Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 10
Friends, nothin' else
For english... press 1, for spanish... press 2
Lads' n gentlemen, I'm here with Lunay
Body feels it, jus' like the heart (that's just like this x2)
I think it's time, I'm impatient (hah!)
Pay attention to what your mind says (Hi, sweety!)
Don't try to swim against the current
(Here we go, here we go again!)
We both went out looking for the same damn thing
Give us everything by bein' more than jus' friends
We both went out looking for the same damn thing
Just give us some heat, bein' freinds, nothin' else than it
Hi, sweety!
And we... we are just friends (hah!)
Kissin' each other on the balcony (that's just like this)
With your model body (so you know)
Every time that ''I apply the circuit o' you'' (Bang-ang-ang-ang)
I'm gonna get to the district
That drives me mad, I admit it (hi, swee')
You always drive me crazy whenever you groan up (top that sh!t)
You don't leave, neither me (here we go again!)
And then I keep on goin', then I intercede in (hah!)
And I put my mouth and fingers inside of you
With ma hands pushin' your hair, I tangle you up
You know it is a hoarse, 'cause I can
We both went out looking for the same damn thing
Give us everything by bein' more than jus' friends
We both went out looking for the same damn thing
Just give us some heat, bein' freinds, nothin' else than it
I don't want you to get your hopes so high
I'm just a bad experienced in love
I was able to decipher your intentions
I just want you to impress me as we f*ck
If you want, I can make you get high
F-f*ckin' with you inside of the car, in front of the sea
For a moment, a weekly meeting
I'm gonna get high, just by lookin' at this fat ass
If you want, I can make you get high
F-f*ckin' with you inside of the car, in front of the sea
For a moment, a weekly meeting
For you not to fall in love
We both went out looking for the same damn thing
Give us everything by bein' more than jus' friends
We both went out looking for the same damn thing
Just give us some heat, bein' freinds, nothin' else than it
The problem is resolved!
Lunay with La Verdadera Vuelta (That's jus' like this)
Listen to me, listen to me
I'm here with the lunay (oh-oh)
(If you want ', I'll make you travel)
And Chris Jeday with El Fino Como El Haze
Geniu ', White Lion
(For a moment, a weekly meeting
Bad Intentions
She tells me that she will never fall in love again
And that all the men are the same
No one can cheat o' her, because of her malice, no
Today, she hanged out with some bad intentions
And she doesn't believe in love anymore
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And no relationships
And today she hanged out with some bad intentions
'Cause in love she suffered already
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And she doesn't even mention her ex
And she calls her friends, and they hang out 'round
And she doesn't believe in love, all the illusions are dead already
It's such a sin, she always tempts me up
And I believe her even when she's lyin'
And she drinks champagne and she goes crazy
And she goes to parties with her friends, then she starts to dance
And they kiss each other
And she will never love again in this life
Steal me away!
Undress me, and surrender yourself
And I f*ck you completely
And she puts some tight shorts in
Today, she hanged out with some bad intentions
And she doesn't believe in love anymore
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And no relationships
And today she hanged out with some bad intentions
'Cause in love she suffered already
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And she doesn't even mention her ex
I wanna fuck with you in different ways, just say ''yes''
To prove all the things they say about you
I just want you to swear and touch me this way
You are a baby like the girls from Medelin
And she drinks champagne and she goes crazy
And she goes to parties with her friends, then she starts to dance
And they kiss each other
And she will never love again in this life
Steal me away!
Undress me, and surrender yourself
And I f*ck you completely
And she puts some tight shorts in
Today, she hanged out with some bad intentions
And she doesn't believe in love anymore
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And no relationships
And today she hanged out with some bad intentions
'Cause in love she suffered already
She just want having some sex, nothing else
And she doesn't even mention her ex
Hai, să facem o înțelegere ( Să facem o înțelegere)
Vreau să am o dragoste fără contract
Nu vreau o relație (Nu-oh)
Vreau doar să am relații (Lu-Lunay)
Iubito, nu-mi vorbi despre iubi-re-re
Cunoști bine intențiile mele (Da)
Nu vreau o
Vreau doar să am relații ( Să am
relații )
Iubito, nu-mi vorbi despre iubi-re-re
(Nu, nu)
Cunoști bine intențiile mele
Știi bine că nu vreau nimic serios
(Nimic serios)
Că ți-am vorbit clar,
Ți-am spus că sunt la discreție (Nu)
Și acum cu abuzul tău de pichet (Eh-eh)
Cu chiloții de culoarea bluzei
Mă învârt ca ruleta rusească
Când vrei să mă folosești (Eh)
Dar nu merită să iubești (Nu, nu)
Liniște (-te)
Dă-ți hainele jos,
Bucură-te de noapte și ezită (-tă)
Că tu și cu mine suntem una pentru astăzi
Dar nu-ți face iluzii
Nu vreau o relație (Lu-Lunay)
Vreau doar să am relații
Iubito, nu-mi vorbi despre iubi-re-re
Cunoști bine intențiile mele (Da)
Nu vreau o
Vreau doar să am relații (Să am relații)
Iubito, nu-mi vorbi despre iubi-re-re
Cunoști bine intențiile mele
Lu, Lu-Lu (Ei)
Relații (Ei) în toate ipostazele (Eh)
Fără intenție, de la pat la dulap
În pielea ta mă pierd ca un submarin
Eu botez prada pentru tine, o sponsorizez (Da)
Și când vrei să ajungi la intimidare (Ah)
Îți dau ce trebuie, ca de Crăciun (Ah)
Și nu-mi vorbi despre iubire
Pentru că asta nu mai este la modă (Modă)
Sânge nou, dar în corpul tău
Flux veteran Yoda
Precum spaghetele mâncăm
Deasupra patului îți dau pesti
Ea este în vârf, a trecut de douăzeci
Și mă distrez făcând un bilet
Cu Rihanna la petrecere
Nu mă dezamăgi, nu, iubito, hai să mergem
Ca în acea vreme
Ce frumos ne iubeam (Uh-uh)
Nu te șterg din memorie, nu uit
De când ai făcut aia nepotrivită
Și acum cu abuzul tău de pichet
Cu chiloții de culoarea bluzei
Mă învârt ca ruleta rusească
Când vrei să mă folosești (Oh-oh)
Te călăresc ca pe tipul din meduze
Nu vreau o
Vreau doar să am relații
Iubito, nu-mi vorbi despre iubi-re-re
Cunoști bine intențiile mele (Da)
Nu vreau o
Vreau doar să am relații ( Să am
relații )
Iubito, nu-mi vorbi despre iubi-re-re
(Nu, nu)
Cunoști bine intențiile mele
Lo' Marciano'
Lo'-Lo' Marciano'
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
Spune-mi, Nino
Lu-Lu (Da)
Lu-Lu (Eh)
Cum vrei să mă folosești
Dar nu merită iubit
Vrea să fie, la naiba,
Singur pentru a bate recordul
Ceea ce vrea ea este să tragă, ezită
Dă-l la piciorul de jos fără oprire
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă îndrăgostesc
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă voi schimba
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă îndrăgostesc
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă voi schimba
Că nimeni nu o pretinde
Celulă în modul avion
Nu vrea să fie chemată
Nu contează dacă o iubesc sau amin
Ezită și la naiba acestea sunt planurile
Și deocamdată asta nu se va schimba
Angajamentul zero vrea doar să fie frumos
Pentru că nu vrea pe nimeni
Lăsați-l din nou
A bea și la naiba nu se va lega
Și deocamdată asta nu se va schimba
Angajamentul zero vrea doar să fie frumos
Pentru că nu vrea pe nimeni
Lăsați-l din nou
A bea și la naiba nu se va lega
Vrea să fie, naiba,
Singur pentru a bate recordul
Ceea ce vrea ea este să tragă, ezită
Dă-l la piciorul de jos fără oprire
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă îndrăgostesc
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă voi schimba
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă îndrăgostesc
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă voi schimba
Întoarce-te, mă duc la petrecere
Dacă te văd iubito după petrecere
Pune-te în necazuri, lasă-te văzut
Ce am început aici
Îl omorâm la motel
Ești liberă acolo
Sunt liber aici
Facem Wiki Wiki așa cum spune Yaviah
El și-a eliberat inima, iau răul la plimbare
Are mintea rănită
Nu este nimeni care să o iubească
Fumează și merge pe o tranșă
Perreando nu pierde echilibrul
Toas îl aruncă și nu sunt la îndemână
În romantism nu cred că va avansa
Și deocamdată asta nu se va schimba
Angajamentul zero vrea doar să fie frumos
Pentru că nu vrea pe nimeni
Lăsați-l din nou
A bea și la naiba nu se va lega
Vrea să fie, naiba,
Singur pentru a bate recordul
Ceea ce vrea ea este să tragă, ezită
Dă-l la piciorul de jos fără oprire
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă îndrăgostesc
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă voi schimba
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă îndrăgostesc
A fi singur este la modă
De aceea nu mă voi schimba
Intră-intră înapoi
Intră-intră pentru petrecere
Intră în necazuri, lasă-mă să te văd
Du-te du-te și lasă-te să vezi
Da, da
Chris Jeday
Muzica Gaby
Spune-mi Nino
Ritme magice
PR în casă
Bomboane bomboane, dulci ca bomboane
Yeah Yeah Let It Be
Deceive me telling lies.
I would believe them by the march of events.
Then I would get over it with a single kiss.
I would wait and stress about you.
If that didn't do the trick, I would think of a solution
And find an excuse.
Tell her to come on one midnight,
On a coffee break.
Let hour and minute hand rotate.
It's time for love.
Lets hang out at nights
And yout ake the wheel.
Lets swing from here to there.
Come on come on come on
Yeah eyah why not
Lets not get stranded.
Turn around and take a look in the mirror
Is there anyone more beautiful than you
In this world, tell me.
Come on come on, talk non stop.
The starring role in my tale is always you.
It's okay, tell me lies.
I'm already ready for you to redeem me.
This is just a story, don't care too much.
Oh don't tire out my heart too much.
Let it be
Look, happiness is over there
Let lt
I hope we wont get stranded.
Turn around and take a look in the mirror
Is there anyone more beautiful than you
In this world, tell me.
Versions: #1
The city lights have dimmed
The stars (are) more visible tonight
And I saw the moon, in a fullmoon
I told my secrets
Maybe you look at that too, is that so(?)
I left news to the full moon
I opened my window here
The wind blowing towards you
I left news to the wind
When walking so hits the face, face
I called a star from afar
I jumped, came to the(its) side
I didn't know where you were last night
I asked the streets
The moon about to sink, the winds towards me
Rose dried, little men have slept
From the streets, from the wind, from the fullmoon, no news
No news, no news, no news, no news
[Pre-Choro: Lyanno, Lunay]
I know, we said it was a night
That after you do not know me
Now you can't stop imagining
How you moved in those poses
And now as I do for to forget you
I see you and what I do is remember you
And if you say I'm late
[Choro: Lunay, Lyanno]
Tell me how I do now
To be able to have you alone
You making it difficult
And I want to eat all of you
Tell me how I do now
To be able to have you alone
You making it difficult
And I want to eat all of you
[Verse 1: Lunay]
And I'm not to beg
You've been looking for me since you left
I swear I wasn't going to call you
But I do not forget the rich that you did
Baby like you do me, none
You want to muse like the grass that smokes you '
Baby, I caused a gap in you
Ride with Lu-Lu-Lunay
[Choro: Lunay, Lyanno]
Tell me how I do now
To be able to have you alone
You making it difficult
And I want to eat all of you
Tell me how I do now
To be able to have you alone
You making it difficult
And I want to eat all of you
[Verse 2: Lyanno]
He has a thousand envious
It arrives and makes them nervous'
She does not try, she knows she's beautiful
But dangerous
Do not confuse your thorns with rose '
She lives life upside down
And he never visited Kress
She does not need that Challenge, she is a twenty out of ten
If you come back, I fall again
So you do not forget like in the first time, yeah
[Pre-Choro: Lyanno, Lunay]
I know, we said it was a night
That after you do not know me
Now you can't stop imagining
How you moved in those poses
And now as I do for to forget you
I see you and what I do is remember you
And if you say I'm late
[Choro: Lunay, Lyanno]
Tell me how I do now
To be able to have you alone
You making it difficult
And I want to eat all of you
Tell me how I do now
To be able to have you alone
You making it difficult
And I want to eat all of you
[Outro: Lyanno, Lunay]
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (ahh)
Ly-Ly-Ly, Mommy
Lu-Lu-Lunay (Lunay)
Chris Jeday (Chris Jeday)
Gaby Music (Gaby Music)
Huztle The Magic Rhythmz (Tell me Huztle)
Baby, baby
Lunay, what is there?
Tell me Ly
I am El Cambio, mommy
The dirty players
Yeh, Ly-Ly, Mommy
Yeah-yeah ahh
Ly-Ly-Ly, Mommy
Do it
[Intro: Lunay]
And I don't forget your sensuality
Nor your way of looking
I don't get it (No, no)
There hasn't been anyone else (Aah, oh)
Who elevate my senses
You play with my mind, yeah
I want to have you again
[Chorus: Zion & Lunay]
Do it, I want to see you
I wish to dawn with you (with you, eh)
And if we see each other again
The destiny is in my bed (in my bed, baby)
Do it, I want to see you
I wish to dawn with you, eh
And if we see each other again
The destiny is in my bed
[Post-Chorus: Zion, Lunay, Lunay & Lennox]
Let's not waste time and go ahead, eh-eh
Do it , it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, that it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, that it's late for then
[Verse 1: Lunay]
Every kiss which I gave you I don't forget (No, no)
I don't know about you, but I feel decided
Baby, you know that I get what I want (Eh)
And my bed will be witness
[Pre-Chorus: Zion & Lunay]
Your smell stayed, it stayed on my skin
I will go crazy if I don't see you again
Come, stay here until dawn
Is that the one like you I don't know if I see again
Your smell stayed, it stayed on my skin
I will go crazy if I don't see you again
Come, stay here until dawn
(Is that the one like you I don't know if I)
[Chorus: Zion & Lunay]
Do it, I want to see you
I wish to dawn with you (with you, eh)
And if we see each other again
The destiny is in my bed (in my bed, baby)
Do it, I want to see you
I wish to dawn with you, eh
And if we see each other again
The destiny is in my bed
[Post-Chorus: Zion, Lunay, Lunay & Lennox]
Let's not waste time and go ahead, eh-eh
Do it, it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, that it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, that it's late for then
[Verse 2: Lennox]
Where did we do it? What did we eat?
Where did I start like that with you and you with me?
For this step I will control the destiny
I want to have you right now, right now
What can we do so that happens again, so that happens again?
What can we do so that happens again?
[Pre-Chorus: Zion & Lunay]
Your smell stayed, it stayed on my skin
I will go crazy if I don't see you again
Come, stay here until dawn
Is that the one like you I don't know if I see again
Your smell stayed, it stayed on my skin
I will go crazy if I don't see you again
Come, stay here until dawn
(Is that the one like you I don't know if I)
[Chorus: Zion & Lunay]
Do it, I want to see you
I wish to dawn with you (with you, eh)
And if we see each other again
The destiny is in my bed (in my bed, baby)
Do it, I want to see you
I wish to dawn with you, eh
And if we see each other again
The destiny is in my bed
[Post-Chorus: Zion, Lunay, Lunay & Lennox]
Let's not waste time and go ahead, eh-eh
Do it, it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, that it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, it's late for then
Eh-eh, eh-eh
Do it, that it's late for then
[Outro: Zion & Lunay]
Zion, baby
And Lennox
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
Tell me Nino
Dulce like candy
Du-Du-Du, Dulce like candy
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
That night was a full moon
Be afraid of me
To be so in love,
A sweet smile
Will hurt you
Run away, save
Yourself from me
This love has no end
You already know
Run away, save
Yourself from me
This love has no end
You already know
This love has no end
If you're leaving anyway
How much I have loved you
Until I die, my love
It hurts inside me now
You ached my heart
You had a touch
That night was a full moon
I can't do it now
Don't go my love
No, from us
there is no goodness for each other
Neither from you to me nor
from me to you a benefit
Sometimes silence tells alot of things
If talking is silver
Silence is gold
And sometimes vomiting blood
Relaxes a little
If laughing means friendliness
Then understanding is hostility
If dying is a merit
Then living is regret
She wants it is fuck, hesitate
Alone to break the club
What she wants is fuck, hesitate
Give him until down leg, down without stopping
Being single is fashionable
That's why she doesn't fall in love
Being single is fashionable
That's why she's not going to change
Being single is fashionable
That's why she doesn't fall in love
Being single is fashionable
That's why she's not going to change
That nobody claim her
Phone in airplane mode
She doesn't want that they call her
It doesn't matter that they want her or love her
Hesitate and fuck, those are her plans
And for now that's not going to change
Zero commitment she only wants crash
Because she doesn't want that anyone
Fail her again
Drink and fuck, she's not going to bind
And for now that's not going to change
Zero commitment she only wants crash
Because she doesn't want that anyone
Fail her again
Drink and fuck, she's not going to bind
She wants it is fuck, hesitate
Alone to break the club
What she wants is fuck, hesitate
Give him until down leg, down without stopping
Being single is fashionable
That's why she doesn't fall in love
Being single is fashionable
That's why she's not going to change
Being single is fashionable
That's why she doesn't fall in love
Being single is fashionable
That's why she's not going to change
Turn around that I go at the party
If we don't see each other mom in the afterparty
Stand for the problem, go let yourself see
What we started here
We kill it in the motel
You are loose out there
I am loose for here
Make you Wiki Wiki like Yaviah says
She released the heart, she sacked evil for a walk
Her mind is damaged
There is no one who loves her
Smokes and goes in a transe
She dances dirty, doesn't lose the balance
Toas throw her and they're not within reach
I don't think that she advances in romance
And for now that's not going to change
Zero commitment she only wants crash
Because she doesn't want that anyone
Fail her again
Drink and fuck, she's not going to bind
She wants it is fuck, hesitate
Alone to break the club
What she wants is fuck, hesitate
Give him until down leg, down without stopping
Being single is fashionable
That's why she doesn't fall in love
Being single is fashionable
That's why she's not going to change
Being single is fashionable
That's why she doesn't fall in love
Being single is fashionable
That's why she's not going to change
Turn-turn around
Turn-turn for the party
Party-for the party
Stand for the problem, go let yourself see
Go let-go let yourself see
Yeh Yeh
Chris Jeday
Gaby Music
Tell me Nino
Magic Rhytms
PR in the house
Candy candy, sweet as candy