Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 103
Set This Shit on Fire
You can find everything here and even a little more
If only you dare
To see it
You can find the light here if you want to
If only you dare
When tears keep falling
And you scream no and no
You can find the light here if you want to
Breathe in and breathe out
Make everything explode
And blow up the truth inside of you
Breathe in and breathe out
Let all thoughts disappear
Yes, set this shit on fire
Yes, set this shit on fire
Let the pain be
Let it even be more painful
Make your weakness go by
So that your strength gets to be alive
When the tears stop
And the light comes in
You can find the light here if you want to
Breathe in and breathe out
Make everything explode
And blow up the truth inside of you
Breathe in and breathe out
Let all thoughts disappear
Yes, set this shit on fire
Yes, set this shit on fire
Time won't heal all wounds
And here we go again
With our broken hearts
A lightheartedness that's coming down
And hides inside of me
And I hide inside you
You can find the light here if you want to
Breathe in and breathe out
Make everything explode
And blow up the truth inside of you
Breathe in and breathe out
Let all thoughts disappear
Yes, set this shit on fire
Yes, set this shit on fire
Dans solo
In lumina apusa
Imi atingi corpul
Iti pot simti mainile
Pe pielea mea
Crezi ca m-ai prins
Acolo unde ma voiai
Dar doar esti in calea mea
Am venit la petrecere singura
Nu am nevoie de nimeni in cantecul meu
Aud beat-ul si imi pierd controlul
Hey oh mers
So so lo
Baiete poti s-o lasi mai moale
Sunt aici sa ma distrez
Vreau doar sa dansez, dansez, dansez
Stiu ca ma vrei
Dar nu imi pasa
Vreau doar sa dansez, dansez, dansez
Dansez, dansez, dansez
Dansez, dansez, dansez
Dansez, dansez, dansez
In umbra luminii
Te misti mai aproape
Suntem pe cale sa trecem linia
Crezi ca m-ai prins
Acolo unde ma voiai
Dar totul este in mintea ta
Am venit la petrecere singura
Nu am nevoie de nimeni in cantecul meu
Aud beat-ul si imi pierd controlul
Hey oh mers
So so lo
Baiete poti s-o lasi mai moale
Sunt aici sa ma distrez
Vreau doar sa dansez, dansez, dansez
Stiu ca ma vrei
Dar nu imi pasa
Vreau doar sa dansez, dansez, dansez
Dansez, dansez, dansez
Dansez, dansez, dansez
Dansez, dansez, dansez
Dansez, dansez, dansez
You're welcome
Paul Martin's Disturbing Testimony
My name is Paul Martin
I'm 34 years old, I am single
I work in a printing house, in Roubaix
I often ask myself if I'm dreaming
If I didn't make everything up
If I'm not losing my mind
Listen to my story and think what you want
It's a really strange girl
She has orange eyes
She has the hair of an angel
She's a really strange girl
I always run into her at night
Always in the same spot
I never see her coming
But suddenly
She is there
Next to me
Beautiful, pale, mysterious, and serious
She walks by my side for a few seconds
Then she suddenly disappears
As if the galaxy snatched her away
It's a really strange girl
She has orange eyes
She has the hair of an angel
She's a really strange girl
One time
All alone
She told me to come somewhere else
Beyond the universe
To big and lonely lands
She told me that she was dying from an eternal cold
When I wanted to take her in my arms
She suddenly disappeared
As if the galaxy snatched her away
It's a really strange girl
She has orange eyes
She has the hair of an angel
She's a really strange girl
Coming from disturbing worlds
Half demon, half angel
Disturbing eyes, the hair of an angel
It's me, I'm the very strange girl
Coming from disturbing worlds
Half demon, half angel
Disturbing eyes, the hair of an angel
It's me, I'm the really strange girl
Praful fluturilor
Câteodată, mă întâlnesc cu tine
Când nu te aștept
Și datorită surprizei încep să mă gândesc la tine.
A fost odată... povestea asta afurisită.
Continui încă să cred în praful fluturilor.
Nu vreau niște aripi care să sosească la mine deja rupte.
Marea mereu a știut să-mi păstreze secretul.
El îmi cere firul lui de nisip și apoi îl pervertește
Golind munți, pentru momentul sosirii
Aceleia care îl face să crească mareea...
Te-am simțit atât de adânc în mine, că uneori
Presimt că îmi ești alături.
Îmi place să-ți povestesc ce mi s-a întâmplat,
Până când descopăr că am vorbit de una singură.
A venit ca să plece precum cei care călătoresc pe coada vântului,
M-a făcut să plâng, sărutându-mă foarte lent.
Nu există vreun oraș unde să nu mă emoționez.
Nu am putut să-ți las ușa întredeschisă în acea seară,
Să te fac să te gândești, ca niciodată să te prind.
Deja știi cât de idioată sunt uneori.
Eu nu am putut să te pun în cutia legendelor nedezlegate,
Să-ți vorbesc frumos în timp ce dormi,
Să-ți irosesc timpul pe nimic.
Te-am simțit atât de adânc în mine, că uneori
Presimt că îmi ești alături.
Îmi place să-ți povestesc ce mi s-a întâmplat,
Până când descopăr că am vorbit de una singură.
A venit ca să plece precum cei care călătoresc pe coada vântului,
M-a făcut să plâng, sărutându-mă foarte lent.
Nu există vreun oraș unde să nu mă emoționez.
Te-am simțit atât de adânc în mine, că uneori
Presimt că îmi ești alături.
Îmi place să-ți povestesc ce mi s-a întâmplat,
Până când descopăr că am vorbit de una singură.
A venit ca să plece precum cei care călătoresc pe coada vântului,
M-a făcut să plâng, sărutându-mă foarte lent.
Nu există vreun oraș unde să nu mă emoționez.
Te-am simțit atât de adânc în mine...
Câteodată, mă întâlnesc cu tine când nu te aștept
Și datorită surprizei încep să mă gândesc la tine.
A fost odată... povestea asta afurisită.
Ask Me
The rain is falling slowly
Your step, a storm
Silence that is broken
With a subtle nature
I go around the house turning lights on
Life keeps on occuring, and everything goes by
The way a scent goes by
Intense is the way in which you know me so well
And the way that you kiss is something that can't ever be forgotten
I know that which came to stay
Tracing coordinates without looking
We look for...(a way)
Ask me for whatever you want
Release me from this doubt
Ask me for temptation
Once we are together in the dark
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me
The tricks that my mind pulls on me
Mapping my way
I feel like a passenger moving in reverse
His destiny in tow
We have as much peace as ways of getting there
They are remainders of desire that never comes
Always leaving one another, leaving one another
Ask me for whatever you want
Release me from this doubt
Ask me for temptation
Once we are together in the dark
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me to be that which I will never be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me for the diary of your skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me
Ask me for the diary of my skin
Ask me for what I never will be
Ask me, ask me, ask me, ask me
We Are the Seed
You and I, crazy in love
When one learns to be two in passion
And to travel and dream and dream from the heart
And now I know just where I'm going
Where I will go for you, my love
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
When thinking with the heart
You and I are right
Because only love gives the truth, in truth
Without condition
That's why I know just where I'm going
Where I will go for you, my love
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
Your mouth on my mouth
My skin on your skin
Drinking your water with my thirst
We are the seed
Your hand in my hand
Your skin on my skin
Joining my aroma with your honey
We are the seed
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
We are the seed of a new life
And from every sorrow, we'll make laughter
Everything has a reason
They say that everything a reason has
Nothing is really for nothing
That you fall for someone
That is something i recognise*
I've digged out for you
But why you left me
They say it goes the way it goes
But I don't see the reason
I shared my heart,
My house and my money
Give me a reason now
That you just can do this
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left
You say the most stupid things
What was wrong with you
To just leave me
Oh what was wrong with you
I've digged out for you
But why you left me
They say it goes the way it goes
But I don't see the reason
I shared my heart,
My house and my money
Give me a reason now
That you just can do this
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left
But better now than later
Even though I'm having a hangover
We will speak to each other someday again
Just keep playing
If that other one of yours will bore you
Don't tell me the reason
Because that isn't necessary for anymore
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left
I shared my heart,
My house and my money
Give me a reason now
That you just can do this
If you can get better things
Good luck my darling
But don't blame me
That I was the reason
Why you left...
Niște diamante în praf,
Astea sunt tot ce suntem noi.
Unii dintre noi renunță,
Alții visează la stele.
Se simte o schimbare în vântul care suflă,
Încă am sânge în inimă.
Deși poate că nu știm unde ne ducem,
Promit că niciodată nu ne vom despărți.
Doar ia-mă
Și nu mă mai lăsa să plec.
N-avem nevoie de multe
Cât suntem împreună.
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
N-avem nevoie de multe
Cât suntem împreună,
Cât suntem împreună,
Cât suntem împreună.
Niște capete sub soare
Așteaptă să se lase noaptea.
Unii obțin ceea ce-și doresc,
Alții pierd totul.
Se simte o schimbare în vântul care suflă,
Încă am sânge în inimă.
Deși poate că nu știm unde ne ducem,
Promit că niciodată nu ne vom despărți.
Doar ia-mă
Și nu mă mai lăsa să plec.
N-avem nevoie de multe
Cât suntem împreună.
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
(Împreună, împreună, împreună)
N-avem nevoie de multe
Cât suntem împreună,
Cât suntem împreună.
© Vladímir Sosnín
[Versetul 1: Chalid]
Spune-mi ce-ți plângi
Oh, Doamne, gusta atat de dur
Dacă vă aflați așa, vă îndrăgostiți
Vom veni pentru tine sigur
[Pre-Chorus: Khalid]
Dacă suntem prinși într-un val, te voi purta
Nu contează unde te afli, te duc la ușa din față
Ești ecoul meu în direcții diferite
Știi că inima mea nu se va mișca niciodată
Și în vremurile întunecate nu trebuie să întrebați
Dacă sunt acolo unde erai tu
[Chorus: Khalid]
Ai putea pune un ocean între dragostea, iubirea, dragostea noastră
Nu ne va împiedica
Ai putea construi un zid, o voi ridica, în sus, în sus
Doar pentru a ajunge la inima ta
Dacă suntem prinși într-un val
Dragă, vom face o cale
Ai putea pune un ocean între dragostea, iubirea, dragostea noastră
Nu ne va împiedica
[Post-Chorus: Khalid]
Iubeste, intre dragostea noastra
Iubeste, intre dragostea noastra
[Versetul 2: Khalid]
Umbrele se joacă în afara domeniului
Mă voi pierde, o fac
Dar mi-am găsit calea să iubesc nebunii
Mă voi prăbuși chiar în tine
[Pre-Chorus: Khalid]
Dacă suntem prinși într-un val, te voi purta
Nu contează unde suntem, sunteți în continuare cel pe care îl aleg
Ești ecoul meu în direcții diferite
Știi că inima mea nu se va mișca niciodată
Și în vremurile întunecate nu trebuie să întrebați
Dacă sunt acolo unde erai tu
[Chorus: Khalid]
Ai putea pune un ocean între dragostea, iubirea, dragostea noastră
Nu ne va împiedica
Ați putea construi un zid, o voi rula în sus, în sus, în sus (alerga-o)
Doar pentru a ajunge la inima ta
Dacă suntem prinși într-un val (într-un val)
Dragă, vom face o cale
Ai putea pune un ocean între dragostea, iubirea, dragostea noastră
Nu ne va împiedica
[Podul: Khalid]
Iubeste, intre dragostea noastra
Iubeste, intre dragostea noastra
[Chorus: Khalid]
Ai putea pune un ocean între dragostea, iubirea, dragostea noastră
Nu ne va împiedica
Ați putea construi un zid, o voi rula în sus, în sus, în sus (alerga-o)
Doar pentru a ajunge la inima ta
Dacă suntem prinși într-un val
Dragă, vom face o cale
Ai putea pune un ocean între dragostea, iubirea, dragostea noastră
Nu ne va împiedica
Eu trăiesc, nu știu cât timp
Eu tră știu cât timp.
Eu știu când,
Eu știu unde mă duc,
sunt surprins că mai sunt vesel.
I live, not know, how long
I live, not know, how long.
I die, I don't know when,
I'm going, I don't know where,
I'm surprised I'm still fun.
Whoever Settles for Music
Whoever settles for music
Has gained a heavenly creation
For its primal origin
Was was in heaven itself
Because all the dear little angels
Are musicians themselves
From Deep Distress I Cry To You
From deep distress I cry to you.
Lord God, hear my call.
Your gracious ears are coming to me
And my prayers open up,
Because you want to see
What sin and injustice has done.
Who can, Lord, stay before you?
With you, nothing counts for Grace and Favour.
Forgive the sins.
It is our doing for free,
Even the best in life.
No one can boast of you,
Everybody must fear that
and live in your grace.
That's why I hope for God.
Do not rely on my merit,
On him, my heart should let itself be,
And trust his kindness.
I like his words.
This is my consolation and faith.
I always want to wait for that.
And if it lasts until the night,
And again in the morning,
My heart is to God's power.
Do not worry about the despair.
So does Israel,
Which was created from the spirit,
And their God endures.
Whether our sins are much,
There are many more graces with God.
His hand didn't have to help
How big the damage.
He is the good shepherd alone.
Israel will redeem
For all its sins.
When I Fall in Love
Versions: #3
I carry in my pockets so much loneliness
Since you are gone I have not much left
Just a grey photo and a sad feeling
What hurts the most is so much confusion
In every crack of my heart
How to put you aside
Away from my thoughts
For you, for you, for you
I left everything without looking back
I bet life and want to win
I miss you
Because your memory lives in me
I forget you
Every minute I try
I love you
I have no cure
I miss you, I forget you
And I love you again
I lost everything, even the identity
And if you asked for more, you could give
It's that when you love
nothing is too much
You showed me the limit of passion
And you did not show me how to say goodbye
I have learned now
that you have left
For you, for you, for you
I miss you
Sneak Silently
I am weak and
embarrass myself sometimes
But that is nothing you shall see
In front of you
I tie my straps
so that I will suit you
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks you
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks
I am ugly and,
yes, I guess I'm ashamed of that
But that is nothing you shall see
I am calm on
all discos
and dress like all the others
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks you
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks
Yeah, yeah, I know
that all that is wrong
But it is a feeling of security
To get to be
an oh so small part
Is that not a priority?
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks you
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks you
Sneak silently
Do nothing if no one asks
The burnt one*
They call me 'the burnt one'* wherever I go
because my hands were burned by the gunpowder.
between bullets I lived through the revolt,
the revolution has left its mark on me.
There was never a man I have ever come to love,
among all the troops none fancied me,
only to my father was I a loyal soldadera,
and the poor man was killed by a bullet.
And when I hear this song sung
I almost feel like crying,
but I hold it in because I am 'the burnt one'
because through my bravery I came to be a general.
I saw my father die in my arms
and I also saw the traitor that killed him,
I shot that wretched man four times
and left his heart like a sieve.
From that day on I was no longer a soldadera:
with my cartridge belt full and my rifle
I was always the first one in the battle
and shoot-outs only make me laugh.
And when I hear this song sung
I almost feel like crying,
but I hold it in because I am 'the burnt one'
because through my bravery I came to be a general.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).
All girls who know what it means to love
All girls who know what it means to love,
come with me to the sea at Vigo,
and we´ll bathe in the waves.
All girls who know what loving means,
come with me to the risen sea,
and we´ll bathe in the waves.
Come with me to the sea at Vigo
and there we´ll see the good friend I love
and we´ll bathe in the waves.
Come with me to the risen sea,
and there we´ll see the good friend I mean
and we´ll bathe in the waves.
Word came today
Word came today:
my friend´s on his way,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
Today came the tidings:
my friend is arriving,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
My friend´s on his way
and is alive and well,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
My friend is arriving
and is well and alive,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
He´s alive and well
and is the king´s friend,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
He´s well and alive
and is the king´s ally,
and I´m going, mother, to Vigo.
Memories, El Canto, “Son sueños”, “Por ti” *
we felt on top of the world in my stadium,
'El Calderón' cried in Madrid. **
Silences, kilometres to live,
Thieves and golden days,
and faces that are still around.
You know how long is been already,
you know that time isn't coming back,
you know that nothing will be the same anymore. ***
A song is left,
an emotion is left,
a generation,
Those crazy years. ***
Oooh, another song is left,
and that you die of love,
like it happened in that picture.
“Pequeño”, *
my sister did it for me,
we cried without hiding,
and we were brave at last.
From 'Cero', walk, we have to move on, *
you'll see how beautiful life is, ***
a mountain that is like a ring.
You know how long is been already,
you know that time isn't coming back,
you know that nothing will be the same anymore. ***
A song is left,
an emotion is left,
a generation,
Those crazy years. ***
Oooh, another song is left,
and that you die of love,
like it happened in that picture.
You know how long is been already,
you know that time isn't coming back,
you know that nothing will be the same anymore. ***
A song is left,
an emotion is left,
a generation,
Those crazy years. ***
Oooh, another song is left,
and that you die of love,
like it happened in that picture.
Oooh, another song is left,
the emotion is left,
of those crazy years. ***
Lovely sister, come with me
Lovely sister, come with me
To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough,
And we will gaze at the waves.
Lovely sister, come willingly
To the church in Vigo, where the sea is up,
And we will gaze at the waves.
To the church in Vigo where the sea is rough,
And my mother and my friend will come,
And we will gaze at the waves.
To the church in Vigo, where the sea is up,
And my mother and my beloved will come,
And we will gaze at the waves.
O sea waves of Vigo
'O sea waves of Vigo,
have you seen my lover?
O God, will he be back soon?
O turbulent sea waves,
have you seen my lover?
O God, will he be back soon?
Have you seen my lover,
for whom I sigh?
O God, will he be back soon?
Have you seen my lover,
whom I love so much?
O God, will he be back soon?'
Oh Waves that I came to see
Oh Waves that I came to see,
Can you possibly tell me
Why my lover tarries without me?
Oh waves I came to gaze at,
Can you possibly explain
Why my lover tarries without me?
Poor Martin
With his spade always on his shoulder,
a song just to sing something,
a song just to sing something,
deep in his heart a staunch will,
always digging and nothing else...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
For twopence and a loaf of bread,
early in the morning, at noon, at night,
early in the morning, at noon, at night,
back and forth around the hill
digging ground until dead tired...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
A face as hard as larch,
neither jealous nor mean,
neither jealous nor mean,
he's dug up other people's land
like this his whole life, without a smile...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
And when death looked in his face
and told him to stop digging,
and told him to stop digging,
he began digging his own grave,
quietly, quickly, and alone.
Poor Martin, poor fool,
digging the ground, digging your time.
He dug his own grave by hand,
in case someone came over,
in case someone came over,
and then lied down there quickly,
without a word to anyone...
Poor Martin, poor fool,
sleeping in the ground, under your time.
Iesirea de noapte
Hei, iubito, ce este acel sunet?
Fac cativa pasi si ma prabusesc pe podea.
E o lovitura puternica, dar draga, nu ma mai poti iubi?
Haide, haide
Hei, iubito, incearca.
Pot gasi un raspuns daca vrei sa stii de ce
Vreau ca nervii sa dea inca o data play melodiei
Haide, haide
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Hei, iubito, ce este acel sunet?
Fac cativa pasi si ma prabusesc pe podea.
E o lovitura puternica, dar draga, nu ma mai poti iubi?
Haide, haide
Hei, iubito, incearca.
Pot gasi un raspuns daca vrei sa stii de ce
Vreau ca nervii sa dea inca o data play melodiei
Haide, haide
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Haide, haide
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Hei, iubito, ce este acel sunet?
Fac cativa pasi si ma prabusesc pe podea
Haide, haide
Hei, iubito, incearca.
Pot gasi un raspuns daca vrei sa stii de ce
Vreau ca nervii sa dea inca o data play melodiei
Haide, haide
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Cum suna daca noi vrem sa iesim noaptea, afara?
Iiiioooooo, iiiieeeeee...
Clopotul a sunat și weekend-ul se apropie
-sha la la la la-
Purtarea unui costum, pofta sălbatică sub pielea mea.
Dacă Dumnezeu a pus mărul acolo pentru muscatura
Dumnezeule, haideți să păcătuim îmbrățișați până dimineața.
Petrecerea este aici, pentru gura ta mică,
Toată noaptea, toată ziua.
Vom scalda pe malul
Pentru că marea e dură
-ita, ita, ita-
O mușcătură mică, o mușcătură mică,
O mușcătură mică, din gura mică
O mușcătură mică, o mușcătură mică
O mușcătură mică, din gura mică
Buzele tale, dinții mei
Crocante gustoase, tort gustos
-sha la la la la-
Foc în pupile tale
Corpul tău deservește tequila și miere
Dacă Dumnezeu a pus mărul acolo pentru muscatura
Dumnezeule, haideți să păcătuim îmbrățișați până dimineața.
Petrecerea este aici, pentru gura ta mică
Toată noaptea, toată ziua.
Vom scalda pe malul
Pentru că marea e dură
-ita, ita, ita-
O mușcătură mică, o mușcătură mică
O mușcătură mică, din gura mică
O mușcătură mică, o mușcătură mică
O mușcătură mică, din gura mică
Vreau să cred că nu ești real.
Pari natural, mortal felul în care dansezi
Nu te opri când începi să transpiri!
Să o facem jos, să vă simțiți fluxul
Pentru a vă arăta fată, vom atrage atenția
Te menține tensionată și nu-ți scade presiunea
Sudoarea este leacul pentru a reduce tensiunea
Lasă-mă să te musc
Acest vampir și-a pierdut mințile
Lasă-mă să te musc
Jur și fără popor
Lasă-mă să te musc
Am nevoie nespus de tine
Permite-mi să te musc
Legat, complet nebun
Petrecerea este aici, pentru gura ta mică
Toată noaptea, toată ziua
Vom scalda pe malul
Pentru că marea e dură
-ita, ita, ita-
O mușcătură mică, o mușcătură mică
O mușcătură mică, din gura mică
O mușcătură mică, o mușcătură mică
O mușcătură mică, din gura mică
-ita, ita, ita-
E dură
-ita, ita, ita-
Petrecerea este aici, pentru gura ta mic,
Toată noaptea, toată ziua
Vom scalda pe malul
Pentru că marea e dură
-ita, ita, ita-
It's fine like this
Time has taught me
I have to forget about it
Even if it takes effort
before I started thinking about myself
But now I've learned
Let everyone know
Till the end I hoped
for something to bring you to repentance
Know where you are right now
and that this can't go on
Did I succeed?
Did you surpass me?
(I) hope you'll find*
even though it's without me
I kept giving you all the spotlights**
Whatever you asked you asked me
Don't want to hear anything about it anymore
We both lost
It's fine like this
It's enough
Every is done now
Don't want to talk about it anymore
You hurt me a lot
And it lasted way too long
Not even a every small gesture
benefits us now
I now know for sure
You'll go your own way anywar
(I) know where I am right now
It's better if I go
Did I succeed?
Did you surpass me?
(I) hope you'll find
even though it's without me
I kept giving you all the spotlights
Whatever you asked you asked me
Don't want to hear anything about it anymore
We both lost
It's fine like this
It's fine like this
Our ways part here
But the day will come
where you'll meet yourself***
Did I succeed?
Did you surpass me?
(I) hope you'll find
even though it's without me
I kept giving you all the spotlights
Whatever you asked you asked me
Don't want to hear anything about it anymore
We both lost
It's fine like this
Tell Him
We lie awake
I can hear that you are crying
You say that you must leave
because you are not free.
Out there
there is probably still someone waiting for you
When you abandon me
My world is shattered
in a thousand pieces
because my heart crumbles down.
But when it finally has to happen,
then think of me at that time.
Tell! Tell him,
where you were today
tell him about me
and about our time together
He does not deserve even an ounce of you
Tell! Tell him,
where you were today
Tell him about me
every tiny detail
And then come back again
You yourself say though
that he has abandoned you
So explain to me for once,
why are you going now then?
Because following how you are speaking,
he is but nothing for you
How you feel now
is something I totally know
You are asking yourself
'Oh I wonder if you will dare to..'
Hey, when you see him in a bit
then think of me at that time.
Tell! Tell him,
where you were today
tell him about me
and about our time together
He does not deserve even an ounce of you
Tell! Tell him,
where you were today
Tell him about me
every tiny detail
And then come back again
to me
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
Our Bride Says
Our bride says,
'What is the head called?'
'It is not called a head,
But spacious fields.'
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the hair called?'
'It is not called hair,
But silk for weaving.'
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the forehead called?'
'It is not called a forehead,
But a shining sword.'
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What are the eyebrows called?'
'They are not called eyebrows,
But ribbons from the loom.'
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What are the eyes called?'
'They are not called eyes,
But vast scenic overlooks.'
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the nose called?'
'It is not called a nose,
But a date with fingerprints.'
Oh, my date with fingerprints!
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the face called?'
'It is not called a face,
But a rose from the rose bush.'
Oh, my rose from the rose bush!
Oh, my date with fingerprints!
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Cuando los ritmos marimba comienzan a sonar
Baila conmigo, me balanceo
Como un océano perezoso abraza a la costa
sostenme cerca , influye más en mí
Como una flor que se dobla con la brisa
Doble conmigo, influir con facilidad
Cuando bailamos usted tiene un camino conmigo
Quédate conmigo, conmigo dominio
Otros bailarines pueden estar en la pista
Querida, pero mis ojos la verán sólo a usted
Sólo tú tienes la técnica mágica
Cuando nos balanceamos voy débil
Puedo oír los sonidos de los violines
Mucho antes de que comiencen
Hágame conmoverme como sólo usted sabe cómo
Influya en mí suave, me balanceo ahora
Otros bailarines pueden estar en la pista
Querida, pero mis ojos la verán sólo a usted
Sólo tú tienes la técnica mágica
Cuando nos balanceamos voy débil
Puedo oír los sonidos de los violines
Mucho antes de que comiencen
Hágame conmoverme como sólo usted sabe cómo
Influya en mí suave, me balanceo ahora
Ya sabes cómo
Influya en mí suave, me balanceo ahora
Virus (Ce zici de acum)
Când fiecare oră poate fi ultima
De ce am aștepta
De ce am aștepta
Și fiecare drum ar putea fi nesigur
Dar noi vom fi bine.
O vom face
O vom face.
Suntem doar cine suntem
Spune unde să mergi
Și știu că nu voi încetini.
Suntem doar cine suntem
Și vom face tot ce visăm.
Ce zici de acum?
Ce zici de acum?
Ce zici de acum?
Ce zici de acum?
Game of Chess
Each time we agree to meet, it's the same.
The things you say don't fulfill their promise, ever:
'It's late, I must be going. Don't you see that
if I stay they'll get mad at me?'
No, no - I can't.
There is a clock that never stops for our love.
You tell me, 'Look, soon I'll be back.
Tomorrow we will see each other again. '
It's a game of chess to love you so much.
How hard it is to have your love.
It's a game of chess to love you so much.
How hard it is to have your love.
No, please, don't do this to me again.
I don't want to make a wrong move again.
Trei, doi, unu, merge!
Trei, doi, unu, merge!
Trei, doi, unu, merge!