Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 41


I'm In Love

I'm in love...
You tell me what are you going if you come back
Making me feel so bad
You tell me what do you do then do not regret it
If you take one more step, we lose our heads
Be careful and you will see
If you take another step, you burn or kiss me
I confess
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.
I run through the streets just like a devil runs
I can not anymore
I just want to see your lips and come slowly
And I confess you
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.
I confess
I know that we are you and I the only answer
I confess
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.
I confess
I know that we are you and I the only answer
I confess
I did not believe in love, but I want you to know
I have fallen in love, my heart has stolen
I have not given it to you and you have it
And here you leave me
I fell in love, now I have your hands
I know you feel me, although you deny it
Tell me what are you waiting for and give me your heart.

Nebuni în dragoste

Mărturisesc că am fost idealizat pentru o vreme
O viață pe care o caut
Nu știu ce să fac, arată foarte bine
Mă voi apropia
Mărturisesc că a mea nu vorbește cu adevărat
Sunt cam timid pe măsură ce veți vedea
Dar de data asta, voi îndrăzni
Îți spun eu
Mă simți deja ca un nebun în dragoste
Dragă, adevărul este că te plac prea mult
Vedeți că ceilalți vă spun dansând
Și acum nu îmi lași mintea
Mă plimb cu gândul la tine de multe ori
Va fi ceea ce simt pentru tine, de asemenea, simțiți-o
Știți că eu sunt cine vă dă căldură
Știu că cu mine veți avea un timp mai bun
Știți că eu sunt cel care te face să pierzi controlul
Vreau să dansez cu tine până la ultima melodie
Dacă tu ești pentru mine
Sunt și eu pentru tine
Pentru a petrece o altă noapte cu tine
Fac orice este nevoie
Dacă ești pentru mine
Sunt și pentru tine
Dacă te lași să pleci
Vă dau tot ce vrei
Nu știu copilul asta este ceea ce ai
Asta când mă dansezi
Mă faci nervos
Când te miști așa
Într-un mod provocator
Asta mă motivează
Dansând un dans al celor de dinainte
Asta te activează
Dintre cei care dans lent
Ei bine, blocat
(Díselo Farru)
Mă simți deja ca o nebunie în dragoste
Dragă, adevărul este că te plac prea mult
Vedeți că ceilalți vă spun dansând
Și acum nu îmi lași mintea
Mă plimb cu gândul la tine de multe ori
Va fi ceea ce simt pentru tine, de asemenea, simțiți-o
Știți că eu sunt cine vă dă căldură
Știu că cu mine veți avea un timp mai bun
Știți că eu sunt cel care te face să pierzi controlul
Vreau să dansez cu tine până la ultima melodie
Dacă ești pentru mine
Sunt și pentru tine
Pentru a petrece o altă noapte cu tine
Fac orice (indiferent)
Dacă ești pentru mine
Și eu sunt pentru tine
Pentru a petrece o altă noapte cu tine
Fac orice, fac totul
Știi că-mi plac
Știi că te iubesc
Dance lent
Asta ma ucide
Dă-i mamei
Nu mă grăbesc
Să facem în seara asta
O noapte infinită
Nu spune că pleci
Să găsim un loc
Să nu fie nimeni
Doar întuneric
Și să mă săruți încet
Să oprim timpul
Ți-a plăcut nebun în dragoste
Dragă, adevărul este că te plac prea mult
Vezi tu că restul îți spun că dansezi
Și acum nu îmi lași mintea
Mă plimb cu gândul la tine de multe ori
Va fi ceea ce simt pentru dvs., și tu simți asta
Știți că eu sunt cine vă dă căldură
Știu că cu mine veți avea un timp mai bun
Știți că eu sunt cel care te face să pierzi controlul
Vreau să dansez cu tine până la ultima melodie
Mă simți nebun în dragoste
în dragoste

A Soul In Love

Versions: #3
My soul is in love just from thinking of you, my love.
I dream of spending every night with you—I am the owner of your love.
My soul is in love, so in love, my god.
If you give me your life, I’ll give you mine, as well.
My soul is in love just from thinking of you, my love.
I dream of spending every night with you—I am the owner of your love.
My soul is in love, so in love, my god.
If you give me your life, I’ll give you mine, as well.
But, what if you tell me that your love belongs to someone else or that you love someone else?
But, what if you tell me “I have no other love because my love would die for you.”
I truly don’t know if you love me, but I can wait for you.
But, please don’t leave me waiting—it will kill me.
Don’t deny me your gaze because I want to keep dreaming it, and, know, that my soul in love will always love you more than anyone.
I truly don’t know if you love me, but I can wait for you.
But, please don’t leave me waiting—it will kill me.
Don’t deny me your gaze because I want to keep dreaming it, and, know, that my soul in love will always love you more than anyone.
But, what if you tell me that your love belongs to someone else or that you love someone else?
But, what if you tell me “I have no other love because my love would die for you.”

Crazy In Love (Te Seguiré Album Version)

This blue night
You are here by my side
The lullaby of your voice
The sweetness of your lips.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I'm your madman of love.
Tonight I
I want you here in my arms
To give you my heat
To awaken at dawn beloved.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I am your madman of love
Fill me with your love,
Tie me, with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Fill me with your love,
Tie me with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Tonight I
I want you here in my arms
To give you my heat
To awaken at dawn beloved.
I'm hurt by your love
Every time we look at each other
Whatever you want I'll give it to you
I'm your madman of love.
Fill me with your love,
Tie, with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.
Fill me with your love,
Tie me with your hands
Let me feel your skin,
Caress me, women.

Crazy In Love

They say I'm all romantic
Because I write poems
And I paint hearts on paper,
Because I sent you roses
On your birthday
And that I speak with the moon
And I tell her my love.
They say that those times are past
That the lovers
Don't dream of castles like yesterday.
They no longer count petals
Of flowers embracing each other
They do not even love each other on the sly
Neither in the parks should I see.
And I'm still crazy in love.
And always dream to be by your side
I'll serenade you at your window.
And like a thief, I will steal your heart.
And I'm still crazy in love.
My life I give by the yearn for it
And I will drink with you in the stars.
I will show you that I am a madman of love.
They say I'm all romantic
Becuase I write poems
And I paint hearts on paper,
Because I sent you roses
On your birthday
And that I speak with the moon
And I tell her my love.
They say that those times are past
That the lovers
Don't dream of castles like yesterday.
They no longer count petals
Of flowers embracing each other
They do not even love each other on the sly
Neither in the parks should I see.
And I'm still crazy in love.
And always dream to be by your side
I'll serenade you at your window.
And like a thief, I will steal your heart
And I'm still crazy in love.
My life I give by the yearn for it
And I will drink with you in the stars.
I will show you that I am a madman of love.

In Love

I want to tell you that I love you
And confess what I feel
I'm tired of being your friend
With rights, without lefts
I love you completely
I want to tell you my sweetheart and squeeze your hand
I want to tell my mother that you're official
and be able to introduce you as my dear boyfriend
I want to tell you
that I am as firm
as the front part of your maxilla
I drag the wing for you
You have me twisted
And very
In love
In love
In love
In love
I want to tell you that I love you
That I am serious about you
I have thought of presenting to your dad a ring that you're hand won't be able to resist.
I want to squeeze you and give you many, many kisses
But I want to do it without fear
Because o feel that I can
Ask you what I have
And I have a lot of love to give you.

Your loving man

Here is your loving man
the one you never repay,
he has come up to your window
from which you listen to him
but where you always hide.
I don't even know what to tell you,
I don't even have anything to sing,
I would like to curse you
but I am already convinced
that I was born to adore you.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
my luck is failing me,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, sweetheart,
my life you are changing for me.
Here is your loving man
the one who interrupts your sleep,
that poor wretch
who always goes around sleepless
because he wants you to be his.
Somebody told me about your life,
I learned about your tllusions,
I don't know if I made a mistake
but I am almost sure
that you really like my songs.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
my luck is failing me,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, sweetheart,
my life you are changing for me.
Your loving man is leaving now,
he is leaving from the window,
I don't have to say good-bye,
'cause I know that even if I don't want to,
tomorrow, I'm going to be back.
As long as my passion last
and your disposition puts up with me,
it won't be nights in your life
that my mariachis and my voice
won't come to wake you up.
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay
my luck is failing me,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, sweetheart,
my life you are changing for me,
your loving man is leaving now.

To die in love

From a poster Jean Fonda smiles at me
and Carolina, with her best grimace,
from the cover of an old weekly magazine
declares her love to me.
I live helplessly in love,
every night in front of the TV,
with the girls who in rythmical announcements
sell me illusion.
To live in love, dreaming every time,
that's living, sir.
Following those girls who perfume
the air like a flower.
To live in love, dreaming every time,
that's living, sir.
Carrying in my hands, I get everywhere
love always, love.
I live in love and its my dream
when life drops the curtain for me,
to end my days beautifully,
I want to die of love.
To die in love with very clear eyes,
that's dying, sir.
Carrying to the other sky the desire of finding
love always love.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

In love

I just need to see myself in your eyes and hear your voice
to touch the sky through so much love,
I just need the warmth of your embrace in the evening
to feel alive from my head to my toes,
I don't need stars nor gilded promises
I just need your word to always be faithful to you.
I'm in love like the moon in the at dawn,
I live my life in love like no one has ever seen before,
I'm in love with you in body and soul
I live my life in love like no one has ever seen before.
I just need to slowly run over in this room
to feel safe inside of your heart,
I just need to touch your hands to be here
and run over your lips to drown in you,
I don't need stars nor gilded promises
I just need your word to always be faithful to you.
I'm in love like the moon in the at dawn,
I live my life in love like no one has ever seen before,
I'm in love with you in body and soul
I live my life in love like no one has ever seen before.
An eternity?
I don't need stars nor gilded promises
I just need your word to always be faithful to you.
I'm in love like the moon in the at dawn,
I live my life in love like no one has ever seen before,
I'm in love with you in body and soul
I live my life in love like no one has ever seen before. [x4]
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