Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 11


My Soul

My soul, my soul, arise, why do you sleep?
The end is nigh, and thou shalt be afflicted.
Therefore rise up, so that Christ, the God, may spare thee,
He who is omnipresent and fills all things.

Astrologically speaking

The kind of difficult words slipped through our fingers,
Now your eyes of glass look at me in silence.
You knew that at the other end of the sky
The stars predict, looking at people...
I wonder if those who have iron hearts
Have any chance of being seen at night.
Just me, just you
We've gotten a bit lost on the way.
Just me, just you
But the heavens will find us anyhow.
Just me, just you
We've gotten a bit lost on the way.
Just me, just you
But the heavens will find us anyhow.
The future sounds good if you're there, too
We both know who I put my arms around when I'm having a hard time.
It was simply meant to be for you to make me smile
The heavens see a serene future for themselves when they look at us.
We already know that at the other end of the sky
The stars predict, looking at people,
That's fine, we won't give them any motive
To move on to palm reading.
It wouldn't be of use to me to love you, even for nine lives
And I'm sorry that in the first one of yours, I'm making mistakes
But I see you very clearly in my future
And that one of your fingers will be a bit heavier.


Am fost jos
Mi-am luat timpul
Simt ca imi pierd mintile
Se simte ca si cum viata asta nu mai e a mea
Cine mai simte asta?
Am fost jos
Mi-am luat timpul
Simt ca imi pierd mintile
Se simte ca si cum viata asta nu mai e a mea
Nu mai vreau sa traiesc
Nu mai vreau sa traiesc
Vreau numai sa mor azi
Vreau numai sa mor
Nu mai vreau sa traiesc
Nu mai vreau sa traiesc
Vreau numai sa mor
Si lasa-ma sa iti spun de ce
Toate lucrurile pe care le spun, ei cred ca le stiu
M-am rugat pentru cineva sa ma salveze, nimeni nu e eroic
Si viata mea nu e importanta
O stiu, o stiu, stiu ca ma doare foarte tare, dar nu pot sa o arat
Niciodata nu am avut un loc un loc numai pentru mine
Nu am avut niciodata o casa
Pe nimeni care sa ma sune
Unde ai fost? Unde esti? Ce gandesti?
Se spune ca fiecare viata e pretioasa, dar nimanui nu ii pasa de mine
Am fost jos
Mi-am luat timpul
Simt ca imi pierd mintile
Se simte ca si cum viata asta nu mai e a mea
Cine mai simte la fel?
Am fost jos
Mi-am luat timpul
Simt ca imi pierd mintile
Se simte ca si cum viata asta nu mai e a mea
Vreau ca tu sa traiesti
Vreau ca tu sa traiesti
Nu o sa mori
Acum lasa-ma sa iti spun de ce
Este prima respiratie atunci cand capul tau se scufunda sub apa
Si este prospetimea aerului cand esti in brate cu persoana iubita
Este asteptarea, pe drumul cel lung
Si vederea luminii in lucrurile intunecate
Si cand te uiti la reflectia ta
In sfarsit stiind cine este, stii ca o sa ii multumesti lui Dumnezeu ca ai facut-o
Stiu unde ai fost, unde esti, unde te duci
Stiu ca tu esti motivul pentru care cred in viata
Ce este ziua fara putina noapte?
Incerc numai sa impratii putina lumina
Poate fi greu
Poate fi atat de greu
Dar trebuie sa traiesti acum
Ai tot ce se dai acum
Am fost jos
Mi-am luat timpul
Simt ca imi pierd mintile
Se simte ca si cum viata asta nu mai e a mea
Cine mai simte la fel?
Am fost jos
Mi-am luat timpul
Simt ca imi pierd mintile
Se simte ca si cum viata asta nu mai e a mea
In sfarsit vreau sa traiesc
In sfarsit vreau sa traiesc
Nu vreau sa mor azi
Nu vreau sa mor
In sfarsit vreau sa traiesc
In sfarsit vreau sa traiesc
Nu vreau sa mor
Nu vreau sa mor
Durerea nu mai raneste la fel, stiu
Drumul pe care trec singur
Dar ma misc pana nu o sa mai pot
Si imi vad lacrimile cum se topesc in zapada
Dar nu vreau sa plang
Nu mai vreau sa plang
Vreau sa ma simt viu
Chiar nu mai vreau sa mor
Oh, nu vreau
Nu vreau
Chiar nu mai vreau sa mor

It's That Illogical

Like throwing stones at a shooting star to bring it down
Like hoping to find a human being without a mask
Like saying Hitler died at peace
And that the Joker never used a costume
Like saying Madonna is puritanical and conservative
Or to say that Donald Trump is renting out a place, while he's in default
Or that Lucía Méndez and Verónica Castro adore each other
Or that Pablito Ruiz sings songs in the Nueva Canción movement
That's how illogical my life is without you
That's how ironic it is, that is how stupid it is
It is that absurd, my life without you
Like suntan oil in Eskimos' homes
That's how illogical my life is without you
Like finding a monument to Bush in the middle of Havana
Or to claim that Joan Manuel Serrat wrote 'Banana'
Or that poets can survive without windows
Or that an optimist has no faith in the future
That's how illogical my life is without you
That's how ironic it is, that is how stupid it is
I feel like an intruder in my own home
And nobody can explain what's going on
That's how illogical my life is without you
That's how ironic it is, that is how stupid it is
It is that absurd, my life without you
Like suntan oil in Eskimos' homes
That's how illogical my life is without you
Like suntan oil in Eskimos' homes
That's how illogical my life is without you
That's how ironic it is, that's how stupid it is