Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 36


I'm On My Way Home

If you keep on talking, I'm heading home alone
Now daddy is singing, I'm heading home alone
They don't see me, they don't see me
My parents won't get going
Keep filling up your belly
I'm on my way home
For about twelve hours now, I've been waiting and waiting
All my aunts and my uncles won't leave until February
Pumpkin, pumpkin, everybody go to their home
Don't kiss me, don't hug me
I'm on my way home
Latino families never stop celebrating
It's two in the morning, I just want to cry
Don't kiss me, don't hug me
I'm on my way home
Don't kiss me, don't hug me
I'm on my way home
Tiki tiki tiki tiki
Tiki tiki tiki tok
Hurry up, mommy, daddy, I'm tired of having to wait
Tiki tiki tiki tiki
Tiki tiki tiki tok
Hurry up, mommy, daddy, Santa Claus has already come

Ultima suflare

Nu se spală entimentele mele
Și durerea s-a dus odată cu vântul,
Dar privirea ta a oprit timpul
Și fără să vreau mi s-a înfipt în piept.
Acum ascultă-mă bine, Cupidon,
Din cauza ta am fost grav rănit,
Lasă-mi inima în pace,
Îndrăgostirea e interzisă...
Acum tu apari în viața mea
Și nu văd altă scăpare decât să te ador
Și te sărut până o să zbor.
Acum sunt un prost îndrăgostit,
Ca un nebun pasionat îți ofer în dar
Până și ultima suflare a acestei iubiri.
Este pielea ta pe a mea
Cea care îmi inspiră poezia.
Să scriem o poveste,
Să visăm cu ochii deschiși.
Lasă-mă să fiu din nou haina ta,
Cu trupul meu să-ți alung frigul,
Lasă-mă să zăbovesc pe buzele tale
Și să treacă 200 de ani.
Acum tu apari în viața mea
Și nu văd altă scăpare decât să te ador
Și te sărut până o să zbor.
Acum sunt un prost îndrăgostit,
Ca un nebun pasionat îți ofer în dar
Până și ultima suflare a acestei iubiri.

Inima are sânge de țigan

În adâncul inimii aveam o rană,
Sufeream, sufeream...
I-am spus că n-am nimic, însă mințeam,
Plângeam, plângeam...
”Pentru tine s-a făcut târziu, e noapte deja.
Nu mă opri, lasă-mă să plec.”
Mi-a spus să nu-l privesc în ochi
Și m-a părăsit, cântând așa:
”N-am nicio vină, inima mea are sânge de țigan.
A rupt lanțurile, e liber țiganul și pleacă.
Va merge până va găsi cea mai verde pajiște,
Va strânge stelele de deasupra, da,
Și se va opri poate, și se va opri.”
L-am văzut după un an, noaptea trecută.
Râdea, râdea...
Sărutându-mă, a vrut mândria mea.
Se duse, se duse...
Mi-a spus să stăm puțin împreună,
Că abia așteaptă să spun da.
Dar, fără să-l privesc în ochi,
L-am părăsit, cântând așa:
”N-am nicio vină, inima mea are sânge de țigan.
A rupt lanțurile, e liber țiganul și pleacă.
Va merge până va găsi cea mai verde pajiște,
Va strânge stelele de deasupra, da,
Și se va opri poate, și se va opri.”
”N-am nicio vină, inima mea are sânge de țigan.
A rupt lanțurile, e liber țiganul și pleacă.
Va merge până va găsi cea mai verde pajiște,
Va strânge stelele de deasupra, da,
Și se va opri poate,
Și se va opri...poate”


A cool picture on your desktop
we are all a sight to behold here
the bass is killing it again
turn it up to the max.
Whoever leaves the party
may they not get laid tomorrow
this hit will blow you away
take this hit.
You will hear a lot of YES next to me
everyone will take a picture with us
money will even drop on the floor
play this track.
I uploaded a new video on Instagram
COME ON, for the haters
I dont give a single fuck, let them watch how I blow up again,
COME ON, Lorenzo just knows how
to blow you up
I put on only sneakers and Im ready to go,
the bass is killing it again, turn it up to the max.
Did you get Vitriyan in you1,
since youre here youre not by chance
you know it well, there is no NO here.
You will hear a lot of YES next to me
everyone will take a picture with us
money will even drop on the floor
play this track.
I uploaded a new video on Instagram
COME ON, for the haters
I dont give a single fuck, let them watch how I blow up again,
COME ON, Lorenzo just knows how
to blow you up
  • 1. I have no idea what this line means in Bulgarian, any help is appreciated for a better translation


Sometimes it’s nice to get away from the sounds of the city,
when I leave, when I think in a different way,
until every movement seems to be useless.
Scarecrows seem to be swimming in the middle of wheat


[Verse 1]
The light goes out now
There is no time to lose
Dreams will die
Let's run away at once
And between fragility
Consuming me
There is ego to kill
In order to again become
The phoenix that will rise from the flames
You must touch the bottom to breathe again
(ah ah)
Death to my ego, I am reborn
Blossom from the ashes
Death to my ego, I will resurface
From the origin reborn
Like a beam of light
The chrysalis
From the dark
When flying
I'm born and reborn again
[Verse 2]
There is nothing to fear
There is nothing that cover
You are a diamond and you shine in the dark
You will be the phoenix that will rise again
You must touch the bottom to breathe again
(ah ah)
Death to my ego, I am reborn
Blossom from the ashes
Death to my ego, I will resurface
From the origin reborn
Like a beam of light
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
The chrysalis
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
From the dark
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
When flying
(I'm born and reborn again)
I'm born and reborn again
Born again
Born again
With my diamond heart
Death to my ego, I am reborn
Blossom from the ashes
Death to my ego, I will resurface
From the origin reborn
Like a beam of light
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
The chrysalis
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
(Power, power)
From the dark
(I'm born and reborn again)
(I'm born and reborn again)
When flying
(I'm born and reborn again)
I'm born and reborn again


Outside of this room
my time dies
leaving traces of blood
on my hands.
My side of the road
leads to something sad,
to other deserted rooms
and the boredom of a day
becomes the boredom of forever.
My only ally
who has followed me everywhere
and that makes me stronger
than my own illness.
Between minutes punctuated
by the strokes of a teleprinter,
someone's writing my story
before it's over...
before it's over... before it's over...
before it's over... before it's over...
before it's over...

I Hate You All

I hate you all
[Verse 1]
Big normal strike like Makélélé (eh), for hea-heads, get in li-line (woh)
All I do is spit on my TV (sah), your rappers only smoke bad weed (eh)
I don't believe in science, it's a bunch of baloney (oh), I like conspiracy theories more (yeah)
No need to study to become a pro (nan), why do I pay more fines than taxes? (eh)
Fuck NASA, fuck CIA (fuck), nobody has ever walked on the moon, (nobody)
Only tricks, movies (yeah), the Earth is flat, I just see a few dunes (han)
There are fools of all ages (really?), misunderstandings, misunderstandings (too many)
Another evening where I'll smoke weed
Seriously, I hate you all (yeah), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (yeah), if you don't like this world, we're two (yes)
Seriously, I hate you all (all of you), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (eh), if you don't like this world, we're two
Seriously, I hate you all
[Verse 2]
I'm getting carried away by the current, third gold disc, you know about it (ah)
Respect has gone running (ah sah), soon eight zeros on current account
Your buddy, like hitting, he's sticky, he gets too much blank, he needs to be covered
I think about my brother who is dying (sah), and those people who deserve to die
A lot of people who deserve to die, it's a curse, all these assholes, I attract them
I stay locked up in my house, I never want to go out again, genocide of all humans, it couldn't be worse
Too many journalists that you shouldn't read (never), when I'll meet them, they'll turn pale (yes)
Today, we can no longer say anything
Seriously, I hate you all (yeah), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (yeah), if you don't like this world, we're two (yes)
Seriously, I hate you all (all of you), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (eh), if you don't like this world, we're two
Seriously, I hate you all
Big normal strike like Makélélé (eh), for hea-heads, get in li-line (woh)
All I do is spit on my TV (sah), your rappers only smoke bad weed (eh)
I don't believe in science, it's a bunch of baloney (oh), I like conspiracy theories more (yeah)
Why am I paying more fines than taxes? (eh)
Seriously, I hate you all (yeah), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (yeah), if you don't like this world, we're two (yes)
Seriously, I hate you all (all of you), you sons of
I make people jealous, envious (eh), if you don't like this world, we're two
Seriously, I hate you all

Champagne & Cigar

[Verse 1: Lorenzo]
Small moccasins, champagne and cigar
I don't like cops except dirty cops
Weed ingots for my buddies
I run with my penis air like Kirikou
No wine cellar, but a joint cellar
Rolling joints in the bat cave
I'm much richer than all your dads
I need several women and slaves
I got into rap through the exit
Many Sylvester, only one Tweety
To have you filled like her shorty
They're all sluts, I need the Nefertiti
Megalomaniac Emperor in Kuzco
I shave my balls like Britney's head
Moisturize your pussy with Pulco
Penis problems, I'm going to see my physiotherapist
[Chorus: Charles Vicomte]
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
[Verse 2: Charles Vicomte]
Go Fast in jet to Panama
With her, like my yacht, I have no attachment
Her ass on leather has no place
Good student, Mercedes, I skipped classes
In a bathrobe, I look at the sky, there are only 5 stars
Your salary around my finger
Job centre ? Job centre ? It's across the street, always straight ahead
Hey, thanks to the haters for the comm'
No Dom Pé' in the alcohol department
I make classics, no album, boat and offshore account
The watch is Swiss, I almost sprained it
In my worst nightmare, I was hitchhiking
You got the electron, and I got the gold
You boycotted, now you love it
Lamborghini Aventador
I can't remember the name of my escort girl
I'm a bit overdone on sports cars
The first floor is my garage
Who tidies the room? It's the maid
Caviar on toast, it's rather basic
If I die, I'll go to the tax haven
[Bridge: Lorenzo and Charles Vicomte]
Charles Vivi, Lolo it's so cool
Touching the minimum wage must be a pain in the ass
Palace life is so cool (really)
Small moccasins, champagne and cigar
[Chorus: Charles Vicomte]
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
Charles ViVi, Lolo it's so cool
You wonder if luxury has a taste, ooh ooh
Lipstick trace on the cheek
Are we ever going to stop doing dirty one day, wouh?
[Outro: Lorenzo and Charles Vicomte]

Pentru a nu mă uita

Pentru a nu mă uita
și a-ți aminti de mine când ești departe,
au fost mângâierile mele,
îmbrățișările și sărutările noastre.
Pentru a nu mă uita
și a fi prezent în toate visele tale,
ți-am dat dragostea mea,
care e tot ce am mai scump și mai bun.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
și-un gând măcar a-mi dedica,
vor ajunge la tine scrisorile mele,
care-n fiece zi vor spune că te iubesc.
Pentru a nu mă uita
și-a ne rămâne eternă iubirea,
voi zdrobi depărtările
și voi opri timpul pe veci.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment
și a rămâne împreună noi doi.

That man with the white hair

No one knows for how long
he carried his bitterness,
how I remember my old man
and his many adventures.
The years passed him by
in his face, in his hair,
and transformed his smile
only for a grimace.
If on your way you encounter
a crying man,
tell him that in my daily prayers
I pronounce his name.
He has sad eyes for gestures,
his heart is wounded,
he's old with white hair,
his gaze is filled with love.
That man with the white hair
who in the good and in the bad
always knew how to respond,
he was poor in his infancy,
he was a little ignorant
but he managed to overcome it.
If on your way you encounter
a crying man,
tell him that in my daily prayers
I pronounce his name.
Walker of a thousand paths,
of towns and old streets,
where his years have remained
where his sorrows have ended.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


San Lorenzo march

Phoebus rises, and now his rays
light up the historic convent.
Behind its walls, the muffled sounds
of steeds and steel can be heard.
They are the hosts being prepared
by San Martín to fight in San Lorenzo.
Then the clarion stridently sounded
and the voice of the great chief
ordered the charge.
The enemy advances
at redoubled path,
To the wind deployed
their red banner.
To the wind deployed
their red banner.
And our grenadiers
allied with glory
write down in history
their best page.
Write down in history
their best page.
Cabral, heroic soldier,
was covered in glory
and as price for that victory
he gave up his life, becoming immortal.
And there his boldness saved
the raising freedom
of half a continent.
Honour, honour to great Cabral!

Don Giovanni, Act II, Commendatore scene(Second Act, Scene Nineteen)

Don Giovanni, you invited me to dinner
and I have come!
I never would have believed it,
but I will do what I can.
Leporello, see to it
that another dinner is served at once!
Ah, master, we are lost.
Go, I said!
Wait a moment! He who dines on Heavenly food
has no need for the food of the mortals!
Other more serious considerations
have caused me to come here!
I feel as if I have a fever,
for I cannot control my limbs.
Speak then! What do you ask? What do you wish?
I will speak. Listen! My time is short! etc.
Speak then, for I am listening, etc.
For I cannot control my limbs, etc.
You invited me to dinner,
now you know your duty.
Answer me: will you come to dine with me?
Oh my! Excuse him, but he doesn’t have time.
No one will say of me
that I have ever been afraid.
Make up your mind!
I have done so already!
You will come?
Tell him no!
My heart beats firmly.
I’m not afraid: I’ll come!
Give me your hand upon it!
Here it is!
(He gives the statue his hand.)
Oh me!
What is wrong?
What is this deadly chill?
Repent! Change your ways,
for this is your last hour!
DON GIOVANNI (trying to free himself)
No, no, I will not repent.
Let me be!
Repent, scoundrel!
No, you old fool!
Repent! etc.
No! etc.
Yes! Yes!
No! No!
Ah, your time is up!
(The statue disappears. Flames appear on all
sides and the earth begins to tremble under Don
Giovanni’s feet.)
What strange fear
now assails my soul!
Where do those
flames of horror come from?
No horror is too dreadful for you!
Come, there is worse in store!
Who lacerates my soul?
Who torments my body?
What torment, oh me, what agony!
What a Hell! What a terror!
What a look of desperation!
The gestures of the damned!
What cries, what laments!
How he makes me afraid!
No horror is too dreadful, etc.
Who lacerates, etc.
What a look, etc.
(The flames engulf Don Giovanni. After his
disappearance everything returns to normal and
the other characters enter.)
If there's no source link, you can use this translation whenever and wherever you want
Warn me if I made translation mistakes otherwise enjoy the translation!

As Long As I Live

As long as I live, as long as I live
I will have the right of telling you 'no'...
Our story isn't going well
I'm not your puppet - don't you think it would be better
To close it like this
You don't stop, you use me and then you throw me away
And then you look for me once more
And once more you win, don't you know
That of these stories I no longer live?
Now take your way, not to come back any more
As long as I live, as long as I live
I will have the right of telling you 'no'
As long as I live, as long as I live
I can stay alone, I know
My love, how should I tell you
That sex doesn't mean everything to me
Yes, I know, I'll be a jerk, but how can you,
After all you've done, ask me how I am
Besides the fact that I feel bad
And that one can't feel good
Now I swear - I'll close the door and won't open it any more
A love as big as the Sun
A love like the blue sky
As long as I live, as long as I live
I will have the right of telling you 'no'
As long as I live, as long as I live
Can I stay alone? I don't know
(As long as I live, as long as I live
I will have the right of saying 'no')

I don't know... I don't know...
(As long as you live, as long as I live
But you can stay alone, can or can't you?)

I don't know, but I swear, this story is like slavery
Because it got into my brain
And couldn't leave any more
And you want to feel bad, feel bad
And say 'I don't want it, I want you
Till my death'
(As long as you live)
As long as I live...
(As long as I live, as long as I live)
I don't know if I'll have the strength of saying 'no'
(As long as I live, as long as I live)
Is it an adventure or is it real love?
But it's all that I have
As long as I live, as long as I live
(As long as I live, as long as I live)
You ruined my live
And I'll have you for my life
As long as I live, as long as I live
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I'm dying to be with you

Why don't you want to believe that I love you?
There's no other love in my life,
Because I want only yours,
Because I just want your passion.
If you don't love me, you hurt me,
If you have another love, you do the same.
I will go on being your friend,
Although understanding this will hurt me.
I will go on being your friend,
Although understanding this will hurt me.
I'm dying to be with you,
I'm dying to see you once again,
I'm dying to kiss your lips,
Your lips which I've been waiting so much.
I'm dying because you create for me
The amount of love I've always felt to you.
On my lips I still keep
Your kisses and I don't know why.
If you don't want to believe me, darling,
Today I'll walk away from you.
Why do you want to hurt me?
Why do you make me suffer like this?
Why do you want to hurt me?
Why do you make me suffer like this?
I'm dying to be with you,
I'm dying to see you once again,
I'm dying to kiss your lips,
Your lips which I've been waiting so much.
I'm dying because you create for me
The amount of love I've always felt to you.
On my lips I still keep
Your kisses and I don't know why.
La la la la...
© Vladímir Sosnín


[Lorenzo Fragola]
We've never backed out of anything
it wasn't a matter of age
lives on a parallel rail
same destination, same half
you can try and say it doesn't hurt anymore
lie to everyone if you want to
you can cover the scars, you can get them tattooed
but the past doesn't heal
you taught me all I now know
that it still rains, there's no sun, no
but flowers will bloom in concrete
tonight you say in a different place
I would have liked the best for us
leave, go far just the two of us
but tonight too I stay awake
my plans have changed and you
don't call me anymore
I don't know how you're doing anymore
I still think about it and you,
how many things you don't know
the ones we'll never tell each other
I run never turning back
you want to know how it's going here
I don't want to get fond of certain memories
because you don't know how much it hurts me
you can make up a banal excuse
lie to everybody else if you want to
the wounds stop bleeding
time goes by but the pain remains
names written on an old backpack
pictures left on my iPhone
and we used to dream it would be a little different
but now no flower's growing in concrete anymore
I would have liked the best for us
leave, go far just the two of us
but tonight too I stay awake
my plans have changed and you
don't call me anymore
I don't know how you're doing anymore
I don't even know if you still think about it
how many things you don't know
the ones we'll never tell each other
[Lorenzo Fragola & Mecna]
And now that everything is passed
do you really think you're the smartest one between us
I remember your every insult
while I was trying to tell you that everything was alright
you'll lose the contest of who gets tired first
I face the hill and I haven't thought about it in a while
I get out of the line 'cause it takes less time
here the wheel is turning and it won't get you, no
You who are full of hate
you who are full of hate
if you don't ask me 'How are you?' how can I
tell you 'Everything's fine'
and I wouldn't want to, I can't
and the day is far
in which I would give you my place
and I don't think about it too much
not wanting you around
it's easy to complain
but if you're wrong you'll often be again*
and it's like disappearing, even if it doesn't look like that to you
if a person doesnt't text you it stays fixed in your mind
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
only about yourself, you who are
I think of you, no, I can't hear you
I lose you, no, I don't regret anything
the lights go out
silence comes again between us
you who are full of hate
you who are full of hate
you who are full of hate
full of hate, full of hate
you who are full of hate
[Lorenzo Fragola & Mecna]
You'll lose the contest of who gest tired first
I face the hill and I haven't thought about it in a while
you who are full of hate
I get out of the line 'cause it takes less time
here the wheel is turning and it won't get you, no
you who are full of hate
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
you who are full of hate
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
you who are full of hate
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
who are you talking to**, what are you talking about **, you only talk about yourself
you who are full of hate
you who are full of hate
you who are full of hate
you who are full of hate
you who are full of hate
full of hate
you who are full of hate


[Intro : Vald & Lorenzo]
So you really are the 'troll rap' (yeah), a new generation emerging from the net (that's right), uh far from the clichés of the suburbs...
Exactly, but what we're looking for is conscious rap, my man
[Verse 1: Lorenzo]
With V.A.L.D., we do the co-op thing
You did two joint and you're already kaput
I'm the farm rooster that attracts all the casseroles
Don't ask if I'm okay, ask me if you're okay
Little French accent, the Americans girls think I'm cute
I sprout seeds for the Cannabis Cup
I like the smell, tell me how much it costs
With your sisters, that's for sure, I've got the rib
Whiskey and Coke without Coke, talk good or I'll poker you
Two chicks a day, yeah, that's the quota
Respect: it's not the door next door
Pipe time gives me visions
I go into space, I soon have my visa
There's only poor guys on television
I want my portrait to replace the one of Mona Lisa
In my cup, pour the lich
We won't be poor tomorrow
Big tushy, doe eyes
Touch the bottom and I dig the breach
I throw tomatoes at vegans
I want mini bar in the car
Only Jeremstar I call a faggot
Smoke your fingers, there won't be P2
[Pre-chorus 1 : Lorenzo & Vald]
Pour the liche, ohlala in my cup, pour the liche
She says no, ohlala, I drank too much, she says no (ohlalala)
She thinks I'm satanic and too cute (ohlalala)
It gets fucked the first night, wow
[Chorus : Vald & Lorenzo]
Weird (yeah, weird), why is everybody looking at me weird? (but why is everybody looking at me weird?)
I only go out to do stupid things (yeah, otherwise I don't go out brother)
I eat peanuts behind the fence
It feels weird, way too weird
I roll a Bulbizarre pollen (ah yeah Bulbizarre men)
Zubro', synthesis in my tea (the two brothers, both)
Vald-Lorenzo, it's too weird, way too weird
What are they saying?
[Bridge : Vald & Lorenzo]
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
[Verse 2: Vald]
Suck my TNs, eat your BNs, violent like DBZ
Proud like DZ, fuck Mary, even the Madeleine, not the Helen, Barra Nayek
You hate like FM band (or or)
Or the FN, bitch kehba on the BZ.
I spread the virus and sell the vaccine: I am Machiavellian
I watch conspiracy videos, I don't watch satellite
In our hearts, the beauty of the creator and the ugliness of America
Even when I'm dead, I'm ready to fuck anything (normal), stiffness cadaveric
I'm prepared for the ride (okay)
In the gourd, a potion that tears (okay)
Cops on duty in the area (okay)
Tinted glasses, I got the parade (okay)
All on pills without getting sick (okay)
Nine square meters becomes palace (okay)
I can't feel my balls, I can't feel my face (okay)
Shut your pussy up, you're annoying me
[Pre-chorus 2 : Vald]
They look at me weird, oh no I'm knitting
Mamacita like me because I'm weird
Weird to be weird to these dumbasses, oh
Are they traumatized?
[Chorus : Vald & Lorenzo]
Weird (yeah, weird), why is everybody looking at me weird? (but why is everybody looking at me weird?)
I only go out to do stupid things (yeah, otherwise I don't go out brother)
I eat peanuts behind the fence
It feels weird, way too weird
I roll a Bulbizarre pollen (ah yeah Bulbizarre men)
Zubro', synthesis in my tea (the two brothers, both)
Vald-Lorenzo, it's too weird, way too weird
What are they saying?
[Outro : Vald & Lorenzo]
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap

Let's see what happens

The price is too expensive
I'm not changing my company
I beg you, don't insist
It's not like I can choose
I've got a new ringtone
Bring me away
Everything goes wrong, I'll have Mars and Venus against me
I escape from the police
From my obsession of accessing I have
You know it can happen
Now that you aren't mine anymore
I'm going to lie on a wall on the Tiber
And now that even the wind doesn't blow
And I can hardly breathe
I usually can't make you out
In the lines of the asphalt
And the sidewalk burns
Let's see what happens
It's easy to see that
I'm not having fun
And that I miss you too much
Your breath on me
Like water in the desert
And I can't take it
I break the monotony
With a liter of sangria
I ask you whether you want to drink
You ask me whether I'm okay
But how else do you think I should be?
I've got Sia's elastic heart
Which sooner or later is going to break like breeze in Tunisia
But bring me away
From the obsession of accessing I have
Of getting lost believing
That you're still mine
Maybe I'll post a photo on the Tiber
And now that even the wind doesn't blow
And I can hardly breathe
I usually can't make you out
In the lines of the asphalt
And the sidewalk burns
Let's see what happens
It's easy to see
That I'm not having fun
And that I miss you too much
Your breath on me
Like water in the desert
And I can't take it Oh, oh, oh
Na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Oh, oh, oh
Na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
But bring me away
From the obsession of ceding I have
Of getting lost believing
That you're still mine
Maybe I'll post a photo on the Tiber Oh (oh, oh)
Na na na na na na
(Na na na na na na na)
Uh, no no
Na na na na na na
(Na na na na na na na)
And now that even the wind doesn't blow
And I can hardly breathe
I usually can't make you out
In the lines of the asphalt
And the sidewalk burns
Let's see what happens
It's easy to see
That I'm not having fun
And that I miss you too much
Your breath on me
Like water in the desert
And I can't take it Na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Oh, oh, oh
Na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
Oh, oh, oh
Na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
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A meno che non sia specificata una sorgente secondaria qui sotto, potete usare questa traduzione ovunque vogliate a patto che inseriate un link visibile a questa pagina. Altrimenti controllate la sorgente.
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Naval battle

War is
between shivers and habit
limit between fire and gratitude
on me, on me
Nights that
I fight with my nightmares
simple fear of my limits
uncomfortable to face
Because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle
I can't swim
naval battle
between my words and my fears
one thousand paranoias, one thousand dark nights
I stay on the surface to think, a mistral wind is blowing
Tequila and Ginseng, anger to drown, alone, alone
I stay on the surface to think, sky blue like the sea
Manila and Big Bang in my astral journey, alone, alone
The wind also blows in the face, I lost my aim
but what do you want me to do if you left me in half
I headed towards the ocean, I left the port
to realise that the journey is long
I don't know if I will return, I am not ready
I hid the smell of home on me
in case I needed it and in case I woke up one day
to look at myself in the mirror and realise that it is not my
afer all
Because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle
I can't swim
naval battle
between my words and my fears
one thousand paranoias, on me
I stay on the surface to think, a mistral wind is blowing
Tequila and Ginseng, anger to drown, alone, alone
I stay on the surface to think, sky blue like the sea
Manila and Big Bang in my astral journey, alone, alone
Alone, alone
because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle
I can't swim
naval battle
Alone, alone
because between saying and doing there is the sea in the middle (alone, alone)
I can't swim (alone, alone)
naval battle (alone, alone)
Alone, alone

Rebel River

I threw your scarf into the river
To see it how was sinking.
It was the last memory
Of your tenderness that I had for you.
It was sinking slowly as your love,
But one day, the river finally...
... on the beach will be returned to me,
But I know very well that I'll never be able
To be happy without your happiness.
I shall remember you in my loneliness,
In the nest that remained without its ligh
When I understood you are not for me.
I threw your scarf into the river
To see it how was sinking.
It was the last memory
Of your tenderness that I had for you.
It was sinking slowly as your love,
But one day, the river finally...
... on the beach will be returned to me,
But I know very well that I'll never be able
To be happy without your happiness.
I shall remember you in my loneliness,
In the nest that remained without its ligh
When I understood you are not for me.
... When I understood you are not for me...
  • En: Prohibited the total, partial or modification reproduction of this translation without a written permission and/or consent of the author. All translations in this website are protected by .
