Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 590


What Love Is

Versions: #2
If you ask me what love is for me
I cannot reply
I cannot explain
all I know is that love was born in me
making me new
and born again
I was told long ago
that love is pain
it can make you die
or suffer without a pill to make you well
and I was also told
that love is something good
as it defeats the bad
but to this day no one could ever tell
what love is
When you’re in love, you shine more than the sun
a lot of light
and emotion
Iove is
When you’re in love, the cool white of the moon
Is the blessing
of our love

The Shadows of the Wind

The day's almost over
The darkness has set in
He hides close to where she lives
Waiting again
He doesn't notice the wind at all anymore
'Cause he waits for her to come home
The thoughts darken his mind
Darkness strikes
But she doesn't want him, he things she's his
And he forgets common sense
He'll refuse to listen when she says goodbye
And soon, he'll be there again
Darkness strikes in the name of love
She looks around with darting eyes
The street lights are turning on
Why did the desire become a lie
When she said goodbye?
She doesn't notice the wind at all anymore
'Cause she fears getting home
What if he's there again?
Fear strikes
But she doesn't want him, he things she's his
And he forgets common sense
He'll refuse to listen when she says goodbye
And soon, he'll be there again
Darkness strikes in the name of love
A desire became a lie
Darkness strikes
A desire became a lie
Darkness strikes
But she doesn't want him, he things she's his
And he forgets common sense
He'll refuse to listen when she says goodbye
And soon, he'll be there again
But she doesn't want him, he things she's his
And he forgets common sense
He'll refuse to listen when she says goodbye
And soon, he'll be there again
Darkness strikes in the name of love
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

You won't even miss me

What else can I give to you, that I haven't give you already?
I have to get away, loving you harms me,
can't go back, I deserve much more.
Maybe I was wrong, at not perceiving your signals
if you didn't love me yesterday, tomorrow it'll be late,
it hurts to accept you left me behind.
But no, I can't be with you, you hurt me so badly,
From now on, I give you back all the past, and this is the end,
who am I kidding?, you won't even miss me.
Don't know why I last so long for realizing
you're not the one who I imagined all over my head,
I know it was my mistake, I deserve something better.
Because no, I can't be with you, you hurt me so badly,
From now on, I give you back all the past, and this is the end,
who am I kidding?, you won't even miss me.
From now on, I give you back all the past, and this is the end,
who am I kidding?, you won't even miss me.
Just learning.

The hand of God

It’s written in the heart,
in the blood of each people:
from dust, from gold
a big prayer rises.
In every part of the world,
even where there seems to be nothing,
a hope is stronger,
a light comes on in the heart.
When the soul is alone
on paths of sadness,
the time that passes
is the hand of God.
When it seems to be over
and your spirit runs away
you will see that life
will come back inside you
and you will be born anew.
How many skies you’ve seen,
how many paths inside you,
how many anxieties of others
without knowing why, for whom.
We are all searching
and we want more and more
without wanting to understand
that we all need ourselves.
When the soul is alone
on paths of sadness,
the time that passes
is the hand of God.
When it seems to be over
and your spirit runs away
you will see that life
will come back inside you
and you will be born anew.

We Are Young (Oh Maria)

What of it, if we love each other?
Hey, we're already doing it so long, when you all weren't even born yet
And the neighbors in the stairwell, let them talk
Today we'll show everyone here how beautiful this is
We are young, young at heart, oh Maria
And you dance in your red shoes all night long
We are young, forever young, oh Maria
Our love has made us ever young
When I so see the advertising, then I have to smile
To it, one is already an old man as of thirty
And they act as if they had just invented love
If they knew that you knew everything about that!
We are young, young at heart, oh Maria
And you dance in your red shoes all night long
We are young, forever young, oh Maria
Our love has made us ever young
You have the right to be happy
That is the only thing that counts
Live every day, live every night
One is as old as one feels
We are young, forever young, oh Maria
Our love has made us ever young
We are young, young at heart, oh Maria
And you dance in your red shoes all night long
We are young, forever young, oh Maria
Our love has made us ever young

The Only One

There were love oaths,
for a love that lasts forever
is that what it all was for,
so that you can see me into your bed?
I swore in you, as if you were God
and I loved you to death
is that what it all was for,
so that you can see me into your bed?
And you were just as everyone else,
why did I think you're different,
it's not your fault, the fault is mine.
Chorus: (x2)
For how long would I compare them to you?
For how long would I hurt myself?
Tell me for how long I would love you?
For how long would I die for you?
I'm telling you, I'll cope with it,
I'll be just as nasty as you are,
even if my heart argues with me,
and if it cries for love every day.
And you were just as everyone else,
why did I think you're different,
it's not your fault, the fault is mine.
Chorus: (x4)
For how long would I compare them to you?
For how long would I hurt myself?
Tell me for how long I would love you?
For how long would I die for you?
For how long would I die for you?
Thank you very much for your time reading my translation! I would be more than happy to hear your comments and suggestions for the improvement of my translations.

This is a translation, made by CherryCrush for, and therefore is protected by the copyright law. Republishing it in other websites and media, including youtube, is not allowed, without the permission of the author. In case you want to use my translations, please, write me a message, otherwise I'll ask for them to be removed. Generally, I have no problems, as long as you cite me as the author and notify me about your decision to use my translations.

Exact pentru mine

x 2
Toate păcatele mă așteaptă să le fac cu tine în noaptea asta,
Sărută-mă de parcă e ultima dată, până buzele încep să doară.
Exact cum vreau să fii, ești perfect pentru mine, fii gata pentru o noapte lungă cu mine!
Iubește-mă cât pentru doi și nu lăsa la voia întâmplării ceea ce vrei să faci.
x 2
Totul arde, până mâine totul arde,
Mă admiri cu o privire încețoșată din nou și totul adoarme în sufletul meu.
Exact cum vreau să fii, ești perfect pentru mine, fii gata pentru o noapte lungă cu mine!
Iubește-mă cât pentru doi și nu lăsa la voia întâmplării ceea ce vrei să faci.

Maria of the Sea

Every day, Maria
Looks at the sea through the window
Maria was of the sea
But the sea was not of her
And to live on an island
Planted in the middle of the blue
Maria, as well as her name
Had the sea as an address
Maria, Maria of the sea
If the wind returns
Let your hair out
Go see the boats leave
The day will come
When one will come to stay
And will sail only in your name
She knows how to predict the storms
She knows the tides
And the fish which, very early,
Come to kiss her feet
Maria, Maria of the sea
If the wind returns
Let your hair out
Go see the boats leave
The day will come
When one will come to stay
And will sail only in your name
Maria, Maria of the sea
If the wind returns
Let your hair out
Go see the boats leave
The day will come
When one will come to stay
And will sail only in your name

The Seashell

Love and its reminiscence, who freed me
From people, this place and time itself,
Magically filled my very life
With beautiful gleams of gold and silver.
On day, in the evening, it arrived dissipating all mirages:
I bid them all farewell - everything must fade and die -
And (in my hand) crumbled, somewhat reluctantly,
A seashell come from distant beaches.

Moai And I

(Moai and I) I found you, (moia and I) I found you
In an asylum
(Moai and I) I searched for you, (moai and I) I searched for you
I was lost
(Moai and I) I found you, (moia and I) I found you
(Moai and I) I searched for you, (moai and I) I searched for you
In my arms
(Moai and I) I found you, (moia and I) I found you
In a rhyme
(Moai and I) I searched for you, (moai and I) I searched for you
I was hurt
(Moai and I) I found you, (moia and I) I found you
(Moai and I) I searched for you, (moai and I) I searched for you
With fake eyes

I Prefer to Be His Lover

Versions: #3
You think he's only yours , but it's a sham
And you convince yourself that this will end, you're wrong! ...
Your role is to be that woman that he got tired of seeing,
That he no longer touches, that he doesn't want anymore ...
Nevertheless , I have his nights and his passion,
His fantasies and his obsession, even if it hurts you
I'm the one who in your bed tasted his love, you are routine
That's why I prefer to be his lover, his lover ...
Your Intuition is not wrong, when you feel jealousy
You're not crazy, today figure it out, I'm the other (woman)...
He already is bored of you and he chases me like
A child, I am a candy that always tastes good to him ...
Nevertheless , I have his nights and his passion,
His fantasies and his obsession, even if it hurts you
I'm the one who in your bed tasted his love, you are routine
That's why I prefer to be his lover, his lover ...
have his nights and his passion,
His fantasies and his obsession, even if it hurts you
I'm the one who in your bed tasted his love, you are routine
That's why I prefer to be his lover, his lover ...
I have his nights and his passion,
His fantasies and his obsession, even if it hurts ...
His lover, his lover, it's me!

Preaslavită Fie Maria !!

În radiantele cupole aurite
Melodia trupului răsuna
Încet se stingea ziua , în întrezări
Un nor tămâios către ceruri se ridică
Și tandru de pe ale tuturor buze auzit-am:
Preaslavită Fie Maria !!
În blândețea melancoliei acelui ceas
Întreaga pace cerească
Domnul, ce suspină mereu,
Mi s-a arătat, și timp îndelungat ale noastre priviri
intersectate au fost
Rugacinea-mi în van a fost atunci
Preasfințită Maria !!
Din albastrul cerului, El mâna-și întinse
Către mine, cel ce de-o mare suferință-s apăsat
Ahh! Eu cel ce nu plâng și TE strig în van ...
Soarele adu-mi iubiri mele! , Sfântă Fecioară:
Fie-ți milă de mine , Tu evlavioasă Fecioară
Preaslavită Fie Maria!!

I Remember In September

I remember in September when the final stumps were drawn
And the shouts of crowds now silent the boys to tea were gone
Let us, God above us still remember the simple things
still remember the simple things now that they are dead
all who love us, captains and kings
all who love us, captains and kings
Far away in dear old Cyprus and in Kenya's poor old land
All there tortured blacks and whites from the whites.
And in the exotic places and as we look across our shoulder
The school bell In half Belfast rings
And oh, our poor old England, captains and kings
And oh, our poor old England, captains and kings
I stumbled in a nightmare of mine and in the Windsor Park,
what did you think I found there, walking in the dark?
Half-bitten apple and the funietest of all things
and the funietest of all things carved five teeth
five teeth from a baby captains and kings
five teeth from a baby captains and kings

Now and always

One more time I got face to face with loneliness
Putting together the pieces of my heart
What left of this love was passion
And I who was loving you and dreaming of never losing you
I see myself now forced to forget
Our history and you
The night was so short for loving you
And it was worth it
To wake up with you by my side
So many plans, so many dreams
Turned into longing for you
By my side
I will try not to cry
While remembering our story
I will keep
Waiting for you
To Love you
Now and always

Your Body

It's on your body that I find,
After making love, some rest
And this endless peace
On your body, my hands
Slide and stop
On a prettier bend
On your body, my moment
Is more perfect
And I feel that in your chest
It's my heart that beats
And in the middle of this hug
I melt
And surrender to you
And the trip goes on
In the middle of this landscape
Where everything fascinates me
And I let myself be carried away
Through a charmed road
That nature teaches me
And although I know well
Every path on you
I fall in love and get swallowed
Among your paths
And I only find myself if I get lost
On your body
On your body, my moment
Is more perfect
And I feel that in your chest
It's my heart that beats
And in the middle of this hug
I melt
And surrender to you
And the trip goes on
In the middle of this landscape
Where everything fascinates me
And I let myself be carried away
Through a charmed road
That nature teaches me
And although I know well
Every path on you
I fall in love and get swallowed
Among your paths
And I only find myself if I get lost
On your body
And although I know well
Every path on you
I fall in love and get swallowed
Among your paths
And I only find myself if I get lost
On your body
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


You came here with all of your dramas - from whom are they?
I've got my own dramas, why should I bear someone else's?
Don't touch my feelings with your dirty hands - I've hidden them behind glass.
Your hands are leaving prints which remain.
No one is guilty - I should have reached to the conclusion -
if you repeat a mistake, then it's a choice.
I can't fool myself and fall in love,
I can't allow myself to lose it all.
If I lose myself, then I lose everything.
I don't want your excuses - things are fine.
I believed in dreams which you sold to me,
but I got tired of loving myself on behalf of both of us.
Seems like someone should teach you a lesson.
You won't believe what's about to happen to you.
You aren't ready, you aren't ready, let me teach you a lesson,
I must teach you a lesson.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.
Late night calls with a sense of guilt in your voice.
You're telling me about our photos in your phone.
Clichés, quotes - please tell me you're joking.
I know what you're aiming at, but you're wasting your time.
I know that nobody likes going to sleep alone.
In the late hours, while you're thinking, I promise that is when
you'll understand how we had it all
and that if you don't have me, you've got nothing.
After thousands of 'I love you's said just like that
in your fantasies you fail again.
You believe in dreams that you sold to yourself,
take the change and love yourself on behalf of both of us.
Seems like someone should teach you a lesson.
You won't believe what's about to happen to you.
You aren't ready, you aren't ready, let me teach you a lesson,
I must teach you a lesson.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.
You don't know how to love, so you pretend to be someone else.
You may deny it but I drove you crazy.
Yeah, I know and you know that after us you won't be the same.
I will be kind enough to see myself out.

Virgin Mary

When you put your boots on
And showed up completely astonishing
The sky fell, breaking the theatre's roof
And that was how Virgin Mary met us
I was onstage and you were taking steps
Your heels didn't know they would be dancing a waltz
And I remember your face
Over my shoulder
It made a horizon
For the sun that already wasn't there
It went away with the day
Behind the mountains
It remained forevermore inside
In my body
Your body
Forgetting me over your skin
Love called us in
And we both said 'I do'
Then you took your boots off
And fell asleep, completely astonishing
Sleep is poetry with a tactile text
And that was how we moved apart from Virgin Mary
And there she stayed
We got aboard to take a last trip
And I remember your face
Your taste
Your fingers
That got confused between mine
And seemed to belong to the other1
It entered to stay, forevermore inside
In my body
Your body
Writing about itself over my skin2
Love asked us
And we both said 'It's done'
When you put your boots on
And showed up completely astonishing
The sky fell, breaking the theatre's roof
And that was how Virgin Mary met us
I was onstage and you were taking steps
Your heels didn't know they would be dancing a waltz
And I remember your face
Over my shoulder
It made a horizon
For the sun that already wasn't there
It went away with the day
Behind the mountains
It remained forevermore inside
In my body
Your body
Forgetting me over your skin
Love called us in
And we both said 'I do'
We said 'I do'
We said, we said, we said 'I do'
We said 'I do'
  • 1. It means that he thought his significant other's fingers were actually his and contrariwise.
  • 2. Like a tattoo?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

You, my love

My head is flying in the clouds,
in the middle of hawks and birds,
to enjoy better, from above,
the beauties that love gives.
I leave on the ground those who use
to blather gossips that never end,
because the good of life is love,
which moves earth, sky and sea.
You, only you
I can’t know, I can’t explain
But you, my love, you
You make me daydream, laugh and sing
For you.
That girl is ugly, that one is pretty,
that one is old, that other is young,
that woman's husband has a lover,
his wife is missing.
You, only you
I can’t know, I can’t explain
But you, my love, you
You make me daydream, laugh and sing
For you.
The saying goes: “a donkey bray
can't reach the sky”.1
Better to shut up than gossip,
or else to sing for love.
You, only you
I can’t know, I can’t explain
But you, my love, you
You make me daydream, laugh and sing.
You, only you
I can’t know, I can’t explain
But you, my love, you
You make me daydream, laugh and sing
For you.
I’m flying high in the clouds
in the middle of hawks and birds
and I descend again, weightless,
to sing love again.
  • 1. The proverb means that senseless words are ignored by God, just like braying.

Yes, I Was Wrong

Yes, I was wrong
I stained your name
But turns out that you
Were guilty anyway
You left me home
Changing me for an orgy
Always leaving me
Missing your company
Let me remember you now
That it's not only a home and food
That will, for a whole life,
Catch a woman's heart
The jewels you gave me
Had no worth
If you denied me the most expensive
All your love
But, if there's still
Someone who wants to condemn me
Come quick
To throw
The first stone
Yes, I was wrong
I stained your name
But turns out that you
Were guilty anyway
You left me home
Changing me for an orgy
Always leaving me
Missing your company
Let me remember you now
That it's not only a home and food
That will, for a whole life,
Catch a woman's heart
The jewels you gave me
Had no worth
If you denied me the most expensive
All your love
But, if there's still
Someone who wants to condemn me
Come quick
To throw
The first stone
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Voices of Hiroshima's Birds

Aaaah... Aah...
- Where? Where are they?
- Who?
- Where are they?
- Who? Who?
- Men!
- I don't know...
- Look! Ash flakes! Ash flakes...! Ashes... Ashes...
- They've all flown away!
- But where? Where to?
- I don't know...!
- Let's build a nest...! Yes, a nest...
- But where? Where? Where...?
- I don't know...
- Look! Ash flakes! Ash flakes...! Ashes... Ashes...
- They've all flown away!
- But where? Where to?
- I don't know...!
- Let's build a nest...! Yes, a nest... A nest...
- But where? Where? Where...?
Aaaah... Aah...

The Sound of a Drop

Today for you...
I turn into the little girl I was
I'll kiss...
little by little your skin.
Your name in my mind, becomes rebel
because everything I have is about you,
You draw my dreams, you own them,
'cause you know it makes me happy.
And when you paint the sound of a drop,
that slips from my eyes, if you leave during morning
and when you break silence down
before times goes by, you'll already know what loving is.
I walked through...
those fingerprints which I lost that day
you know that...
you, without me, me without you, oh, dear.
Your name in my mind, becomes rebel
because everything I have is about you,
You draw my dreams, you own them,
'cause you know it makes me happy.
And when you paint the sound of a drop,
that slips from my eyes, if you leave during morning
and when you break silence down
before times goes by, you'll already know what loving is.
Birds crying near my window,
they remember when you used to love me,
and now they fly far away from here,
searching for a happier window.
Nights lead to mornings,
my mouth get used to another week,
I draw the feeling, and you don't notice it
I'm the shadow I was before.
And when you paint the sound of a drop,
that slips from my eyes, if you leave during morning
and when you break silence down
before times goes by, you'll already know what loving is.
Just learning.


A dance … and the party begins
without love or cheerfulness.
I stay in the pub
with friends, in company.
But in the bottom of the dance
I’m always seeing your face.
It seems like I'm quite fine
even if without you.
Maria, Maria,
how many love, how many tears…
You passed away in a moment,
now I don’t see you anymore.
Maria, Maria,
why did you leave me alone?
Every night, in the pub
I try to forget.
And in the meantime, this party,
when will it finish?
When midnight sounds
I’m around in the streets,
the pain I have in my heart
doesn't let me sleep.
When, tired, I go back home,
I lay down and close my eyes:
now I don't feel bad anymore
because I’m with you once again.
Maria, Maria,
you’ve disappeared with the night:
I open my eyes and there’s the sun
but you won’t be there anymore.
Maria, Maria,
why did you leave me alone?
Every night, in the pub
I try to forget.
And in the meantime, this party,
when will it finish?

I`m not an angel

I know everything now, who you are
I learnt it well
Take with you the lie I once believed
take your things with you
your memory
for you, in my life now
there`s no place
Cuz for those who betray a love
I feel nothing, I`m not angry
I hold no grudge
Cuz for those who betrayed me
I have no time
I can`t feel any pain in my soul
I`m not an angel.
Cuz for those who betrayed me
I have no time
I can`t feel any pain in my soul
I`m not an angel.
My last teardrop
dropped today
Like a pouring rain everything in my soul changed
I will smile again even without you
Cause i am not afraid to stare right at love
Cuz for those who betray a love
I feel nothing, I`m not angry
I hold no grudge
Cuz for those who betrayed me
I have no time
I can`t feel any pain in my soul
I`m not an angel.
Cuz for those who betrayed me
I have no time
I can`t feel any pain in my soul
I`m not an angel.

I Love You

Why do I want to erase your smile from my gaze
If remembering it gives me life despite tearing
The deepest feelings of this love to pieces
I don't know if I will regain the hope of having you
You promised so much that was only a dream
But I love you so much, I cannot be without you
How do I walk without you by my side
How do I breath without your glance
How do I do it? The more you move away, the more I love you
How do I, if I love you more and more?
I love you and I cannot love you more
To see you in my dreams isn't real
I want you to tell me that I am your princess
That without me, your spirit cannot fly*
I love you and I cannot love you more
To see you in my dreams isn't real
I want you to tell me that I am your princess
That without me, your spirit cannot fly
Now it makes sense, when you draw near and I sigh
When thinking that you have thought of me
Now life with you makes sense, and I don't know
Whether this love will separate us again
Whether to grab a thread to sew
Whether you will mend my wounds with another kiss
I don't know
Whether to offer my cheek to you
For a kiss to end my suffering
Or to shout one last time how much I love you
I love you and I cannot love you more
To see you in my dreams isn't real
I want you to tell me that I am your princess
That without me, your spirit cannot fly
I love you and I cannot love you more
To see you in my dreams isn't real
I want you to tell me that I am your princess
That without me, your spirit cannot fly

The Star of Our Song

It turns out that I have no appointments
That make me up in the morning
My schedule only starts at 12PM
Before that, don't wake me up
My neighbors don't understand how I live
Not hurrying like they do
They think I'm nothing but a bohemian with a hangover
Without a proper occupation
It turns out that I need some morning rest
Because I don't stop before 5AM
When night starts falling I star shining
Because I'm the star of our popular song
It turns out that I need some morning rest
Because I don't stop before 5AM
When night starts falling I star shining
Because I'm the star of our popular song
The star of our popular song
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Ruseddu Car Driver

Ruseddu car driver, with your barrels and the little donkey
trot, trot on the road to sell water…
Ruseddu car driver, with one shilling per gallon
he brings fresh water to each house…
From one door to another, going up and down from the top floor
when the day is over he has his legs broken from fatigue…
Ruseddu car driver, with one shilling per gallon
he brings fresh water to each house…
From one door to another, going up and down from the top floor
when the day is over he has his legs broken from fatigue…
Ruseddu car driver, with your barrels and the little donkey
trot, trot on the road to sell water…
Trot, trot on the road to sell water…


I'm not that one,
you imagined.
I'm not that one,
the world offered to you,
in which you trusted blindly.
The woman of your dreams, that's not me.
If one time,
staring at you
I stealed a piece of illusion,
I swear today, I didn't want to hurt you,
and if I betrayed you, forgive me.
because I've been lying you,
to be here by your side,
how many things I promised.
but I love you so much,
you can't imagined it,
and that's not a lie.
Just learning.


Oh, oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, oh, Maria, Maria
I was passing through this megalopolis of old dreams and long summer nights
I had no idea that I would meet this angel on the way to fall
A street child was carrying a can of petrol at the bend of a lowland, I saw your green eyes piercing
Like rain on a glass ceiling
Manathan's crying, but your slum is dancing
Everything separates us (oh, oh, oh, Maria, Maria)
Your figure seemed so far away to me that I didn't greet you
Praise God (oh, oh, oh, Maria, Maria)
I don't know why, I lower the weapons Maria (all separate us)
There are drops of light on our disappointments
I see you leaving the room with a disillusioned air (oh, oh, oh, for you, I'll have put my head to bet)
I know you'll be mad at me if I make any hints
Maria, I love your people because they know how to have fun.
(I see you more confident than tetanized)
A king is not king if he satisfies his reign without a queen
I'm eager to see the one I ran into in a dream
Our love died in the euphoria of a hysterical laughter
In the euphoria of a hysterical laughter
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
I wanted you to follow me for love, you didn't even want us to see each other (oh, oh, Maria, Maria)
Tell me why it was inconceivable.
Your smile evaporates and freezes on all my inconsolable sorrows (oh, oh, Maria, Maria)
You feared that we would let go, I preferred to go home, leaving all my hopes swept away in the corridors of your consulate (oh, oh, Maria, Maria)
Maria was so beautiful tonight, full moon, but I'm disappointed in her
I can still see her crying decibels (oh, oh, oh, maria maria)
Despite the success, the other women are bland and the weather wipes out all the flowers that fade
I saw the flame shining in your flawless reflection
Where all our fables die in a face-to-face meeting
I'm the child of a sad mother and a pathetic father (pathetic father)
Fortunately, our sorrows are not endless
I still sometimes join Roissy dreaming of meeting you in a terminal (terminal)
A king is not king if he satisfies his reign without a queen
I'm eager to see the one I ran into in a dream
Our love died in the euphoria of a hysterical laughter
In the euphoria of a hysterical laughter
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria
Oh, oh, Maria, Maria


I thought I could get over some old habits
I thought I wouldn't remember things of the past any more
I thought I could fool myself by saying
That these things of a life in two didn't leave a mark
I didn't think that I would miss so few words
Those simple ones, which we said before sleeping
The breakfast in bed in the morning, the casual talk
The kiss, then the coffee, the cigarette and the newspaper
The habits talk to me about things and facts of the past
I don't forget the happy afternoons with our friends
The end of a date, the crack of dawn
The comfort of the bed, the lights off
It's only with time that these things
Can be forgotten
Then I notice I'm alone, as I am now
And I breath in all the freedom someone can have
Suddenly, being free even makes me scared
It takes me too much to accept that I'm without you
How can I forget our habits
If I didn't even forgot you?
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Lay Your Head On My Shoulder

Lay your head on my shoulder and cry
And tell me your grief, all at once
I swear that those who cry on my shoulder won't walk away
They won't walk away
They won't walk away
Lay your head on my shoulder and cry
And tell me your grief, all at once
I swear that those who cry on my shoulder won't walk away
They won't walk away
Because they like me
Dear, I want your affection
Because I live too lonely
I don't know if nostalgia remains or if it passes
If it passes, if it passes
Dear, I want your affection
Because I live too lonely
I don't know if nostalgia remains or if it passes
If it passes, if it passes
Lay your head on my shoulder and cry
And tell me your grief, all at once
I swear that those who cry on my shoulder won't walk away
They won't walk away
They won't walk away
I swear that those who cry on my shoulder won't walk away
They won't walk away
Because they like me
I swear that those who cry on my shoulder won't walk away
They won't walk away
They won't walk away
I swear that those who cry on my shoulder won't walk away...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


You told me to walk away, so I'll go
But with me I'll also carry
The pride of never coming back
Even if life gets cruel
And transforms into a cup of grief
You'll never see this rag anymore
I'll move on with my regret
With my soul shattered with pain
Trying to forget
God knows which of us was wrong
And will punish him later
Will punish who deserves to be punished
I'll move on with my regret
With my soul shattered with pain
Trying to forget
God knows which of us was wrong
And will punish him later
Will punish who deserves to be punished
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

It's over

Everything I do to you
You did it to me before
And now, what do you want with me
If you don't exist for me?
I'm still a better person
Because I don't want to hurt you
I just know that I don't love you,
My love has gone with the years.
It's over
Because I tood the decision and I suffered
Like nobody suffered and my skin
Was left empty and lonely, teminally ill
In the oblivion and after
Fighting against death I began
To recover a little and I forgot
All that I loved you and now..
And now my world is another.
Don't come with silliness
Don't ask me to help you,
When I needed you
I never had you.
I don't love you neither I hate you,
I want you to understand well,
That you're one of many
That I never knew.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.