Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 40


River of love

I'm carrying in my soul the disillusion
Of the day I lost you
People keep on walking all around me
And I don't know how to smile anymore
River, river, river of love
Take her/his memories with you
River, river, river of love
'Cause I can't forget
Right next to the Guadalquivir
I shared your kisses for one night
Oh, who could relive
All of those moments
River, river, river of love
Take her/his memories with you
River, river, river of love
'Cause I can't forget
Don't hold back your path
Follow it to the sea
Take this love
To its depths
Every afternoon the southern wind
Tells me things about you
And brings the air of your youth to me
To tease me
River, river, river of love
Take her/his memories with you
River, river, river of love
'Cause I can't forget

A bit of love

Every day, in the morning
We walk on the same path
The people of the village are laughing
I know they've understood
You love me, but you didn't tell me anything
You pick for me bouquets
Of wild flowers and blueberries
And when I smile at you
You smile back
But you never know what to tell me
I am waiting for you to talk a bit about love
The wild flowers live forever
But I die a little every day
Waiting for you to talk a bit about love
To court me a bit
To make love to me a bit

A bit of love
A bit of love
In the autumn, we will go
To pick up berries in the forest of Anon
If it's cold, in the evening
You will cover my shoulders
With a big shawl and your hand will caress me
I am waiting for you to talk a bit about love
The wild flowers live forever
But I am dying a little every day
Waiting for you to talk a bit about love
To court me a bit
To make love to me a bit

A bit of love
A bit of love

Un pic de dragoste

În fiecare zi, dimineața
Luăm aceeași cale
În sat, ei râd de noi
Știu că au înțeles
Tu mă iubești, dar nu îmi spui nimic
Îmi culegi buchete
De flori de câmp și afine sălbatice
Și când îți zâmbesc
Tu îmi întorci zâmbetul
Dar niciodată nu știi ce să-mi spui
Aștept să îmi vorbești un pic despre iubire
Florile de câmp trăiesc la nesfârșit
Eu mor un pic în fiecare zi
Căci încă aștept să îmi vorbești despre iubire
Să mă curtezi un pic
Să facem dragoste un pic

Un pic de dragoste
Un pic de dragoste
La toamnă, vom merge
Să culegem mure în pădure la Anon
Iar seara, când se face frig
Vei așeza pe umerii mei
Un șal mare, iar mâna ta mă va mângâia
Aștept să îmi vorbești un pic despre iubire
Florile de câmp trăiesc la nesfârșit
Eu mor un pic în fiecare zi
Căci încă aștept să îmi vorbești despre iubire
Să mă curtezi,
Să facem dragoste un pic

Un pic de dragoste
Un pic de dragoste

Love Me Until Tomorrow

If I knew about you
Lots of pain and little joy,
You know, the years
For me have changed nothing
Time, however,
Has passed for our love
And I read it in your big eyes
The uncertainty for us both
The months, the seasons,
Rains until the harvest
Never, never
From my heart were right
If you grant me one wish:
Love me until tomorrow
Even if you have to leave
I won't ask anything more
If you grant me one wish:
Love me until tomorrow
Even if you have to leave
All love has an end
I've loved you for a long time
And my heart is the same
You know, the years
For me have changed nothing
Wait! Wait
A few more hours, a few more moments
If you grant me one wish:
Love me until tomorrow
Even if you have to leave
I won't ask anything more
If you grant me one wish:
Love me until tomorrow
Even if you have to leave
All love has an end

The one that will come

The one who will come
To teach me the taste of happiness
He will have
A rose instead of the heart
The one who will come
Drive me to the end of the path
He will have
Sun in the hollow of his hands
The one who will come
Lock my life in his house
He will know
How to make the walls of my prison smile
I can be wrong
Very often about the weather
But never
when I think of the one who will come

O iubire ce s-a stins

La la la ...
În Veneția, pe apa sură,
imaginea ta, fața ta
se reflectă, și eu mută
rămân și plâng
absența ta, tăcerea.
Îmi scrii tot mai puțin,
seara asta reaprind în zadar
o iubire ce s-a stins.
În Veneția îți dăinuiesc
promisiunile, și fără încetare
te inventez, îmi inventez
prezența ta în tăcere.
Mă îmbrățișezi și mă săruți,
dar mă trezesc brusc:
nu-mi mai rămâne decât
o iubire ce s-a stins.
~ ~ ~
Nu-mi pasă, ce contează
un val departe, prea departe?
Nu-mi mai rămâne decât
o iubire ce s-a stins.
La la la ...

The almond tree

My cousin owns an almond tree
My cousin owns an almond tree,
a couple of vine stocks
on the hill slope
and a few sheeps here and there.
There I go and pick almonds,
grapes and lavender
in the evening before going home.
My cousin asked me where I went
My cousin asked me where I went
Said 'My house is far too big.
My dear, I'm asking you:
would you share what I got there?
And we'll pick almonds,
grapes and lavender,
go home and sit by the fireplace '
We got wed under the almond tree
We got wed under the almond tree
amidst roses and almonds,
grapes and lavender.
and a few friends who were there,
as far as I remember.
The bride was so pretty
that she eloped with her cousin.
Four pilgrims came by
Four pilgrims came by
For them I picked almonds,
grapes and lavender.
And so I do every time
for a hunting peasant
or a stranger passing
by my cousin's home, by mine
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

My Love

My love, my love, my love
And doing for you, silly things
the table, the bed, the house
and the water on your glass
and this flower lying down here for you,
which your stare will make up, and will tell me 'thank you'.
And like a marriage,
like a slow party, and beautiful and severe
and also tender,
you'll get it inside me,
like a new child,
you'll introduce the world to me
for every morning in the world,
for every garden in the world,
in our taped room.
Just learning.