Rezultatele căutării pagină 1
Număr de rezultate: 40
Always sunshine again
However grey the sky is,There is again and again, again and again
sunshine again and again
Will you hurt me once,
I will again and again
again and again forgive you
Are the fields empty today
There will also be again and again,
again and again only the golden wheat standing
Leave me alone once
Then I believe again and again, again and again,
that we will meet again
Is white snow falling from the sky,
It will be again and again, again and again
May again and again
Are we both angry one day
This will again and again
again and again soon pass
Even if the stars burn up
They will be again and again,
again and again bright in the dark sky
Is your wheel of fortune stopping,
it will again and again,
again and again start turning again
If I am in despair
then be good to me again and again
again again, again and again
If fate separates us
I will find my way home again and again,
again again, again and again
What happens in life, at any time
in joy and sorrow
I stand by you and never leave you alone
Even if the years pass
We will be happy again and again
again and again, again and again
Daniel e acolo, pe peronul gări,Oamenii trec, trenul stă să plece.
Noi stăm acolo fără a spune nimic.
Oh! Oh!
Ne-am promis să nu plângem.
Doamne, cât te iubesc!
Dar îmi intră fumul în ochi.
Trenul s-a clintit un pic,
Suntem așa nefericiți!
Aș vrea să cobor din tren
Sau să te iau cu mine
Spre soare.
Oh! Oh!
Ne sunăm mâine, vrei?
Doamne, cât te iubesc!
Dar îmi intră fumul în ochi.
Tu știi că voi fi cuminte.
Știi că trei zile nu-nseamnă mult, ai să vezi.
Și luni dimineață tu ai să fii acolo,
Pe plajă,
În brațele mele,
Strâns lipit de mine.
Daniel nu mai e pe peronul gării.
Mi-am închis ochii,
Să nu-l văd pe Dany cum îmi spune adio.
Oh! Oh!
Am promis să nu plâng.
Doamne, cât te iubesc!
Dar îmi intră fumul în ochi.
Doamne, cât te iubesc!
Dar îmi intră fumul în ochi...
Vărul meu are un migdal,Vărul meu are un migdal,
Trei sau patru podgorii
Pe coama dealului
Și câteva oi pe ici, pe colo.
Am să merg să culeg migdale,
Struguri și lavandă
În seara de dinaintea întoarcerii acasă.
Vărul meu mi-a zis: ”Unde te duci?”
Vărul meu mi-a zis: ”Unde te duci?
Casa mea e destul de mare
Draga mea, așa că te-ntreb:
Nu vrei să împărțim ce-am eu aici?
Și-o să culegem migdale,
Struguri și lavandă
Înainte să intrăm la focul din cămin.”
Ne-am căsătorit sub migdal,
Ne-am căsătorit sub migdal,
Printre trandafiri și migdale,
Struguri și lavandă,
Și câțiva amici care erau acolo.
Din câte-mi amintesc,
Mireasa era atât de frumoasă,
Încât vărul ei a răpit-o.
Patru pelerini au apărut,
Patru pelerini au apărut.
Am cules pentru ei migdale,
Struguri și lavandă,
Și-așa face de fiecare dată
Pentru țăranii ce merg la vânătoare
Sau pentru străinii care trec
Prin fața vărului meu, prin fața casei mele.
As far as love
In you, in meLife is torn apart
But under your tears
Much further than us
It must be known
That the day is rising
Far, much further
Than our love
Oh, my love
Close to a caress
Close to a night
Flower of eternity
You take my life
The life on my lips
Far, much further
Than love
The sea comes
The sky starts again
The sea goes away
The sky comes back
The white birds
With the veils of silence
Like flowers
Fly away and die
White harvests
In the morning
Fly harvests
In the wind
All the lovers
At the gates of the world
With bodies lost
Heart of truth
Are bursting
The vain limits
Far, much further
Than love
Pe mâine, dragul meu
Două vele albe ar vrea să se-ntoarcă în port.Să rămânem împreună din nou, din nou.
Tu pe-a ta insulă trebuie să pleci în fiecare seară,
Eu, în insula mea, cu inima liniștită,
Te aștept până mâine.
Pe mâine, dragul meu,
Trăiesc doar pentru întoarcerea ta.
Pe mâine, dragul meu,
Soarele va aduce iubirea înapoi.
Dă-mi gura ta pentru ultima oară.
Ziua se culcă în brațele noastre,
Dar tu, insula ta îmi ia mereu înapoi fericirea.
Prea aproape de orașe, la o mie de mile
De calea ce duce la inimile noastre.
Pe mâine, dragul meu,
Trăiesc doar pentru întoarcerea ta.
Pe mâine, dragul meu,
Soarele va aduce iubirea înapoi.
Mâine fluviul va întinde pentru noi așternuturi blonde,
Cochiliile ne vor legăna
Cu cea mai veche muzică din țară.
Toți cei care se iubesc ca noi
Știu cum să găsească paradisul.
Pe mâine, dragul meu,
Trăiesc doar pentru întoarcerea ta.
Pe mâine, dragul meu,
Soarele va aduce iubirea înapoi.
Pe mâine, dragul meu...
The legend of Thomas
He ran from flower to flowerHe lived like a madman
Far from people, far from everything
He looked at the butterflies
Occasionally gathered holly
For the party at our house
One day, three soldiers appeared at his house
To search, to turn over everything even up to his bed
'Tell us, Thomas, show us where the bird is hiding
Who pecks, who devours all our apricot fields
Oh! Oh! Oh!'
And Thomas had to run there through the paths of earth
To cross the ferns
He was scared of these people
The children, the grandmothers
Who threw stones at him
'Stop! Stop! I have torn pockets
I only have my life, so you have to give it
Take everything, leave me, I don't know the bird
Who pecks, who devours all our apricot fields
Oh! Oh! Oh!'
The good God saw all that
Through the crack of the sky
We lead the poor Thomas
To the dungeon of the citadel
Tonight, he sleeps
But the sounds and the cries
Invade his bed
Now, he was scared
His fear made him scared
And gnawed on his mind
When suddenly, the birds
The big birds of the night
Will attack the castle
And surprise the guards
Save him and cry
Crossing the villages in the hamlets1
Pillaging all the apricot fields2
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Thomas was in paradise
In the middle of the birds
God had brought it back to him
To gather there his apricots
He ran from flower to flower
He lived like a madman
Far from people, far from everything
He looked at the butterflies
Occasionally gathered holly
For the party at our house
The legend of Thomas
The legend of Thomas
The legend of Thomas
The legend of Thomas
The Petenera*
A mermaid boardeda wooden ship... (x2)
Since there was no wind,
ah, la, la, la, layyyyyyyyyyyy
since there was no wind,
she couldn't go ashore
and in the middle of the sea
she remained, singing 'La Petenera'.
As I was lying down
on the bare sand... (x2)
I heard the voice of a fish,
ah, la, la, la, layyyyyyyyyyyy
I heard the voice of a fish
tell the mermaid:
'what obstacles I've overcome,
for my love of that dark-skinned woman!'
A fisherman on the heml
couldn't understand it. (x2)
In trying catch a tilapia,
ah, la, la, la, layyyyyyyyyyyy
In trying catch a tilapia,
he caught a toad by its tail,
he caught a toad by its tail,
that not just anyone can catch,
ah, ah, ah, layyyyy.
Love by the wood fire
You and me in the afternoonBursts of laughter, snowballs
And broad daylight
You and me, a wood fire
In the mountain hut, a hide
And then the night
You and me, a wood fire
I'm warm
I'm yours
How I love winter!
You and me, a wood fire
In the blue shadow
I see your eyes
You and me, a wood fire
From the valley
Songs arise
Brought by the wind
You and me, a wood fire
An edelweiss in our hair
We're happy
You and me, a wood fire
I'm warm
I'm yours
How I love winter!
You and me, a wood fire
In the blue shadow
I see your eyes
Love me!
Love me!
I am angry at silence
I am angry at silencefor how much I lost
I am angry at silence
for how much I lost
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy
There is silence even in my guitar
When I sing this song
And the best of my song
Stays inside of me
(There's silence in my guitar
when I sing the yaraví
There's silence in my guitar
when I sing the yaraví
and the best of my song
atays inside of me
and the best of my song
stays inside of me)
When love beckoned me
all whole I went on
When love beckoned me
all whole I went on
and by force of being silent
quiet I was consumed
and by force of being silent
quiet I was consumed
When love had designated me
Whole, he kissed me
And by force of being silent
Quiet, I was consumed
I am angry at silence
for how much I lost
I am angry at silence
for how much I lost
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy
should not remain silent
whoever wants to live happy
The Tenderness (The tenderness)
I can live without richesAnd poor too,
Of lords and princesses,
Very little is seen.
More to live without tenderness,
I would never be able to,
No, no, no, no,
I would never be able to.
I can live without glory
Which is not essential,
Without speaking in history,
It doesn't matter to me.
More to live without tenderness,
What a bitter feeling,
No, no, no, no,
What a bitter feeling.
How sweet it is to love,
How beautiful it is to feel,
To desire the tenderness
That comes to us at birth.
True, true, true
The youth in it's fire,
Can meet,
That love yields its game,
With your great pleasure.
But without the tenderness,
It's impossible to love,
No, no, no, no,
It's impossible to love.
A child embraces us,
We make it very happy,
Sadness leaves,
Seeing her live like this.
My God, my God, my God.
In our immense harmony,
Immense zest,
We should ask heaven,
That there is no heart.
Tenderness prevails,
And love reigns,
Love reigns,
Until God wants.
Two lovers
I see two lovers walking,In the evening mists,
Young couple that prefers to be,
Where no one can see them.
And comes to my memory,
Our old story,
From my youth.
We secretly loved each other,
And it was like a dream,
Our blue paradise.
I see two lovers walking,
In the evening mists,
That they are sighing that to have the age,
That their love does not have to hide.
They will dream that what awaits them,
Sweet spring,
And their love will flourish.
They will think of adventures,
And the million follies,
That love will bring them.
I see two lovers walking,
In the evening mists,
That they love each other as much as you and I
And the light of love they can see
The beach
When the beach was flooded with light and sun,And when the sea with her rumor she spoke of love,
When I dreamed in the blue,
It was true this dream, you arrived.
Flower of a summer our love maybe it will be,
That a fatal autumn breeze will wither,
End of my dream of illusion,
And on this beach my heart will be shipwrecked.
And they'll remain the same, sand and sea,
The beach in silence will stay,
The echo of his voice will be extinguished,
The footprints of the two will be erased.
When the sun shines on the beach again,
There I'll be and with the sea I'll remember you,
I will evoke the immensity of our love,
That brought me happiness.
Come back, here on the beach I'll wait for you.
Come, come
Come, come, this is my callCome, come, father return home
Come, come, everything is ready
Come, come, bread and love
Come, come, mother is suffering
Come, come, thinks of you in silence
Come, come, nobody wants to see her
Come, come, even more expired
I know well that girl is beautiful
Happier, much more than your wife
And that it's hard to notice growing up
Autumn in the temple
I know well that girl is younger
And that mother is now tired and sad
Yet she has fought for you
To make you happy
Come, come, this is my call
Come, come, father return home
Come, come, everything is ready
Come, come, bread and love
Come, come, since you've been gone
Come, come, has remained
Come, come, every thing that you own
Come, come, firm in place
We will not talk about this at all
As if time hadn't passed
We will open the door and you will see
That the home remains the same
Oh, come, come, let's go, come with me
Come, come, mother has fallen asleep
Come, come, make her wake up
Come, come, and she will smile to you, will laugh, will laugh
Will laugh, will laugh
Oh, come, come, take this hand
Come, come, that I take you home
Come, come, oh, I love you father
Come, come, la, la, la, la
Come, come
Why pretend
Why pretend so much coldness?If passion shines in your gaze,
Why say just 'friends' ?
If every time you love me more and more.
Why this love?
Little by little it was formed,
We were both children, both of us,
When it was born.
And now that we've grown up,
In this love,
Why lie?
Why pretend?
Why pretend so much coldness?
If passion shines in your gaze,
Why say just 'friends' ?
If every time I love you more and more.
Why this love?
Life gave it to us,
From the moment that
Long ago got us united.
And now that you,
From me you have to move away
Why lie?
Why pretend?
Why say what you don't have to do?
Don't hide that great love anymore,
In your look I can read,
Wait for me I will come back.
Wait for me I will come back.
Wait for me I will come back.
Romance Novel
I did meet youAt my story's corner
You weren't marked down
In any of my spell-book's pages
But we loved each other
And loved so much
Romance novels
Do tell stories
Love stories
That want us to believe
That true love
Lasts forever
What does it matter
The time that's flying?
What does it matter
One year, one day?
Oh, say: what does it mean
True love?
What does it mean
To last forever?
Oh, say, I still want to live
Day by day
Ahlala ahlala lala lala
You'll fly away
One day without warning
To each his path
To each her story
I'll write nothing
In my memoirs
Love songs
Are humming stories
Love stories
That want us to believe
That one-day love
It isn't love
What does it matter
The time that's flying?
What does it matter
One year, one day?
Oh, say: what does it mean
True love?
What does it mean
To last forever?
Oh, say, I still want to live
Day by day
Ahlala ahlala lala lala
And let's go back to love
Let's forget our anger,Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
You can see it on your lips,
The birth of a smile,
That is a prelude to forgiveness.
I already did my penance,
Have a little indulgence,
Even though you're right.
Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
There are no more storm clouds,
The sun that warms us,
And melted the ice in our hearts.
And again hand in hand,
Let's go to the far country,
Of dreams of illusion.
Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
There are no more storm clouds,
The sun that warms us,
And melted the ice in our hearts.
And again hand in hand,
Let's go to the far country,
Of dreams of illusion.
Laralá Lalaralalalá
Laralalalá Laralalá
Laralá Lalaralalalá
Laralalalá Laralalá
And if Anybody Falls in Love with Me
And if anybody falls in love with meMy guitar will play for you
But if nobody wants me
My guitar will cry in silence
And if anybody falls in love with me
My smile will come back to you
But if nobody wants me
My endless sadness will return
Love, listen to me, I'll listen to you
Love, help me, I'll help you
Those who look for an angel will find one
I'm looking for a moment of eternity
And if anybody falls in love with me
My guitar will play for you
But if nobody wants me
My guitar will cry in silence
My guitar will cry in silence
Ossanha's Chant
Hail, Xangô, my Lord KingHail, my orixá
There are seven colors that are yours
Seven days for us to love
Hail, Xangô, my Lord King
Hail, my orixá
There are seven colors that are yours
Seven days for us to love
The one who says 'I give' doesn't give
Because those who give don't talk about it
The one who says 'I go' doesn't go
Because when they went, they didn't want to
The one who says 'I am' is not
Because those who really are say 'I'm not'
The one who says 'I'm there' isn't there
Because no one's there when they want to be
Poor man who falls
for Ossanha's misleading chant
Poor man who falls
Behind the witchcraft of love
Go, go, go, go, I won't go
Go, go, go, go, I won't go
Go, go, go, go, I won't go
Go, go, go, go, I won't go
Go, go, go, go, I won't go
I won't go
I won't go
The one who says 'I give' doesn't give
Because those who give don't talk about it
The one who says 'I go' doesn't go
Because when they went, they didn't want to
The one who says 'I am' is not
Because those who really are say 'I'm not'
The one who says 'I'm there' isn't there
Because no one's there when they want to be
Hail, Xangô, my Lord King
Hail, my orixá
There are seven colors that are yours
Seven days for us to love
Manchester and Liverpool
Manchester, LiverpoolLove is dead in these two cities
Even if it no longer lives
I still like to remember
Manchester, Liverpool
Since the days I met you down there
It seems like it hasn't rained anymore
But instead it rains more than ever
I think, I think about the time when
You were telling me 'I love you, I love you'
But you, you're not answering anymore
Manchester isn't for me
A closed book without pages
Liverpool is already sinking
Into the shadow of its blue sea
Manchester and Liverpool
Love is dead in these two cities
Even if it no longer lives
I'm still searching for our love
I think, I think
About the time when you were telling me 'I love you'
I love you
But you're not answering anymore
La, la...
Ivan, Boris and I
And since we were kids I remember thatWe were going for walks
Along the rivers in the middle of flowers
We were singing songs
Under a completely golden sun
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Then at the party in my town
We were dancing all day
We never got tired
And at school on Monday
We were still together
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
We were four women, but
There were three guys
I loved him
And another was in love with me
It couldn't work like this
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
All of this complicated
The sweetness of those days a bit
Then a few years passed
And school ended
And love separated us
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
We never got married to our friends
Because happiness
Was found here and there
We all still write to each other
But many, many more
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Antonio, Ivan, Boris and I
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna and I
Saša, Mario, David and I
Barbara, Mimì, Nataša and I
Saša, Mario, David and I
Barbara, Mimì, Nataša and I
A Country Wedding
Everybody, drink with meThere's so much wine
Long live a country wedding
Today I'll marry you
I salute you, city
In a few hours we'll be going
Long live a country wedding
There's going to be a great party today
Here you go, the church is down there
Today I prefer
Giving the bell-ringer a tip
Every bell is going to ring
All the friends that I have
Came over here
Then there's the group of relatives
Those who eat more
Long live love, because
There's nothing more beautiful
Long live a country wedding
When they band plays
Everybody, drink with me
There's so much wine
Long live a country wedding
Long live love when it's there
Manchester and Liverpool
Manchester and LiverpoolThrough your streets I go like a wanderer
People who I've never seen before
And that will never know who I am
Manchester and Liverpool
Through the streets and dwellings I got lost
To see the beautiful love
That I had with you one day
I love you
I love you
I remember your voice telling me
I love you
I love you
And so, I believed it
Manchester got sadder
And Liverpool is crying at sea
At its edge you kissed me
And I suffer more when remembering
It rains over Manchester
And Liverpool isn't the one I knew
In its mist it stayed
That love that there I lost
I love you
I love you
I remember your voice telling me
I love you
I love you
That I can never believe again
As You Lie Asleep
Every night when darkness comesI run away into my dreams
and live a life of freedom.
you have no idea of
as you lie asleep beside me.
Far away from these walls
I go seeking adventure.
The world opens before me.
You don't exist for me
as you lie asleep beside me.
At the bottom of the sea
inside dead ancient ships
I discovered treasures.
The sea has no secrets for me
while I know nothing of you
as you lie asleep beside me.
I found a weeping child
I think he looked like you.
I soothed him with a kiss
but I can't do anything for you
as you lie asleep beside me.
One night the Devil crossed my path.
He took me by the hand
and said, 'your life is worthless'.
He told me about you
as you lay asleep beside me.
This is why, one fine morning,
so it is written, I can't help it,
when the sun rises
you will wake up without me
you, who sleeps beside me.
why do men cry?
chorus x2Tell me, why do men cry
when they meet alone?
Tell me, why men are dying
To know that they're too lonely?
Tell me why did you come back
Are your eyes reddened by grief?
I can not imagine
that you have learned how to cry
Chorus x2
Tell me who has succeeded
to make you change at this point in your life?
let me learn the name of she who
finally cut your wings
chorus x2
Tell me, why do men cry
when they lie down like children?
let me learn why do I fear
to see you cry right now
chorus x5
Sunshine Time After Time
No matter how grey the sky is,sunshine will come back time after time, time after time,
time after time.
Even if you hurt me,
I'll forgive you time after time, time after time,
time after time.
Even if the fields are empty today,
the golden wheat will stand again time after time,
time after time.
If you ever leave me alone,
then I'll believe time after time, time after time
that we'll see each other again.
Even if white snow falls from the sky,
May will come again time after time, time after time,
time after time.
Even if both of us are angry,
it'll pass by quickly time after time, time after time,
time after time.
Even if the stars burn up,
they'll always be bright in the dark sky time after time,
time after time.
If your Wheel of Fortune ever stands still,
it'll start turning again time after time, time after time,
time after time.
Even if I lose hope,
just be good to me time after time, time after time,
time after time.
Even if fate separates us,
I'll find my way home to you time after time, time after time,
time after time.
No matter what happens in life,
in good times and in bad,
I'll hold on to you and never leave you alone.
Even as the years pass by,
we'll be happy time after time, time after time,
time after time.
What Makes Girls Cry
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdeyAy ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
You're only twenty
And I'm almost as old
Near you I learned
What makes girls cry
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
But you're oblivious to it
You're playing best buddies
It would complicate your life
What makes girls cry
I can't blame you
For what's happening to me
It's all my fault if I jump
When you call me on the phone
Yes, you're playing your game
You have what you want
But you haven't got
What makes girls cry
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
Careful, I feel like
One day I'll get tired
And that day, don't be surprised
If no one answers the phone
Yes, the more I think of it
The more I realize
That you need to be taught
What makes girls cry
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
Ay ay ay shoubidoubi doumdey
Ivan, Boris și eu
Și, când eram copii, îmi amintesc cămergeam să ne plimbăm
de-a lungul râurilor, în mijlocul florilor,
cântam melodii
sub un soare cu totul de aur:
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Apoi la sărbătoarea din satul meu
dansam toată ziua,
nu oboseam niciodată,
și luni, la școală,
eram iar împreună:
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Eram patru fete, dar
băieții erau trei.
Eu țineam mult la el,
și un altul ținea la mine.
Nu putea să meargă așa.
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Toate astea complicau un pic
dulceața acelor zile.
Câțiva ani apoi s-au scurs,
și școala s-a terminat,
și iubirea ne-a separat.
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Cu amicii nu ne-am căsătorit niciodată,
pentru că fericirea
s-a aflat ici și colo.
Ne scriem toți încă,
dar mult, mult mai multe.
Antonio, Ivan, Boris și eu,
Rebecca, Paola, Giovanna și eu.
Sasha, Mario, David și eu,
Barbara, Mimi, Natasha și eu.
Sasha, Mario, David și eu,
Barbara, Mimi, Natasha și eu.
Știu cântecul tău, RozelinaTu cântai, tu plângeai, Rozelina
Și marea asculta fără să spună nimic
Cântecul inimii tale, Rozelina.
O lacrimă, un sărut, o lacrimă,
Pe nisip a căzut o lacrimă
Dulce și pură și mai frumoasă ca o stea,
Pe nisip a căzut o lacrimă.
Mai cântă, mai plângi, Rozelina,
Ce bine e, ce dulce e, Rozelina
Să cântăm și să plângem când iubim,
Să cântăm și să plângem, Rozelina,