Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 19


Sa-mi Canti Cobzar

Sa-mi canti cobzar,
Ca si cobzarul cel batran din poezie,
Sa planga corzile sub mana ta de har,
Sa-mi schimbi durerea-n lacrima de bucurie.
Sa-mi canti cobzar,
Sa imi alini macar o clipa dorul,
Sa indulcesti sufletul meu trist si-amar,
Si sa-mi grabesti, de poti, spre ceruri zborul.
Sa-mi canti cobzar,
Sa se renasca-n mine acel fior, ca prima data,
Sa gust din nou al Dragostei nectar,
Sa simt pe cap balsam si Mana Vesnicului Tata.
Sa-mi canti cobzar,
Mi-e atat de dor de cobza ta cea veche,
De-al tau mesaj plin de speranta, clar
De glasu-ti trist si ragusit, fara pereche.
Sa-mi canti cobzar,
Prin zgomotul acestei lumi, macar o data,
Acum la margine de drum, la capat de hotar,
Sa-mi canti cobzar, mai minunat ca niciodata.

Christmas Wish

I wish you at this Christmas
to be full of shine,
have your glass full of
blessings and happiness,
May that The Holy Baby Jesus
places His Peace in your hearts,
and clothes you with Love and Light
from the glories above.
Be always on the right path,
In the darkness of the night, be the Light,
To the earth be the Salt,
Be overwhelmed by Grace,
Smile and Joy
be always on your face,
Let the whole world see and understand
that The Messiah was born in you!

Over the World in Silence

Over the world in silence,
It started to snow again,
with mystery stars,
of comfort and relief,
flakes of love and grace.
Heavenly voices are heard,
White angels caroling,
Their divine melody,
smoothly runs through the light
today, on this Christmas Day.
Quiet in the manger, Jesus
sleeps among the sheep,
The King from above,
has brought us joy,
Emanuel, God with us.
I wanted to see Him up close,
Full of peace, He smiles at me,
I shed a tear from my eyelids,
I fell on my knees and felt... agape,
God who loves me.
Over the world in silence,
The Child's cry resounds,
A divine breath,
breaking barriers forever,
Announcing once again the Good News.

Thanksgiving Prayer

The angel's songs vibrate in the strings of the violin,
And a tear descends trembling in the dusk,
So many questions are lost on the celestial paths,
But the thanksgiving prayer rises high, above all.
The trumpet of silver sounds,
When the prayer knocks to the Gate of Eternity,
Down on Earth, today, the world is better,
The Faith in hearts was rekindled.
The prayer gets before the Throne of Grace,
It worships overwhelmed with Love,
Lays down as a holy sacrifice on the altar,
and it burns incessantly in immortality.

Bring Peace, Tranquility, and Healing Once Again

If we could feel beyond the pain,
If we respond with love to hate,
If we could see the rainbow in the rain,
Our world will have a new great fate.
If we could see where we were wrong,
And in a whisper ask forgiveness,
Our world would be amazingly strong,
Full of compassion, loving-kindness.
If we could appreciate the Truth again,
Wipe away the tears of the sad ones
If we wouldn’t compromise, wouldn’t pretend,
If we wouldn’t be throwing the first stones,
If we only knew how not to kill a dream,
And to smile at the stars night after night,
Peaches and apricots would bloom by the stream,
The larks would sing again in the light.
If we could, if we knew, but we are weak,
Because we can't, or we don't know-how,
Or we don’t want to turn the other cheek,
We live only today, here and now.
Please God, break down the ugly walls,
And let the colorful butterflies fly,
Please listen to our desperate calls,
Don’t let us too much longer in this lie.
Please wipe away our tears and stop our suffering,
Bring peace, tranquility, and healing once again,
Help us to bloom together in the new spring,
And in Your garden brothers to remain.

Tangoul Dragostei

Ne învelim uşor în toamnă
frumoasa mea, frumoasă doamnă,
Cad frunze ruginii şi aurite
pe-ale noastre tâmple argintii şi obosite.
Atâtea freamăte se-ascund sub paşii apăsaţi, desculţi,
Atâtea rugăciuni rostite jos prin văi sau sus pe munţi,
Atâtea urme am lăsat în stele, în soare, prin furtuni, prin ploi,
Atâtea minunate anotimpuri au trecut, frumoasă doamnă peste noi.
Am împărţit poverile şi bucuria,
Paharul, lingura şi farfuria,
Am împărţit şi răni şi lacrimi şi dureri,
Eşecuri şi succese, zâmbete şi dulci plăceri.
Plouă încet cu stropi uriaşi ce parcă ne îndeamnă
iar la dans, frumoasa mea, frumoasă doamnă,
Sărut o lacrimă ce-ţi curge pe obrajii-ţi albi şi moi,
Şi continuăm, cât ne e scris, tangoul dragostei în doi.

Dor de tati

Mi-e dor de chemarea-ti duioasa
De glasu-ti de tata placut,
Mi-e dor sa ma strigi sear’ acasa
Mi-e dor de tot timpul trecut.
Mi-e dor de-al tau sfat parintesc
De-nteleptele tale cuvinte,
Mi-e dor sa imi spui sa m-opresc
Dar si sa imi spui “Inainte!”
Mi-e dor sa imi spui c-am gresit
Dar si ca greseala-i …normala
Mi-e dor de curajul oferit
Mi-e dor sa ma duci iar la scoala.
Mi-e dor sa imi spui “ai dreptate”
Dar totusi copile…invata
(Caci nimeni nu stie chiar toate)
Sa lasi de la tine in viata!
Mi-e dor cand veneai seara ,din tura
Si-n noapte faceam…”Adunare”
Mi-e dor sa citesti din scriptura
Si-apoi sa cantam o cantare.
Cu mine sa te rogi,mi-e dor
Mana-n mana pe genunchi ,amandoi
Sa simt binecuvantarea ….Izvor,
Ce curge din ceruri suvoi.
Mi-e dor cand radeam impreuna
Mi-e dor si de lacrima ta
Mi-e dor de ziua… cea buna
Mi-e dor si de ziua mai grea.
Mi-e dor si de vorbe ades’ nerostite
De priviri ce-nghetau totul in mine
Mi-e dor de povesti povestite
Mi-e dor,mi-asa dor “tati” de tine.

Fall is Born in Poetry

Fall is born in poetry,
A new muse for everyone,
The leaves fall through golden verses
in rhythm and symmetry,
Enchanted rhymes on the run.
Fall is born in songs,
Springs tremble in choirs,
A gracious melody whose
sound loves and longs,
The wings of the wind, seraphic fires.
Fall is born in a dance of joy,
The tango of a full life,
Grace after grace in every step,
Memories of a girl kissing a boy,
In the fateful autumn,
now husband and wife.
Fall is born in aspirations, in dreams,
In smiles, in tears, in love,
The splendid autumn surround us,
In our souls flow steady streams
rising to the stars above.

It Is Raining with Cold, Rusty Leaves

It is raining with cold, rusty leaves
over my autumnal body and my tired temple.
I'm cold. Cover my unfulfilled thoughts and dreams
with Your Divine Grace and Your beloved Whisper.
The golden dust of the moon shakes easily
over my sad face and the leaden world.
I'm afraid. Make me wings, paint them in gold, and teach me to fly
to blue horizons and the glories of joy.
Stars fall one by one, one by one,
and they melt in the night of my dry soul.
I'm thirsty. Pour Love into my heart and mind,
and make me a fountain of living water.
Blond lights bathe in the dark,
In the corners of locked rooms, there are fights in prayer,
I long, I miss Your enchanting Face,
I miss the sound of the trumpet I miss You to come to gather us.

Ceva Magic

In dimineti devreme te privesc,
Cu zambetul tau magic imi zambesti,
In ochii tai ma scald, m-afund si ma topesc,
Si pentru o vreme, acolo m-odihnesc.
Apoi tarziu,
in fiecare noapte dupa noapte,
ma-ngropi in fericire cu ale tale soapte,
Cand cu tandrete ma atingi, ah ce mister,
Zambeste chiar si luna cea batrana sus pe cer.
Sunt treaz, visez, nu stiu?
Aceasta-i viata mea, e o poveste de iubire?
Rasar in paru-ti lung si castaniu,
Mii si mii de stele-n stralucire.
Eu, fericit imi moi penita-n razele de soare,
Si scriu cu rosu versuri vii, eterne
Se-opreste ploaia si aud a ta chemare,
Destul, destul, si o tacere sfanta se asterne.
Aud oceanul si ma minunez la barcile pe valuri,
Cu zambetu tau magic imi zambesti,
E ceva magic in buzele tale, in saruturi,
Cred, ca o vreme, langa tine-aici, o sa raman sa m-odihnesc.

Eu vad Lumina

In lumea intunericului si a tacerii,
La marginea prapastiei,
Astept sentinta mea cruda,
Prins intre soapte de durere,
Si o atingere a binecuvantarii.
Stau singur visand la lumina.
Ingeri cenusii ai necunoscutului
vorbesc cu mine, fara cuvinte
Coruri canta melodii fara ton,
O pasare inspaimantata zboara cercetand cerul.
Sunt singur, pierdut in noapte.
Linistea e atat de puternica, plang,
ma rog lui Dumnezeu asteptand doar un Cuvant,
Stiu ca am pacatuit si trebuie sa mor,
Te rog, ai mila, Domnul meu!
In noapte, vad Lumina!
In lumea luminii si a laudelor,
La marginea Paradisului,
Stand pe Stanca cea de Veacuri,
Sunt liber din nou, a disparut durerea,
Tu ai platit pretul.
Pasesc alaturi de Tine in Lumina Eterna!