Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 9


Și o iubesc

Relația noastră poate fi
O distracție.
Viața noastră împreună
Ține de trecut.
Sunt lucruri ce se pot uita,
Altele însă, nu.
Ea-mi dă iubirea ei,
Întreaga sa viață,
Și o iubesc.
Ce pot să fac?
Sunt unul dintre noi doi,
Dar în brațele ei te uit.
Dacă trebuie să aleg,
Azi va fi ea.
Probabil într-o zi tu
Poți să te simți prima.
Nu căuta motivul,
Nu mi-l explic,
Dar în brațele ei
Mă simt un om deosebit.

One-Way Ticket

I don't wanna keep suffering for your love,
I have to go, it will be the best,
Oh, uh, oh,
No more cry, enough of the pain.
I'm saying goodbye to you today, I won't ever come back,
From my long trip I won't come back,
Oh, uh, oh,
I'm gonna buy only a one-way.
I've always believed that with your love,
One day I would be happy,
But I neved imagined, poor me,
That I would only suffer.
I won't see you again, never, ever again,
And I'm going far away today, finally, you'll see,
Oh, uh, oh,
That I wanna be alone now.
Oh, uh, oh,
I'm gonna buy only a one-way.
I've always believed that with your love,
One day I would be happy,
But I neved imagined, poor me,
That I would only suffer.
I won't see you again, never, ever again,
And I'm going far away today, finally, you'll see,
Oh, uh, oh,
That I wanna be alone now,
Oh, uh, oh,
That I wanna be alone now.
Oh, uh, oh,
That I wanna be alone now,
Oh, uh, oh,
That I wanna be alone now,
Oh, uh, oh,
That I wanna be alone now.

The rhythm of silence

Darkness my old friend
I want to converse with you,
it doesn't matter what I've seen
but it will always be inside of me,
a strange nightmare of a neon light
and the rhythm of silence.
In my restless dreams I saw
immense streets without end,
people walking through there,
people walking unable to find an end
and suddenly, I saw a light in the street that blinded me
amidst the silence.
And with that strong light
people talking without speaking
people without singing sang too,
something that I had never learned
because those people would never disrupt
the rhythm of silence.
I told them and yelled at them:
'The silence will come to be
and one day may come when
it will take over us'
but they wouldn't heed me,
they continued in silence.
And the people bowed
worshiping that light,
nothing could be heard
not even a murmur from the sea,
because everyone in my dream
I saw them all looking without finding
the rhythm of silence.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.