Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 173


Donbas is with us

In the deep darkness, a beast awoke,
And to the God, the price was named,
Everyone bowed down, even brothers in Christ,
Everyone bowed down, but not my country.
The year was graceful and fruitful,
And with blood and death it was painted,
The lead filled clouds overtook the skies,
Everything bowed down, but not my country.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
Here the memory never gave up on our fathers,
We never gave up on our forefathers lands,
Not for any price will you find the words,
To give a life for fatherland is nothing.
And once again the Russian power is at hand,
Both life and death, for our country are red,
It stands and holds the heavenly clouds,
My undefeated county.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!
May be it that you die on the cross,
But on our knees we shall not be thrown,
On the bloody battlefield, one is for all,
Holds and keeps the heavenly clouds Donbas.
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Donbas is with us,
And so is God!
Half of the sky is aflame,
Half of the sky in smog,
Russia is with us,
And so is God!

This clay bird

This clay bird
is actually me.
Angels have a habit
to start a song.
In the rhythm of rain and snow
to start a song,
and then with a running start
to throw me against the wall.
But colorful fragments -
rubbish, trash and fumes -
didn't get silent and are not silent
and will not get silent.
Angels have a habit
to sing and then stop.
But, fragile like frost,
the spirit is breathing in the cold clay,
whistling - and is not getting tired.

Having not learned anything

Having not learned anything
but having received the gift as a gift
I will share it as a gift as well.
Slightly obsessive motive
is pulling the string:
having taken the gift as a gift,
I will not hide it in the bag.
Given as a gift, this gift,
only this one,
in the midst of the blazing heat
and among non-melting ice floes.

The larks have arrived

The larks have arrived,
the larks.
Old herbs in the bed
are rusty and broken.
Old herbs make a litter
for a new weed,
like Palestinian sandstone does
for our Easter.

And suffered, and was buried

And He suffered and for a moment
doubted: just like us.
So the Incarnation
is not a concept, an opinion
or an idea

Oh bee, the bee, what for and why

Oh bee, the bee, what for and why
Is it not for me that you turn poison into honey

Don't go farther than the forest

Don't go farther than the forest,
Don't look for a ford in the river,
Here is the clearing, the country road and the bridge.
Only the poor imp
Constantly seeks to plunge into the water
Relying on his tail as on a steering wheel.
But for you, not for an imp,
There's no interest in this,
So clap and stomp on the bridge
With no shyness for your walk,
But having reached its middle,
Look up from depth to height.

No words needed

No words needed. No words?
But where to put them?
Put them into suitcase's belly,
Deeper under the bed.
No sighs and exhales needed,
No ah and oh

Poor fly into amber

Poor fly into amber
accidentally flew.
Orwellian tear-off calendar
has met its limit.
Poor fly in the amber
can't breathe and can't tremble.
And on a bunk in January
it's hard to turn in tightness.
Flame licks Orwell's book
in a quiet stove.
The poor fly sings
but no one hears her.

We were children

And we - we were children
and got caught into nets,
traps and snares.
And to us - under a lamp with a book,
with armpit thermometer -
moths flew.
And someday they will ask us,
where the wind takes us,
where we are rushing
at full speed. 'Chasing',
'sorcerers' and 'bastards'...
And yet, where should we go?

Having swallowed ninety grievances

Having swallowed ninety grievances
I will say unequivocally:
if a mouse is sleeping behind the stove
then happiness is possible.
If 'Sleep-my-joy-sleep' song is flowing,
then it was not splashed out,
the one that paints days happy,
the silvery drop.


Every step you take
I want to take it with you
I carry your trace on my skin
It has already marked my way
With you in my life everything
Feels different to me
When I have you by my side
You make me feel stronger
It would be so beautiful
If time stopped
To kiss your body
To kiss your body
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
To have you very close
Sitting by my side
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
To have you very close
Sitting by my side
The kisses you give me
Tasted different yesterday
And now I have to tell you
That I cannot be without seeing you
And in so little time
It has become so strong
That makes me face the consequences
And be bold
It would be so beautiful
If time stopped
And to kiss your body
Your body
So beautiful
If time stopped
To slowly kiss
Every nook of your body
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
To have you very close
Sitting by my side
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
To have you very close
Sitting by my side
Let me tell you
I want to love you
And give myself every day
To keep this love of ours
With lively caress
With lively caress
Let me tell you
I want to love you
And give myself and every day
To keep this love of ours
With lively caress
With lively caress
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
To have you very close
Sitting by my side
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
To have you very close
Sitting by my side
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
And to sit by your side
If I sensed the scent
Nothing would comfort me
Only a kiss from you
To have you very close
Sitting by my side

Who's here?

Who's here? Who's here? Who's here?
I don't know who he is.
Who the shadow in this corner belongs to?
Who looks at me?
How did he get here?
Why does he need me?
A rustle of his attire chills the soul of mine.
I hear a scary and terrifying noise in the silence.
He approaches, holds out his hands.
My heart beats like a tiny bird in my chest.
I can't take a breath, I'm too frightened to move.


'I'll be back,' said the soldier
Wait for me and he left house quickly
The rain pouring on the eyes, he spread people, evil and good
Show me the enemy and so i will shoot at once
I did not want to kill but there is no hope of a miracle
Oh, oh, the enemy is trembling
Oh, oh ...
An young soldier holds a machine gun in his hands
There were tears in his girls eyes, she stayed at home

Warm winter

In the window, embraced by shadow
A candle lights up
I will meet you today
At the border of all beginnings
Each year, breathing the frosty air
We carry our own gifts
Straight from heart to heart
Warming ourselves till spring
And let the winds call
Change and lead
But I remember your warm light
Of a snowbound lighthouse
I want to look at you
Though we're far apart for now
Our feelings, our faith
Will lead us by the hand
Do what you haven't done
Don't leave your hands empty
Preserve the light for a long time
Hold on to the warmth of fire
In my bittersweet songs
There's plenty of room for you
And let the winds call
Change and lead
But I remember your warm light
Of a snowbound lighthouse
I want to look at you
Though we're far apart for now
But I remember your warm light
Of a snowbound lighthouse
I want to warm myself in your embrace
Though we're far apart for now

Sunny Outcast

Rain and snow create a sound.
A knocking after me rings out.
Drips of purity.
A long run resurrects the spirit.
Hearing awakens my tired years.
A festival and dreams.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Darkness and light - an endless fight
Of all planets, and there are no limits.
But there is a path.
To go that way only, only.
But in darkness I am helped by my
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.
Sunny outcast.
Fiery home.
Rainbowy chime.
Sunny outcast.

Start Everything from the Start

A day comes, when you will see all
Your past is nearly out of sight,
When an unsolicited call
Will catch you unawares at night.
Come on, start everything from the start,
Gladly come into a new day.
Although a little weary of heart
Leave behind the grief and gray.
A day comes, when dreams so bright,
Become but an illusive thought,
Having made it to the height,
You suddenly see, you're worth naught.
Come on, start everything from the start,
Gladly come into a new day.
Although a little weary of heart
Leave behind the grief and gray.
Come on, start everything from the start,
Gladly come into a new day.
Although a little weary of heart
Leave behind the grief and gray.


Til death takes you
Til death takes me
It's our vow
Sealed with words
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
To make us happy
To free us
These four letters1
Invite us to live
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Do you want her2?
The one who is eternally fluttering?
Can you love her3?
This strong yet weak woman?
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
You'll never hurt her, right?
The one who was vulnerable from the beginning
Can you love her?
The one who sometimes goes crazy?
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
I say yes to that
Who is my new self
I say yes to that
Who says yes to herself4
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - I've uttered
Yes! - This is what I've said
Yes! - when you cry
Yes! - when you're afraid
It should be a yes
What you experience
Yes, you can
Easily you can
Say yes to it
Yes! - when it's good
Yes! - when it's painful
When you stand in front of yourself
You should be thinking yes
Yes, you can
Easily you can
Say yes to it
The 'til death do us part' is genuine
That's how I stand in front of the mirror
I vow with a yes
And I become one with myself
  • 1. 'Igen' (yes) consist of four letters.
  • 2. Or 'him'. The 3rd person pronoun isn't gender specific in Hungarian.
  • 3. I assume it's a 'her' because the word 'woman' is used in the following line.
  • 4. Or 'himself'.

A Summer Night’s Dream

I couldn't sleep for long yesterday.
I got up, opened the window...
The quiet night tormented me and burned me,
intoxicated by the scent of flowers
Only suddenly, bushes rustled under the window,
I flung it open, the curtain rustling.
Then a young man flew in to me, his face bright
as if by moonlight.
The doors to my room were opened,
their columns opening behind them


Iubind, vei intra sub cuțit neanesteziat,
Inimile noastre nu cunosc limite.
Sufletul tău de răni va fi brăzdat,
Ca spatele unui vâslaș la galeră.
Emoțiile dorm neliniștite, doar cheamă-le,
Gheața calmului tău e subțire și fragilă,
Dar dacă ai ajuns la „Avalanșa iubirii”,
Fii gata să numeri rămășițele.
Ca o avalanșă asupra vieții tale
Anul s-a prăbușit, zdrobind speranțe.
Printr-o greșeală ireparabilă,
Ultima dragoste, măturând totul, va veni.
Ca un frate și o soră, frigul și flacăra
Te vor îmbrățișa, înțepând dureros,
Iar de dimineață vei aștepta cu groază despărțirea
Și roagă-te să-ți fi rămas destul.
Viu vei fi, dar și mort, fără vin te vei îmbăta,
Sentimentele noastre se joacă cu noi.
Focul se va stinge, dar o singură scânteie
Va rămâne, și flacăra va reizbucni apoi.
Ca o avalanșă asupra vieții tale
Anul s-a prăbușit, zdrobind speranțe.
Printr-o greșeală ireparabilă,
Ultima dragoste, măturând totul, va veni.
A fugi de dragoste este ca a urca pe stâncă,
Depui atât de mult efort, și totuși
Cu cât urci mai sus, cu atât vei aluneca la pământ
Mai repede, jupuindu-ți pielea.
Respirând căldura în ger, zăpada pe caniculă,
O să lași în urmă tot ce-a însemnat un țărm,
Și, după ce-ai pierdut deja, tot vei mai juca,
Mizând totul pe o carte.
Ca o avalanșă asupra vieții tale
Anul s-a prăbușit, zdrobind speranțe.
Printr-o greșeală ireparabilă,
Ultima dragoste, măturând totul, va veni.
Printr-o greșeală ireparabilă,
Ultima dragoste, măturând totul, va veni.
Printr-o greșeală ireparabilă,
Ultima dragoste, măturând totul, va veni.

The heart of peace

The world is crumbling, and I am motionless,
No screams are heard in the roar,
Panic engulfed the roads
Blood gods rise from the sea.
Chaos is dancing around me
I'm beholding it through fatigue
Does it make sense to make movements?
I better sing to relieve tension.
I don't worry anymore
Because I am the North Pole.
The heart of peace.
I'm holding the sky, I'm not worrying
Even if it shattered too,
I am the heart of peace
Faster than a flaming train
I'm flying down a slope, standing still,
I have my own speed. (end of chorus)
Read this story with me,
If your ouroboros  
Turu-tu, turu-tu
I invite you to a white dance
Don't be afraid, darling - I'm not biting
I invite you to a white dance
You try to deny me
I invite you to a white dance
Don't be afraid, darling - I'm not biting
I invite you to the dance
A life-long dance
The dance lasts three minutes
And then, when the morning comes
All fantasies as if
The birds will fly away
In the meantime, dark wine and evening
Hug me tighter
This little Eternity
I will not give it to anyone
I invite you to a white dance
Don't be afraid, darling - I'm not biting
I invite you to a white dance
You try to deny me
I invite you to a white dance
Don't be afraid, darling - I'm not biting
I invite you to the dance
A life-long dance
In the meantime, dark wine and evening
Hug me tighter
This little Eternity
I will not give it to anyone
I invite you to a white dance
Don't be afraid, darling - I'm not biting
I invite you to a white dance
You try to deny me
I invite you to a white dance
Don't be afraid, darling - I'm not biting
I invite you to the dance
A life-long dance

I Cant Period

How Well Are You Flying,My Bird If You Could Know My Troubles Take My Greetings Im Too Late My Light Cant Turn Back Take My Greetings Im Too Late My Light Cant Turn Back Im Curious Like A Bird Is There Andbody Like Me? Im Sitting So Dead Im Too Late My Light Cant Turn Back Im Sitting So Dead Im Too Late My Light Cant Turn Back My Fly Bird Beyond The Sea See What Hes Doing Secretly Say Im Crying Until The Sun Comes Up Im Too Late My Light Cant Turn Back Say Im Crying Until The Sun Comes Up Im Too Late My Light Cant Turn Back


Drunken dream, drunken dream
Is like oblivion, like death
After it - Alzheimer
Awakening up is worse than dying
Past our window
Cars carry techno-dance
And from our window there is a
Superb view of the CHP
Superb view of the CHP
Superb view of the CHP
And in the evenings we chill-chill
And then so f*cked up in the morning
Superb view of the CHP
Superb view of the CHP
Who did I look like?
Ghost - neither gives nor takes
Well, well, patience
From fun is not the first to die
Past our window
Cars carry techno-dance
And from our window there is a
Superb view of the CHP
Superb view of the CHP
Superb view of the CHP
And in the evenings we chill-chill
And then so f*cked up in the morning

Oh My Fool

If you could wrap me in your arms and get me under your wings
If you could stand your ground against me
If you could make a life out of what you were dealt
I asked, I said please, if only you could understand
If only you could have acted as if you understood
As if you knew what I was thinking, if you could do what I liked
I'm upset with you, very much so, I'm hurt
You're the guy who makes a scene, oh my fool
I'm upset with you, very much so, I'm hurt
You're the guy who makes a scene, oh my fool
If you could wrap me in your arms and get me under your wings
If you could stand your ground against me
If you could make a life out of what you were dealt
I asked, I said please, if only you could understand
If only you could have acted as if you understood
As if you knew what I was thinking, if you could do what I liked
I'm upset with you, very much so, I'm hurt
You're the guy who makes a scene, oh my fool
I'm upset with you, very much so, I'm hurt
You're the guy who makes a scene, oh my fool
I'm upset with you, very much so, I'm hurt
You're the guy who makes a scene, oh my fool


O night! Turn sadness into happiness
And make it pleasant wherever we are
Make the heartbroken happy
O night! We stay awake and live
Tell the day not to come
O night! Entertain us
O our night...come tonight
That we wake up on this beautiful night
Let us stay like this (happy)
That tonight is a sweet night
And this is the truth, O world
That is the wish of our hearts
In these days full of greed
The nights of beauty be like this night ( be more and more)
Tonight! At any hour of life
Think of this anecdote
Many years come and go
Tonight is one of the longest nights (of those years)
I feel safe
So let's live ( this tonight)

O picătură de oxigen

Asta este un zbor cu gravitație zero către tine,
Inima mea se accelerează din nou,
Cosmosul meu, ploaia mea de stele,
Doar am nevoie de privirea ta,
Ține-mă în brațe cu tandrețe liniștită,
Umple-mi visele cu seninătate,
Două inimi bat la unison,
Trebuie doar să facem pasul,
Ține-mă strâns
Tu și cu mine mergem în direcția opusă,
O picătură de oxigen pe buzele,
Stelele se reflectă în ochii noștri,
Ține-mă strâns
Tu și cu mine mergem în direcția opusă,
Sentimentele intră direct în sânge,
Totul este dragoste, dragostea mea.
Și noi amândoi suntem în gravitație zero,
Citește povestea despre noi,
Aerul meu, cascada mea,
Acum nu ne mai putem întoarce înapoi,
Ține-mă în brațe cu tandrețe liniștită,
Umple-mi visele cu seninătate,
În spatele mantiei ploii,
Să știi că sunt cu tine pentru totdeauna.
Ține-mă strâns
Tu și cu mine mergem în direcția opusă,
O picătură de oxigen pe buzele,
Stelele se reflectă în ochii noștri,
Ține-mă strâns
Tu și cu mine mergem în direcția opusă,
Sentimentele intră direct în sânge,
Totul este dragoste, dragostea mea.

Give women flowers

Give women flowers, sweet stuff,
Perfume, knick-knacks, tigh fitting dresses…
And if your finances are tough,
Give women hope and many blessings.