Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 35


People, Whereto?

You are pain, a sob, a sigh
Looking forward to whose arrival, to what?
Fear is a tear hidden in man's eye
Sees through you before you bat an eye
Love is lost in the dust before reaching us
In the hustle-bustle of the time
We live under the same jail's roof
We know how these hurt hearts feel
Chained to each others, we walk in a line
People, whereto?
We are a silent scream, dying a silent death
People, whereto?
It is memories, the ties, that still keeps us here
It is love, but don't tell anyone how alone you're
We hid it all: happy mind, fever of love, bordering pain, fed-up heart
you stay here, tell that broken bridge 'One day, we'll be back'
Chained to each others, we walk in a line
People, whereto?
We are a silent scream, dying a silent death
People, whereto?


Whatever they say I don't care
Whatever they say it's fine
I do what fits me, even if it's crazy
I'm telling you, don't listen to anyone
You love me and I love you till the end
Close your eyes, it's that simple
My incredible, you
In life, I'd seen it, it was written in the stars
And whatever else there was is lost
My incredible, you
In life, like a kiss that's magical
As if it was constantly a party
My incredible, you
What others say don't touch me
They don't affect me, even if they wish so
If that's the only way they can live, let it be
I don't care
I'm telling you, don't listen to anyone
You love me and I love you till the end
Kiss me one more time
My incredible, you
In life, I'd seen it, it was written in the stars
And whatever else there was is lost
My incredible, you
In life, like a kiss that's magical
As if it was constantly a party
My incredible, you
My incredible
My incredible, you
In life, I'd seen it, it was written in the stars
And whatever else there was is lost
My incredible, you
In life, like a kiss that's magical
As if it was constantly a party
My incredible
My incredible
My incredible
My incredible


nazanem rasen , ya xaw awinem
ka zhaway laile hata sarinem
qafilachi aman , dadan daxilen
banak dare xam xayle zalilen
sati qafilakat sakin ja sair bo
ar za ya daram ho qarat xeir bo
ar gonahi men wa nokari bar
ya sar ya shamsher ya tanaf ya dar
waren azizem haifan pare to
be shartit wa taw na aw mash,or bo
haifan azizem ba watay bad go
la parda man o razi men o to

After the End of the World

If you survived, you aren't dead
Fill out the form to see if its true
If you have no idea, you’re already an expert
And if you’re going to die: die happy!
Try to die without losing your calm
If the body’s fucked the soul is saved
If it still hurts, be happy
That you aren't feeding a worm.
If you go to hell, leave town
That bad weed keeps on killing
If you haven't died it's because you’re dancing
To this crazy rhythm
If you go to hell, leave town
That bad weed keeps on killing
If you haven't died it's because you’re dancing
To this crazy rhythm
When the world ends I’ll be waiting for you
I have a bunker I’m already building,
I put horns for it to sound loud
The rhythm you want, well I’ll sing it for you,
If everything ends there's nothing to lose
And if you love me I’ll love you
I have everything to entertain
But if you cry to me, I’ll run to you
(No more, use it)
What will you do, (I dunno) what will you do after?
What will you do after the end of the world?
What will you do (ah ah) what will you do after?
What will you do after the end of the world?
What will you do?
What will you do?

Help Me, Friends

Versions: #1
Tonight I talk to you about her,
my friends,
there isn't a prettier woman than her
In the world.
Oh, my dear, have you abandoned me?
I talk to you, as my heart
is being broken by sadness.
It's difficult for another one,
to enter my life.
Oh, my dear, have you abandoned me?
Help me, friends,
I want to kill myself 'cause of her,
of her, of her, of her.
What am I supposed to do with
these two hands, when I've
given everything to her,
everything, everything,
everything, everything.
Life, I can't live without her.
I talk to you, I don't want to
hide the pain from you.
I'm insane because of her,
because of her, I cry
the whole night.
Oh my dear, have you abandoned me?
Help me, friends,
I want to kill myself 'cause of her,
of her, of her, of her.
What am I supposed to do with
these two hands, when I've
given everything to her,
everything, everything,
everything, everything.
Life, I can't live without her.


Vărul meu are un migdal,
Vărul meu are un migdal,
Trei sau patru podgorii
Pe coama dealului
Și câteva oi pe ici, pe colo.
Am să merg să culeg migdale,
Struguri și lavandă
În seara de dinaintea întoarcerii acasă.
Vărul meu mi-a zis: ”Unde te duci?”
Vărul meu mi-a zis: ”Unde te duci?
Casa mea e destul de mare
Draga mea, așa că te-ntreb:
Nu vrei să împărțim ce-am eu aici?
Și-o să culegem migdale,
Struguri și lavandă
Înainte să intrăm la focul din cămin.”
Ne-am căsătorit sub migdal,
Ne-am căsătorit sub migdal,
Printre trandafiri și migdale,
Struguri și lavandă,
Și câțiva amici care erau acolo.
Din câte-mi amintesc,
Mireasa era atât de frumoasă,
Încât vărul ei a răpit-o.
Patru pelerini au apărut,
Patru pelerini au apărut.
Am cules pentru ei migdale,
Struguri și lavandă,
Și-așa face de fiecare dată
Pentru țăranii ce merg la vânătoare
Sau pentru străinii care trec
Prin fața vărului meu, prin fața casei mele.

Sun is in and sun is out

Sun is in and sun is out,
— sun, come in!
A rooster has crowed already,
— sun, come in!
Day will brake, if it wants to,
— sun, come in!
The sun lay down and bore the moon,
— sun, come in!
Unto us a boy is born,
— sun, come in!
The foe took him for a girl,
— sun, come in!
Sun is in and sun is out,
— sun, come in!

Between you and me

Between you and me , there was no you and me
We were not talking about being apart
Now between me and you there is me and you
We are talking about being apart from each other
Any wind that comes from laylakh mountain
I will become intoxicated from the same wind
Any wind that comes and the flowers get used to it
I wish the same wind comes across me
Any wind that comes and makes flowers to distribute their fragrance
I wish the same wind comes across you this time
My dear (newly established plant) , my new flower bud
May all you sorrow comes to me
You are coming and crossing me as a gang member
Without saying hello or hi
Tap the drums for my shamefull attitude
Distribute the news of me being in love through the cities and villages
Get the seal of shame on my forehead
Get my lover and say to her that I am crazy about her
Or get me crucified like Jesus
But I can not think about being apart from you

Gurian potpourri

1. Sit down by my side, dear Almaskhan! - III voice: Rimt'iri, ramt'iri, rimt'iri raninao da!
Let’s remember our old times! - I voice: Vai, vaida!
How great
||: we were doing then? :||
2. We’re three Gurian brothers! - III voice: Rimt'iri, ramt'iri, rimt'iri rarirao da!
We’ve nightingales in our throats! - I voice: Vai, vaida!
Let’s rejoice a bit,
||: let’s sing K'rimanch'uli1! :|| - I voice: Vai, vaida!
Ovodela delivo, delivo delo da,
raninao, dela delia, da!
Do you remember, darling, how we
Loved each other in the front garden?
Delo ranina o, dela delia da!
I voice: Rimt'iri, rimt'iri, rimt'iri, rimt'iri,
rimt'iri, aba delo in the front garden?
Delo ranina o, dela delia da!
O, dilavo dela, delivo, delivo delo da,
raninao, dela delia, da!
You whine, whine, whine! Why do you whine?
You cry, cry, cry! Why do you cry?
Look what a wonderful weather! Today is Sunday and what’s got into you?
Drop it, sonny, you are entrusted to us, o!
Oi sa - riva vorirao da!
hou, hou, rira orirai da!
I have no money in pocket! - I voice: Aia, aia, aiai nana!
And my years ran away somewhere! - I voice: Vai, vaida!
They run and I’m running after them
||: But they don’t hear me! No, they don’t! :|| - I voice: Vai, vaida!
You whine, whine, whine! Why do you whine?
You cry, cry, cry! Why do you cry?
Look what a wonderful weather! Today is Sunday and what’s got into you?
Drop it, sonny, you are entrusted to us, o!
The whistle of nightingale, the tenderness of rose - Raninao da, he!
I stole them and offered them to you! - Raninao da, he!
The whistle of nightingale, the tenderness of rose,
I sto… stole them and offered them to you!
||: Delivo, delivo dela, raninao da, he! :||
  • 1. A kind of yodel-like singing, very typical in Guria.

Love song

1. Oh, if I could turn into a snowflake
and come to you with a breeze!
||: Let it not harm
neither you nor me! :||
Ai, ai, dari dari,
ai, ai dari da!
||: Ai, ai, dari adai dari, adai dari,
neither you nor me! :||
2. Let the wind blow,
be it high or low!
||: Perhaps our fate
brings us together! :||
Ai, ai, dari dari,
ai, ai dari da!
||: Ai, ai, dari adai dari, adai dari,
brings us together! :||
3. Oh, if we could
cross this mountains!
||: If we could
get over this blessed ridges! :||
Ai, ai, dari dari,
ai, ai dari da!
||: Ai, ai, dari adai dari, adai dari,
get over this blessed ridges! :||

I've been thrown out of better hearts (than yours)

Ding-dong, knock knock
I'm at the door, I knock again
Ding-dong, knock knock
And there's no answer, I'm starting to worry
Two missed calls
Were enough to know that I'm out of your life
It was clear and rude
You throw me out like a garbage can, ugh, what a day
I'm going back to where I came from, I'm around the corner
Damn it, whatever
I won't cry over it
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (Ooh!)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (hey!)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (hey!)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (hey!)
I'm the queen of endings, cause I laugh at them all
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (ah-ah!)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours
Im the queen of endings, cause I laugh at them all
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (Ooh!)
I don't know what I was thinking
When I looked at you
I know my worth, I'm a queen
You were just there, I was bored
And I'm not a gold coin 1
But you're not a treasure either (no, no, no)
You told me some perfect poems and verse
And they were all plagiarized, you're a moron
You'll see what you're missing
I'm leaving, this is hurting me
You were just a guilty pleasure (how embarrassing!)
Not really husband material
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (Hey!)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (Hey!)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (Hey!)
I'm the queen of endings, cause I laugh at them all
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (so?)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (so what? so what? so what?)
I'm the queen of endings, cause I laugh at them all
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours
I'm going far away, you're a dumbass
If you think I'm going to cry
If you think I'm going to beg, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no
Come on, my Sandra
The doors of the world are open for us
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (so?)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (so what? so what? so what?)
I'm the queen of endings, cause I laugh at them all
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (Oh!)
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours (Ooh!)
I'm the queen of endings, cause I laugh at them all
I've been thrown out of better hearts than yours
I don't care
And I laugh about it (Amandititita)
Let them suffer, why should we?
  • 1. Mexican idiom meaning you can't be liked by everybody. The full versions goes like this 'No soy monedita de oro para caerle bien a todos', meaning 'I am not a gold coin to be liked by all'.

Ah, Beauty Beauty

Ah, beauty, beauty.
Really don't feel crazy, I am wandering around.
They give me no peace, no mercy.
They are destructive, your eyes, your eyes
They give me no peace, no mercy.
They are destructive, your eyes, your eyes
It may be, Beauty, that you have a heart of stone
Why do you torment me, you do not regret?
Me too, oh fire covers me too
Your eyes are to blame, your eyes.
They give me no peace, no mercy.
They are destructive, your eyes, your eyes
My thoughts do not reach you
My voice hasn't reached you, so far
I am not leaving the world like that
So you don't know how I loved you
How, how I loved you
Ah, beauty, beauty.
Really don't feel crazy, I am wandering around.
They give me no peace, no mercy.
They are destructive, your eyes, your eyes
They give me no peace, no mercy.
They are destructive, your eyes, your eyes


Versions: #1
Am întâlnit un călător dintr-un străvechi ținut
Care spunea – „Fără de trunchi, din piatră, cuprinzătoare,
Stau în deșert două picioare. . . . Lângă ele, pe jumătate
Scufundat, zace-n nisip un chip sfărmat, al cărui încruntare
Și buze încrețite, și rânjet rece impunător,
Povestesc cu câtă dibăcie sculptoru-i citise patimile
Care, înmărmurite-n aceste lucruri neînsuflețite, încă-i supraviețuiesc
Mâinii zeflemitoare ce le imita, inimii ce le hrănea.
Și pe piedestalu-i stau cuvintele gravate:
'Numele meu este OZYMANDIAS, Regele Regilor:
Priviți-mi lucrările, voi, Măreților, și disperați!'
În jur – nimic rămas – pustietate: De la ruina colosală
Ale epavei devastate, se-ntind, singuratice și terne,
Tenebre și eterne, nemărginitele nisipuri.”

Another Life

Maybe can't be in this life yet
But you will be still my life
So we will run away to sea
I'm going to ask to date
Are you going to tell me that you're going think
But in the end, will take on
Maybe can't be in this life yet
But you will be still my life
Without more lies to see me
Without old love to forget
Without your friends to hide
Sure, that all gonna be alright
Uebaruê iô,
I'm Fishman, dreamer
I gonna tell to God our lord
That you is the love of my life
Because can't be live in this life dying of love
Maybe can't be in this life yet
But you will be still my life
And a bee gonna make the honey
Dalva Star gonna cross in the sky
And the correct wind gonna blow in sea
Sure, that all gonna be alright
Uebaruê iô,
I'm Fishman, dreamer
I gonna tell to God our lord
That you is the love of my life
Because can't be live in this life dying of love
Uebaruê iô,
I'm Fishman, dreamer
I gonna tell to God our lord
That you is the love of my life
Because can't be live in this life dying of love
Uebaruê iô,
I'm Fishman, dreamer
I gonna tell to God our lord
That you is the love of my life
Because can't be live in this life dying of love
Uebaruê iô,
Uebaruê iô,
Uebaiô oooô
You believe in another life, only we both ?
Sure, that all gonna be alright

Dilma - Salutations to Cassava (REMIX)

I'm saluting the cassava,
I'm saluting the cassava.
We're communing the cassava with an ear of corn,
We're communing the cassava with an ear of corn.
And, certainly, we (oh~oh) will obtain a lot of (oh~oh) other products
Which were essential
To the development of all human civilization (human civilization).
I'm saluting the cassava (cassava),
I'm saluting the cassava (cassava).
I think it's one of the best conquests of Brazil!
I'm saluting the cassava (cassava),
I'm saluting the cassava.
When we create a ball like this one,
We become
Homo Sapiens or Women Sapiens.
For me, this ball is the symbol of our evolution.
We're communing the cassava (oh~oh) with an ear of corn,
We're communing the cassava (cassava) with an ear of corn.
I'm saluting the cassava (cassava),
I'm saluting the cassava.
  • 1. At the end of that remix, its creator made a joke saying 'Subscribe to my channel now, subscribe to my channel now.' while his voice follows the rhythm.

Bomb Neptune

O Neptune, send it to me
The most beautiful and perfect wave of the sea
If you do not want to bring it to me
I'll have ask to Iemanja(*)
(I say)
O Neptune, send it to me
The most beautiful and perfect wave of the sea
If you do not want to bring it to me
I'll have to ask Iemanja
Neptune went on vacation to where he was traveling?
Puerto Escondido, Peru, Costa Rica
Noronha, Maldives or to Panama?
Neptune has been doing well recently
She went to Indonesia to take a vacation with her spouse
The sea this summer even looks like a pond
I left the board at home and I'm taking a canoe
Neptune bomb, send me a good one
Neptune bomb, does this gap never have end?
Neptune bomb, send me a good one
Neptune bomb, turn on this bomb!
O Neptune, send it to me
The most beautiful and perfect wave of the sea
If you do not want to bring it to me
I'll have ask to Iaiá(**)
O Neptune, send it to me
The most beautiful and perfect wave of the sea
If you do not want to bring it to me
I'll have ask to Iemanja
Neptune went on vacation to where he was traveling?
Puerto Escondido, Peru, Costa Rica
Noronha, Maldives or to Panama?
Neptune has been doing well recently
She went to Indonesia to take a vacation with her spouse
The sea this summer even looks like a pond
I left the board at home and I'm taking a canoe
Neptune bomb, send me a good one
Neptune bomb, does this gap never have end?
Neptune bomb, send me a good one
Neptune bomb, turn on this bomb!
Neptune bomb, send me a good one
Neptune bomb, does this gap never have end?
Neptune bomb, send me a good one
Neptune bomb, turn on this bomb!
(heey) Turn on this bomb!
(ooh) Turn on this bomb!
(heey) Turn on this bomb!
(ooh) Turn on this bomb!

My Soul Was Smiling

Verse 1:
Everything that happens between us
Is a strange dream, and
You know rain comes after the sun
We aren't the exception either.
And everything that hurts most stays, doesn't die.
Love disappears.
And all the most beautiful things,
We waste pointlessly.
We don't know how to love.
REFREN: (x2)
Someday I return to the place, where love
used to take me towards the sun.
I want to feel again how it was like,
When my soul was smiling.
Verse 2:
I smile when I see a photo of us,
It's all there's left, and
I want a single way for both of us,
Every step.
And everything that hurts most stays, doesn't die.
Love disappears.
And all the most beautiful things,
We waste pointlessly.
We don't know how to love.
REFREN: (x2)
Someday I return to the place, where love
used to take me towards the sun
I want to feel again how it was like,
When my soul was smiling.
And everything that hurts most stays, doesn't die.
Love disappears.
And all the most beautiful things,
We waste pointlessly.
We don't know how to love.
REFREN: (x2)
Someday I return to the place, where love
used to take me towards the sun
I want to feel again how it was like,
When my soul was smiling.

Song of the traveller on an official journey

There is only one motive
With the ship
Comes a letter of credit -
Of twenty two roubles
And live another two weeks,
Work - for eight years, -
But I shall give proof
Of the frugality of an ascet.
She, in chararge for the etage
Had promised me for days
To let me into the hotel
Very quietly on my hands.
In the dining-room number two
Always stands a kefir,
And my head is full of thoughts,
And everything - about the hereafter.
I invited her into a cafe, -
O dear me, no romance, -
I ate and took to flight,
As if for the toilet.
All the beaches are full
With charming widows, -
Ashamed to take off the trousers:
However I'm here in the cold.
Oh damn Athon! -
I am in love like a plant-louse, -
I take the last funds-
All the twenty two roubles.
Charming, slim girls
All the money is spent on the passage
Probably, she
Today however will spend money on food.
Refrain: ................. a skeleton!

The almond tree

My cousin owns an almond tree
My cousin owns an almond tree,
a couple of vine stocks
on the hill slope
and a few sheeps here and there.
There I go and pick almonds,
grapes and lavender
in the evening before going home.
My cousin asked me where I went
My cousin asked me where I went
Said 'My house is far too big.
My dear, I'm asking you:
would you share what I got there?
And we'll pick almonds,
grapes and lavender,
go home and sit by the fireplace '
We got wed under the almond tree
We got wed under the almond tree
amidst roses and almonds,
grapes and lavender.
and a few friends who were there,
as far as I remember.
The bride was so pretty
that she eloped with her cousin.
Four pilgrims came by
Four pilgrims came by
For them I picked almonds,
grapes and lavender.
And so I do every time
for a hunting peasant
or a stranger passing
by my cousin's home, by mine
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

A Drop in the Sea

The years pass around me
You lift the white veil from her face
An ego like a defeated slave
And it really knows how to start hurting
there on the left side...
I'm a bullet, you're a bullet in a gun
Bad news that simply isn't vanishing into ether
We are a boat getting lost at sea
Like a lose myself whenever I meet you
[Chorus x2]
But I can't and I don't have anywhere
I would go but I can't
Because without you there is no 'me'
I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea
Like cancer you kill me with theft
Around town they're saying that I'm gone
Like I'm a waltzer who danced with the devil
Whilst my eyes were looking at angels.
I'm a bullet, you're a bullet in a gun
Bad news that simply isn't vanishing into ether
We are a boat getting lost at sea
Like a lose myself whenever I meet you
[Chorus x2]
But I can't and I don't have anywhere
I would go but I can't
Because without you there is no 'me'
I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea
(I would go but I can't)
(I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea)
(But I can't and I don't have anywhere)
(Because without you there is no 'me')
[Chorus x2]
But I can't and I don't have anywhere
I would go but I can't
Because without you there is no 'me'
I'm losing myself like a drop in the sea