Rezultatele căutării pagină 13
Număr de rezultate: 590
Heal heal
Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
When your wounds make rivers
I’ll bathe in your waters
When your fears are my own
I’ll hug your skirt
Hopefully it won’t be too late
To learn to love you
Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
Like we believe the lie
Nothing happens here
If we sing this song
We clean the soul
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
And we return the calm
If I don’t say it I forget, I forget
And the party is over
If I don't see it, I don't stay blind
And the party is over
If I don't see it I don't stay blind
Heal heal, heal heal
Let them change the topic, and likewise we change nothing
Hashtag jungle, hashtag beach
The world isn’t what you see on your screen
We were selfish to love you
To bring you to the world
The future never mattered much
As when I see you
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
Your awakened senses
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
The sun and the wind
The sand, the drizzle
The guilt, the hills
The time, the oil
The fog that covers everything
Lock, bottle, whale, elephant
Storm, activist without school
Terror without sequel
Memories of my grandma
My life isn’t for sale, my family isn’t for sale
The future isn’t for sale isn’t for sale, isn’t for sale
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
If I don’t say it I forget
Am stomacul supărat, de la atâta înjurat
Chiar dacă sunt tristă, ce să fac?
Voi toți ai muncit din greu urând
Dacă mă dobori
Te hrănește asta?
Ce e în neregulă cu a fi singură? Am înghițit chiar şi ura
Nici măcar nu am puterea să mă enervez și n-am nici timp
Ce-i atât de dezgustător? Doar vezi-ți de treaba ta
De ce faci asta, de ce mă întristezi?
Maria Maria
Aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
Este o noapte minunată
Nu te mai supăra
Oh Maria, aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
Pentru ce lupți?
Ești deja frumoasă
(da) Oh na ah ah
(da) Aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
(da) Oh na ah ah (da)
Ești frumoasă Maria
Fără cadru, adevărată
Durerea de cap este palpitantă
Cerul este de culoarea cerului, viața este în mod evident destul de frumoasă
Voi schimba drumul pe care merg
Voi transforma o criză într-o oportunitate
Dacă chiar vrei să mă vezi plângând
Iată-le, lacrimile mele
Ce e în neregulă cu a fi singură? Am înghițit chiar şi ura
Nici măcar nu am puterea să mă enervez și n-am nici timp
Nu-ţi pângări mintea, e prea devreme pentru a cădea
Maria Maria
Aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
Este o noapte minunată
Nu te mai supăra
Oh Maria, aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
Pentru ce lupți?
Ești deja frumoasă
(da) Oh na ah ah
(da) Aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
(da) Oh na ah ah (da)
Ești frumoasă Maria
Maria Maria
Aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
Este o noapte minunată
Nu te mai supăra
Oh Maria, aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
Pentru ce lupți?
Ești deja frumoasă
(da) Oh na ah ah
(da) Aceste cuvinte sunt pentru tine
(da) Oh na ah ah (da)
Ești frumoasă Maria
You'll see that I love you
Now that we're only looking forward
And we start our long journey together
For you I will try to become different
I'll learn to listend and I won't be the usual me
And you'll see, and you'll see that I love you
I never been so honest. Do you want more?
We'll go out to dinner once in a week
And then to dance if you still feel like it
And it's possible that I'll finally get in the kitchen
I'm gonna surprise you more than what you can imagine
There won't be missing reasons for you to laugh
And I'll dress in fashion like you wanted
And we'll make a party out of every moment
And I'll be putting in you all that I have
Pe malul mării
Dacă te simți singură
când începe să se lase noaptea,
dacă vrei să iubești din nou,
nu dormi și ascultă valurile
care să te aducă acolo unde sunt.
Iubito, vino pe malul mării,
vino pe malul mării!
Dacă privești către cer
și vezi o stea plângând,
oglinda singurătății mele,
să-ți spună dacă e sigur că te aștept
acea stea pe care-o faci să strălucească.
Dacă simți că e frig
și că vântul îți pătrunde în piele,
dacă din nou căldura o cauți,
eu îmi păstrez focul aprins,
în caz că într-o zi vei vrea să revii.
Mountains of the Virgin Forest, Where Are You?
Mountains of the , where are you?
Those gigantic trees
That were cut down with our axes,
Tearing down the elderberries as they fell.
Mountains of the virgin forest, where are you?
I keep chopping and chopping
And I never find anything:
Only forest and boulders, nothing more!
I was a day labourer in the time of the taskmasters,
And I walked into the forest with the desire to kill...
And I took out my rage with my ax
Against the trees of the Upper Parana river.
Mountains of the virgin forest, where are you?
The timber industry kept tearing you down
And the strength of my arm,
Kept fading in your depths, relentlessly.
Mountains of the virgin forest, where are you?
I wish I could enter you through your womb
And fall down the slope
And reach, with the current, the Parana.
I was a day labourer in the time of the taskmasters,
And I walked into the forest with the desire to kill...
And I took out my rage with my ax
Against the trees of the Upper Parana river.
Mountains of the virgin forest... Where are you?!
I asked life one day
If it wanted my heart
I asked life one day
If it wanted my heart
In meanness or irony
Life said no
In meanness or irony
Life said no
To the guitar I asked
If the fado wanted me
To the guitar I ased
If the fado wanted me
To my disgrace I now know
That the fado said yes
To my disgrace I now know
That the fado said yes
I asked when we parted
If you wanted my hand
I was left with my hand up
You don't even say no
I was left with my hand up
You don't even say no
And I ask everyone
If there's gratitude in the world
And I ask everyone
If there's gratitude in the world
Not even one person lies
Everybody says no
Not even one person lies
Everybody says no
I shall ask death
If this misery has an end
I shall ask death
If this misery has an end
That time I will be luckier
Death will say yes
That time I will be luckier
Death will say yes
I Will Wait
I will wait for the future
when I am ninety years old
Who doesn't do this, resigns to death
I will bite the time
That ripe apricot
Oh, tame clay for the genius of the sculptor
The death is very offended
seeing that I don't believe in it
For me its passport is not valid
I have too much to do here
It will have to leave me alone.
I would waste away under the soil
too much precious time.
The death invented itself
someone that loves us
It wants that we work pretending to have an expiration date
But from the windows roll out
Infinite meadows where my horses
Gallop free of reins
I will wait...
With the curtain lowered
When I loved you I dreamed your dreams,
I watched your eyelids sleep,
the lashes slightly trembling.
At times
it is with the curtain lowered that unfolds
with unprecedented actors and illuminations
- the wonder.
Indifference is hell without flames,
remember that when choosing from thousands
of hues your fatal grey.
If the world is senseless
yours alone is the fault:
awaiting your impression
is this ball of wax.
Come on, help us make the sun rise up
Come on, help us make the sun rise up, all over Greece
Come on, help us make the sun rise up, all over the world
See, it's wheels are stuck deep into the mud
And see, it's wheels are stuck deep into blood
Come on, guys, the sun won't rise on itself
Push with your knees and chests so we can take it out of the mud
Push with your knees and chests so we can take it out of the blood
We touch on it my same-blooded brothers
Come on, brothers, and it used to save us with it's fire
Come on, come on, it's flame wrapped us up my brothers
Pentru a nu mă uita
Pentru a nu mă uita
și a-ți aminti de mine când ești departe,
au fost mângâierile mele,
îmbrățișările și sărutările noastre.
Pentru a nu mă uita
și a fi prezent în toate visele tale,
ți-am dat dragostea mea,
care e tot ce am mai scump și mai bun.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
și-un gând măcar a-mi dedica,
vor ajunge la tine scrisorile mele,
care-n fiece zi vor spune că te iubesc.
Pentru a nu mă uita
și-a ne rămâne eternă iubirea,
voi zdrobi depărtările
și voi opri timpul pe veci.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment,
și a rămâne împreună noi doi,
grație amintirilor.
Pentru a nu mă uita
nici măcar un moment
și a rămâne împreună noi doi.
În zori de zi
Ai furat lumina soarelui și ai aprins dimineața,
ai furat lumina soarelui și te-ai dus la plimbare.
Ai luat apele cristaline ale râului ce a scăldat
pragul hanului tău, ca să te-mbraci în albastru.
Și în zori de zi, și în zori de zi
trupul tău de copilă a devenit femeie.
Ai cerut cu-mprumut de la mare, mantia nisipurilor ei,
ai luat lunii pline paloarea ei rotundă,
și muntelui, câmpul său verde, ca să ți-l pui în ochi,
și pentru buzele-ți roșii, ai luat maci și iasomii...
Și din grâul acelui câmp, ai luat pentru părul tău
o mână de aur nou, mai clar decât cleștarul
Și i-ai dat binețe unui cocoș matinal,
plimbându-ți privirea la nașterea unei noi zile.
Maria ( Hwasa Solo)
Even if I swear, I ate myself
Even if I'm sorry, what can I do
Everyone tried to hate
If you break me
Is it rice
What should I do because I'm lonely
I even swallowed hate
I have no power to get angry
I can't afford it
Well no
Just go, just go
Why are you so sad
Maria , Maria
It's for you
It's a shining night
Don't bother you
Oh, Maria for you
What are you doing?
It's already beautiful
(yeah) Oh na ah ah
(yeah) it's for you
(yeah) Oh na ah ah
(yeah) it's beautiful, Maria
No frame no fake
It's obvious that the sky is blue
I will change the way I go
Crisis turns into an opportunity
If you want to see me crying
What should I do because I'm lonely
I even swallowed hate
I have no power to get angry
No reason
Don't defile your heart
It's too early to fall
Maria , Maria
It's for you
It's a shining night
Don't bother you
Oh, Maria for you
What are you doing?
It's already beautiful
(yeah) Oh na ah ah
(yeah) It's for you
(yeah) Oh na ah ah
(yeah) it's beautiful, Maria
Maria , Maria
It's for you
It's a shining night
Don't bother you
Oh, Maria for you
What are you doing?
It's already beautiful
(yeah) Oh na ah ah
(yeah) It's for you
(yeah) It's for you
(yeah) it's beautiful, Maria
I’ve been criticized so much, I have indigestion
But even if I’m upset, what can I do, I do
Everyone’s trying so hard to hate me
If they break me down
Does it feed them?
I’m lonely, what do I do?
So I swallowed up even the hate
I have no strength to get mad
No time either
What is so upsetting for you?
Just go on your way
What’s wrong with everyone
Maria, Maria
I’m saying this for you
It’s a shining night
Don’t torture yourself
Oh Maria, I’m saying this for you
Why are you trying so hard
You’re already beautiful
(Yeah) Oh na ah ah
(Yeah) I’m saying this for you
(Yeah) Oh na ah ah
(Yeah) You’re beautiful, Maria
No frame no fake
My head hurts
The sky is the color of the sky, life is obvious
I’ll change up my path myself
If you really wanna
See me cry
Fine, here are some tears
I’m lonely, what do I do?
So I swallowed up even the hate
I have no strength to get mad
No reason either
So don’t taint your heart
It’s too early to be corrupt
Maria, Maria
I’m saying this for you
It’s a shining night
Don’t torture yourself
Oh Maria, I’m saying this for you
Why are you trying so hard
You’re already beautiful
(Yeah) Oh na ah ah
(Yeah) I’m saying this for you
(Yeah) Oh na ah ah
(Yeah) You’re beautiful, Maria
Maria, Maria
I’m saying this for you
It’s a shining night
Don’t torture yourself
Oh Maria, I’m saying this for you
Why are you trying so hard
You’re already beautiful
(Yeah) Oh na ah ah
(Yeah) I’m saying this for you
(Yeah) I’m saying this for you
(Yeah) You’re beautiful, Maria
Fac pe proasta
Îmi place să fac pe proasta,
dar proastă, dar proastă
nu sunt așa de tare,
de tare, de tare.
De-asta, ai grijă,
nu mai glumi cu mine!
Tu zici că sunt chiar toantă,
dar între timp, dar între timp
te vrăjesc și-apoi te părăsesc,
te părăsesc, te părăsesc.
Dacă vrei să știi de ce:
tu ești mai tont ca mine!
De ce nu mai râzi?
Nu-ți mai arde de glumă?
Dacă până acum ai râs tu,
acum e timpul să se-ntoarcă roata.
În fond, în fond ideea e
că, bătându-ți joc de mine,
nu ți-ai dat seama că
te-am dus de nas.
Îmi place să fac pe proasta,
dar proastă, dar proastă
nu sunt așa de tare,
de tare, de tare.
De-asta, ai grijă,
nu mai glumi cu mine!
Tu zici că... tu zici...
Tu zici că sunt chiar toantă,
dar între timp, dar între timp
te vrăjesc și apoi te părăsesc,
te părăsesc, te părăsesc.
Dacă vrei să știi de ce:
tu ești mai tont ca mine!
Ca mine, ca mine, ca mine!
After him
That's all, the door slammed shut.
and the soul has tightened in a ball.
Without him, everything doesn’t matter now,
Only emptiness in the soul remained
and the hand on the clock of love has accidentally broken
My soul is flying after him
Love and dissolve without a trace.
Breathe in the moment
Get under his sweet kiss
The world around me closed in a ring
The burning pain is running through the veins.
I cannot fall asleep, my thoughts are only about him,
and my soul is flying after him to the edge of the universe
and the heart wants to break out of the fiery prison
My soul is flying after him
Love and dissolve without a trace.
Breathe in the moment
Get under his sweet kiss
That's all, the door slammed shut.
and the soul has tightened in a ball
My soul is flying after him
Love and dissolve without a trace.
Breathe in the moment
Get under his sweet kiss
After him, after him
The Only One, after him
Mother María
A white cat in the mood
An owl on the TV
Smoke in the air, smell of incense
Her sweet eyes of an intense pink
She gives filters against the single life
And the recipes for joy
She reads the fate in the stars
She tells you only, only beautiful things
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
About my future, tell me what's on it
It'd be nice to be a king
And that American blonde girl
Either she falls in love or I turn her into a frog
I'm dying out of curiosity
Tell me a bit of the truth
I want to know if with this love
I'll be happy or maybe it'll be worst
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
I don't have a penny, but I'd love
To buy the sky and give it to her
And the magic spell of fortune
To buy for ourselves the face of the moon
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Mo mo mo, mother Maria mo
Adevăr amar
Eu trebuie să-ți spun adevărul,
chiar dacă sufletul mă doare.
Nu vreau ca apoi să mă judeci greșit,
pretinzând că am păstrat tăcerea.
Știu că e imposibilă iubirea noastră,
pentru că destinul comandă,
și tu vei ști să ierți într-o zi
acest adevăr amar.
Jur pentru amândoi
că asta mă costă viața,
că rana va sângera
o eternitate.
Poate că mâine ai să înțelegi
că am fost mereu sinceră.
Poate vei afla de la cineva
că eu încă te iubesc.
Jur pentru amândoi
că asta mă costă viața,
că rana va sângera
o eternitate.
Poate că mâine ai să înțelegi
că am fost mereu sinceră.
Poate vei afla de la cineva
că eu încă te iubesc.
Why do you cry, woman?
Tell me what happened
Come, raise your eyes
You don't belong to this place
Where are the evil men?
Ready to condemn you?
The stones now lay on the ground
There is no one else here
Mary, I see your pain breaking you
Mary, it's me, your lord, loving you
Why do you cry, woman?
Who are you looking for?
Look to the empty tomb
I don't belong to this place
You think I forgot you
I see the cry in your eyes
The death stone I removed
There is no one else there
Mary, I see your pain breaking you
Mary, it's me, your lord, loving you
Mary, I see your pain breaking you
Mary, it's me, your lord, loving you
Hello, can you hear my singing
that echoes from room to room,
looking for you.
Across the yard, by the highway
the whole world is full of my voice.
like this I keep hoping that you'll hear my voice,
when the winds are blowing
or when the weight of waterfalls is iced up
and the earth freezes.
You know that passing my lips,
these lines too are meant for you,
when you stop, maybe one day you'll feel
what I felt for you that time
Hello, can you hear my singing
when you sometimes wake and can't fall asleep
over ?, down you side, your entire soul
is full of my voice,
like this I keep hoping that you'll hear my voice,
when the winds are blowing
or when the weight of waterfalls is iced up
and the earth freezes.
You know that passing my lips,
these lines too are meant for you,
when you stop, maybe one day you'll feel
what I felt for you that time
Hello, can you hear me? Hello.
Passing my lips, helloo.
Hello, can you hear me? Hello.
All I need to do is close my eyes,
I come to you in my thoughts,
then my soul will know peace.
The words learned to fly
in the North wind,
this is how they are looking for you.
All you need to do is close your eyes,
you come to me in my thoughts,
your soul will know peace here.
The words learned to fly
in the North wind,
this is how they are calling you.
Hello, can you hear my singing?
Twenty Years
Versions: #1
Why care if I love you?
If you don't love me anymore
The love that has passed shouldn't be recalled for
I was the daydream of your life,
A day, very far from now
Today I represent the past,
I can't conform
If the things that one wants
Could be of reach
You would've loved me the same,
Since twenty years back
With sadness we look
At a love that's leaving
It's a piece of soul
That one rips without piety
It’s quite a common thing,
in some cases,
that it rains
(it rains, ladies and gentlemen).
You know these facts
also about our climate:
that it rains.
And, in fact, happiness
goes away more often
when it rains.
And you chase it
with your thoughts all soaked,
because it rains.
Because it rains.
Me too, I got bestowed
by fate with some sourness,
when it was raining.
It was a simple story,
so I turned up my collar
and walked into the rain.
The pavement shone like a mirror
and the place was quite empty,
because it was raining.
The rain wasn’t talking about lilacs,
it wasn’t composing songs,
it was just raining.
Raining, just raining.
And then it became
definitely brighter,
although it was raining.
Someone approached me
and said: 'You’re getting so wet,
and it’s raining so much!'
And you know what was next:
a ray of sun shone through,
although it was raining...
Not true, that’s just rumour!
Because nobody met me,
it was just raining.
It was just raining,
just raining, just raining.
Tarantella internațională
Maria, de ce-ți faci de cap
cu aceste muzici străine?
Acum cu 'Valenzia ', acum cu 'Paquita ',
În napoletană nu mai cânți.
Se vor trezi
toate cântecele unui secol,
făcute la Napoli înaintea acestor muzici, oh frumoaso.
Dați-mi o tamburină
vreau tot poporul în jurul meu.
Care spaniolă? Care americană?
Dar chiar cred sau o fac intenționat?
Aceasta e muzica locului.
Aceasta e pâinea casei noastre.
Acesta e Napoli când dansează:
Tarantella, tarantella.
Care spaniolă? Care americană?
Dar chiar cred sau o fac intenționat?
Aceasta e muzica locului,
Aceasta e pâinea casei noastre.
Acesta e Napoli când dansează :
Tarantella, tarantella.
Tammore* și saboți Colombina,
Pulcinella cu pălăria sa albă,
Acum această Spaniolă, această Pariziană,
și lumea crede că e o noutate.
Să nu spunem că
aceasta e descoperirea Americii,
e suficient să auzi
în toată lumea cântând,
cu chitări și mandoline,
'Funiculì funiculà'.
Care spaniolă? Care americană?
Cu această grădină, cu această serată,
cine vrea 'Valenzia ',cine vrea 'Paquita '?
Vreau un cântec cel mai pasional,
cel mai frumos și cel mai vechi, cântat de tine.
Cântă și privește-mă
acești ochi care râd și plâng.
Cântă și, până la urmă o să vezi că mă întorc vesel.
Cu un trandafir între dinți,
Tarantella, vreau să dansez.
Care spaniolă? Care americană?
Meadow trails
The meadow trails, when do they look beautiful?
At the very time when the wild roses are in bloom.
And our village, when does it look beautiful?
At the very time when we are young.
So let us get singing, girls,
The girls' voices, oh, they ring like little handbells.
Oh, why shouldn't the girls' voices ring like little bells
When the girl age is, alas, their only delight.
You and me
With you nothing scared me
with you I felt safe and at peace
by your side I dared to fly
but I had to land
With you I slept peacefully
with you it was so easy to dream
in our eyes it was possible
check that it exists
real love
Chorus: it's wanting to see your smile
even if you are with someone else
it hurts to remember
that it is for you
that my soul knows
what it is to feel
that I knew the magic
of passion
tattooed on a heart
there will always be a you and me
And I lived with the hope
that fate
would bring you here
in my soul I always
keep your place
even if I have to forget you
Chorus 1x
Heaven In Between Us
Do you have time for me
Can I come in
I'd love to hear you say that you're only mine
We can climb higher
Up the mountains and peaks
Feel the breeze take us where tough thoughts disappear
I see the clouds pass by
And I feel that I'm free
Something sparkles in the water
Shines above the land
And with my hand in yours
The moment can give us a heaven in between us
We have struggled enough now
Both you and I
The days have been long and cold, we almost lost our faith
But the snow melts now
Our cheeks are warm
We have left the darkness behind, forgotten the cold Northern winds
We see the clouds pass by
And we feel that we're free
Something sparkles in the water
Shines above the land
And with my hand in yours
The moment can give us a heaven in between us
I see the clouds pass by
And I feel that we're free
Something sparkles in the water
Shines above the land
And with my hand in yours
The moment will give us a heaven in between us
Yes, a heaven in between us
If every intention is misunderstood, how is it that you all are adults?
To me who loves vastnesses, you just have to throw a punch
but throwing a punch costs fatigue, ruins your best clothes
Will this be the price of adapting?
'Cause as you can see, I'm not an expert of this culture
I remain standing apart, because this is the part that I prefer.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
and to you, who plays the part of the Virgin but who doesn't got what it takes.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
How is it that I don't believe you and I don't beg/pray to you? No,
You don't got what it takes
How I wanted for everything to have been given to me!
But it's a low and dishonest thing,
I'll be merciless with myself.
But throwing a punch costs fatigue, ruins your best clothes
Will this be the price of adapting?
'Cause as you can see, I'm not an expert of this culture
I remain standing apart, because this is the part that I prefer.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
and to you, who plays the part of the Virgin but who doesn't got what it takes.
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
How is it that I don't believe you and I don't beg/pray to you? No,
You don't got what it takes
Golden bridges towards nothingness*
From here, I want to set fire to your cathedral
and to you, who plays the part of the Virgin but who doesn't got what it takes.
Hello, Miss
Versions: #2
It's rumored her name is Maria, Maria, Maria
Who would have said she would make me fall in love with her that day, that day?
Heya, hello miss, tell me if you think everything has been said
I don't know how to dance so tonight I'll keep a low profile
She is a beautiful miss from head to toes
But what I like more is when she speaks French
Dance, dance, hottie
Dance, dance, hottie
From L.A. to France, baby, what elegance!
Chanel, Dior perfume, baby, what smell
It's delicious, delicious, you look scrumptious
I just wanna be inside, feel your emotions
You send me an emoji, the type with devil face
Why don't you tell me upfront? Baby, talk clearly
In this story I don't wanna be the bad guy
Don't send signals, let's get to the point
Tell me, tell me, if you and me can go
To a far away place
Keep on moving
It's rumored her name is Maria, Maria, Maria
Who would have said she would make me fall in love with her that day, that day?
Heya, hello miss, tell me if you think everything has been said
I don't know how to dance so tonight I'll keep a low profile
She is a beautiful miss from head to toes
But what I like more is when she speaks French
Dance, dance, hottie
Dance, dance, hottie
Tell me what you want, tell me what you are waiting from me
I saw you appear and disappear like a ninja
You understand things about me, you know, I already know that
I hold you, you run away from me
silent like a cat
Good luck to the one who will marry you
I will be happy to call you, Maria
Under the sun of Santa Monica, or Santa Maria, eh
Tell me what you want, tell me what you are waiting from me
I saw you appear and disappear like a ninja
You understand things about me, you know, I already know that
I hold you, you run away from me
silent like a cat
Always on the lookout, on the lookout for some money
Not easy to love with a heart behind bars
I lost a lot of blood, it would be time to make a garrotte
Just after the aperitif, I love you, I want you
It's rumored her name is Maria, Maria, Maria
Who would have said she would make me fall in love with her that day, that day?
Heya, hello miss, tell me if you think everything has been said
I don't know how to dance so tonight I'll keep a low profile
She is a beautiful miss from head to toes
But what I like more is when she speaks French
Dance, dance, hottie
Dance, dance, hottie
It's rumored her name is Maria, Maria, Maria
Who would have said she would make me fall in love with her that day, that day?
All Stars In The Sky
All stars in the sky
I will give them to you
But you never responded in my love
Now l look at the sky
To give me a glance
Gold dust in my eyes comes
What should it tell me?
All the stars in the sky
I look at them now
In the nightsky
They are bright like fireflies upon the ocean
All stars in the sky
I will give them to you
But you never responded in my love
But all stars in the sky
They show me the way some day
To see you again
'Revenge is never a straight line. It's a forest, and like a forest, it's easy to lose your way.. to get lost... to forget where you came in.' ~ Hattori Hanzo
Duet amoros
- În acest loc îndepărtat,
Ce faci atât de singură?
- Culeg violetele
Care se nasc doar primăvara.
- Scuză-mă dacă îndrăznesc
Să-ți fac această propunere.
- Dacă ești onest și pur,
Îți voi da un răspuns.
- Pentru că ești frumoasă și grațioasă,
Am jurat că te voi iubi.
- Inima mi-ai legat-o
De pasiunea amoroasă.
© Vladimir Sosnín
María Lionza
In the Sorte mountain by way of the Yaracuy
In Venezuela, lives a goddess
In the Sorte mountain by way of the Yaracuy
Lives a goddess, a noble queen
Of great beauty and of great goodness
Beloved by nature
And illuminated by charity
And her walls are made of wind
And her roof is made of stars
The moon, the sun, the sky
And the mountain her companions
The rivers,streams, and flowers
Are her messengers
Oh Hail Queen, María Lionza
For Venezuela she's going with her onza
And is taking care of it
And she goes watching over her entire land
From the peasant to Cumaná
Taking care of the destiny of the Latinos
Living united and in liberty
In the Sorte Mountain by way of Yaracuy
In Venezuela
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
A bouquet of flowers, of white flowers
Like the purity of your goodness
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
All of the people up in Los Cerritos
And there in Caracas, protect them
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
Lady María, at all costs
To the East freeway I'm going to take it
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
And she goes taking care of her Venezuela
From the peasant to Cumaná
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
It was by way of the Guanaguanare River
That Coromoto saw her shining
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
She is the queen that the town adores
She is the most popular goddess
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
Flowers for your altar
Lady María, I'm going to take for you
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
With tobacco and liquor
The ceremony is going to start now
María Lionza, perform a little miracle for me
And a bouquet of flowers I'm going to take you
We say good-bye with a greeting
From Puerto Rico and from Panama
The Dark Night
I want to go
along streets that I don’t know
and see a distant light,
like a hope.
I want to dream
of meeting you one day,
look into your eyes
and feel, even for a moment,
the enchantment of a deep love…
I want to stop one day,
tired for the long way,
on a white stone
near my house
and feel the warm wind of evening
on my body
and my soul immersed in the peace,
and then leave everything in the world
that spins furiously, relentlessly
and get to where one never dies.
The dark night
covers the moon
and the wind passes fast
fleeing in the streets,
I go around the world
looking for whatever.
I want to go
along streets that I’ve never seen
and see a distant light,
like a hope.
I want to think of seeing you one day
and look into your heart
and feel, even for a moment,
the enchantment of a deep love.
I want to stop one day,
tired for the hard way,
on a white stone
near my house
and feel the warm wind of evening
on my hands, folded in prayer,
with my soul full of peace.
And then leave everything in the world
that spins and goes relentlessly
in order to get to where one never dies.