Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Shanghai Blues

A long time ago
When we didn’t care,
What to drink, how to live and how to be
And time went on hi-fi 1
We sang the Shanghai Blues
When the light, the light of victory
When prior years, said “Hello!”
Well, don’t hold your head down
And remember, remember the Shanghai blues.
Let’s assemble the old choir 2
And play our favorite in A-Major
Then, any year, doesn’t matter
You don’t believe, you play along with me
All of the same Shanghai blues
And then at the table
Somethin’ about the past, bout it and myself, 3
We sing, and we pour, and we pour again.
Don’t let it be tea,
(Let it be) Remembering the Shanghai blues! 4
Shanghai blues, Shanghai blues...
  • 1. High-Fidelity. High-Quality, a time when music was published in higher quality.
  • 2. I went with “assemble” because “collect” just doesn’t fit. Sounds, off. I see it like they’re getting a band back together. This isn’t a quest, you’re not “collecting” the items, you’re “assembling” a choir.
  • 3. Given the bluesy feel, cutting the ‘g’ off was fitting in my opinion. Just my opinion, same goes for chopping the ‘a’ off of “about”. Got a problem, consult my Southern heritage.
  • 4. I’d exclamate this line in the OP, and as an explanation. If you’re not familiar with (*insert text here*) this is where either omitted or assumed lines, words, etc. would go. This is where an important line you should go when the context points to it being there. This isn’t “Let me hurl this in to make the song fit my agenda”, this is for when you know for certain by context what should go there. I just wanted to put it out there, some people will have their definitions and I’ll be happy to discuss. But it is almost certain, given the previous lines, he is saying they’re singing and pouring in their memories of the Shanghai Blues. Also, this is confusing because it can be used to refer to another way of saying something. But usually, you'll see that in the title and only in the title.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

My Love Serves In Riot Cop Squad

My love serves in riot cop squad,
Always carrying long stick,
Saying, he strolls just with ramrod,
But I know he is with chick!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Do not be thief, do not be lazy, do not be liar

Let 1000 years elapse,
let it fall NO into oblivion,
let 1000 years elapse,
let it fall NO into oblivion.
Our Quechua Language
keep it pure,
our Quechua Language
keep it pure.
Do not be thief , do not be lazy (do not steal, do not lie),
do not be liar.
Do not be thief , do not be lazy (do not steal, do not lie),
do not be liar.
Thus, we shall keep alive the language of the Incas!
Thus, we shall keep alive the Inca Tongue!!
We shall keep it alive!!*
We shall not forget it!
We shall keep it alive!!*
We shall not forget it!
The sun is shining down!
Long live! Long live!
The sun is shining down!
Long live! Long live!

Beam of light

I want you see the sunset
when the sun begins falling
and after it the street lamps lit,
the sky ignite and wear pastel tones,
that you have the world at your feet
and also as cloth cap,
that you know how to follow the steps knowing the cost of leaving a mark,
that nothing blinds you unless it be another gaze,
that you arrive, close your eyes, open them and that you see the light of a candel extinguished,
that you put me face and tell me if this voice goes with me,
that you want to fish on the water, the reflection of the full moon,
that you count all the seconds that leaking out a sand clock takes
that you turn a world globe and choose a random destination with your fingertips,
that you see Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Pekin and also Las Vegas,
that you be able to gaze at everywhere as far as the eye can see,
that a flame from a bonfire on the middle of the beach hypnotise you
and it moves as the tides move the waves against the watchtower,
that you raise your eyes to me, your slow eyes
on the point between the soul and the body
closing them with me inside...
I want that we see each other again,
let me see how your eyes look at me,
I want to tell you that if we talk about looking
the eyes are from the personwho makes your eyes shine*.
I want that we see each other again,
let me see how your eyes look at me,
I want to tell you that if we talk about looking
the eyes are from the person who makes your eyes shine*.
I want that we see each other again...
I want you go to the cinema and sit down,
to see on every scene how you get surprised
special effects and that you doubt if they are real,
that you lie down looking up at the sky,
looking for clouds with animal shapes,
comets and shooter stars, fireworks,
that it cloud over and downpour again,
that you blow the eyelash from the finger
and you count with your fingers the seconds
and how many of them separate the lighting from the thunder,*
that you count all the stars and sign them for the firmament,
with the purpose of putting your name to the world
due to it has the colour you want to see,
know that every light is holding a shape,
that you read the most beautiful thing of the world even though it is poor handwriting,
it is not about the eyes, it is about the gaze,
it is not about the gaze but how you look,
it is not about how you look, it is about how you get quiet and tell everything even though you don't talk,
that you be able to see everything,
mainly the most important things
but paradoxically the biggest ones are not able to be seen,
they are able to be seen with the eyes closed, but that is why we close them (the eyes)
when we kiss, cry, dream...
I want that we see each other again,
let me see how your eyes look at me,
I want to tell you that if we talk about looking
the eyes are from the personwho makes your eyes shine*.
I want that we see each other again,
let me see how your eyes look at me,
I want to tell you that if we talk about looking
the eyes are from the person who makes your eyes shine*.
I want that we see each other again... oh oh oh oh

The light of the words

Time has slowed down,
time has escaped,
feet turn into the color
of the earth that they step.
Now no one writes
black over white,
notebooks are burned
beneath the sun of the land that I live in.
So far away like my ****
can they take me away,
they say that my dreams
will die of hunger
You're no one to tell me 'no'
you're no one to tell me 'enough'
you're no one to tell me 'no'
you're no one to attack what I say.
I will continue on and I won't give in
even if my feet want to
with your help1 we will move forward together
a single hand will decide if she dies.
I will try to uncover
the code to your soul
I will try to uncover
the history of your life.
I will try to find reason
behind the words,
show me how to uncover
the light of the words.
I will continue on and I won't give in
even if my feet want to
with your help we will move forward together
a single hand will decide if she dies. [x2]
  • 1. lit. 'hand'
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Umbră neagră

Când mă gândesc că ai plecat
Umbră neagră mă uimeşti
La piciorul noptierei mele
Te întorci şi mă batjocoreşti.
Când îmi imaginez că ai plecat
Chiar şi în lumina soarelui tu mi te arăţi
Şi tu eşti steaua care străluceşte
Şi tu eşti vântul care bate.
Dacă ei cântă, tu eşti cea care cântă
Dacă ei plâng, tu eşti cea care plânge
Şi tu eşti murmurul râului
Şi tu eşti noaptea şi răsăritul.
Tu eşti în toate, şi tu eşti totul
Pentru mine şi în interiorul meu trăieşti(sălăsluieşi)
Şi tu nu o să mă părăseşti niciodată
Umbră ,tu întotdeauna mă uimeşti.

Drenched Blues

My path is through the rain
There's no night, no day - rain.
No grass, no sand - silt,
Down flows river Nile...
Overflow is such
That I forget what's the point,
In my head, there are streams,
River Ganges through courses.
I empty into the sea,
Frequently caught in a storm,
Lighthouses don't glow,
Won't see Atlantis,
And large ships
Are swallowed by the horizon,
And carried into Black Sea.
I'm everywhere and nowhere,
Don't look for me, my dear friend,
On the sand, on the water
Circles of ripples are spread,
But on a faraway star, that's
Hardly visible,
I'll hear your words:
'My path is through the rain
There's no night, no day - rain.
Don't fall silent, no, sing
My unfailing oboe.'
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


The Most Glorious Virgin

The most glorious Virgin,
who reigns spiritually, is jealous of those she loves,
because she doesn't want them to sin.
The most glorious Virgin...
It was in the land of Germany they wanted to renovate
that church, but they moved
the majesty, who was on the altar,
to a portico in the town square.
Therefore, a crowd of boys once arrived there
and played ball. And a young man.

We are planting corn

We are planting corn
We will make chicha when we're done
We will make purple chicha
We will splatter it well
We are planting corn
We will make chicha when we're done
We will make purple chicha
We will splatter it well
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)
We are planting corn
We will make chicha when we're done
We will make purple chicha
We will splatter it well
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)
What corn do you need?
(We want white corn)
I have yellow corn
(We want sweet corn)

Help me in singing

My charango, lets shout out loud
Lets never lower our voice
Lets never be forgotten
My charango, lets shout out loud
Lets never lower our voice
Lets never be forgotten
Men, women and children, help me and sing
With force our songs of protest
We do not want to disappear
Let us scream, protest
For the Joyful Living of our indigenous nations
Women, men and children
Charango, my little bird
Help me in singing
Women, men and children
Charango, my little bird
Help me in singing
Together, lets ask for justice and demand
Respect for our nations
Lets break this silence that we live in
Forever brave and dignified we are
Nations of Tawantinsuyu
Pacha Mama, Mother Earth
I sing for your beautiful flowers
Nations of Tawantinsuyu
Pacha Mama, Mother Earth
I sing for your beautiful flowers
Charango, with you my brother
We will continue on trailblazing through the world
Charango, with you my brother
We will ask respect for our nations

Crystal crear water is life

Chiwanku bird, my little chiwanku, go and pray for rainwater
Saying 'let the downpour', go and ask with your song
Rainwater is life, spring water is sweet
With our labor we will reach the joyful living, we will have water in our home
We will all be able to drink water, always well boiled
Crystal clear water is true life, so there is no sickness
Let’s take good care of the water so there may never be scarcity
So that our rivers and lakes forever remain clean


As it came, it disappeared
Even today that morning lives inside me
Will there be a new, another?
or will the iceberg sank me?
How many days are left?
How many years on the laps of fire-eyed passion
Until it comes again
and i feel it again that i exist
Might be illusion
but it makes me fly above the mountains
might be illusion
but i follow it, i do
In my dream
You found me every night
might be illusion
but i follow it, i do
Wind carries me far away
there's no calm to my heart
there's only the trip and the passion
like in two thousand-something
Tear, problem, everything washes away in summer's rains
i don't need anything else, just sunlight and air
Might be illusion
but it makes me fly above the mountains
might be illusion
but i follow it, i do
In my dream
You found me every night
might be illusion
but i follow it, i do
I know I have already seen you somewhere
and my heart races for you
might be i don't know you yet
but my morrow is yours
and there was never something, called love
might be illusion
but i search for it, i do
in my dreams
every night you found me
might be illusion
but i follow it, i do
What is gone, is gone
Even I can get home someday


Like every time you'll look at me out of the window
come out and dip your feet into this mud
it's useless to wait
for something to light in us the wish to react
Revolution with hands inside empty pockets
where I'll find my courage again
Revolution because living doesn't mean
slowly dying
Like every time I'll be for you 2+2 5
this means you can see me the way you want
it's useless to wait
for something to light in us the wish to react
Revolution with hands inside empty pockets
where I'll find my courage again
Revolution because living doesn't mean
slowly dying
Revolution for that future I don't have
for all the burning books
Revolution to breathe life into another world
where I don't have to feel alone anymore
never alone, never alone...
Even this time you'll look at me out of the window
come out and dip your feet into this mud
it's beautiful.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The solution

It was you
Among all those people
It was you
With that important attitude
It was you
Who melted my sky full of kites
And turned the city full of walls into poetry
It was you
That night when we got lost
In a thousand phases, setbacks and adversities
Would you ever recognize me
With the eyes you have now
And even today I'll postpone to tomorrow
In order not to think about you any longer
But don't believe those who say
This time made us end up losing
Don't believe them
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
And I'm searching for new horizons
In this summer night
Some cold is needed
I leave my fears to a gust of wind
To cover your shoulders just with my silence
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Destinations
But it's still you
The solution
It was you
That night when we wondered
Whether it had to end where all moments end
Anyway you already know
That you'll keep them
And even today I'll postpone to tomorrow
In order not to think about you any longer
But don't believe those who say
This fire will become ash
Just don't believe them
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
And I'm searching for new horizons
In this summer night
Some cold is needed
I leave my fears to a gust of wind
To cover your shoulders just with my silence
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Destinations
But it's still you
The solution
With the red eyes of one who's run too much
Or maybe cried too much, I can't remember
But your memory I'm holding tight
Is my tomorrow
I'm leaving a past full of ghosts
With my future ahead
But in this summer night
Life's how it's supposed to be
I leave my fears
On the shoulders of time
And rewriting our sky in the dark in a different way
And I can't distinguish anymore
Horizons, Universes, Dimensions
But it's still you
The solution
The solution
The solution
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Bless your light

Versions: #5
Bless the place and the reason to be there,
Bless the coincidence
Bless your clock which took us there at the nick of time
Bless your presence
Blessed be God for putting us in each other's path
And for removing this loneliness from my fate
Bless the light, bless the light of your gaze,
Bless the light, bless the light of your gaze,
From the soul
Blessed eyes which avoid me
Faking that they were ignoring me
And suddenly, you hold your gaze
Bless God for finding us on the path,
And taking away this loneliness from my destiny
Bless the light, blessed the light of your gaze,
Bless the light, blessed the light of your gaze, oh
Divine glory which gave me luck
And I found you, just there in the middle of the way
Glory to the heavens for finding you now
For taking away my loneliness, and for being part of my fate
In the same fate
Bless the light, bless the light of your gaze,
Bless the light, bless the light of your gaze,
Blessed look,
Bless look from the soul, your look,
Bless, bless, blessed look,
Bless your soul and bless your light
Your glance oh, oh, oh
I say, so blessed your light is, love, love
Bless the clock, and bless the place
Bless your kisses near the sea
And your glance, love, love
So bless your glance, your glance, love


Sometimes I still call for you
when the rain falls on snow
because only I know that water
warm water melts ice
Sometimes I dream of you in the dark
when all thoughts turn dark
noone can discover
our traces in the air
I put my heart onto your palm
like in a cartoon
and you still love me
like a child in kindergarden
And I ask you in my dream
if you're still there
and you tell me: you know
I will always be the one
Who gives a fuck about illusions
and failed marriages
we got the blue sea
and our crabs
And we love north and south
and heels on the asphalt
and we kiss east and west
and the heart in the stone
I act like I don't hear you
like a fool I listen
Sex and the City is messing with me
but I love you
REF 4x

Over the Puddles

You can jump over puddles,
I can too, and not worse...
But where should I find a puddle in this desolate city, 1
And for it to also be deep?!
You're able to see through clouds,
I'm also able and quite cooler,
But there ain't a single cloud in the hateful horizon.
Oh! How unlucky am I after all!
You live in a turbulent current,
I live facing you,
If you were to be Saturn,
I'd become your ring!
You can move boulders with your sight,
I gave it a try, but I'm hopeless!
All of my achievements - are this tilted roof,
Which is just enough for me for now.
You're flying over the Louvre and Nevsky,
I would've too, but I don't have with whom,
I'll sit and listen, how the wind is raising waves
On my holey curtains.
You wander a heavenly path,
I wander a simple one...
If you were to be a bride,
I'd become your veil!
You're sick with thoughts of the eternal,
I'm sick with the question, where should we lie?
To answer at once all these timeless questions 2
In this evil and heartless world.
You're an expert of Kant and Socrates,
I'm an expert with a crane and a jack. 3
We'll unite and rise to the beginnings,
And the ark will reach Ararat!!!
From love enervated,
I came up with this hymn,
If you were to be another,
I would be another too,
I would become another too.
  • 1. A play on words, desolate also means 'of the desert' in Russian.
  • 2. He uses a rarer word, that sounds similar.
  • 3. The sentences sound very similar in Russian.

The revolution will not pass on TV

A lie told to feel great
A hand that searches my heart in my underwear
A night with dreams wrapped up in newspapers
A shepherd with vacation paid by his dogs
You fucked your future just for him it was a game
And he wants you secretary to touch your ass a little bit
And he wants you with sleep on you to tell you a whore
And he wants you at the switchboard to not talk to himself
They said life, life, life
It is to pay the debts that the rich do
And wait for the rest, too, the rest kicked in the ass
And they told you that they are called profits
They said a young man is like Christmas:
Either it is every day or it never is
Choose to grow old, lose yourself with style
Or steal from whom you sell
And if you have all this desire to run away
And not even a place like you want
Give me a kiss that out there is the revolution that will not go on TV
And she looks for the vein that grows the fair after work
A shot at the seed bank and one at the blow and away
Shrewd girls look for gasoline for self-irony
While businessmen burn the office of revenue
And where they came to enjoy, now children come out
All with the same shoes and a petulant voice
All to say the prayers like those who do not believe in anything
Hell is heaven before people come
And one day a month all ready to clap
On shields for shields with disfigured faces
Load, load until we are alone
As long as you are alone to the point that you kill yourself
An electoral promise to give you back the time
A love beaten by the intoxication of the moment
Three minutes to sing, a life to die
A room in three to fuck in a world to change
They said a young man is like Christmas:
Either it is every day or it never is
Choose to grow old, lose yourself with style
Or steal from whom you sell
And if you have all this desire to run away
And not even a place like you say
Give me a kiss that out is the revolution that will not go on TV


Versions: #2
How can I wake up in the morning and be trustful?
How can I switch off the pain of an old burning wound?
Where can I found the strenght to get up after a fall?
How can I love my father if I never met him?
How can I explain something to someone if I don't know who I am
How can I recognize the bad one and good one?
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
How can I find the way if I'm already lost in the wood
How can I feel comfortable with strangers
What kind of value am I giving to the future If I'm late
How can a man's past be within his eyes
I need solutions solutions for the things I don't know
Solutions solutions solutions
Solutions solutions for everything I don't have
To breath, to sink
I'll answer, will anyone answer to all my pain
How can I be careless if someone insult me
It's a coward who attack first or who defend itself?
Where can I find 100 euros every morning without working too hard
How can i say 'I love you' when all I want to say is 'Fuck off'
I need solutions solutions for the things I don't know
Solutions solutions solutions
Solutions solutions for everything I don't have
To breath, to sink
I'll answer, will anyone answer to all my pain
To breath, to sink
I'll answer, will anyone answer to all my pain
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
We're losing losing losing losing ourselves in small talks
I need solutions solutions for the things I don't know
Solutions solutions solutions
Solutions ...


The meteorological center reported at lunch:
“There won't be good weather, good weather is no more.” 1
I called “09”,2they reported me what’s the time,
I don’t believe them, not the fuck, not the fuck.
And in the news again, all lie,
just like little children.
I need the newspaper only,
when I’m in the toilet.
  • 1. A play on words. I tried to keep the it Russian way. Normally it should be translated as “Weather will be bad, weather is bad.”
  • 2. Telephone number of information center of Moscow City Telephone Network.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Slavery of Illusions

In the land of my father I lived like alien
Not esteeming the saints or the demons.
I went through a wind and broke through all,
I was looking for people of freedom.
And I never was a slave of sweet illusions.
My parents worship God and Satan,
For they need a Master to live.
In this land everyone built a prison of own,
They believe that the king can’t deceive.
But I never was a slave of sweet illusions.
But I never was a slave of sweet illusions
High on the hills
I see so near
How three eagles hover in the sky.
We call them Honour,
Mind and the Calmness –
neither Evil nor Good could be find.
Come up the hills
And you’ll see so near
How three eagles fly greeting you.
We call them Honour,
Mind and the Calmness –
Nothing more could be find
In the bright cold height,
Neither Evil nor Good.
I was condemned and I was laughed at
And the old men spit watching me.
My friends often spoke of crown of thorns
Foreseeing my life full of grief.
But I never was a slave of sweet illusions
So even if life will come soon to the end,
And none put a cross on my grave.
I still will be free, unexplained and strange
For the havens are empty and sad.
And I’ll never be a slave of sweet illusions
And I’ll never be a slave of sweet illusions
High on the hills
I see so near
How three eagles hover in the sky.
We call them Honour,
Mind and the Calmness –
neither Evil nor Good would be find.
Come up the hills
And you’ll see so near
How three eagles fly greeting you.
We call them Honour,
Mind and the Calmness –
Nothing more could be find
In the bright cold height,
Neither Evil nor Good.

The Andalusian

Ay, Andalusian of dark skin
Mane against the wind, worried look
Where will you go without hiding your sadness?
What do you go on searching for, that your sorrow is quelled?
What can I have, within you, that hurts so much?
That bad man that I so much loved
He went away to give himself to another woman, another woman.
And the Andalusian, bites her lips
For not crying, for not being able to avenge [the] deception.
All the nights [in which] I loved
All the passion that gave him
What I stopped living
When my life was he...
Each word of love,
Each caress on your skin
Each smile, each moment
For between your arms I dreamed
For between your arms I dreamed...
Ay, Andalusian of dark skin,
Mane against the wind, worried look
Like a dagger, stuck in you, beauty
It doesn't shine so much, the light of a star
You need to keep that passion that so much burns
One morning another man will come
Sea breeze where you are, where you are...
Two black eyes, they squint and dream
Today the full moon will again smile


Girl, whoever laughs can laugh all they want
Life is not a game
Girl, of closeness and distance
Remember, girl.
Girl, what is sweeter than honey
Only your desired heart.
Girl, what is more stormy than an excited heart?
Tell me, girl.
All of my days are for you,
I will give you everything.
Don't tell me to leave.
Come, come and see, girl,
All of my days are for you,
I will give you everything.
Girl, how another love has passed,
Tell me, tell me baffled.
Girl, no one has ever found a girl like you,
Only I did, girl.
Girl, I don't know if this is a dream,
How did you get this far?
Girl, you are a diamond upon my heart,
Always, girl.
All of my days are for you...

Un an de iubire...

Totul s-a terminat între noi,
Și vei regreta, după ce ai pus capăt
Un an de iubire...
Dacă pleci, acum
În curând vei descoperi
Că zilele sunt eterne și goale fără mine.
Iar noaptea, iar noaptea
Dacă nu te simți singur
Îți vei aminti, de vremurile noastre fericite
Îți vei aminti, de gustul sărutărilor mele
Şi vei intelege într-o singură clipă
Ce-nseamnă un an de iubire.
Te-ai gândit vreodată?
Ce se va întâmpla,
Tot ceea ce pierdem
şi ceea ce va trebui să suferi,
dacă acum TU vei pleca.
Nu vei primi
Clipele fericite în care te-am făcut să trăiești.
Iar noaptea, iar noaptea
Dacă nu te simți singur
Îți vei aminti, de vremurile noastre fericite
Îți vei aminti, de gustul sărutărilor mele
Şi vei intelege într-o singură clipă
Ce-nseamnă un an de iubire.
Şi vei intelege într-o singură clipă
Ce-nseamnă un an de iubire.
Dana Kósa

Light and shade

I know they have told you that I'm good for nothing, good for nothing,
that I only live for the whims of your heart.
If I don't ask anyone, and to no one I beg, who cares about it?
Who cares whether I live or die because of this pasion?
Whoever knows about love, should be quiet and understand
to leave me alone, suffering in silence my love pains.
If I am happy having you near,
who cares if you are light and shade of my heart,
if you are light and shade of my heart?
Whoever knows about love, should be quiet and understand
to leave me alone, suffering in silence my love pains.
If I am happy having you near,
who cares if you are light and shade of my heart,
if you are light and shade of my heart?

Light Years

Versions: #3
Come trust in me
We don't have to leave out
To do later
What you want right now
It's the instinct
Let it rock you
Heaven is for people who believes
And not for the ones who doubts
I'm a vulcano
In eruption
Come to your senses
Curtains up
Camera, action!
To wait
It is a sea
That I still don't know how
To sail
Don't stay
Light years
I'm already decided
And I want to know if you are
Come trust in me
There is no margin of error
Let that in my skin
Glow your sweat
What are you waiting for?
It's almost early in the morning
My zipper
It is not electrified
Don't have any regards
Come to senses
Curtains up
Camera, action
[Chorus Repeat]
I will go up to your back
Like the climbing plant to the wall
When the moon kisses the sand
No one looks at us this night is ours
There will be no witnesses, there will be no evidence
It is just you and your conscience
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Don't have any regards
Come to senses
Curtains up
Camera, action
[Chorus Repeat]

Y.N.S.M.T. (You never soothe my thirst)

Another life spent waiting for others, dreamed dreams
broken hearts, many sounds and how many cryings
if I live day by day and now I wait for those moments
a scent on the sheets, bossy memories
and of the two of us I miss even the screams and the laments
I wait for the wind to blow on the pen, my reasonings
turned off headlights in parking lots and things of other times
ambiguous movements made as slow twitches
And who knows what will happen now
if we won't see each other, if I will still miss you
it's already the second episode, another day goes by
in nights of dreams, looking what time it is
half past five a.m. and we don't sleep, the light's outside
and among the market stalls in my city you can hear chants
nothing has changed, it's all like I left it
and I miss you, even when the groove plays I think of you
Look how immense the sea is
sleepless nights spent waiting
you are like salt, you burn in my eyes
I feel your emotions on my skin
I can't forget
you are like water that flows and never soothes my thirst
No, you were not what I was expecting
(the echo of your name is noisy and travels slowly)
I walk on the shore and look at my shirt
from Mykonos to Ibiza, a party with pizza
and then you are not yourself anymore
and what has been doesn't matter anymore
in my mind a thousand events, I look for you all around the nation
I could tell your color from a thousand others
Look how immense the sea is
sleepless nights spent waiting
you are like salt, you burn in my eyes
I can't forget
you are like water that flows and never soothes my thirst
Do you remember that evening we were watching the sea
a song on the radio, watching the landscape
the moon was shining upon us and now you're not here anymore
this blurred memories, hand in hand
and I can't tell you what I don't know
if I see you I expect you not to make any mistake, no
already the second episode, another day goes by...
Look how immense the sea is
sleepless nights spent waiting
you are like salt, you burn in my eyes
I feel your emotions on my skin
I can't forget
you are like water, you flow and never soothe my thirst
And who knows what will happen now
if we won't see each other, if I will still miss you
(never never never)
already the second episode, another day goes by
in nights of dreams, looking what time it is
(you never soothe my thirst)
and who knows what will happen now
if we won't see each other, if I will still miss you
(never never never)
already the second episode, another day goes by
in nights of dreams, looking what time it is
(you never soothe my thirst)


He was late to you, but the reason
Probably wasn't the heavy traffic of the huge city
Please come down from your dreams - life is down here, on earth
And the weather forecasts are predicting a thunderstorm...
Don't scream about love from advertisement panels
Don't divide the indivisible in half
Liik: the battle of the heart is lost
You've chosen this yourself
He is your illusion
He is insomnia
This story won't end
If it doesn't begin
You're not his love
Nor his lover
This story won't end
If it doesn't begin
The storm clouds look like grapes
They are waiting for somebody to pick them off the sky
He will forget to call you
And the day will turn into night all the same
Please come down from your dreams - life is down here, on earth
The pain will go away, don't taste the tears
Learn this by heart: grief is not a disaster
And it's not forever
[Chorus x2]
He is your illusion
He is insomnia
This story won't end
If it doesn't begin
You're not his love
Nor his lover
This story won't end
If it doesn't begin
He is your illusion...
He is your illusion
He is insomnia
This story won't end
If it doesn't begin
It won't end...

Lull me

Like sand between fingers
Against the clock, is my life
Waiting for the daylight
That comes time to go back
As nothing it was
Like the instant the present
I'll look for you in every plaintive breath
As if it was love
But more intense of the pain
Less fragile to understand
The the wait drives crazy
If only a moment is left
If i feel empty inside
Protect me!
Lull me tonight
'Cause I need you
'Cause if all changes, I won't
I won't change.
Now lull me
Even if you won't be
Here with me when I'll wake up
Hug me even more and more
Like a sudden dawn
Like the salt on my face
When you love, it hurts more
Even only to breath
If you don't feel his warmth
On then skin inside your heart
You'll search him in every plaintive breath
Lull me tonight
'Cause I need you
'Cause if all changes, I won't
I won't change
Now lull me
Even if you won't be
Here with me when I'll wake up
Hug me even more and more
And again, tomorrow I'll try again
To get up and fall, to get up and understand
That maybe it isn't worth to escape far away
If you travel with your heart chained to a man
Lull me tonight
'Cause I need you
'Cause if all changes, I won't
I won't change
Now lull me
Even if you won't be
Here with me when I'll wake up
Caress me again
Like sand between fingers
Against the clock, is my life
Like water searches the sea
You'll be with me

The longest night

Hey, all night I was standing at the seashore,
About you, my beloved, the waves were talking with me,
Hey, they were asking me why you were not there
And I couldn't answer 'cause even I don't know.
Hey, puzzled moon in the shape of a question mark,
tossed by a sad wave, was bowing to me.
I remember your carefree laughter
When it sounded here together with mine.
Why doesn't the seashore
see us together anymore now?
Hey, all night I was standing at the seashore,
Silvery-white stars were asking me about you,
Hey, where are you and your colourful dress
And I couldn't reply a single word.
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you,
This was perhaps the longest night of all nights.
A distant voice, a shadow near,
A quiet rhythm of belated footsteps
Were waking me up until dawn
Telling me that you were coming to me.
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you,
This was perhaps the longest night of all nights,
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you,
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you.

Nicholas Walked through the Meadow, Carefully

Nicholas walked through the meadow, carefully,
St. Nicholas with an enchanting bag,
Greeting all the children from house to house,
Nicholas came with an enchanting bag.
Greeting all the children from house to house,
Nicholas came with an enchanting bag.
Open up the door - Nicholas has come,
He comes blessing the Ukrainian nation
Perish will the ruins, our mother - Ukraine
Will flourish and bloom from region to region.
Perish will the ruins, our mother - Ukraine
Will flourish and bloom from region to region.
Already St. Nicholas is at your house
You will gladly greeteet him with a respectful bow.
Let the joyous songs ring out into the town,
to your liking do choose your gifts!
Let the joyous songs ring out into the town,
to your liking do choose your gifts!

Nicholas Walked through Meadow, Carefully,

Nicholas walked through meadow, carefully,
St. Nicholas with an enchanting bag,
Greeting all the children from house to house,
Nicholas came with an enchanting bag.
Greeting all the children from house to house,
Nicholas came with an enchanting bag.
Open up the door - Nicholas has come,
He comes blessing the Ukrainian nation.
Perish will the ruins, our mother - Ukraine
Will flourish and bloom from region to region.
Perish will the ruins, our mother - Ukraine
Will flourish and bloom from region to region.
Already St. Nicholas is at your house
You will gladly greet him with a respectful bow.
Let the joyous songs ring out into the town,
to your liking do choose your gifts!
Let the joyous songs ring out into the town,
to your liking do choose your gifts!,