Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 201
Cântecul aromânilor
Acum e timpul
Mișcați-vă, aromâni
Să cântăm, noi, de fiecare dată
Aromânil nu va pieri!
Limba ne e comoară
Ia naștere prin cântec
Cântecul scris în stele
Pentru aromânii noștri
Munții noștri zbiară
De-atât dor armânesc
Plaiurile fără bogăție
Și pădurile fără frunze
Limba ne este primăvară
Niciodată nu va pieri
Leac pentru rană
Ca lumina-n viață
Să strig de bucurie
E clar, cea mai tânără iubire din lume
e iubirea noastră.
În timp ce-ți vorbesc, ea încă se nasce
în inimile noastre.
Tu ești aici,
și o asemenea fericire
nu se va mai întoarce nicicând,
nicicând, nicicând, nicicând!
Aș vrea să strig,
să strig de bucurie
și să dau lumii de veste
că sunt nebună după tine!
Aș vrea să mor,
să mor de bucurie
chiar în timp ce mă săruți
și mă faci fericită!
Mă simt mai ușoară decât norii
pe care-i văd trecând pe cer,
în cap am atâtea rândunici
care zboară și mă fac să cânt.
Aș vrea să strig,
să strig de bucurie,
chiar în această clipă,
în care se naște iubirea!
Pentru o astfel de oră
poți s-o iei razna!
Aș vrea să strig,
să strig de bucurie,
chiar în această clipă,
în care se naște iubirea!
Pentru o astfel de oră
poți s-o iei razna.
Cu bucuria în inimă,
poți s-o iei razna!
Iubire fără soare
Iubesc ploaia,
urăsc soarele,
tristă e iubirea în mine.
După ploaie
vine soarele,
dar nu va veni pentru mine.
Să te văd din nou,
să te iubesc din nou
și să fac inima să tacă.
Să te simt în mine,
să te am în mine
și să nu am nimic din tine.
Să te iubesc la nebunie
și să nu-ți pot spune ”te iubesc”.
Să te văd din nou,
să te iubesc din nou
și să fac inima să tacă.
Să te văd din nou,
să te iubesc din nou
și să fac inima să tacă!
Friend of the Week
Maybe neither time nor place is indicated
To call you, to call you
And to tell you that since that night I haven't stopped
Thinking about you, thinking about you
I already lost count
Of the Mondays that I have thought of you
I already failed in your game and I lost it
And today I want you for me
I want to dance with you this weekend
I just wanna see you for killing my desires
Now you know that you have to enter from the window
You don't hold back, you don't hold back
Waking up with you and may the time doesn't pass
That we enjoy every little moment
That you think if this time we go slow
That you love it, you love it
You won't know, you won't know (no) how to forget me
You will come, you will come (no) to look for me
If the day breaks, I'm not there
You'll come back, you'll come back to find me
From Monday to Tuesday I looked for you but on Wednesday I didn't call you
Not on Thursday either, and my phone rang until Friday
(and my phone rang)
I already lost count of the Mondays that I have thought of you
I already failed in your game and I lost it
And today I want you for me
I want to dance with you this weekend
I just wanna see you for killing my desires
Now you know that you have to enter from the window
You don't hold back, you don't hold back
Waking up with you and may the time doesn't pass
That we enjoy every little moment
That you think if this time we go slow
That you love it, you love it
This is easy, very easy
I'm drunk, my heart
I'm from Brazil, I want action
I want to dance Cumbia and Reggaeton
Without hurry
I want adrenaline, come to do it with an open door
Today the whole building will know about our party
Only you and I and nothing else interests me
One, two, three, burn it up
I want to dance with you this weekend
I just wanna see you for killing my desires
Now you know that you have to enter from the window
You don't hold back, you don't hold back
Waking up with you and may the time doesn't pass
That we enjoy every little moment
That you think if this time we go slow
That you love it, you love it
(And he says)
Tell me, tell me, tell me what you wanted from me
But give me, give me, give me, I wouldn't do this
Friend of the week
You love it, you love it
Dawn at Kaimana
I will remember it always, will keep it in my memories
The beautiful dawn, the dawn at Kaimana
As the sun dims it glow
You come to a beating heart
You brush your soft smooth hand
At a grievous dusty wound
Dawn at Kaimana, and your love, maiden
In my soul 'till the end of time
I will remember it always, will keep it in my memories
The beautiful dawn, the dawn at Kaimana
As the sun dims it glow
You come to a beating heart
You brush your soft smooth hand
At a grievous dusty wound
Dawn at Kaimana, and your love, maiden
In my soul 'till the end of time
Beautiful dawn, dawn at Kaimana
You come to a beating heart
You brush your soft smooth hand
At a grievous dusty wound
Dawn at Kaimana, and your love, maiden
The beautiful dawn, the dawn at Kaimana
In The Middle Of The Abbey
Versions: #2
In the middle of the abbey, there's a pool
Good old pool
This dormitory's girls, all of them are resolute
We play and rollick
In the middle of the abbey, there's a fountain
Good old fountain
This dormitory's girls, all of them are noble
We play and rollick
In the middle of the abbey, there's a fount
Good old fount
This dormitory's girls, all of them are sycamore
We play and rollick
Sa fi fost aromana
Să fi fost aromână, te luam acasă
Am fi făcut nuntă aromânească.
Dar tu ești româncă
Mama mea nu vrea să te vadă.
Românca eu am lăsat-o și o fată aromână am luat
Ca pe ai mei buni părinți, nu vreau să-i bag în mormânt.
Pe aromână am luat-o acasă, mama mea o strigă noră.
Eu pe lume m-am împlinit pentru că pe părinți i-am făcut fericiți.
Pe aromână am luat-o și un copil i-am facut
Moare românca de ciudă, noapte nu-și mai are liniște.
Româncă, te aduc aminte, că ai fost iubirea mea de dinainte
Dar aromânul este mândru când soțoe aromână are.
Mama, tata
La iubita mea îmi fuge mintea și strig eu 'măi, măi'.
Ca s-audă toată lumea, să știe de ce, de ce.
O iubesc, o iubesc, viața o să-mi dau.
O iubesc, o iubesc, cu ea ca să stau.
Mamă, tată, inima din piept îmi bate
Mamă, tată, iubita mea este departe.
Mamă, tată, dorul nu îmi dă pace,
Mamă, tată, voi pleca în această noapte.
Pe cerul frumos cu stele se vede steaua mea.
Mă gândesc că acum privește și ea la ea.
O iubesc, o iubesc, viața o să-mi dau.
O iubesc, o iubesc, cu ea ca să stau.
La iubita mea îmi fuge mintea și strig eu 'măi, măi'.
Ca s-audă toată lumea, să știe de ce, de ce.
O iubesc, o iubesc, viața o să-mi dau.
O iubesc, o iubesc, cu ea ca să stau.
Caut o fata aromana
Privesc noaptea pe cerul înstelat
Poate îmi vine vreo veste...
Poate îmi zici of Doamne, Dumnezeule...
Ce fată ma iubește.
Caut Doamne vreo cale bună
Să găsesc o fată aromână.
Caut Doamne vreo cale bună
Să găsesc o fată aromână.
Fără frate, singur, fără soră...
În munți ei m-au pierdut.
Turmele știu viața, viața toată
Fără femeie, neam și iubire.
Îmi voi plânge întotdeauna a mea viață,
O voi jeli la icoană.
Îmi voi plânge întotdeauna anii mei,
Ce i-am pierdut în munții grei.
We call/summon the spirit of the Earth
1. ||: We call/summon the spirit of the Earth, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
2. ||: We call/summon the spirit of the wind, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
3. ||: We call/summon the spirit of the forest, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
4. ||: We call/summon the spirit of the stars, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
5. ||: We call/summon the spirit of the sun, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
6. ||: We call/summon the spirit of consciousness, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
7. ||: We call/summon the spirit of the water, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
8. ||: We call/summon the spirit of the moon, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
9. ||: We call/summon the spirit of sacred geometry, as we are the Earth,
||: it’s here and healing, healing all of us now. :||
Ux, ux.
Haux, haux, haux, haux, haux, haux.
Dance A Go Go
Don't be sad fella
There's no need to
Why are you feeling sad?
Throw away pain
Let's be happy
While dancing
Come on, come one, fella, together
We go to the beach
Let's dance
While singing
Singing cheerfully
Dancing a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Come on, come one, fella, together
We go to the beach
Let's dance
While singing
Singing cheerfully
Dancing a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Let's dance a go go
Who I am
The calm is like a dim mirror
Anxious I wait and keep silent
Where is my snowy white moonsail
Pitch black
The path into my regrets
All I left undone
Save me, fill me up moonsail
Stretch my faint-hearted thoughts
The night will gleam so bright, when
Hope fills my moonsail
I sail on
I roam in a blazing mirage
In the newborn zest of the morning
Silvery swells my moonsail
Who I am
The calm is like a dim mirror
Anxious I wait and keep silent
Where is my snowy white moonsail
Your home is in my arms
At least for a day, at least just for one
Throw us far into the world or to the furthest corner,
Where there coud be trouble if one was being rude,
But other than that the life's like a cozy fireplace.
On my street,
There are no houses, no walls,
Not even a space in the gateway, but you know,
Dear, your home is in my arms.
At least for a day, at least just for one
Give your clothes to me, there are mine, now let's toss them away.
Two naked, without passports and titles - husband and wife
Everything like before Christ, I - Adam and you - my Eve.
Another moment and you fly away, I see you, but I don't know where you are wandering.
On grass or an aeroplane, with glass eyes you ask me for a dance.
So be it - this dance is last, I close my eyes, we fall down,
Firmament, firmament, this day earth will go by without us.
The Light In My Eyes
Allah my dear
Allah o Allah
Allah my dear
Allah o Allah
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
My shining fortune and fate
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
O Allah
O my kindest one
Allah o Allah
Lelaa aa elalaa, lelaa haayee la laa
Lelaa aa elalaa, lelaa haayee la laa
Sleep tight,
The mother's life
They are sleeping
All of them entirely
Go to sleep
The mother's life
The sleepyhead champion
Fell asleep
So fall asleep
The mother's life
Fall asleep
The mother's life
Fall asleep
The mother's life
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
Allah o Allah
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
Allah o Allah
Listen my Love
Versions: #1
You have no idea how much I desire you
You have no idea how much I’ve dreamt you
If only you knew that I am dying
For your love and for your lips
If only you knew that I was sincere
That I am straightforward and I don’t fail
If only you knew how much I love you
So I could give you everything, including my eyes
But you have someone else
A cold and boring guy
An idiot who is deprived
That doesn’t stick with you
It doesn’t suit you
Listen my love
Don’t tell me no
Let’s gather the souls
Listen my love
Don’t tell me no
Let’s gather the bodies
With you I would loose myself
With you, till the end of the world
With you I would loose myself
With you I want everything
And no in between
But you have someone else
A cold and boring guy
An idiot who is deprived
That doesn’t stick with you
That doesn’t suit you
Midsummer sequence
The seaside village collecting evening suns
Now is a midsummer sequence reflected in my heart
I don't want to return to the city
I want to be like this with everyone
When I go to the surf shop in the outskirts of the cape
An uncle with mustache greets me with a smile
He was a former surfrider
He has a flashback of his days in the whirling tubes
Always the shining of your smile, seeing the summer weather map
You go to the south chasing the waves
That's why everyone yearn for the shining of your smile
Your lifestyle is of a summerholic
Inserting a coin on the jukebox and laying on
The uncle seems to listen carefully to Jan & Dean
The screen in his eyes
Starts to film the memories that he spent with company
For some reason is the shadow of your smile, the surf group
Has put on the suit called 'I'm not young'
But everyone wants to meet the shadow of your smile
The young boy who lives inside of you
Always the shining of your smile, shining, splashing and riding
Floating a dream in the horizon
The shining of your smile, you salute me in the sea
From that smile, I found the summer
Izmir is burning mother
Izmir is burning mother, our fortune is burning aswell
Our suffering can't be spoken, our pain is can't be written
Greekness, Greekness, you'll never be calm
You live peacefully for a year and thirty in fire
Izmir is lost mother, our dreams are gone
Whomever holds on to the ships is beaten down even by his friends
Greekness, Greekness, you'll never be calm
You live peacefully for a year and thirty in fire
Without You
Manal, Manal, Manal, I've moved on, you must have gotten the message
Manal, Manal, Manal, I'll never forget anything but I prefer to take off overseas
I want to go far away, far away, far away. I wanted to take you with me
I want to go far, go far away, but I'll do it without you
[Couplet 1]
I thought that you and I, in truth, we were for life
We cried together, both of us, we grew up
I used to confide in you, always there during your insomnia
Then, one night, like all the others, I lost my best friend
And then, one day, you too, you wanted to upset me
And then, one day, you wanted to declare war on me
And if you thought I was going to say nothing, that I was going to let it happen...
You're dead to me, no more backward steps...
Ma bqitch 3arfa 3lach kathedro 3lya w ma f rassich
Ma bqitch fahma la nti sme7ti fya ma s7ablich
Belli nti b7alhom, ka tsennay tchoufini imta nti7, imta nti7
Manal, Manal, Manal, I've moved on, you must have gotten the message
Manal, Manal, Manal, I'll never forget anything but I prefer to take off overseas
I want to go far away, far away, far away. I wanted to take you with me
I want to go far, go far away, but I'll do it without you
[Couplet 2]
Mcha ga3 dakchi li kan, ma kent baghi n3ichou
W daba melli kolchi ban, lyoma gha ndefno
Kolhom kayjiw w kaydwiw, f lekher kaysekto
7it 3emri dlemt chi wa7d, w f dehro drebto
Kent bagha nchouf wladek, w nejme3hom 3endi
Ma s7ablich nti kenti bya lwe9t kaddowzi
Qass7a thazzi f qalbek, choufi fya de7ki
Khellit lik ga3 dik triq li fiha temchi
Ma bqitch 3arfa 3lach kathedro 3lya w ma f rassich
Ma bqitch fahma la nti sme7ti fya ma s7ablich
Belli nti b7alhom, ka tsennay tchoufini imta nti7, imta nti7
Manal, Manal, Manal, I've moved on, you must have gotten the message
Manal, Manal, Manal, I'll never forget anything but I prefer to take off overseas
I want to go far away, far away, far away. I wanted to take you with me
I want to go far, go far away, but I'll do it without you
Country, Enclosed
At Exarcheia the cop is once again after
the stray dogs formaldehyde, everyone's clean
In the name of the republic of cops and violence
sterilize the strays, the scums of the town square.
Greece, of the Greek judges
with no parliament or elections
Greece, of the Greek judges
country, enclosed.
Two legged enemies are ruining our junkyard
with those two legged lambs, patriots and nerds
sterilization, euthanasia, authority's racism
five hundred and four, the punishment's number
Greece, of the Greek judges
with no parliament or elections
Greece, of the Greek judges
country, enclosed.
Greece, of the Greek judges
with no parliament or elections
Greece, of the Greek judges
country, enclosed. .
My song
When the computer is turned off and the phone is silent
Let me come to you tonight
I want to learn the first steps
And begin the first song
Far is the star's path
To where I should lead you?
On a little pathway along the Gauja?
Those are the words from my nation
And my song is also from them
And I know nobody's going to sing it
In my place
Say Northern wind
From where there's such obstinacy in me?
After the thunderstorm there always will be the sun
After the night always will be the morning
And you glowing bonfire
With you I can warm up and burn
To see in thick darkness
To jump over you in Midsummer
I take a step closer
And I feel that you are there
If I could always stand like that -
Between the moment and the eternity
Mother Sea
Versions: #1
Param param param, I am turning around, I am dancing
at the winter's sand with the seaweeds
The sick sea I'm healing
and I'm making earrings with the stars
param param param is waiting
at time's open sea the ship
my life is begging for an anchor
to grasp her love's depth
Sea mother you, my salt taste
light blue fate
as a gold safety pin in the shoulder I took the sun
Sea memory, my black silver
take my heart and make it an island
of wild wind
Sea mother you, my salt taste
light blue fate
as a gold safety pin in the shoulder I took the sun
Sea memory, my black silver
take my heart and make it an island
of wild wind
param param param like a fairytale
the full moon is a shipwreck in the clouds,
Νeptune's iron body,
which stone museum locks you up
Sea mother you, my salt taste
light blue fate
as a gold safety pin in the shoulder I took the sun
Sea memory, my black silver
take my heart and make it an island
of wild wind.
Versions: #1
She wakes up my heart at morning,
I can see the sun in her gaze.
Everything can happen when you're in love.
Love tastes better on a bed.
But the sun goes out when she leaves,
and you hang your eyes on the window,
and you can barely live.
And the time stops in your face,
and the fairy tail just ends,
and the ground, the sky shake, and you can't remember your name,
and feel like the Virgin talks to you,
you feel the silence intoxicate you,
and you want to scream and scream and scream, but you can't find the words,
and you hang your eyes on the window,
and you can barely live.
That ungrateful girl won't let my heart sleep,
and I can't tell where I am and what's going on.
Something may happen if she comes back,
everything finds an answer in her bed.
But the sun goes out when she leaves,
and you hang your eyes on the window,
and you die slowly.
And the time stops in your face,
and the fairy tail just ends,
and the ground, the sky shake, and you can't remember your name,
and feel like the Virgin talks to you,
you feel the silence intoxicate you,
and you want to scream and scream and scream, but you can't find the words,
and you hang your eyes on the window,
and you die slowly.
And the time stops in your face,
and the fairy tail just ends,
and the ground, the sky shake, and you can't remember your name,
and you can hear the Virgin talk to you,
you feel the silence intoxicate you,
and you want to scream and scream and scream.
The Middle Management ~Women's Middle Management~
By the time I realized what was happening
Everyone's younger than me, (I'm) irritated irritated
It's not like I'm superior
But I do realize everyone's attentive attitude towards me
But when it comes to love
Everyone has the upper hand, and I get more irritated
Easily and lightheartedly
(Everyone's) Talking about their great experiences
Watching the old
Understanding the new
That person in my mind
Where are you now?
Love makes me feel this way more and more
Am I the only one who is scared of falling (in) love again?
I have no intention to have a stable love relationship on WEEK DAYs. Ah HA
I realized that this dinner party
Is kind of a marriage matching. Elation!
Only younger girls were asked about their personal information
It's unfortunate but (it's) the truth
This weekend I'll work instead
To fill in the incomplete job of the younger ones
A really casual email
Not an expression of gratitude, (but) an irritating email
Watch other people
Understand myself
Will that person
Remember me as well?
Love makes me feel this way more and more
Only memories are growing
Forceful relationships
I haven't experienced them for a while, can someone help me?
Love makes me feel this way more and more
Am I the only one who is scared of falling (in) love again?
I have no intention to have a stable love relationship on WEEK DAYs. Ah HA
Love makes me feel this way more and more
Only memories are growing
Forceful relationships
I haven't experienced them for a while, can someone help me?
Râu de lacrimi pentru tine
Eu, aici, un râu de lacrimi pentru tine,
Dându-te uitării.
Ce lucru atât de nedrept, iubire.
Mi-ai tot omorât pasiunile,
Mâzgălindu-mi cântecele.
Eram lipsit de speranță.
Nu-i drept, nu, scumpo.
Dar lumea asta s-a învârtit deja,
Iar acum a fost rândul tău să pierzi, scumpo.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Scumpo, am plâns cu disperare.
Of, nu, nu, nu ai inimă.
Nu te voi iubi iar.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Acum, fă-te și tu pentru mine o mare de lacrimi.
Nu mă mai căuta,
E deja prea târziu,
Am deja altă iubire.
O frumoasă sirenă
Care îmi înoată în piele.
Eu te iert,
Fără resentimente.
Rămân doar dureri.
Sufletul meu e zgâriat,
Stau ud me pământ.
Nu-i drept, nu, scumpo.
Dar lumea asta s-a învârtit deja,
Iar acum a fost rândul tău să pierzi, scumpo.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Scumpo, am plâns cu disperare.
Of, nu, nu, nu ai inimă.
Nu te voi iubi iar.
M-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
Acum, fă-te și tu pentru mine o mare de lacrimi.
E adevărat că m-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
E adevărat vă nu te voi iubi iar.
Of, nu, nu, nu!
Nu te voi iubi iar.
E adevărat că m-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
E adevărat vă nu te voi iubi iar.
Of, nu, nu, nu!
Pierde-te în marea ta!
E adevărat că m-am făcut râu de lacrimi pentru tine.
E adevărat vă nu te voi iubi iar.
Plângi după mine, plângi după mine,
Plângi după mine.
Nu e așa ușor să fiu cu tine aici
Dar știu că vreau să rămâi
Vezi tu, și noi am putea fi așa peste câțiva ani
Dar recunoaște că-ți place să te joci
E ca și cum în fiecare zi,
Lovesc în pietre.
Aș putea ajunge departe,
Dar m-ai făcut să mă opresc complet.
Cum de tu
Reușești să mă motivezi
Dar cumva mă reții din a pleca?
Vezi tu, mă distragi, dar sunt distrasă fără tine.
Nu știu cum să mă concentrez, dragule, învață-mă cum
Căci iar stau nemișcată
Dar dacă mă iubești, la fel cum te iubesc eu pe tine
Nu m-ar deranja să mă consolezi puțin.
De ce te-am lăsat în mintea mea?
Și trebuie să plec câteodată, dar tu ești mereu în mintea mea.
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Dar neajutorată, mă îndrăgostesc de tine.
Acum sunt în întârziere
Și nu sunt o băutoare de cafea,
Dar mi-am pierdut somnul doar gândindu-mă la tine.
Deci toarnă-mi o cană,
Trebuie să mă trezesc,
Am nevoie de iubire.
Oferă-mi-o tu.
Căci oriunde vei merge, te voi urma.
Îți voi da toată ființa mea, dă-mi toată ființa ta
Trebuie să plec câteodată,
Dar tu ești mereu în mintea mea.
Vezi tu, mă distragi, dar sunt distrasă fără tine.
Nu știu cum să mă concentrez, dragule, învață-mă cum
Căci iar stau nemișcată
Dar dacă mă iubești, la fel cum te iubesc eu pe tine
Nu m-ar deranja să mă consolezi puțin.
De ce te-am lăsat în mintea mea?
Și trebuie să plec câteodată, dar tu ești mereu în mintea mea.
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Dar mă îndrăgostesc neajutorată de tine.
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Dar mă îndrăgostesc neajutorată de tine.
The Savior of the Universe
from the beginning of the journey, you carried all of the pain
your chosen people prayed on ground and in heaven
there were a lot of sins, but they went away like the dark
everything you said happened from the beginning of the journey
from the flogging of the infidels,
let me hug you
every time a nail was hit (was hit into his hands)
it hurt your mother's heart
with your crucified body, you're still here with us
oh how much you forgave sins and gave the redemption to the universe
Versions: #2
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
By the breeze of mine, they are swinging in the swing
which are your curly hair
If you push me back, I will get exhausted and
scream in that exhaustion
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Is it the season of flowering? Or,
Is it the lovely smile of the girl? Or,
Is it the one I came across in every turn
as a full moon in the woods?
Are you the peacock who fanned out the feathers?
Are you the world of all the blossoms?
If you are so much beauty,
How am I able to count all those?
Hey, even my breathe touches you or
even if my shadow follows you!!
Won't you respond to me or talk to me!! ...Hey... woman
Even if I have pleaded you so much
is this what I get, Hey goddess of Love
You are the sweetest stroke which struck my heart violin
and please listen to my request
Can I stop even after seeing you?
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said by the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
By the breeze of mine, they are swinging in the swing
which are your curly hair
If you push me back, I will get exhausted and
scream in that exhaustion
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Is it the season of flowering? Or,
Is it the lovely smile of the girl? Or,
Is it the one I came across in every turn
as a full moon in the woods?
Are you the peacock who fanned out the feathers?
Are you the world of all the blossoms?
If you are so much beauty,
How am I able to count all those?
Hey, even my breathe touches you or
even if my shadow follows you!!
Won't you respond to me or talk to me!! ...Hey... woman
Even if I have pleaded you so much
is this what I get, Hey goddess of Love
You are the sweetest stroke which struck my heart violin
and please listen to my request
Can I stop even after seeing you?
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said by the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
By the breeze of mine, they are swinging in the swing
which are your curly hair
If you push me back, I will get exhausted and
scream in that exhaustion
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Is it the season of flowering? Or,
Is it the lovely smile of the girl? Or,
Is it the one I came across in every turn
as a full moon in the woods?
Are you the peacock who fanned out the feathers?
Are you the world of all the blossoms?
If you are so much beauty,
How am I able to count all those?
Hey, even my breathe touches you or
even if my shadow follows you!!
Won't you respond to me or talk to me!! ...Hey... woman
Even if I have pleaded you so much
is this what I get, Hey goddess of Love
You are the sweetest stroke which struck my heart violin
and please listen to my request
Can I stop even after seeing you?
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said by the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
By the breeze of mine, they are swinging in the swing
which are your curly hair
If you push me back, I will get exhausted and
scream in that exhaustion
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Is it the season of flowering? Or,
Is it the lovely smile of the girl? Or,
Is it the one I came across in every turn
as a full moon in the woods?
Are you the peacock who fanned out the feathers?
Are you the world of all the blossoms?
If you are so much beauty,
How am I able to count all those?
Hey, even my breathe touches you or
even if my shadow follows you!!
Won't you respond to me or talk to me!! ...Hey... woman
Even if I have pleaded you so much
is this what I get, Hey goddess of Love
You are the sweetest stroke which struck my heart violin
and please listen to my request
Can I stop even after seeing you?
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
Can I stop even after seeing you
The control of age on the heart feelings
am I able to explain it?
They don't want to leave your feet
said by the eyes of mine
Don't crush those by walking on them
Don't you have the least pity by doing so
Will be guarding at your feet
as a Kohl by my dreams
If you are rubbing ur eyes, those will turn red
and gushes the heat
Aromâna mea
Aromâna mea,
De unde veniși, frumoaso?
De unde veniși
Și unde vrei să te duci,
Frumoasă încondeiată?
Afară toamna vine
Cu sute de culori [ boieli ],
Tot mai frumoși sunt,
Mamă, ochii ei.
Aromâna mea
Cu trup de vlăstar,
Mă uit când mergi,
Mă uit când vii
Și în suflet port rană.
Afară toamna vine
Cu sute de culori [ boieli ],
Tot mai frumoși sunt,
Mamă, ochii ei.
The Mistkeeper
Your post is on the ridge. You guard
The mist that has arisen from the abyss
And anyone but a bewildered swift
Will let you know that is fruitless
What made you so estranged from home?
Well, each of us has a zen garden
It’s so absurd to turn the world
Into a waltz of cameos in diamonds
Why should you live admiring hills
While you keep dwelling in this stony ghetto?
A gazebo’s not a place to lure geishas in
A rope bridge is not for ladies’ geta
A gazebo without gab’s a bestiary's beastie
Don’t watch your mist – in abyss, it’ll demise
Like howling demons on a night of mystic
When there comes the Dragon on a fiery rise