My Sassari
I left Sardiniaand my family
to work for money
in a foreign land.
But you, my Sassari,
always reappear in my dreams
with my children:
I hug you, then I fall asleep.
I dreamed of you tonight
my Sassari, my Sassari…
I dreamed of you tonight,
my Sassari, I was returning to you.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.
Even if I’m not asleep
or I’m talking,
I just close my eyes
and I’m seeing you.
That’s the emigrant’s life:
he works and dies
to raise money
thinking of his sons.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead, you were dead.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead calling my name.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.