Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 17



Versions: #1
Lovers go from bed to bed
In hotels, in parking lots
To run away from all this melancholy
The heart of the cities doesn't look too good
Fits of the blues, phone calls,
Everything will start again in the spring
Except for indelible loves.
Dreams pile up into the subways,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
My mind isn't well, mommy.
I've lost the taste for partying, mommy
Look how your daughter's made, mommy.
I find no meaning in my quest
At the time that bars fill up,
That very time that hearts empty.
Those nights that promises are forged
As fast as they are frittered away.
Fits of the blues, phone calls,
Everything will start again in the spring
Except for indelible loves.
Dreams pile up into the subways,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
My mind isn't well, mommy.
I've lost the taste for partying, mommy
Look how your daughter's made, mommy.
I find no meaning in my quest
Look how your daughter's made, mommy.
I find no meaning in my quest

Loving to death

[Verse 1]
Going straight, wasting time
Being afraid of oneself or afraid of people
It's so easy when you fall asleep
Losing track without the chords
Loving to death, without breathing
Even when I'm wrong, I'm there, I don't stop.
Loving to death, without touching each other
Even if I'm afraid, I'm here, I believe in you and me.
[Verse 2]
Stoping the hearts, the sleep stops
Fearing the meter, the doubts awaken
Facing egos, everything seems to be affected
Erasing the words, breaking the case
Loving to death, without breathing
Even when I'm wrong, I'm there, I don't stop.
Loving to death, without touching each other
Even if I am afraid, I am here, I believe in you and...
[Verse 3]
The hope that plays, the fire, the cold
A breath on the neck, kiss of a king
To take us back, to defend us
To understand each other every time
Loving to death, without breathing
Even when I'm wrong, I'm there, I don't stop.
Loving to death, without touching each other
Even if I'm afraid, I'm here, I believe in you and me.


I am going to cut you open carefully with a scalpel
And I am going to stick my skin to yours
Drop by drop, run1 my crimson blood into your veins
Finish by closing2 your fleshy envelope
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
I will haunt your thoughts, subversively make them mine
And I will put my name into your brain
Furtively interfere with the flaws of your system
And finish by stealing your very identity
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
I will be your ally, your alien
It will be you and me the same3
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
I will alienate you, love is a schizophrenic
Patterned as if poisoned by hallucinogenics
You can no longer escape my sovereign influence
In asylum, exile or passion is queen
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
I will be your ally, your alien
It will be you and me the same
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
I am going to cut you open carefully with a scalpel
And I am going to stick my skin to yours
  • 1. As in “pour”
  • 2. lit. Marrying
  • 3. this word is usually used to say ditto or likewise, but I thought this fit a bit better

Purple Night

A purple night hatching
The void is fading away
The sand and the lightning
Told me about you
A purple night hatching
Lovers down below
Our mouths are covered
With foam and with cold
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming so tell it about me
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming
The ocean is dreaming so tell it about me
A purple night hatching
Your sky belongs to me
It's you that I'm touching
With the tips of my fingers
A purple night hatching
Your sky belongs to me
It's you that I'm touching
With the tips of my fingers
The echo of the full night was telling me about you
Of wolves and of sorrow, of doubts and of hate, you see
The chaos that follows you can fall onto me
I know who you are, I know who you love
A purple night hatching
The void is fading away
The sand and the lightning
Told me about you
A purple night hatching
Lovers down below
Our mouths are covered
With foam and with cold
Purple night hatching
(Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah)
Purple night hatching
(Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah)
Purple night hatching

Eram frumoși

Pe trotuare mă gândesc la tine
Pe bulevarde mă gândesc la tine
În nopțile negre mă gândesc la tine
Chiar dacă-i târziu
Sub lămpile de pe stradă mă gândesc la tine
În lumină mă gândesc la tine
Pe toate emisferele mă gândesc la tine
Sub praf
Eram frumoși
Dar acceleram fără a frâna
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia
Eram frumoși
Adesea, când zâmbeam fără motiv
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia
Eu mă trezesc și mă gândesc la tine
Când dorm mă gândesc la tine
Când este prea mult soare mă gândesc la tine
Nimic nu e ca înainte
Mergând pe funie mă gândesc la tine
Când mă împing mă gândesc la tine
Dacă mă retrag mă gândesc la tine
Sunt ridicolă
Eram frumoși
Dar acceleram fără a frâna
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia
Eram frumoși
Adesea, când zâmbeam fără motiv
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia
Îmi pare rău, mă gândesc la tine
Aproape obsedată mă gândesc la tine
Rămasă fără nimic, mă gândesc la tine
Foarte obosită
Pe toate străzile mă gândesc la tine
Dacă mă ascult, mă gândesc la tine
În umbra îndoielii mă gândesc la tine
Mă contrazic
Eram frumoși
Dar acceleram fără a frâna
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia
Eram frumoși
Adesea, când zâmbeam fără motiv
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia
Știi, mă sufoc gândindu-mă la tine
Când plec mă gândesc la tine
îmi pierd suflarea, mă gândesc la tine
La marginea prăpastiei
Încă o noapte mă gândesc la tine
Îți simt dorul, mă gândesc la tine
În ceață mă gândesc la tine
Nu pot să mă cred
Eram frumoși
Dar acceleram fără a frâna
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia
Eram frumoși
Adesea, când zâmbeam fără motiv
Ne iubeam prea mult
Сa să ne placă unuia de altuia


Hey you,
what's that pretty mouth I see?
Oh dear !
No way we should touch,
no even brush each other.
Let's share an awkward moment1
Hey you,
what's with that devious stare?
Oh dear !
I can hear my heart purring2
I'm not afraid,
I stay on the sidelines3
Everybody looks for it,
too few find it,
but what we really seek
really seek
it's the infatuation
of a flashed smile,
the touch of a hand,
even if it could
end up in bruises4
You and me,
no way we should stay together,
settling down,
seeing la vie en rose5,
being madly in love,
meeting at coffee breaks.
Hey you,
What's with that weird cold,
these shivers,
these big black butterflies,
the kind that fly around6
This big, this big mess.
Everybody looks for it,
too few find it,
but what we really seek
really seek
it's the infatuation
of a flashed smile,
the touch of a hand,
even if it could
end up in bruises (x2)
A flashed smile,
the touch of a hand,
even if it could
end up in bruises.
Hey you,
what's that pretty mouth I see?
Oh dear !
No way we should touch,
no even brush each other.
Let's share an awkward moment
  • 1. lit. 'let's listen to the flies flying'. That's used to describe an awkward silence. I can't think of an equivalent idiom in English, but any suggestion is welcome
  • 2. lit. 'my heart turning'. That is really unusual, it might mean a few different things like 'changing its mind', 'racing' or 'working (like a car engine)'. Based on the context I assumed that was the car engine, on idle Regular smile
  • 3. that does not make a lot of sense in French either. You can hardly decide to be sidelined. Anyway...
  • 4. 'even if tomorrow possible bruises'. That does not sound too bad in French, but I bet it would in English
  • 5. I suppose I don't need to translate that
  • 6. I don't understand this line at all. literaly it means 'those who/which go' (about the butterflies, probably). The butterflies are the kind you feel in your stomach for sure, but where they go is a sweet mystery to me. I just made up something instead.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Versions: #4
Lovers go from bed to bed
In hotels, in parking lots
To flee all this melancholy
The heart of the towns looks dreadful
Blues, phone calls,
Everything wil start over in the spring
Except indelible loves.
Subways are crammed with dreams,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
I feel like my mind isn't well, mama.
Partying lost its taste, mama.
Look how your daughter is made, mama.
I can't find a meaning to my quest, mama.
That time when bars are filling up,
Meanwhile hearts are emptying.
Those nights when promises are made
As fast as they are unmade.
Blues, phone calls,
Everything wil start over in the spring
Except indelible loves.
Subways are crammed with dreams,
Skyscrapers look down on us
Like a bird behind bars.
I feel like my mind isn't well, mama.
Partying lost its taste, mama.
Look how your daughter is made, mama.
I can't find a meaning to my quest, mama.


Verse 1:
I'm afraid of your mouth
I want it to talk to me in a whisper
I'm afraid of giving myself to you
I brush your lips every time I drink
You do what you want to me
The most forbidden it is the more I think about it
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
Verse 2:
I'm afraid of not being what you think
I play every time I'm cold
I'm afraid when you place your hands on my stockings
I'm afraid of falling in your arms
The more forbidden it is the more I think about it
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You hover around me, talk to me about love each time
I cry for help, promised to someone else
The night plays tricks on me when I follow the shadow of your footsteps
I like you, but I shouldn't
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Dacă ai fi aici

Uneori mă gândesc la tine,
Când sunt în mașină
Cea mai rea e călătoria,
Este aventura
Un cântec face o amintire să reînvie,
Întrebările fără răspuns,
Acestea sunt cele mai rele
Mă auzi?
Mă vezi?
Ce ai spune, tu,
Dacă ai fi aici?
Sunt acestea semne pe care tu mi le trimiți?
Ce ai face, tu,
Dacă ai fi aici?
Îmi spun povești,
Ca să mă adoarmă
Ca să îmi adoarmă durerea,
Și ca să zâmbesc
Țin conversații imaginare
Cu oameni ce nu sunt pe pământ.
Mă auzi?
Mă vezi?
Ce ai spune, tu,
Dacă ai fi aici?
Sunt acestea semne pe care tu mi le trimiți?
Ce ai face, tu,
Dacă ai fi aici?
Nu-mi pasă dacă ți-e teamă
Că nu o să pot suporta,
Știu că nu ești departe,
Chiar dacă e o nebunie
Nebunia e făcută să topească armurile
Să facă oamenii să plângă
Când sunt în mașină.
Mă auzi?
Mă vezi?
Ce ai spune, tu,
Dacă ai fi aici?
Sunt acestea semne pe care tu mi le trimiți?
Ce ai face, tu,
Dacă ai fi aici?


No, I'm not lunatic
And yet, I change my mind regularly
No, I'm not systematic
But my days are similar from time to time
I'm not angelic
But I can give myself an innocent look
No, I'm not utopian
But I would like that love is complacent
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
No, I'm not iconic
And yet, my face is known to people
No, I'm not the saddest
But sometimes, tears flow significantly
No, I'm not your favorite
But I hope to tell myself that with time
We can silence these stereotypes
Toss them up like the wind
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
I wonder
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
Why would there be any meaning to everything?
Why would there be meaning to us?
I wonder
I wonder
I wonder
I wonder


I approach the emptiness that awaits me
I dive, I put my head first
My heart is gradually recovering
From blue
I am scared
To forget his presence
To lose
The game of trust
The questions that eat me
Get lost a little
But it's not so easy
And in front of you I stack
But I remain motionless
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like taking a highway
Forget what we dread
It's when I find myself alone
I'm cold
I move closer to this chasm
And I feel the wind pushing me
I know I'm not ready yet
I'm trying to erase my anxieties
These sorrows, these horrors that pass me
And sink deeper into my being
But it's not so easy
And in front of you I stack
Yes I remain motionless
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like taking a highway
Forget what we dread
It's when I find myself alone
I'm cold
I go against the meaning
Lost in my childhood
Who goes away again and again
And I feel that I fall
Lost in arguments
Which leave no room for hand-to-hand
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like going on a trip
Not being able to turn the page
And lose me once again
In your arms
It's like taking a highway
Forget what we dread
It's when I find myself alone
I'm cold

Day One

Versions: #2
Day one
Love number one
It's the best love
Tell me that you love me
I want a day number two
A suite at the hotel, even better
I watched you all the night
Dancing on my soul is no longer allowed
Nine days
life is velvet and forever, a necessity
Day ten
Change of delight
What would you like to do?
A trip to sea?
Each day,
Addiction to love, without dancing around
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
One hundred days if it was a bad day
Without seeming like rage is in the air
Day one thousand you hit the bull's-eye
Turpentine hidden in the chest
Each day
Addiction to love, without dancing around
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back
It's day one, the one that we hold on to
The one that fades when you replace me, when you keep me
It's the one that comes back

Ziua 1

Ziua unu
Iubirea numarul unu
Este iubirea suprema
Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
Vreau o zi cu numarul doi


Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yehi
Părăsită de mult fără prea multe motive
M-ai părăsit ieri la sfârşitul sezonului
Nu mai vreau să ştiu
Ne-am îndepărtat
Nu mă mai vei avea şi totul s-a terminat
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yehi
Sper că vei suferi
Şi că nu vei dormi bine
În acest timp voi scrie
Pentru viitorul zilei de mâine (pentru viitorul zilei de mâine)
Pentru viitorul zilei de mâine (pentru viitorul zilei de mâine)
Părăsită pentru o noapte
Doar vorbeşte cu el
La capătul unui coridor
Ai vrut să pleci
Ipocrizia unei nopţi
Paharele sunt sparte
Speranţele mele au zburat şi inimile noastre s-au zdrobit
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yehi
Sper că vei suferi
Şi că nu vei dormi bine
În acest timp voi scrie
Pentru viitorul zilei de mâine (pentru viitorul zilei de mâine)
Pentru viitorul zilei de mâine (pentru viitorul zilei de mâine)
Părăsită, singură pe stradă
Îmi caut calea
Nu o mai găsesc
Îmi pare îndepărtată
Te-am uitat, nu mai faci nimic pentru mine
Şi te părăsesc să călătoresc, mă gândesc la ziua de mâine
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yehi
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Waoh, waoh, waohoh
Yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yeh, yehi
Sper că vei suferi
Şi că nu vei dormi bine
În acest timp voi scrie
Pentru viitorul zilei de mâine (pentru viitorul zilei de mâine)
Pentru viitorul zilei de mâine (pentru viitorul zilei de mâine)
Părăsită de mult fără prea multe motive
M-ai părăsit ieri la sfârşitul sezonului