Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 11
Magical Diamond
Chorus:Youth, if I knew
What is your charm,
My life
Would never stop its walk.
Magical diamond,
Offered for loving,
Thrown over life,
What a pity I won't know...
Who tells me that it's possible to ascend higher?
Who gives me from the skies new powers for everything?
Who makes any difficulty easy for me, and turns wrong into right?
Who fills my heart with longing, tell me who?
Youth, if I knew
What is your charm,
My life
Would never stop its walk.
Magical diamond,
Offered for loving,
Thrown over life,
What a pity I won't know...
Who gives for life other lives for tomorrow?
Who makes any man to be better, tell me who?
Chorus (x2):
Youth, if I knew
What is your charm,
My life
Would never stop its walk.
Magical diamond,
Offered for loving,
Thrown over life,
What a pity I won't know...
Lai lai lai la la la...
Când este lună plină
Eu nu iubesc luna,nu-mi place luna.
Când se ivește luna,
eu stau în casă
cu ușa închisă.
Când este lună plină
și noaptea e mai senină,
eu nu mai sărut pe nimeni,
eu nu mai sărut pe nimeni
când este lună plină.
Când sunt în lumina lunii
și noaptea e mai senină,
în dragoste nu am noroc,
în dragoste nu am noroc
când sunt în lumina lunii.
Am încercat o singură dată,
dar dragostea m-a părăsit.
Din acea zi, nopțile cu lună
mă fac să râd, să râd.
Când este lună plină
și noaptea e mai senină,
în dragoste nu am noroc,
în dragoste nu am noroc
când este lună plină.
Am încercat o singură dată,
dar dragostea m-a părăsit.
Din acea zi, nopțile cu lună
mă fac să râd, să râd.
Când este lună plină
și noaptea e mai senină,
în dragoste nu am noroc,
în dragoste nu am noroc,
când sunt în lumina lunii.
Eu nu iubesc luna,
nu-mi place luna.
Când se ivește luna,
eu stau în casă
cu ușa închisă.
Când este lună plină!
Take Us, Take Us, Thought
Take us, take us, thought,Take us further...
Take us, take us, thought,
Take us further,
Take us, take us, thought,
Towards clear skies.
Tell me a story!
The waves, the dunes,
What are they hiding?
Love stories,
Stolen treasures, gemstones,
All, all of them are lost
Among the deceiving dunes
And shattered sands.
Take us, take us, thought,
Where the water is clear.
Take us, take us, thought
Towards clear skies.
A sand storm
Took away your love with it,
Your heart is deserted...
Love stories,
Stolen treasures, gemstones,
All, all of them are lost
Among the deceiving dunes
And shattered sands.
The dance of the dunes,
The dance of the dunes,
Of a longing...
The dance is a mysterious...longing.
The dance of the dunes,
The dance of the dunes...
Today I Want to Laugh Again
The room is cold and deserted,Tears are knocking on the window ceaselessly.
I wish I could believe it's a bad dream,
Which ended at first light.
Today I want to laugh again,
To chase away all that was bad,
Today I want to believe you'll be back.
I'll wait for you to come,
I'll wait for you to tell me:
'You are my life, you are my happiness!'
Lai lai lai la la la...
I walk alone on the snowy alley,
I'm searching for the footprints of then.
I feel your warm hand, I hear your voice,
I know it's a chimera, but I'm still hoping.
Today I want to laugh again,
To chase away all that was bad,
Today i want to believe you'll be back.
I'll wait for you to come,
I'll wait for you to tell me:
'You are my life, you are my happiness!'
Lai lai lai la la la...
It's as if, as if I care about you
It's as if, as if, as if I care about youI don't know, don't know, don't know what's up with me
I would say that it's a dream but one thing is clear
A gaze of love and everything is wonderful
It's as if, as if, as if I care about you
I don't know, don't know, don't know what's up with me
I would say that it's a dream but one thing is clear
A gaze of love and everything is wonderful
A sunny day was enough
With which your thoughts said
I blossomed in your eyes
And you secretly whispered to me
It's as if, as if, as if I care about you
I don't know, don't know, don't know what's up with me
I would say that it's a dream but one thing is clear
A gaze of love and everything is wonderful
A sunny day was enough
With which your thoughts said
I blossomed in your eyes
And you secretly whispered to me
It's as if, as if, as if I care about you
I don't know, don't know, don't know what's up with me
I would say that it's a dream but one thing is clear
A gaze of love and everything is wonderful
I don't know, don't know, don't know what's up with me
It's as if, as if, as if I care about you
About you, about you.
Tap tup tap tu ap
Tap tup tap tu ap
Tap tup tap tu ap tai rap tap
Tap tup tap tu ap
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
You'll leave
You'll leave...Just like the sun does at twilight,
But which comes back at dawn again.
You'll leave...
But one day I'll come back
To bring spring to love.
You'll leave...
Don't be fearful for any reason,
My thoughts will be with you.
You'll leave...
From all that's been I won't keep
But the serene memories.
I'll leave, sometimes life proves to be like this,
It separates our roads,
But over time we'll get back
The same dream from the dark blue nights.
I'll leave, but I'll keep on living in every day
Just in hopes of seeing you again,
Our love will blossom
Just like wild apple trees do.
La, la, la, la...
(Being repeated from the beginning)
© Vladímir Sosnín