Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 181


Fluturaș de primăvară

Fluturaș de primăvară,
suflet cu aripi, care rătăcești
prin grădinile himerei mele,
prin grădinile himerei mele
ca un suspin de iubire efemeră
Când te depărtezi prin alte ținuturi,
du-i o rugăminte de adorație
celei care într-o zi mi-a dat iluzii
ce se schimbară în dezamăgiri
pe care astăzi le port în inimă.
Vreau s-o văd ca s-o sărut
cu acele sărutări pe care tu le dai
florii când vrei să-i furi mierea
ca să te îmbeți, ca mine de iubire.
Fluturaș de primăvară,
suflet cu aripi, dacă o vezi,
spune-i prietenei să se întoarcă
la grădinile himerei mele,
că poate tu n-ai să revii vreodată.


Cel mai ușor a fost pentru mine să-ți spun ”te iubesc”,
Cel mai ușor a fost pentru tine să faci un pas înapoi, încă o dată.
Fiecare cuvânt pe care l-ai rostit a fost o bombă in flăcări.
Pe cerul tău și eu mint, voi stinge artificiile.
(refren x 2)
Sentimentele au strălucit doar pentru o noapte
Și după aceea s-au stins deasupra valurilor.
Precum artificiile, emoțiile au lăsat o urmă de foc în urma lor
Culori pe cer și două miracole.
Mi-ai jurat că nu vei pleca nicăieri altundeva
Și că ești plină de speranță pentru relația noastră.
Poate că totul a fost o minciună,
Nimic altceva decât vorbe și foc de artificii...
(refren x 2)

When they killed Villa

I'm going to sing for you, gentlemen,
what came to pass in ,
in a savage ambush, gentlemen,
Francisco Villa died.
He had surrender his arms, gentlemen
to the leader1 of the nation,
but because he was dangerous, gentlemen,
the government killed him.
They killed Francisco, they killed him in an act of betrayal,
because as long as he lived, the nation would not be at peace,
that's why he died in an ambush,
with nine bullets to the heart.
With his best soldiers, gentlemen,
Francisco Villa was killed,
their blood ran no more, gentlemen,
the blood of men of honor.
In their car they remained, gentlemen,
all of them crowded together,
and that's how the great died, gentlemen,
the great revolutionary.
They killed Francisco, they killed him in an act of betrayal,
because as long as he lived, the nation would not be at peace,
that's why he died in an ambush,
with nine bullets to the heart.
  • 1. to the president at the time, Adolfo De la Huerta.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


All The Miracles

All the miracles that I'm living
Up here in the Seventh Heaven
Are truths that I wear
And clear, sweet water.
All the miracles that I'm living
Up here in the Seventh Heaven
Are (like) white dresses that I wear
So I can live always by your side.
To Heaven... I follow you...
In a century like this
No one shall be saved
If they don't share life
And if they cannot be loved.
All the miracles that I'm living
Up here in the Seventh Heaven
Are (like) white dresses that I wear
So I can live always by your side.
To Heaven... I follow you...
All the miracles that I'm living
Up here in the Seventh Heaven
Are songs that I wear
So I can give them to time...

Mr. Big Belly

We often allow ourselves to say things
We shouldn’t always speak out
We often say things…
About things that don’t concern us
We should sometimes avoid speaking
There was once a man who loved to eat
Every dish he saw, he wanted some to eat
As soon as he saw food he was tempted to taste it
He fell in love with a girl and brought her to his village
When the children saw him
They all shouted
Calling him:
Mr Big Belly!
They called him Bakonoba! Mr Big Belly!
There was once a man who loved to eat
Every dish he saw, he wanted some to eat
As soon as he saw food he was tempted to taste it
When the children saw him
They all shouted
Calling him:
Mr Big Belly!
They called him Bakonoba! Mr Big Belly!


În visul meu, ieri,
Două umbre m-au îmbrățișat
Și mi-au șoptit secrete.
Una mi-a spus că mă dorești
Și cealaltă, cu consolare,
Mi-a spus că mă iubești cu adevărat.
Mi-ai spus că mă dorești, minciuni!
Că plângi noaptea, minciuni!
Că nu poți trăi fără mine, toate erau minciuni!
Că ai răni, minciuni!
Că spui minciuni pentru mine, minciuni!
Totul era în capul meu / în mintea mea.
În visul meu, ieri,
Două voci de țigancă
Mi-au spus secretele destinului.
Una mi-a spus că mă dorești
Și cealaltă, consolându-mă,
Mi-a spus că mă iubești cu adevărat.

Mata Hari

The wind rises on the wing,
His soul flies to the earth.
The stars kill the asleep city.
I wanted you, but you're blind.
Farewell, I can't breathe.
Our fairy tale'll not be soon.
Refrain (2 times):
All the words in meaning, all the body by pair -
This is the main principle of Mata Hari.
You find me, I lose you.
You know, I don't understand you.
What scares you when a tear
Washes the night off my eyelashes?
What did the hands of others tell you?
Time dies when
Can't say 'I love' from all pages,
And when it's time to part.
Refrain (4 times).
This is the main principle of Mata Hari...
Tibor from QS-FB

Răsărit de soare

Rasarit de soare,si tu îmi dai motive sa ne certam
O data nu vorbesti cu mine, o data imi spui ca ma iubesti
La rasarit de soare ma intorc si nu ma mai recunosc
Rasarit de soare, si tu îmi dai motive sa ne certam
2, 2 ore te astept sa te intorci
2 ore astept dar vei întârzia
2, 2 inimi ca au fost una o sa distrug
Si nu ma intereseaza daca te-am trădat
Rasarit de soare,si tu îmi dai motive sa ne certam
O data nu vorbesti cu mine, o data imi spui ca ma iubesti
La rasarit de soare ma intorc si nu ma mai recunosc
Rasarit de soare, si tu îmi dai motive sa ne certam
Cate, cate am facut sa fii cu mine
totul s-a terminat ca nu mai pot
trebuie sa am grija de mine
egoismul meu este pe primul loc


Încă o noapte va trece
Fără „noapte bună”.
Cine știe dacă îti pare rău?
Lumea e atât de goală
Și eu sunt altcineva
Când nu îți amintești de mine.
Ar trebui să mint?
Sunt încă în viață pentru că în fiecare moment parcă tu ești aici.
Eu vreau doar să te văd.
Te-am văzut în vise iarăși
Și mi-am spus mie însumi:
Hai să nu stăm treji toată noaptea,
Stai o clipă în intuneric,
Fă-ți sărutul să devină o cicatrice,
Ca să nu uităm.
Ar trebui să mint?
Sunt încă în viață pentru că în fiecare moment parcă tu ești aici.
Eu vreau doar să te văd.


Because you aren't here
I thought I was fragile
Because I'm hurt
I thought I fell
Because you're insulting
You thought I was offended
You thought I surrender
And can't do anything without you
But I'm not as what you think I am
I'm strong and never be restless
I do what I want
All you can do is giving me orders
Don't complain about it
Don't wonder about it
I don't need you
I live for Him
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
Eyes, with hook on left and right, with bleeding lips
Eyes, look, look, at the one who's defeated
Eyes, hands up and retreat, you better surrender
Even though I went missing
Doesn't mean I am broken
Even though I lost once
The night is not pitch dark
Even though I stay silent
I'm still on fire
You don't know
Who I actually am
I'm just waiting for the right time
I won't be hasty
I know my strength
No one will defeat me
Don't complain about it
Don't wonder about it
I don't need you
I live for Him
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
Eyes, with hook on left and right, with bleeding lips
Eyes, look, look, at the one who's defeated
Eyes, hands up and retreat, you better surrender
Thunder comes along
But I'm still standing
Waiting for the morning
You know it, right?
Who I am, who I am
Without you!
Oh... Oh...
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
Eyes, with hook on left and right, with bleeding lips
Eyes, look, look, at the one who's defeated
Eyes, hands up and retreat, you better surrender
Eyes, don't, don't think I am weak
(don't, don't think I am weak)

You Decide Yourself

I need wind like a fire does, and I will burn up
All the pain and the tears in the world, in ruins of evil
I am so tired of the thought that there is no soul or inspiration in the world
But if you can hear your reason like I can
And in your heart quietly beats your love
Let's light up the sun in this sky without eclipse and then...
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide yourself!
With a flash I will burst from the shadows, and everything will happen
At the end of mute dreams, the dawn swims
Let's open your sail, there beyond the horizon is our flight
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide yourself!
You decide yourself!
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide...
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide yourself!

Around the clock

I am alone inside your big room
Thinking about what would we do if you were near
Maybe we would open that whiskey on the table
We are thinking far, Paris or Africa
We would go on an island, quite isolated, and spread a thin blanket,
And we'd even play the music
A bit of Marina Maximilian, a bit of Teapacks from the neighbourhood
We'd also play Shlomo Artzi, The old country of Israel
We will live inside of dream, we won't think about anything except today, today,
Paradise around the clock.
But now, inside your big room
There's a picture in front of me speaking for itself:
'You will live a life full of kindness and love, everything's pink'
And that's a reason good enough to sing loudly.
There will be a party here that will play us everything
A bit of Marina Maximilian, a bit of Teapacks from the neighbourhood
We'd also play Shlomo Artzi, The old country of Israel
We will live inside of dream, we won't think about anything except today,
Life is like a game, there's no place for anger.
I am alone inside your big room...


I was born in the copper province,
Chuquicamata is called where I grew,
Seeing the bare land,
with their sands nobody imagines,
That from their grounds they extract,
good copper, that gives us life.
Yes sir.
Full of tops my land is a bowl,
few houses and a weird bare hill.
And close to my Chuquicamata,
Were songs that make the heart happy.
Everyone, everyone let's drink
and toast for Chuquicamata
But first of all, I'm Chilean.
I passed by La Serena at Coquimbo,
Land of fierce battles and good honey,
Then I found the wines,
Town of clams, mads and hedgehogs
And without stopping at La Ligua
by my fear of tremblings.
Yes sir.
At La Calera one feels the mineral,
It's the hardest concrete to build.
The capital is Santiago, yes sir,
I'm twice Chilean, with double honor.
San Cristobal rises
To bring the Virgin Mary up
And from upside one looks
with joy the Santa Lucia.
Yes sir.
And at few hours away from the capital
With its flower gardens, Viña del Mar
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


I left myself in your arms
I believe in you and I was found
Now Im lost
You stole my dreams
You paint them with black colour
What had left to me
Everything was lies
Whatever you told me was lie
which the person who knows to love
Doesn't know to hurt
Everything was lies
I know you now
Whatever you say now, this love ends
I surrendered to you
See i was betrayed
The laugh turn to rain
Here we go again
Good night

One Note Samba

Versions: #2
This is a little Samba
Built upon a single note
other notes are bound to follow
But the root is still that note
Now this new one is the consequence
Of the one we've just been through
As I'm bound to be the unavoidable
Consequence of you
There's so many people who just talk and talk and talk
And just say nothing
Or nearly nothing
I've used up all the scales I know and at the end
I've come to nothing, or nearly nothing
So i come back to my first note
As I must come back to you
I will pour into that one note
All the love I feel for you!
Anyone who wants the whole show
Ray Mi Fa So La Ti Do
He will find himself with no show
Better play the note you know

I Won't Stop

In all of our lives , there's always this painful moment
When you come back home
Just to find the door closed
And everything seems dark
Everything seems hard
Everything seems blurry
And after you cry sitting on the stairs
A sudden joy grabs you
I won't stop , the sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving
I , I won't stop
The sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving
I , I won't stop , the sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving
I , I won't stop , the sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving
And one day , late at night , when you're going to want a tight hug
You'll find yourself in her doorstep again
How much you want to see her , how many things you want to tell her
But no one will come out
And you're taken by the rain's embrace
I won't stop , the sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving
I , I won't stop
The sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving
I , I won't stop , the sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving
I , I won't stop , the sun's beginning to rise and I'm leaving


I open my eyes
The skies are reflected in them
My feelings by fresh mint
Aromas are filled
Every day I wake up, as if for the first time
I contemplate my thoughts, this day is for us
Yes, I count the days, yes I count the nights
I see the point in this account, and indeed
I could have gotten to the North Star hundreds of times
But I'm tired, I don' have the strength, but I need the stars
I realized that I need to set a goal, and to go to it
And may to swim quietly or say to myself 'Fly!'
My air consists of mint, peace and rain
Mint smoothly stems all streams of mind
My secrets are known to me - no one else
I'll meet my love in life and hug tightly
I open my eyes
The skies are reflected in them
My feelings by fresh mint
Aromas are filled
I write words by lines and I need a third sheet
I live without problems, but every step of my life is a risk
Sunrises and sunsets, fogs in my thoughts
But my life doesn't make any sense from it.
I open my eyes
The skies are reflected in them
My feelings by fresh mint
Aromas are filled
Tibor from QS-FB

When I was with you

You disappear into the distance
All I do is watch alone
I used to believe in miracles
The tears I held back threaten to fall
You were my fairy-tale
The star that made my dreams come true
I was so happy
That I didn't realize it was all an illusion
The lovely melody you hum
The tender harmony we created together
The song from that time fades
Leaving only memories behind
I guess things can't happen like they do in fairy-tales
Where is that star I wished upon
The days we spent together
Are my unforgettable treasure
That time when we gazed at dreams together
I loved it more than anything else
We shone when we were together


I can hear steps and hits
steps but signs nowhere
steps that they are drowning in the waves
victims me and you again
take me and love me like a baby
take me two steps from here
take me and keep me far away from everything
take me like your other half
Let's go I am not affraid of nobody
let's go and wherever it wants it can take us
let's go make my steps
make them until the disaster
Give me, be my paradise
hell i don't know what does it mean
i look at you all my life
The feelings make steps
the heart makes steps
Take me from everybody's pretexts
take me to the sky
take me and love me like a baby
take me two steps from here
take me and keep me far away from everything
take me like your other half
Let's go I am not affraid of nobody
let's go and wherever it wants it can take us
let's go make my steps
make them until the disaster
Give me, be my paradise
hell i don't know what does it mean
i look at you all my life
Let's go I don't wanna be affraid
Let's go and wherever it wants it can take us
give and run in front of me
I look at you all my life

Singuratatea ma va ucide

Inainte de tine nu exista 'inainte' si 'dupa'
E o aspra barca de hartie
Ce vine si pleaca in pielea marii
Fara vointa... Pierduta
Stiu ca pentru paginile de ieri
In orice loc trebuie sa fiu
Caci am pierdut trenul soartei bune
Cine ocupa locul pe care l-am avut eu? Pentru cine respiri?
Cine e persoana ce azi iti sterge visul si face sa-ti zboare
Mintea tot timpul?
Sunt ca un burete stors, sunt lumina ce doar straluceste
Merg fara tine... Fara sa continui in deriva
Singuratatea ma va ucide
E o cusca de cristal
Nu m-am obisnuit cu el
E altul orasul fara tine
Singuratatea ma va ucide
Astept si stiu ca nu vei veni
Daca te chem spui ca nu esti
Lumea e un infern gri
Petale de trandafir in jurnalul meu
Pereche de inimi fugare
Un smoc din parul tau negru
Fotografiile mele vechi
E ceea ce iubirea a lasat in urma
Toate ma fac sa cred ca-s rau
Sunt o ciudata in propia mea imbracaminte
Singuratatea ma va ucide
E o cusca de cristal
Nu m-am obisnuit cu el
E altul orasul fara tine
Singuratatea ma va ucide
Astept si stiu ca nu vei veni
Daca te chem spui ca nu esti
Lumea e un infern gri
Daca parintii tai au pus acea mare de teama
Ca sa ma faca sa uit
Culoarea caramela a corpului tau in infern
Nu ar putea-o zari deloc
Singuratatea ma va ucide
E o cusca de cristal
Nu pot nici macar sa plang
Cine stie daca tu esti la fel
Singuratatea ma va ucide
Nu ies din camera mea
Imi bate puternic inima
Si visez ca te am aici
Inainte de tine nu exista 'inainte' si 'dupa'
E o aspra barca de hartie


În spatele zâmbetului tău urmează remuşcări,
Nu-ţi poţi ascunde vinovăţia.
Ascunzi cuvinte de mine care te-am iubit
În noaptea asta amândoi am păţit-o.
În seara asta vreau dovezi şi nume
Şi trupuşorul tău îl voi căuta centimetru cu centimetru
Şi dacă voi găsi amprente
Va însemna că iubirea noastră a fost în zadar.
În seara asta vreau dovezi şi nume
Şi trupuşorul tău îl voi căuta centimetru cu centimetru
Şi dacă voi găsi amprente
Va însemna că iubirea noastră a fost în zadar.
Na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na
În spatele zâmbetului tău urmează minciuna,
Eu te cunosc mai bine decât oricine.
Ascunzi cuvinte de mine, nu vrei să vorbeşti,
Nu încerca acum să mă convingi cu lacrimi.
În seara asta vreau...