-grass weed, I should have realised:
Maybe we‘ve never fell in love with each other.
From you to me -
Such a long and disappointing wait,
But I am from you - just a call, a call away
I will turn around,
and forty herbs will echo back.
And one among them is an herb
that protects me from my misery.
A goose-grass weed, my heart is full of dismay,
Could it be we’ve never been in love with each other.
It’s a long way from you to me,
But I am from you - just a call away.
A goose-grass weed, I should have realised:
Maybe we‘ve never fell in love with each other.
From you to me -
Such a long and disappointing wait,
But I am from you - just a call, a call away
Just a call, a call away.
Just a call, a call away.

Baladă pentru Lisa

lacrimi blânde aleargă din ochii tăi
Ele curg
ca un râu încet ce trece
prin goliciunea dinăuntru
când visele te lasă ca să găseşti
culori ce sângerează întunecat
Umbrele pot împinge o scânteie
către o boare
Lisa era la milion de mile depărtare
Era pierdută
nu putea nici să ascundă o singură zi
nicio şoaptă nu veni împrejur
o bătaie de inimă să răsune
Ceva în ochii ei
pare să fi prins o lumină
apoi o boare
Ea zboară...
Şi dacă Lisa n-arată durere
Viaţa o va strânge în braţe dintr-o privire
Oh, Doamne
Ajut-o să trăiască mâine
Fericirea și iubirea îi umplu laudele
Domnului, oh, Doamne
Lisa își crește o inimă de trandafir în inima ei
Ea așteaptă
Așteaptă până când soarele va arăta o parte
Știe că va veni ziua
Când iubirea răsună într-adevăr
Atunci va prinde lumina
Pentru a o ajuta în lupta ei
Când simte
Ea trăiește
Şi dacă Lisa n-arată durere
Viaţa o va strânge în braţe dintr-o privire
Oh, Doamne
Ajut-o să trăiască mâine
Fericirea și iubirea îi umplu laudele
Domnului, oh, Doamne

Not anymore

The earth, the sky, and us
We go in circles
Round after round
Round after round
You and I, we were
One together in this world
But not anymore
Not anymore
Not anymore, not anymore
Not anymore
Not anymore

Balada Lisei

Lisa fuge de fericirea ei fără niciun motiv.
ea reface lumea în felul ei.
Ea vrea viață
pentru că nu a depus-o.
Tot ce e în el se stinge,
Lisa se întoarce la mine într-un vis,
merge departe.
Lisa a crezut că ar putea traversa
plictiseala asta,
această viață care i se impusese.
Cred că a rămas fără suflare,
pentru a nu mai descoperi.
Totul din el se stinge.
Lisa se întoarce la mine într-un vis,
Şi dacă Lisa renunţă,
o doare şi se oferă -
de ce, de ce?
Ea nu mai poate iubi pe nimeni
din nevoia unui om -
de ce, de ce?
Lisa este tandrețea unui sărut.
Se rănește,
este în stare constantă să scape.
Ea vrea viață
pentru că nu a depus-o.
Totul din el se stinge.
Lisa nu mai are nimic de iubit,
deci pleacă.
Şi dacă Lisa renunţă,
o doare şi se oferă -
de ce, de ce?
Ea nu mai poate iubi pe nimeni
din nevoia unui om -
de ce, de ce?

More than Mona Lisa's back

Until the stars are over, until the morning returns
When I think of your name
There won't be any piece of lie
To think that you're by my side
On the side of my bed, isn't something you want to guess?
You feel like I embrace you
If I pick up a boring book, will it be a prediction?
The appointment is my lips, where you shut your eyes
With your girl face, don't you want to escape?
I touch a line wrapping you
Without confusing the order
I'll make you feel at ease, I'll make you feel at ease
the future changes in a second
The closer I get, the more agile I want to be
I row a canoe through your back
I felt it was further than Mona Lisa's back
Past the morning I escape through the crossroad in my dreams
With your girl face, don't you want to go astray?
I touch a line wrapping you
Without confusing the key
I'll unite with you, I'll unite with you
Don't you want to escape?
I touch a line wrapping you
Without confusing the key
I'll unite with you, I'll unite with you

Încă aici

Încă aici,
Din nou tu,
Dar acum știu cine ești,
Cine vei fi mereu.
Și când mă vei zări,
Îți vei aminti.
Încă aici,
Din nou tu,
Și sper că mă vei ierta.
Tu, cu aceiași ochi,
Pari a te întoarce să mă întrebi de mine,
Despre cum merg lucrurile
Și, aici, pe de altă parte, cum o duc.
Iarba verde, aerul cald,
Pe picioarele mele și peste flori.
Se înalță un vânt printre culori,
Aproape seamănă cu tine,
Chiar dacă cerul își schimbă numele,
La fel de alb ca bumbacul,
Care e iute, care se mișcă,
Pierdut în mijlocul albastrului.
E ceva anume în tine,
E ceea ce se va-ntoarce
Cum era deja.
Încă aici,
Din nou tu,
Și ceea ce-a fost, de-acum s-a dus.
Și cu aceiași ochi,
Pari a te întoarce să mă întrebi de mine,
Despre cum merg lucrurile
Și, în această stranie lume, cum o duc.
O să te-ntorci și-am să mă-ntorc,
Și-o să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc,
O să te-ntorci, o să mă-ntorc,
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc.
O să-ți amintești, o să-ți amintești,
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc.
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc de tine.
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc,
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc.

O cameră goală

O cameră goală
și tu, care m-ai lăsat
cu inima plină de tine,
și eu nu te văd.
Vino, vino înapoi,
vreau să-ți dăruiesc toate zilele mele.
Întoarce-te la mine, la mine!
Dacă într-o lume nebună pentru mine
te-ai pierdut,
încearcă să-nțelegi
că poți s-o iei de la capăt.
Și nu aștepta ca ziua de mâine
să ne despartă apoi
și să te ducă departe de mine,
departe de mine.
Nu, nu aștepta ca ziua de mâine
să ne despartă apoi
și să te ducă departe de mine,
departe de mine.

Nu plânge, Alisa

Gata, gata s-a terminat vara caldă.
Gata, să te desparți mereu e greu.
Să te desparți cu gândul la un miracol,
Știind, că nu va mai fi.
Și tu plângi, iar după fereastră plouă,
Și tu plângi, iar copilăria a trecut.
Nu plânge, Alisa, ai devenit matură
A venit sărbătoarea, și tu ai deja 16 ani
Rămas bun, Alisa, s-au stins stelele,
Și se uită pe fereastră, către viața matură
Primul tău răsărit.
Prima dată tu nu întâmpini oaspeții la ușă.
Prima dată ești indiferentă la zîmbetele prietenilor,
Și prin cadouri nu sunt jucării,
Și acum nu ai nevoie de nimeni.
Este sărbătoarea ușilor închise
Este sărbătoarea copiilor de ieri.
Nu plânge, Alisa, ai devenit matură
A venit sărbătoarea, și tu ai deja 16 ani
Rămas bun, Alisa, s-au stins stelele,
Și se uită pe fereastră, către viața matură
Primul tău răsărit.
Gata, vântul învârte frunzele căzute
Gata, dar altfel nici nu putea fi.
Vara nu e mereu caldă,
Lasă frigul urme pe ferestre
Și tu plângi, dar copilăria a trecut
Și tu plângi, dar copilăria a trecut
Nu plânge, Alisa, ai devenit matură
A venit sărbătoarea, și tu ai deja 16 ani
Rămas bun, Alisa, s-au stins stelele,
Și se uită pe fereastră, către viața matură
Primul tău răsărit.

Under the Same Sky

Even the star that is put in the same location
Today, it looks lonely like my heart
Even the ocean that change its colors while swimming
I'm hurt since I think that love changed
To the first day that the breakup happened, if I could do it
I could probably hug in your arms and have a long nap
Now I cannot sleep nor can I laugh anymore
You probably can't come here when I say that I'm lonely
You probably have forgotten, you probably forgot about me
I guess I'll pray for not me, but to find someone
If, by any chance, I see my own star one day
Remember my appearance for a moment
That wherever the same time, I'll
see the same star and I'll be laughing
Love overflows and pasts, calls for a breakup and
Greed overwhelms, so it becomes tears
Am I the only person that didn't know it would scatter like bubbles
You have to remember, even if you forget everything
Basically all the time, you have to forget everything
in that moment, I was there, I guess I have to erase you
I guess I'll have to turn away you, who were still buried in the memories
When I sometimes begin to miss, when I slowly open
You, in my memories, will probably be smiling at me again at that place

În toată lumea

Nu ştiu unde-i iubitul meu
dar am să-l găsesc eu undeva, cumva,
Trebuie să-i spun cât de mult îmi pasă,
N-am să renunţ să-l caut pe iubitul meu...
Am fost prin toată lumea şi eu, eu, eu
nu pot să-mi găsesc iubitul
Nu ştiu când, nu ştiu de ce
de ce a plecat departe
şi nu ştiu unde poate fi, iubitul meu,
dar am să-l aflu...
Am avut o neînţelegere şi m-am lăsat dusă
Am spus prea multe lucruri, lucruri pe car enu le ştia
Şi m-am simţit aşa de rău
Şi nu ştiu dacă se-ntoarce, mm, mm
A dat motivul, motivele ca să plece
Şi a spus lucruri pe care nu le-a spus
şi era oh oh, aşa de furios
Şi nu cred că se mai întoarce, întoarce...
Am minţit prea mult,
am pierdut timp prea mult
Acum sunt aici şi plâng... Eu, eu, eu...
Am fost prin toată lumea şi eu, eu, eu
nu pot să-mi găsesc iubitul
Nu ştiu când, nu ştiu de ce
de ce a plecat departe
şi nu ştiu unde poate fi, iubitul meu,
dar am să-l aflu...
Atât de deschis la inimă nu mi-a greşit
Eu am fost aceea, cea mai slabă
Şi acum sunt aşa de furioasă
Nu cred că se mai întoarce, întoarce
Am minţit prea mult,
am pierdut timp prea mult
Acum sunt aici şi plâng... Eu, eu, eu...
Am fost prin toată lumea şi eu, eu, eu
nu pot să-mi găsesc iubitul
Nu ştiu când, nu ştiu de ce
de ce a plecat departe
şi nu ştiu unde poate fi, iubitul meu,
dar am să-l aflu...
Am fost prin toată lumea şi eu, eu, eu
nu pot să-mi găsesc iubitul
Nu ştiu când, nu ştiu de ce
de ce a plecat departe
şi nu ştiu unde poate fi, iubitul meu,
dar am să-l aflu...
Am să-l găsesc, iubitul meu..
Am minţit prea mult,
am pierdut timp prea mult
Acum sunt aici şi plâng... Eu, eu, eu...
Am fost prin toată lumea şi eu, eu, eu
nu pot să-mi găsesc iubitul
Nu ştiu când, nu ştiu de ce
de ce a plecat departe
şi nu ştiu unde poate fi, iubitul meu,
dar am să-l aflu...
Am fost prin toată lumea
Căutându-mi iubitul
Am fost prin toată lumea
Şi am să aflu, am să-l aflu..
Am fost prin toată lumea şi eu, eu, eu
nu pot să-mi găsesc iubitul
Nu ştiu când, nu ştiu de ce
de ce a plecat departe
şi nu ştiu unde poate fi, iubitul meu,
dar am să-l aflu...

Mereu, mereu

Tandrețea, nostalgia,
Regretul, poezia,
Câte lucruri ești în astă seară tu,
Care ești departe și nu te mai gândești la mine...
Sunt bolnavă acum,
Dar nu mă interesează să mă vindec, știi,
E durerea sublimă
Cea care mă face să sufăr...
Mereu, mereu,
Până aproape de-a deveni nimic,
Amăgindu-mă să aleg
Cuvintele unei scene care
E aceeași
Dintotdeauna, dintotdeauna,
Până aproape de-a deveni nimic.
Doar iubire, dacă iubire e
Acest întuneric cu care nu te obișnuiești nicicând,
Această lumină din suflet,
Pe care nimeni n-o poate pricepe,
În afară de tine.
Îți scriu dintr-o cameră,
În semiobscuritate.
De aici pot să mă emoționez pe furiș prin lumea
De care acum mă simt profund înstrăinată.
Imensitatea și opusul său
Sunt zone ale inimii mele,
Și ești tu acum acea mare,
Din care m-am lăsat purtată...
Mereu, mereu,
Până aproape de-a deveni nimic,
Doar iubire, dacă iubire e
Acest întuneric cu care nu te obișnuiești nicicând,
Această lumină din suflet,
Care încă strălucește
Mereu, mereu,
Până când devin nimic,
Până când devin nimic.
Această lumină din suflet,
Pe care nimeni n-o poate pricepe,
În afară de tine.

Era odată

Puțin mai contează acum
ceea ce am spus și-am făcut,
contează doar ceea ce văd acum ochii mei.
Câteodată e timpul
care ne face nu prea atenți,
dacă întârzii, apoi îți dai seama că s-a schimbat totul.
Dar era odată
iubirea, și nu distanța,
viața pe care-am căutat-o,
dorit-o și construit-o cu tine.
Și era odată
focul în toată camera,
era de-ajuns să te simt aproape,
și acum vraja s-a sfârșit.
De la a nu știi nimic
la a trebui să spui totul,
sunt obiceiurile proaste ale oamenilor.
Eu ți-am spus
că la sfârșit poți să te simți rău,
când secretul tău împărtășit s-a pierdut.
Eu aș fi pariat
pe tot ceea ce, în fiecare zi,
mi-am imaginat doar pentru noi.
Apoi, ca o scânteie
am căzut în adâncul neantului.
Era odată (x4)

Era odată

Puțin mai contează acum
ceea ce am spus și-am făcut,
contează doar ceea ce văd acum ochii mei.
Câteodată e timpul
care ne face nu prea atenți,
dacă întârzii, apoi îți dai seama că s-a schimbat totul.
Dar era odată
iubirea, și nu distanța,
viața pe care-am căutat-o,
dorit-o și construit-o cu tine.
Și era odată
focul în toată camera,
era de-ajuns să te simt aproape,
și acum vraja s-a sfârșit.
De la a nu știi nimic
la a trebui să spui totul,
sunt obiceiurile proaste ale oamenilor.
Eu ți-am spus
că la sfârșit poți să te simți rău,
când secretul tău împărtășit s-a pierdut.
Eu aș fi pariat
pe tot ceea ce, în fiecare zi,
mi-am imaginat doar pentru noi.
Apoi, ca o scânteie
am căzut în adâncul neantului.
Era odată (x4)


I’m fine even if I am on my own
Me pretending to be strong is overflowed by that declaration
To think that the beautiful days we had together
Could be this heartbreaking...
If I have to live alone
I will not love anyone else
Your scent and the way you talk
Even now, I can feel pieces of your fragmented love all over my body
My wish, my only wish
Is that somewhere, you’re crying as well
Every new step I take is always
Heavy and lonely
If I am yet to be born
I would love to meet you again.
Midsummer’s sunshine, midwinter’s white snow
In the middle of the changing seasons pieces of love are falling down
I am happy, but I am also lonely
Because my love is bigger than you
With the key in your hands
You left this canary which has no reason to sing anymore
Alone in its dark cage
Your scent and the way you talk
Even now, I can feel pieces of your fragmented love all over my body
My wish, my only wish
Is that somewhere, you’re crying as well
Unlasting world
The course of love
From everything think of you…


You've gone, and my life is empty
I'm starting with from scratch
It's just the first sadness
That got into my heart
Like a kitten I'm going to curl up in a ball
Like I'm afraid of going away from childhood
Even a teddy bear on your bed
Will give me a sad smile
There is a long trip to Looking-Glass World
Lost all her dreams
Alice has just grown up
She doesn't need you anymore
I gave her colourful dreams
A half of the sun and the moon
It's too bad that you and I
Got lost somewhere on the road
Everything is just for you in this world
Talk to me for five minutes
I'll look into your eyes
And won't find any answers
You've gone from the sun and warmth
You've gone, but you used to be mine
I want to win you back
But the lips whisper 'Too late, too late'
Black and white life has come
Where is colours and pencils?
There are thorns in my soul
Though it used to be roses

Oh, God

Oh God, how heavy my heart is
And my soul bitter
I go to sleep but I can't
I don't know what to do
Oh God, how heavy my heart is
And my soul bitter
I go to sleep but I can't
I don't know what to do
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh, my cold heart
You want to melt my body
I can't be at peace
All this suffering because of you
Oh, my cold heart
You want to melt my body
I can't be at peace
All this suffering because of you
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it

Of, Doamne

Măi, cât îmi atârnă inima
Și sufletu-mi este amar
Mă pun să dorm dar nu am somn
Nu știu, măi, ce să fac
Măi, cât îmi atârnă inima
Și sufletu-mi este amar
Mă pun să dorm dar nu am somn
Nu știu, măi, ce să fac
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta de ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Măi, inima, care-mi îngheți
Corpul vrei să mi-l topești
Iubirea nu-mi dă pace
Tot greul e din vina ta.
Măi, inima, care-mi îngheți
Corpul vrei să mi-l topești
Iubirea nu-mi dă pace
Tot greul e din vina ta.
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta de ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta de ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea

The noise in me

You're like snow to me
You sparkle in light
But you don't quench my thirst
You are cold and gentle at the same time
It attracts me to you
You are the white noise in me
I stand there and melt
when I'm around you
I stand there and melt
when I'm around you
I'm not who I used to be anymore
I present to myself differently to you
I'm not who I used to be
I present to myself differently
You fall down so gently
So gently and beautiful
Come, fall on me
Fall on me
You warm me up and lock me in
How warm can be cold
You lock me up in you
You lock me up in you
You're like snow to me
You sparkle in light
But you don't quench my thirst
You're cold and gentle at the same time
It attracts me to you
You are the noise in me
I present myself there

He Who Thought

He needed to say
That it was over
That boy doesn't have problems
Except when it hits him
He says, I see you later
And then, then he leaves right away
What he couldn't understand was
That he couldn't just be able to
Keep me down until now
And he, who thought he could
See, he looks, looks at me
But he just doesn't know that I
Am not just left her idle
But actually grew up
I don't know what I was thinking
When I let him in
It's funny how I'd believe
That some day it'd disappear
See, he looks, looks at me
But he just doesn't know that I
Am not just left her idle
But actually grew up
It's over...
Hits him...
Leaves right away...
That boy doesn't have problems
Except when it hits him
He says, I see you later
And then, then he leaves right away
What he couldn't understand was
That he couldn't just be able to
Keep me down until now
And he, who thought he could
See, he looks, looks at me
But he just doesn't know that I
Am not just left her idle
But actually grew up
It's over...
He who thought...
He who though he could
I don't know what I was thinking
He who thought...
It's funny how I'd believe
That someday it'd disappear

My Generation

Two thousand of [long] thirteenth moons
[Are] wasted on a ludicrous game,
But light of [a] star that's long gone
[Is] still shining on.
It's so hard for you to believe that
Your path extends just from this wall to this wall.
Tell me:
Have you understood me or not?
[It's] a pity I'm weak as the witness had been weak
Who saw the events on Bald Mount.1
For I can foresee things,
But [I] have no way to predict.
But if you see, all of the sudden,
My eyes behind your window pane,
I have come to disrupt your sweet dreams. For it is,
It's my generation that keeps mum in the dark,
It's my generation that won't dare to sing,
It's my generation that's feeling the pain,
But yet again puts itself under whip.
It's my generation that always looks down.
It's my generation that's scared of [the] day,
It's my generation that cherishes night,
But next day it gnaws itself. Yeah!
Bright day of blue and green
Came where [the] thunderstorm passed.
It's such a magnificient fete day,
But it seems incomplete without us.
It's so hard to make up your mind, you're so used to
Weigh your odds: to go for or against.
Get this:
I give you but a chance.
Being alive is my only trade,
[Yes], it's defiance, but it's in my blood.
I can read in the clouds the names of all those,
Those who are able to fly.
And if you ever feel the pulse,
Electrical pulse of [the] Greatest [True] Love,
I have come to help you to rise. For it is,
It's my generation that keeps mum in the dark,
It's my generation that won't dare to sing,
It's my generation that's feeling the pain,
But yet again puts itself under whip.
It's my generation that always looks down.
It's my generation that's scared of [the] day,
It's my generation that cherishes night,
But next day it gnaws itself. Yeah!
Generation, respond:
Can you hear us? Can you hear us?
We're here!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
We're here!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
We're here!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
Hey, my generation, hey!
  • 1. Bald Mountain: in Slavic folklore, a gathering place for Witches' Sabbath
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


Suffer, dear fool, for you wanted love.
Too god for the likes of you!
And your loved one betraying you!
Has sealed the severe torment!
From now on she will not be able to control herself
She will act in my order.
Lured souls brought by trickery,
Will be the cause of further suffering
How nice it is when I hear
Other sufferings, tortures.
Power, they give me strength
They give my power to grow.
Power, they give me strength
They give my power to grow.
Oh, how pleasant it is to me!
It’s adding to my power!
Sweet smell of suffering!
The wonderful stink of torment!
Oh, how pleasant it is to me when I hear
Other’s sufferings, tortures.
They give me power and strength
They make my rulership grow.
They give me power and strength
They make my rulership grow.
Unfortunate man possessed by her
To lure girls to themselves I shall force
Innocent, beautiful, like fragrant flowers
They will die cruelly beheaded.
This chain of crime unleashed by you
I will wield heavily in my hand!
My power is fed with the blood of the victims
It will be growing for ever without end!
How nice it is when I hear
Other sufferings, tortures.
Power, they give me strength
They give my power to grow.
Power, they give me strength
They give my power to grow.
Oh, how pleasant it is to me!
It’s adding to my power!
Sweet smell of suffering!
The wonderful stink of torment!
Oh, how pleasant it is to me when I hear
Other’s sufferings, tortures.
They give me power and strength
They make my rulership grow.
They give me power and strength
They make my rulership grow.


[Couplet 1]
Here comes a wave! Hold your walls,
Bury yourself in mud or moss
Here comes a wave! Shut off all the lights,
Close the blinds and hold your breath!
New words come from long-forgotten songs
A new symbol, a new round
Here comes a wave! Stay together!
Or bury your head like an ostrich!
Here comes a wave!
[Couplet 2]
Here comes a wave! Shutdown the city
We’ll need somebody else to close the ring
Here comes a wave! The circus is assembled
But the clowns still hide their faces
New portraits discovered from the attic
New steps, a new frontier….
Here comes a wave! Name yourself,
Or make a disguise to change case
Here comes a wave!
[Couplet 3]
Yet someone is looking over the edge, all the time
They simulate dreams
They call the names of those
Who will go
On the crest of a new wave!
Here comes a wave!
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Monday mona lisa club

Popeye who hid his anchor tattoo
Even if he embraces a girl like a branch
It's a grief Monday night
Why the merry next day is so lonely?
My heart drowns in a sea of tears
It's a grief Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
That kind of night comes to get stuck in me
Everybody worry about being invited to a dream
I forgot the clock
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Say It Again

You did it again
just now
You said what nobody ever gets to say
You said it to me, the unbearable
Unrelenting, forbidden
You said I love you, I love you,
I love you
You put your hand on my back
I turned around and you did
What nobody ever gets to do
You stroked my forehead with large, warm
Rugged, safe hands
And said, I love you, I love you, I love you
Say it again, say it again, say it again
I want to hear it, so say it again, say it again
Say it again, say it again
Now I've never been more free
Now you've got me stuck
I can never ever live without it
You said it to me, what I've longed to hear
For my whole life
You said I love you, I love you, I love you
And say it again, say it again, say it again
I want to hear it, so say it again, say it again, say it again
Say it again, say it again
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

I Think He's An Angel

I think he's an angel
'cause it shines like gold in his hair
I think he's an angel
'cause no shadow falls where he walks
And the depth of his heart
is like the deepest of waters
His thought reaches high, higher than the highest of mountains
and he said that his blood came to rush through the body
It rushed hot when he saw the colours of my lips
I think he's an angel
All of the sky above is his
I think he's an angel
'cause he laughs as if there no dangers were
And the depth of his heart
is like the deepest of waters
His thought reaches high, higher than the highest of mountains
and he said that his blood came to rush through the body
It rushed hot when he saw the colours of my lips
And the depth of his heart
is like the deepest of waters
His thought reaches high, higher than the highest of mountains
and he said that his blood came to rush through the body
It rushed hot when he saw my lips
saw my lips
saw the colours of my lips