Rezultatele căutării pagină 17
Număr de rezultate: 734
Dormi, floarea mea
Dormi, floarea mea,
Dormi cu Dumnezeu în inimă,
Lasă inima aceasta a Dumnezeului
Să-ți aducă fericire.
Dormi, floarea mea...
Și când dormi,
Să poți visa
La flori, soare și mare
Până când te vei trezi.
Și când dormi...
Și lasă un înger al Dumnezeului
Să fie alături de tine,
Lasă-l să-ți fie aproape
În fiecare zi cu un voal.
Și lasă un înger al Dumnezeului...
Dormi, nu te trezi,
Încă nu ți-a venit timpul,
Nu ești singură lângă mine,
Te voi supraveghea,
Dormi, nu te trezi...
Floarea mea micuță,
Cât îmi ești de dragă,
Nu mai este nimeni
Să merite atâta dragoste.
Floarea mea micuță...
Floarea mea, odihnește-te,
Îți voi fi aproape,
Când te vei trezi, zâmbește,
Fiică frumoasă precum un trandafir.
Floarea mea, odihnește-te...
© Vladimir Sosnín
Sunday in Lisboa
There's no Sunday without sun
Say the people and no without reason
Because it always appears
On Sundays in Lisboa
Desert streets or almost
Passes a couple holding hands
It's on Sunday that she
Walks with her boyfriend
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa
There are walks in the boulevard
There is chirping from sparrows
That are an anthem to life itself
To hearts side by side
A song that is sang
And at night is heard the fado
On Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Sunday in Lisboa and Lisboa is different
It's calm, it's peaceful and it's closer to us
Flags in the Castle that Sé blesses
Tejo shines even more, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa
It's Sunday in Lisboa, it's Sunday in Lisboa
Maria pm
le docteur des ignorants et Maria Piron
Wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo
Maria Piron, maman na Erika, Alvina et Nazeria Mandala
Sirène ya police ekumbaka na prison
Ya corbillard ekokumba nga na lilita
Épargner nga, zuwa esalaka nga neti drogué
Ba lèvres na y
o elekak
Goodbye, Maria
Goodbye, goodbye, Maria,
the dawn will come without you
and alone will I go my way.
Goodbye, goodbye, Maria—
kiss me again—gaze at me again—
on your last look will I live.
Tonight the most beautiful dream dies—
tomorrow you will no longer be mine.
Melancholy awaits me far away from you.
Goodbye, goodbye, Maria,
what I will miss even more
will be the love of my woman.
Tonight the most beautiful dream dies—
tomorrow you will no longer be mine.
Melancholy awaits me far away from you.
Goodbye, goodbye, Maria,
what I will miss even more
will be the love of my woman.
Goodbye, goodbye, love.
Sky-blue eyes
I still remember how it happened
That feeling when I saw you
It was the first time
I had no choice
I had never seen anything like that before
Your sky, sky, sky-blue eyes
Take me closer and closer to the sky
This sky, sky-blue is hard to believe
You're simply wonderful
Your sky, sky, sky-blue eyes
Take me closer and closer to the sky
This sky, sky-blue is hard to believe
You're simply wonderful
Your sky, sky, sky-blue eyes
Take me closer and closer to the sky
This sky, sky-blue is hard to believe
You're simply wonderful
There were so many dark days
That's been over since I met you
You bring the sunshine
Deep into my heart
I had never seen anything like that before
(Never seen before)
Your sky, sky, sky-blue eyes
Take me closer and closer to the sky
This sky, sky-blue is hard to believe
You're simply wonderful
Your sky, sky, sky-blue eyes
Take me closer and closer to the sky
This sky, sky-blue is hard to believe
You're simply wonderful
Your sky, sky, sky-blue eyes
Take me closer and closer to the sky
This sky, sky-blue is hard to believe
You're simply wonderful
Your sky, sky, sky-blue eyes
Take me closer and closer to the sky
This sky, sky-blue is hard to believe
You're simply wonderful
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Wherever you love on this earth
The homeland is that which is admired from afar
An extinguished oil lamp
The beloved tear
The handkerchief of pain
Dawn from the Dodecanese
From the Cyclades a holy vow
An Armenian complaint
And crying from Smyrna
Wherever you love on this earth
Rose is the color of the dawn
Rose is the color of the dawn
Even in a faraway place
Sweetly the morning star appears
Sweetly the morning star appears
The homeland is the unexpected meeting
Tortures suffered with pain
But also the bride’s joy
When she is in love.
The one returning to the homeland and the emigre
The harvest and the winters
The light and the fruitless line
The thorn and the anemones
Wherever you love on this earth
Rose is the color of the dawn
Rose is the color of the dawn
Even in a faraway place
Sweetly the morning star appears
Sweetly the morning star appears
Suflet mort
Erau doi îndrăgostiți
Scoși din minți:
Unul a trebuit să plece la război...
Celălalt a trebuit să moară.
Când el s-a întors de la război,
Și-a găsit iubirea îngropată!
Așa că și-a luat chitara
Și s-a dus la mormântul ei...
Când a ajuns la mormânt,
A început să cânte...
Când a ajuns la mormânt,
A început să cânte...
Deșteaptă-te, suflet mort!
Deșteaptă-te din somnul tău!
Că dacă nu te scoți din el,
Te voi face să te deștepți!
De dragul meu
Nu încerca să mă găsești!
Că de-ar fi să mă vezi acum,
Te-aș face să fugi de frică...
Niciodată nu m-ai speria,
Nici eu nu te-aș speria pe tine!
Pentru că pe urmă aș ajunge
Tot la mormânt lângă tine.
Pe piatra de mormânt
Am scris niște versuri:
Eu sunt moartă pentru iubire!
Fără dragoste no se poate trăi.
La ra la ra la la la...
© Vladímir Sosnín
The First Date
Ah! How sweet and disturbing it must be—
that moment on the first date,
when the heart, tired of beating alone,
flies away in a thrill towards the mystery.
You, stranger of a crazed dream,
bring about for us
the happiness of loving for an entire life
at that moment of the first date.
When Old Man Time
on a beautiful spring day
made from a simple child
almost a woman.
In the blue dream
of a happy future,
closing her eyes,
she sighs in the depths of her soul.
Ah! How sweet and disturbing it must be—
that moment on the first date,
when the heart, tired of beating alone,
flies away in a thrill towards the mystery.
You, stranger of a crazed dream,
bring about for us
the happiness of loving for an entire life
at that moment of the first date.
Santa Maria of the Sea
Little Madonna, who looks out over the sea,
Santa Maria,
with your cloak the color of blue sky,
Santa Maria.
Little Mother of the son of God,
keep us in your thoughts,
and remember the sorrows that, without speaking,
my eyes reveal.
An abundant rain,
Santa Maria,
gives us wheat in the fields—
thousands of flowers, too.
And protect us always,
Santa Maria.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
Little Madonna of gracious love,
if they beg you
and they implore you with much fervor
that you help them—
Little Mother of the son of God,
because your story
is the story of so many souls
that are devout
An abundant rain,
Santa Maria,
gives us wheat in the fields—
thousands of flowers, too.
And protect us always,
Santa Maria.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
An abundant rain,
Santa Maria,
gives us wheat in the fields—
thousands of flowers, too.
And protect us always,
Santa Maria.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
Remember Maria
Tomorrow, at midnight, the entire earth
will sing for you, Ave Maria.
I am alone on my knees on the stone
and I come to tell you to remember.
Remember me in a white dress
when love was close to me.
And I said yes, Maria des Anges,
yes, forever, Mary, remember?
And I loved him so much—
more than my life—
but one day,
he left.
At the foot of the cross tonight, Maria,
me—I come to confess to you my sorrow.
I am but a child but I love him.
On my knees, I pray to you: give him to me.
I am but a child but I love him.
On my knees, I pray to you: give him to me.
Ești tot ce am
Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Mă voi gândi la tine, al meu domn
Diseară, în singurătatea mea fără de somn,
Dacă e greșit că te iubesc așa
Atunci inima mea să fiu bine, nu mă va lăsa
Căci mă înec în patima pentru tine
Şi nu voi trece cu bine
Fără tine alături de mine.
--- R ---
Aş da tot ce am, să mai am
Cu tine măcar o singură noapte, cum eram
Mi-aş risca viaţa să te mai simt
Cu trupul tău lângă mine suspinând
Căci nu pot merge mai departe
Doar cu amintirea cântecului nostru, fără șoapte
Aş da totul pentru iubirea ta în astă noapte.
--- 2 ---
Iubitule, poţi să simţi a mea licărire
Imaginează-ți că te privesc în ochi fără clipire
Eu te pot vedea foarte puțin șters
Înfățișat de mintea mea intens
Chiar dacă ești așa departe
Ca o stea îndepărtată foarte
La care să îmi pun o dorinţă în astă noapte.
--- R ---
Aş da tot ce am, să mai am
Cu tine măcar o singură noapte, cum visam
Mi-aş risca viaţa să te mai simt
Cu trupul tău lângă mine suspinând
Căci nu pot merge mai departe
Doar cu amintirea cântecului nostru, fără șoapte
Aş da totul pentru iubirea ta în astă noapte.
--- R ---
Aş da tot ce am, să mai am
Măcar o singură noapte cu tine, cum eram
Mi-aş risca viaţa să te mai simt
Cu trupul tău lângă mine suspinând
Căci nu pot merge mai departe
Doar cu amintirea cântecului nostru, fără șoapte
Aş da totul pentru iubirea ta în astă noaptea.
Iubirea are nevoie de răgaz
Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Am avut totul ...
Dar am lăsat să-mi scape norocul
Nu am putut vedea că ai inima rănită
Si acum umblu rătăcită
Tristă şi rece ca un porumbel înghețat
Încercând să cred ... că ai plecat.
--- R ---
Iubirea are nevoie de răgaz, s-o ocrotești
Ca să vindece atât de mult când răneşti
Nu am putut vedea c-am fost fără vedere
Și te-am lasat să pleci fără vreo mângâiere
Și nu mai pot scăpa de-această durere
Din inima mea înlăcrimată
Pentru că iubirea are nevoie de răgaz
Nu vreau să fiu aici, ceas-de-ceas
Nu vreau să fiu aici, așa de însingurată.
--- 2 ---
Am rătăcit cărarea de durerea grea
De la acest gol din inima mea
M-am trezit atât de incompletă pe acest drum
Doamne, am nevoie de Tine acum
Spune-mi cum să opresc această ploaie
Căci fără oprire lacrimile curg șiroaie.
--- R ---
Iubirea are nevoie de răgaz, s-o ocrotești
Ca să vindece atât de mult când răneşti
Nu am putut vedea c-am fost fără vedere
Și te-am lasat să pleci fără la revedere
Și nu mai pot scăpa de-această durere
Din inima mea înlăcrimată
Pentru că iubirea are nevoie de răgaz
Nu vreau să fiu aici, ceas-de-ceas
Nu vreau să fiu aici, așa de însingurată.
--- 3 ---
Poţi spune că totul s-a sfârșit
Poţi spune că nu-ţi pasă ce-am pățit
Poţi spune că de mine nu ți-e dor
Și de la mine nu vrei ajutor
Dar eu ştiu că mai e ceva
Şi simt că încă s-ar putea reînvia
Vreun sentiment în inima ta.
--- R ---
Iubirea are nevoie de răgaz, s-o ocrotești
Ca să vindece atât de mult când răneşti
Nu am putut vedea c-am fost fără vedere
Și te-am lasat să pleci fără vreo mângâiere
Și nu mai pot scăpa de-această durere
Din inima mea înlăcrimată
Pentru că iubirea are nevoie de răgaz
Nu vreau să fiu aici, ceas-de-ceas
Nu vreau să fiu aici, așa de însingurată.
Când ai credință
Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Multe nopţi ne-am rugat
... Fără ca dovezi să fi aflat
În inimile noastre s-a auzit
Un cântec de speranţă șoptit
Pe care abia l-am deslușit.
Acum teamă n-o să ne mai fie
Deşi ştim că există o mie
de lucruri de care să ne fie,
Mişcăm munţii de vrem
Înainte de a fi siguri că putem.
--- R ---
Miracolele poți să le vezi
... atunci când crezi
Deşi fragilă e speranţa
E greu ca să-i ucizi prezența,
Cine ştie ce miracole din faptele tale pot ieși
Când ai credință ... cumva vei reuşi,
Vei reuşi ... atunci când crezi c-așa va fi.
--- 2 ---
În aceste vremuri grele ce trăiesc
Când rugăciunile adesea a fi în van se dovedesc
Speranţa pare ...
... asemenea păsărilor călătoare
Ce s-au grăbit departe să zboare.
Dar acum mă aflu în acest loc
Inima mea e atât de neînfricată încât nici să explic nu pot
Căutând credinţă şi rostind cuvinte anume
Pe care nu credeam vreodată că le voi spune.
--- R ---
Miracolele poți să le vezi
... atunci când crezi
Deşi fragilă e speranţa
E greu ca să-i ucizi prezența,
Cine ştie ce miracole din faptele tale pot ieși
Când ai credință ... cumva vei reuşi,
Vei reuşi ... atunci când crezi c-așa va fi.
--- R ---
Miracolele poți să le vezi
... atunci când crezi
Deşi fragilă e speranţa
E greu ca să-i ucizi prezența,
Cine ştie ce miracole din faptele tale pot ieși
Când ai credință ... cumva vei reuşi,
Vei reuşi ... atunci când crezi c-așa va fi.
Only because you loved me
I only sing because you loved me
In the past years.
And in sun, in summer’s premonition
And in rain and snow,
I only sing because you loved me.
Only because you held me in your arms
One night and you kissed my lips,
Only for this am I beautiful as an wide-open lily
And I still have a shiver in my soul,
Only because you held me in your arms.
Only because your eyes looked at me
With the soul in the glance,
Proudly I adorned the ultimate
Crown of my being,
Only because your eyes looked at me.
Only because you noticed me as I passed
And in your glance I saw
My slender shadow passing like a dream
Playing, hurting
Only because you noticed me as I passed
Because you hesitantly called me
And you reached for my hand
And you had a dazzle in your eyes
- A complete love,
Because you hesitantly called me.
Because, only because you liked it
That’s why my passing remained beautiful.
It was as if you were following me wherever I went,
As if you were passing by somewhere close to me.
Because, only because you liked it.
Only because you loved me was I born,
That's why life was given to me.
In the graceless, unfulfilled life
My life was fulfilled.
Only because you loved me was I born.
Only for your fine love
Did the dawn give roses in my hands.
So that I light your way for a moment
The night filled the eyes with stars,
Only for your fine love.
Only because you loved me so beautifully
I lived in order to multiply
Your dreams, beautiful king
And thus sweetly I die
Only because you loved me so beautifully.
45 brains and one heart
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and one heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
Here, without myth or rite
Left to time
Wrapped up in mud
Near some urbanization
45 brains and 1 heart
They're still there in silence
Their longings suspended
Dirty fate
Their dreams whisper
Dirty silence, yes
They're still there
They found
Where they always knew
They were
45 brains and 1 heart
In front of such a discovery
And the amazement of the present ones
They saw the light, conserved
Like bodies of pharaos
The soil made them of themselves and ours
Heaven had them alive and dead
Jewels of modern fortgetfulness
Who forgets, who remembers?
45 brains and one heart
Tell me, death, little death of mine
Where will you burn?
The lady answers:
'I will come at dawn
I will come at nightfall
I will come where you will be'
My time is not your time
It wanted to explain
That I live in the stones
The ones of today and the ones of yesterday
I am the course of the world
I am only a second
Afterwards there will be no afterwards
After eighty years
After eight decades
While I sing
While he plays
While you listen to me
While you breathe
While, during, afterwards
They're still there
In silence
It might seem innocent to you
But even so, it is evident
that not even the most eloquent
and not even thousands of serpent's tongues
could answer me
if someone, among so many people,
including the claircoyants
with their budding visions
sees in recent history
of Orient and Occident
a reason that nourishes
this insane dimension
if my mind does not lie to me
someone among the listeners
could answer me
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes:
If water has an owner
who owns light?
Who owns this soil?
Who profits off of our
who profits off of our
Older than hope
More common than chicory
It's dismem...ory
Like a false accusation
The most faithful story
Is not always mem...ory
This treadmill turns
Swing door
There's no glory
If there's memory
If you stay silent you kill it
It's like a skin
You find it if you scratch
Fertile orchard
The flower of the present
Will be born in it
This treadmill turns
Swing door
There's no glory
If there's mem...
I lost the thread
The thread to this story
I lost the thread
The thread to this
Ave Maria
Ave Maria! Virgin of heaven—
Queen of gratitude and pious mother—
who always answers the fervent prayer.
Do not refuse this, my broken heart.
Give respite to its sorrow!
My lost soul appeals to you—
and, full of hope, prostrates itself at your feet.
It invokes you and waits for you to give it
the peace that only you can give.
Ave Maria!
Tenderly, Anne Marie
Anne Marie, tonight you are with me
and the past already no longer exists—
images that now
no longer remain for us.
Tenderly, tonight I will dream
about my new life together with you—
but now, love, no,
tell me nothing more.
It is enough for me to imagine the words you will say.
And how,
like the first time, you know,
I do not ask you what we are about anymore.
It is enough to just have you here.
But kiss me on the eyes
and tell me good night
so that I can dream.
Anne Marie, tonight I will dream
about my new life together with you—
but now love, no,
tell me nothing more.
It is enough for me to imagine the words you will say.
It is enough for me just to have you here.
If I close my eyes, touched by your kisses,
I no longer want to think—
I want to fall asleep.
Tenderly, love.
Anne Marie, love.
Ave Maria
Ave Maria! Virgin of heaven—
Queen of gratitude and pious mother
who always answers the fervent prayer.
Do not refuse this, my broken heart.
Give respite to its sorrow!
My lost soul appeals to you—
and, full of hope, prostrates itself at your feet.
It invokes you and waits for you to give it
the peace that only you can give.
Ave Maria!
Hail Mary, full of grace—
Mary, full of grace—
Hail Mary, full of grace—
Hail, hail, Lord—
the Lord is with thee
Blessed are you among women
and blessed—
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, thy womb, Jesus.
Ave Maria!
A Girl Named Mary Rose
I was speeding on a motorcycle on a Monday.
The cold wind ripped into me.
In every street, she was there.
She flagged me down and I stopped.
My lights reflected in her eyes
and her hair was the color of yellow wheat.
(Her hair was the color of yellow wheat.)
She was dressed in colorful clothes.
In the meadows together, we picked flowers.
(In the meadows together, we picked flowers.)
A girl named Mary Rose—
grass and wheat—
hair blowing loose in the wind.
With my eyes closed, I think of her
and I no longer forget—I don't know.
Now I know that we die alone.
How love hurts!
Mary Rose, how it hurts!
The setting sun, the sky fades,
the cold ride back to return.
Distant lights of the city.
Mary Rose, where will she be?
The motorcycle still warm in the garage.
Without eating, I throw myself in bed.
(Immediately I throw myself in bed.)
In the dark I see her colorful clothes.
In the meadows together, we picked flowers.
(In the meadows together, we picked flowers.)
A girl named Mary Rose—
grass and wheat—
hair blowing loose in the wind.
With my eyes closed, I think of her
and I no longer forget—I don't know.
Now I know that we die alone.
How love hurts!
Mary Rose, how it hurts!
With my eyes closed, I think of you,
Mary Rose!
To forget— I don't know.
Now I know that we die alone.
How love hurts!
How it hurts, Mary Rose!
The mariachi's celebration
The celebration is about to begin,
decorate those big gates.
The celebration is about to begin,
decorate those big gates.
the mariachi is coming
singing tunes with there guitars
and big guitars,
so that the hearts may romp
and be happy.
Here... the mariachi is coming
singing tunes with there guitars
and big guitars,
so that the hearts may romp
and be happy.
Ay lalala lalay
ay lalala lalay,
take your girl
so she can dance
this beautiful tune.
Ay lalala lalay
ay lalala lalay
remove dust
for my heart to romp.
The celebration goes on nicely,
all full of happiness.
The celebration goes on nicely,
all full of happiness.
Yeees... the mariachi playing,
with their violins,
with their trumpets
for my lovely mother in law
to cheer up
and feel happy.
Yeees... the mariachi playing,
with their violins,
with their trumpets
for my lively mother in law
to cheer up
and feel happy.
Ay lalala lalay
ay lalala lalay,
take your girl
so she can dance
this beautiful tune.
Ay lalala lalay
ay lalala lalay
remove dust
for my heart to romp.
It is the mariachi's celebration
what cheers up the heart.
Helen of Troy
The neighbourhood can't hold us
We must set sail
What was this sudden thing
Who would expect it..
She was married,
Helen of Troy.
They will pay dearly for it
No more jokes.
They will beg and apologise,
We'll see what it means..
The damned
Helen of Troy.
Doesn't matter if everyone knows
That she went of her own free will.
We, like kins and insulted lovers,
Will insist
Poor Helen of Troy
Didn't want to.
Sterner than an icon, dark face,
There, in the garden.
Tightly shifted eyebrows.
The colour of blood, cruel mouth...
-I'm waiting, come out...-
Splashing, waving with the black crepe:
I'm breathing with an open crypt,
I'll throw down, weave the mist around
The last star
I'll bend with bloodless stature.
On the slops, on meadows
Like a wild hurricane I'll come down,
Scatter everywhere braids...
To go out before into the boundless world
I could not.
With secret is shrouded my palace,
And for you my accidental friend,
I watched out.
Do you hear, unsteady rain is dripping,
With a bit of rustle...
In my broken violin-
All of my soul.
Listen to the strings, sing with me,
With dark, dead and intoxicated...
The string squeal and screamed,
Here, it's sings, it's calling,
And, breaking into a wild run
Leaves are dancing on the road,
The forest moans in plangent cry,
In anxiety the grass start to bow...
Past a scary face,
Past her tired lips
Without no end, they race and race
Waterfalls of scarlet leaves.
Over the distance in twilight-
Airplanes from brocade.
Curling into the spiral,
Tornadoes are scattered far away.
Listen to the strings, sing with me,
With dark, dead and intoxicated...
We have known free open spaces,-
Further, higher, out from the circle we run,-
With insomnia and rave
We have made each other drunk.
In the splash, the rustle and chaos,
Where struggling light is dying,
I'm flying... Behind me the footprints
Autumn sweeps with violin.
María Landó
Daybreak bursts out like a statue
Statue with wings that spread out over the city
And the noon-hour sings like a bell made of water
Bell of golden water that won't let us feel loneliness
And the night lifts up its grand goblet
Its grand goblet, the early moon above the sea.
But for María there is no daybreak
But for María there is no noon
But for María no moon
Lifts its red goblet above the sea
María has no time (María Landó)
To lift up her eyes
María to lift up her eyes (María Landó)
Exhausted by lack of sleep
María exhausted by lack of sleep (María Landó)
And by suffering
María by suffering (María Landó)
Only works
María only works, only works, only works
María only works
And her work belongs to others
But for María there is no daybreak
But for María there is no noon
But for María no moon
Lifts its red goblet above the sea
María has no time (María Landó)
To lift up her eyes
María to lift up her eyes (María Landó)
Exhausted by lack of sleep
María exhausted by lack of sleep (María Landó)
And by suffering
María by suffering (María Landó)
Only works
María only works, only works, only works
María only works
And her work belongs to others
María Landó, María Landó, María Landó
María Landó only works
María Landó only works
María Landó
Only works
María Landó
Only works, and her work belongs to others
Those Who Wear the Skirt Well
Men of the world
Stop and listen for a second
'Cause it seems so absurd to us
What you sound like out there
Stupid songs
With lyrics that don't respect us
And I can't wrap my head around
Why you paint us that way.
We are much more than sex
A pair of breasts, a nice body
Under our hair we have a brain
A heart to feel
We are much more than that
Open your eyes 'cause these are different times
And from us you were born
There's nothing more to say.
Excuse me?
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
Those of us who know how to live (that's right)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel (I am Ivy Queen)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes you can.
(Yes you can, man)
Those of us in charge have arrived, in pants or in skirts
Women do not fall. Get up!
'Cause we're the gift to this planet
And whoever hits us like that sins
Man, respect us!
Respect what we can do, without any opposition
That we have a brain, intelligence, and a heart
That there are many in the fight
It's not the same to hurt one
Men of the world
To clarify this point for you
We are the same, we are one
There's nothing more to say
(We won't let ourselves go)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well (that's right)
Those of us who know how to live (we know how to live man)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now (the ones in charge)
Those who wear the skirt well (Yes Sir)
The ones who can make you feel.
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us (Yes Sir)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes we can
We are more than sex
We're an I love you
We're an I can
We're an example
We're more than sex (sex)
We're an I love you (I love you)
We're an I can
There's nothing more to say
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel
Oh oh oh
María José
La Josa
Ivy Queen
Eliot the Wizard of Oz
The power of the universe
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Yπερφύσισσπάστιγκούτσιγούτσικαλιρίο
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
Yiam diridam diridam diridam
Yiam Diridam diridam diridam dim dam
And if these children do not behave well
They don't have much love in their life
They have a strict father
But one day they learn a new magic word
A word that gave them happiness in their life
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it backwards
You gonna get a prize
Even though the sound of it
Is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough
You'll always sound precocious
It's a magic, humorous word
If you can tell it
You gonna get a prize
Tonight, mama,
I’ve heard famous men
In a chorus with God.
Give me back my life,
Great voice of the heaven.
Till my departure
May the pain be sweet to me.
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you
Tonight, mama,
We’re all together.
Only one wish,
That of the Sardinians like you.
Sons of history
Sons of unity
We are the memory
We’re today, we’re tomorrow
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you (x2)
Când luna scaldă
Străzile napolitane
Lângă vechile fântâni
Spune-mi că mă iubeşti
Adoră-mă totdeauna, dragă
Am atâta nevoie de tine
Dragostea mea
Dragostea mea
Sunt gata să-ţi ofer viaţa mea
Visul meu are căldura
Şi dulceaţa
Inimii mele
Acordurile chitarei suspină
Dorinţa amanţilor de a iubi
În braţele tale eu aş vrea să descopăr
O întreagă lume încântată
Adoră-mă totdeauna, dragă
Repetă-mi tandru
Frumosul jurământ
Pe care-l aştept
Cât te ador
Şi pentru totdeauna
Dragă, te voi iubi!
Iubire rea
Astăzi, după despărțire
te-am văzut din nou, iubire rea,
și se vede după râsul tău
că încă nu știi
cât de mult am plâns.
Sunt sinceră când mărturisesc
că încă te iubesc, iubire rea,
cu toate astea, din cauza ta
tot ce noi am avut s-a terminat.
Da, n-ai fost vreodată credincios
și m-ai simulat acea
dragoste perversă.
Ai respect, te rog,
pentru iubirea mea
care încă n-a murit. (bis)
Sunt sinceră când mărturisesc
că încă te iubesc, iubire rea,
cu toate astea, din cauza ta
tot ce noi am avut s-a terminat.
Da, n-ai fost vreodată credincios
și m-ai simulat acea
dragoste perversă.
Ai respect, te rog,
pentru iubirea mea
care încă n-a murit. (bis)
Ai respect, te rog,
pentru iubirea mea
care încă n-a murit....
You ask
You ask
To come back again
You ask
To meet me
You ask
To erase the bad things
You ask
To see me again
You ask
For the Summer to come
You ask
The soft air
You ask
(For it) to bring me back
You ask
To find me again
How can I walk close to you
How to come back in your armful
When you let me get forgotten
It was a mistake
But I found a way
To recover my life
To stand up again
And leave the night
You ask
(For me) to be hurt again
You ask
To heal your bad times
You ask
(For me) to believe words
You ask
(For me) to see you again
You ask
To find truth
You ask
For more fairytales
You ask
Unfairlessly for help
You ask
Unfairlessly (for me) to come back
I can't stand coming back to life
I'll live forever in the dream
Closed in on a cross
For some other purpose
You ask
For the Summer to come
You ask
The soft air
You ask
(For it) to bring me back
You ask
To find me again
You'll see, you'll see...
You ask
To come back again
You ask
To meet me
You ask
To erase the bad things
You ask
To see me again
Băiatul meu
Când vii, soarele răsare,
Când pleci, apune.
Ca o nebună, mă faci să mă port
Ca o ieșită din minți.
Femeile în fața ta sunt acum peste 200,
Adresa ta e cea mai vizitată,
Spune că mă recunoști doar pe mine,
Ai făcut femeile acestea să plângă.
Ajutor, sunt pe moarte, inima mea se oprește.
Cine o va salva? E îndrăgostită, da!
Vine și distruge totul, băiatul ăsta e nebun,
Asta le face și femeilor (le înnebunește).
Îmi taie respirația, îmi face inima să se oprească,
E dificil să te obișnuiești cu o asemenea iubire,
Jos mâinile, băiatul e al meu,
Nu-s sănătoasă dacă decid să-l părăsesc!
Când treci, în trafic,
Luminile semafoarelor se fac verzi.
Dacă cineva e cu adevărat important,
Acela ești tu, prin felul tău de a fi!
Cântecele îți sunt dedicate ție,
Toate, fără excepție,
Ești foarte dur, ești foarte dur,
Dar din fericire ești genul meu.
(refren x 2)
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