Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 45


Early Spring

Versions: #1
I don't take for granted
any of what I have,
not even the slightest shiver, not now.
There's more oxygen
in my perimeter.
It's a symptom
plain as day.
I confess you're the main cause
now inside me
of everything good in there.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
you're early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the proof that
shows the effect you have on me
Our self-portrait
now... can't be without you.
It's a reciprocal
Because of this, air changes in my lungs.
Out of the rest, you are... you are,
you're everything good there is.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
this early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the example that
shows how much effect you have on me.
Flowers born out of the bramble,
out here, they heal my mistakes.
Ah, ah.
Ah, ah.
Undoubtedly you're the maker
of this spring
inside me... inside me.
Out here... ah, ah, ah.
In our self-portrait.

Spring: Us people of the sea / My friend / Freedom is my woman / Two dogs at church

Us people of the sea
Know that
If you want to save
Someone who's drowning,
You'll be beat down
By him and by the sea
And perhaps you'll drown as well.
If the sea's there
We know that
It's best to be each in our respective homes
And rest
For the calm
Will be back, and then you'll sail.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good sailors
Every man for his own, every man for his own
Will sail his own piece of the sea.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good mechanics
Every man for his own, every man for his own,
Will fix up his own piece of the world.
~ ~ ~
From behind the wall, you stare at
The rest of the world
You speak softly, from afar
You don't understand others
And neither do I
And I pretend
To be sane.
In the darkness of the mind,
In the reality of dreams,
They walk together
The children of the Moon.
My friend, don't worry,
It doesn't matter,
There are no differences
On the Moon.
~ ~ ~
My woman is like freedom,
When she's not there,
I miss her to death.
Then when she's with me
I almost don't realize it
In the morning, I know
That there'll be a smile.
My woman is like freedom,
In my mind, I
Have always thought of her
Even when I
Still didn't know that,
Even when she
Had gone away.
My woman is like freedom,
Like a song you can always sing,
That cannot be quiet, that cannot end,
My woman is my song.
~ ~ ~
We were two dogs at church,
You and I.
And you, you've already left,
Ask Him why
There are many sad lives in this senseless world,
There are many horrendous stories in this wonderful world.
Perhaps He'll answer,
Perhaps even He doesn't know.
Wait for me, in a while
I'll come too
To lend you a hand, to ask why...
And you'll see that even there
We'll get kicked out.

It Was Spring

To you, who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
and then so much love, love.
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'

It Was Spring

To you,
who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
then love, then love, love.
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'


And I'll draw valleys across your body,
plugging it like it was ground,
I'll erase those marks,
from your last war.
And I'll burn with fire
this bad weed of yours,
and I will make you, with water,
more fertile and more alive.
And I'll pray for the sun
to dry up these tears,
and I'll pray for time
to heal your wounds.
Then I'll build a greenhouse
around your smile,
I will make out of your life
another heaven.
I will be your farmer
ad you will be my ground,
I'll fight with the wind
to not carry you away from me.
Then I'll sprinkle my seeds
in your green valley
ad we will wait together
for Spring to come,
for Spring to come.

Oh My Spring

Please go away
Don't look at me like that
I just want to be alone now
That's all I want
You won't have me doubting
Myself anymore
I don't care anymore
If you're going to condemn me
For seeking my own destiny
Or if on the day I leave
You're going to tangle me up as always
So that I have no path to follow
Oh my spring
Who ever shall give back to me
What I was before
So that I can find a new path
Slowly, slowly, slowly
Like me
My future is a lie
My past haunts me and weighs me down
Now if I keep quiet down the line
I know that my mouth will burn
I shouldn't keep quiet
Because I'm on a quest to find
A slow path
I'm on a quest to find a slow path
I'm on a quest
To find you, to find me
And to find you on the way
Oh my spring
Who ever shall give back to me
What I was before
When I breathed slowly
When I moved slowly
Slowly like me
When you loved me slowly
When you kissed me slowly
When you believed me slowly
Slowly like me

Vreau doar să dansez noaptea

Iată că fericirea mea vine din nou
acolo unde trebuia.
Căci ea s-a dus şi eu sunt liber
şi ea nu-mi mai poate face nimic!
Vreau doar să dansez noaptea
cu domnişoare ce se pot undui
Acum, mâine arată mai frumos
ca o lumină de dimineaţă-nsorită
Iar dacă o vezi,
spune-i te rog că sunt bine
aşa cum o spui...
Iar dacă ţi-ar spune
că mă vrea înapoi,
spune-i nu,
trebuie să plec
Vreau doar să dansez noaptea
cu domnişoare ce se pot undui
Acum, mâine arată mai frumos
ca o lumină de dimineaţă-nsorită
Iar dacă o vezi,
spune-i te rog că sunt bine
aşa cum o spui...
Iar dacă ţi-ar spune
că mă vrea înapoi,
spune-i nu,
trebuie să plec
Vreau doar să dansez noaptea
cu domnişoare ce se pot undui
Acum, mâine arată mai frumos
ca o lumină de dimineaţă-nsorită
Vreau doar să dansez noaptea
cu domnişoare ce se pot undui
Acum, mâine arată mai frumos
ca o lumină de dimineaţă-nsorită

The spring kissed

The spring kissed
smoothly, the grove,
and the new green sprouted,
as a green haze.
Clouds were passing by,
over the juvenile field...
I saw the leaves trembling,
the fresh April's rains.
Under that florid almond tree,
all filled with flowers,
-I remembered- I have cursed,
my loveless youth.
Today, in the middle age,
I've stopped to meditate:
''Never-lived youth,
who will dream of you again?''
Just learning.

Fluturaș de primăvară

Fluturaș de primăvară,
suflet cu aripi, care rătăcești
prin grădinile himerei mele,
prin grădinile himerei mele
ca un suspin de iubire efemeră
Când te depărtezi prin alte ținuturi,
du-i o rugăminte de adorație
celei care într-o zi mi-a dat iluzii
ce se schimbară în dezamăgiri
pe care astăzi le port în inimă.
Vreau s-o văd ca s-o sărut
cu acele sărutări pe care tu le dai
florii când vrei să-i furi mierea
ca să te îmbeți, ca mine de iubire.
Fluturaș de primăvară,
suflet cu aripi, dacă o vezi,
spune-i prietenei să se întoarcă
la grădinile himerei mele,
că poate tu n-ai să revii vreodată.

Primavara prematura

Nimic nu presupun,
nimic din ceia ce am,
nici cel mai mic fior, acum nu
Este mai mult oxigen
in perimetrul meu
este un simptom
foarte clar
Recunosc...esti cauza a mea primara
acum in mine
din tot bunul ce este
esti primavara prematura
ah-a-a-a dovada ce
demonstreaza ce efect ai asupra mea
pentru ca...
Autoportreul nostru
deja... nu depinde de tine
este un cintec
Pentru aceasta se schimba aerul in plamini
totusi tu esti...esti
esti tot bunul ce este
esti primavara prematura
ah-a-a-a dovada ce
demonstreaza ce efect ai asupra mea
pentru ca...
Florile...ce nasc din maracini
aici afara lasa cictarici... greselele mele
ah-a-a-a ah-a-a-a
Fara nici o indoiala esti tu arhitectul
de aceasta primavara ce este
in mine
aici afara
in autoportretul de noi doi.


What can I say when I'm looking at you this way?
There's nothing I like more than being naked,
just after making love,
when we listen to this song looking at the ceiling.
This song that wonders if this is true,
that wonders if this is crazy,
that says you've already hanged your armor
at my gates.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
My room is enough for the two of us,
the same sun is enough for the whole universe.
Sometimes everything's so normal, so quiet,
I don't think I've ever saw me before, now I look me when I see you.
And then I make me a cup of tea
and I play the guitar,
you stay asleep
and I make you this song so you can be calm.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
Sometimes I feel so tired
and I go to bed to lie down.
Sometimes life bores me so,
you make my days more beautiful.

Blestemata primavara

Dorinta de a se imbratisa si apoi
vin alb, flori si cantece de demult.
Si radeau de noi -
Ce incurcatura era,
blestemata primavara!
Ce ramine de un vis erotic daca
la trezire a devenit un poem?
Daca fara tine
nu stiu ce sa mai fac
ca si cum nu ar fi fost dragoste,
daca din greseala
inchid ochii si ma gandesc la tine...
Daca pentru a ma indragosti din nou
te vei intoarce, blestemata primavara,
ce incurcatura daca
pentru a ma indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era,
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era
daca ma raneste doar pe mine?
Ce ramane inauntrul meu?
Din dezmierdarile care nu ating inima.
Stele,una singura este
care-mi poate da
masura unei iubiri
daca din greseala
inchizi ochii si te gandesti la mine.
Daca pentru a ma indragosti din nou
te vei intoarce, blestemata primavara,
ce incurcatura daca
pentru a se indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era,
blestemata ca mine...
Lasa-ma sa cred
ca si cum nu ar fi fost dragoste
dar din greseala
inchizi ochii si te gandesti la mine!
Ce intereseaza daca
pentru a se indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era,
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era -
Si tu si eu stiam!

Blasted spring

I was more or les like that,
white wine, night,
and old songs
and the blasted spring,
sweet deceiver,
laughed at me.
What's left of an erotic dream if
suddenly I wake up
and you are gone?
I regret your not being there,
I despair
as if love were painful
and although i don't want to,
without wanting to I think of you.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm harming only myself.
What your passing left behind
is a kiss that's not enough
of a kiss,
a caress which
rings false,
an 'I love you and I don't love you'
and even though you don't want to
without wanting to you think of me.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm cursing only myself.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.