Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 19

Număr de rezultate: 590


I will love you

I've always loved you
And, my love, I'll be
Forever by your side
I will never leave you
I promise my love
I promise to God
I promise to God
I'll never leave you
Your heart
Will never cry again
Oh, if it feels cold
(it feels cold)
Your heart
(your heart)
I'll be your coat, your dream
Oh, until I stop breathing
I'll love you
I'll love you


When it’s getting dark,
When the sun is setting,
When the day is ending,
When you’re thinking of me,
When you’re very tired,
When you are thinking about life,
When you lose your memories,
When you listen to your worries…
When you’re on the way home,
When you take the road downhill,
When you laugh, you’re happy,
When you laugh, being held,
When I sing to you a lullaby,
When the little girl is asleep,
When you let her play in bed,
When you fill her with affection,
Then it’s time to love me,
I feel you and I’m not away from you.
Then it’s time to love me,
I feel you, I feel you
And I’m not away from you.
When it’s getting dark,
When the sun is setting,
When the day is ending,
When you’re thinking of me,
Then it’s time to love me,
I feel you, I feel you, I feel you
And I’m not away from you.
When it’s getting dark,
When the sun is setting,
When the day is ending,
Open the door, that I’m getting home.

I did want to

How difficult it is to finish what hasn't started
and to put an end to what has never been written,
I would have given anything for it to have been me
who filled in your emptiness1, who sweetened your Sundays,
but you always gave me your kindness
but you didn't have the courage to risk your heart.
And I did want to be your life2
not just to sleep with you but to wake up with you,3
and I was dying to brighten up your days
to lighten up your heart,
and not just be an option, not just nights of passion,
I just wanted to be your love.
I thought I had everything under control
but it slipped through my hands,
I broke the promise and felt with my heart4
yeah, I felt with my heart
and you never said no
but you didn't have the courage to risk your heart.
And I did want to be your life
not just to sleep with you but to wake up with you
and I was dying to brighten up your days
to lighten up your heart,
and not just be an option, not just nights of passion,
I just wanted to be your love.
I know in a way you had warned me
but I wanted to fight against the current,
maybe what you felt would change
and my fantasy is unreal.
And I did want to be your life
not just to sleep with you but to wake up with you
and I was dying to brighten up your days
to lighten up your heart,
and not just be an option, not just nights of passion,
I just wanted to be your love.
  • 1. lit. 'gaps'.
  • 2. or 'I did want to be in your life'.
  • 3. in the morning
  • 4. I'm looking at the lyrics and this line makes no sense. I'll check in the booklet to see if that's correct, but have otherwise left it as so.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


What do you want now

What do you want now and you keep calling
What do you want from me, what are you looking for
What we felt is over
My heart has nothing to give you
Now what do you want from a relationship that you shattered
Come and see, I still have your marks
What time is it that you keep coming back to my house
I saw you again wandering around here
Don't try, don't take me back to past history
It's useless effort, now it's too late for me


Our love was a complete stupidity
one more step beyond good, beyond bad
it was a storm of pain
a horror story,
a pink1 dream turned dark,
words without value.
I know I was naive, I was
painting butterflies in my sky,
and today I'm trembling on the floor
I was naive and I made you mine
life is a desert today
for loving you with an open heart.
I'll try to rebuild the peace
to burn all your kisses (and) not look back,
I gave you my air2 and my voice,
a world for the two of us
you made me believe in you
and then you said goodbye.
I know I was naive, I was
painting butterflies in my sky,
and today I'm trembling on the floor
I was naive and I made you mine
life is a desert today
for loving you with an open heart.
I know I was naive, I was
painting butterflies in my sky,
and today I'm trembling on the floor
I was naive and I made you mine
life is a desert today
for loving you with an open heart.
  • 1. a good dream
  • 2. lit. 'oxygen'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Thinking about you

I keep drawing on the wall
indications to help me understand
how it was that I lost you
oh no.
Deciphering every sunrise
what happened between us last time,
to find a way to see you again
oh no.
I'm left with a sigh
that drowns in my senses,
I'm left without hope
and so many1 words.
In the midst of this darkness
I can't find a way out,
in the midst of this darkness
I'm still thinking about you.
In the midst of this darkness
living adrift,
in the midst of this darkness
I'm still thinking about you.

I keep running over my heart
to see if I can find inside
how it was that it all ended
oh no.
I keep escaping every morning
looking for memories from my window,
I keep turning around you
thinking about you, thinking about you.
In the midst of this darkness
I can't find a way out,
in the midst of this darkness
I'm still thinking about you.
In the midst of this darkness
living adrift,
and even now, and even now
I'm thinking about you...[x3]
  • 1. lit. 'swarm'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


You're a sensitive topic for me

Run, you better run
Push and say: 'no'
Watch me, watch me how I leave a mark
No, I won't stop you
Run for the last time
Every breath, every moment you can have it with you
I know, I know, you're alone, alone
Every plan, plan is changing for you
I know, I know, you're alone, alone
But you better run far away from me
You're a sensitive topic for me (1)
Run, you better run
There is no way, no way to be faithful to you
You're a sensitive topic for me
Come on, scream: 'I want you'
There is no sense, no sense, I'm going to be relentless
Did you hear? you better run
Push and say: 'no'
Watch how, watch how
I lie for you
No, I won't stop you
Run for the last time
Every breath, every moment is useless
I know, I know, you're alone, alone
Every plan, plan is changing for you
I know, I know, you're alone, alone
But you better run far away from me
You're a sensitive topic for me
Run, you better run
There is no way, no way to be faithful to you
You're a sensitive topic for me
Come on, scream: 'I want you'
There is no sense, no sense, I'm going to be relentless

Bucură-te Marie

Versions: #1#2
Bucură-te Marie, cea plină de har,
Domnul este cu tine.
Binecuvântată ești tu între femei
și binecuvântat este rodul pântecelui tău, Iisus.
Sfântă Marie, Maica lui Dumnezeu,
roagă-te pentru noi, păcătoșii,
acum și în ceasul morții noastre.

Totul va trece, Maria!

Totul va trece, Maria!
Asa e viata, Maria!
Totul va trece, Maria!
Totul va trece...
Asa e viata, Maria!
Asa e viata, Maria!
Totul va trece, Maria!
Totul va trece...
Asteapta-ma cu Tilson!
Pana la intoarcerea mea
Asta e despre tine si mine,
De asemenea (e) cu amintirea ta.
Eu voi avea grija, iubirea mea,
Ca sa stii
Ca voi continua sa te iubesc
Cu constienta mea.
Desi esti trista,
Nu intelegi viata,
Te intrebi de ce
E a ta pedeapsa.
Pentru ca dimineata deja
Vom fi impreuna.
Atunci voi ramane
Langa tine pentru totdeauna.
Asteapta-ma pentru viziunea ta!
Pana la intoarcerea mea
Asta e despre tine si mine,
De asemenea (e) cu amintirea ta.
Eu iti voi da iubirea mea
Ca sa stii
Ca voi continua sa te iubesc
Cu constienta mea.
Totul va trece, Maria!
Asa e viata, Maria!
Totul va trece, Maria!
Totul va trece...
Totul va trece...


A fost o prostie totala sa te iubesc
Un pas mai spre bine si marea
O furtuna de durere,
O poveste de teroare,
U vis, trandafir ce azi e gri
Vorbe fara sa zboare
Stiu ca am fost naiva
Si m-am simtit
Punand fluturi pe cer
Si azi tremur chiar la limita cerului
Am fost naiva si m-am intors, aerul meu,
Si azi viata e un desert
Ca sa te iubesc cu inima deschisa
Voi incerca sa-mi reconstruiesc pacea
Arde-ti saruturile, sa nu privesti inapoi
Ti-am dat oxigenul si vocea mea,
S-a facut o lume pentru amandoi
M-ai facut sa cred in tine
Si dupa ai spus 'Adio!'
Stiu ca am fost naiva
Si m-am simtit
Punand fluturi pe cer
Si azi tremur chiar la limita cerului
Am fost naiva si m-am intors, aerul meu,
Si azi viata e un desert
Ca sa te iubesc cu inima deschisa
Stiu ca am fost naiva
Punand fluturi pe cer
Si azi tremur chiar la limita cerului
Am fost naiva si m-am intors, aerul meu,
Si azi viata e un desert
Ca sa te iubesc cu inima deschisa


Ti-am ascuns un mare secret
Nu stiu de unde ar trebui sa incep
Nu stiu cum sa explic
Ca Sunt indragostita
De tine, de tine
Ma faci sa uit si ma faci sa-mi amintesc
In acelasi timp
Faci ceea ce vrei din mine
Si presimt ca vii ca sa-mi redai calmul
Si vii in momentul drept
Si acel efect mi-l provoci tu
Si e timpul sa te vad
Simt ca ma dezarmezi
Faci asa incat sa mi se schimbe calea
Spre intalnirea cu tine
Am un mare presentiment
Eu stiu ca asta a trecut
Ca ceva s-a schimbat
Ca lumea a fost colorata
De tine si de mine
Si presimt ca vii ca sa-mi redai calmul
Si vii in momentul drept
Si acel efect mi-l provoci tu
Si e timpul sa te vad
Simt ca ma dezarmezi
Faci asa incat sa mi se schimbe calea
Spre intalnirea cu tine
Si am un presentiment ca vii ca sa-mi redai calmul
Si vii in momentul drept
Si acel efect mi-l provoci tu
Si e timpul sa te vad
Simt ca ma dezarmezi
Faci asa incat sa mi se schimbe calea
Spre intalnirea cu tine
Si presimt ca vii ca sa-mi redai calmul
Si vii in momentul drept
Si acel efect mi-l provoci tu
Si e timpul sa te vad
Simt ca ma dezarmezi
Faci asa incat sa mi se schimbe calea
Spre intalnirea cu tine

Nu Vreau Să Te Văd Cu Ea

Este un oraş mic
Vorbele circulă repede
Şi se învârt în cerc
...în cerc peste obstacole
Toţi sunt nepăsători
Vorbesc despre mizeria noastră
Nu le pasă că mă doare
Trebuie să cred că e uşor
Se spune că ai o nouă iubită
Sunt fericită pentru tine, iubite
Nu vreau să o cunosc
O vei păstra?
Pentru că nu vreau să te văd cu ea
Nu vreau să-i văd faţa
Odihnindu-se în îmbrăţişarea ta
Picioarele ei stau în locul meu
Nu vreau să văd că aţi trecut mai departe
Nu cred că sunt atât de puternică
Nu am fost de mult timp
De când eram în braţele tale
Nu-mi place să fiu calmă
Atunci când mă loveşti, sa terminat
Cu toate că e alegerea mea
Nu pot scăpa de vocea calmă
Îmi spun că e acelaşi lucru
Asta te face să te simţi la fel de puternic
Şi te ajută în vremuri grele
Pentru că acel loc a fost cândva al meu
Se spune că ai o nouă iubită
Sunt fericită pentru tine, iubite
Nu vreau să o cunosc
O vei păstra?
Pentru că nu vreau să te văd cu ea
Nu vreau să-i văd faţa
Odihnindu-se în îmbrăţişarea ta
Picioarele ei stau în locul meu
Nu vreau să văd că aţi trecut mai departe
Nu cred că sunt atât de puternică
Nu am fost de mult timp
De când eram în braţele tale
Nu vreau să te văd cu ea
Nu vreau să te văd cu ea
Pentru că nu vreau să te văd cu ea
Nu vreau să-i văd faţa
Odihnindu-se în îmbrăţişarea ta
Picioarele ei stau în locul meu
Oh, nu vreau să văd că aţi trecut mai departe
Nu cred că sunt atât de puternică
Nu am fost de mult timp
De când eram în braţele tale
Pentru că nu vreau să te văd cu ea

Angel of destiny

I'm drowning my fear in the river of my dreams,
healing1 my wounds, making up for lost time...
and it's no secret that I was afraid of love
but in your eyes I found the courage
that my heart was lacking.
I offer you my memories, I give you my silence
because when I wake up with you
everything makes sense.
I'm tearing schemes apart, defending my ideas
putting my trust in the path led by my heart,
I go with certainty that in the end it will have been worth it,
angel of destiny, I want to be with you.
You have the key that decodes my silence
you know better than anyone what I feel,
before I met you I was lost in my attempt...
but in your eyes I found the reason
to believe in love...
I offer you my memories, I give you my silence
because when I wake up with you
everything makes sense.
I'm tearing schemes apart, defending my ideas
putting my trust in the path led by my heart,
I go with certainty that in the end it will have been worth it,
angel of destiny, I want to be with you.
I'm drowning my fear in the river of my dreams,
healing my wounds, making up for lost time...
  • 1. lit. 'cleaning'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Someone so special

I'd never felt like this before
until I met you,
I think about you all the time
and I can't even sleep,
you're someone so special
with you everything seems brighter1,
you've managed to put the sun back in its place.
Let's walk together, you and I
because this is forever
together at last.
You're someone so special,
my heart can't wait any longer,
from the moment I saw you I fell in love...
it's time to love (each other).
  • 1. lit. 'with you everything shines brighter'
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.