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Număr de rezultate: 3


Me and the candle

As much as me and the half burning candle lamennted the night was distressed,
By god the mirror of my life did harden as a rock out of the sorrow of solitude,
How much difficulty I had to bear because of you,
Oh night candle,
In my cold and lonely hands,
Your empty place is left as my only need,
In these nights that I burn,
I have threaded my eyes towards your path,
I, thread my eyes, I thread,
Oh candle! with your last flame, till sunrise how vibrantly you burn!
You are fire head to toe, yet you are still burning in the sorrow of the butterfly (*1)
Come come oh half burning candle that you are the only one who is familiar to my night secrets,
Tell her my story,
You are harmonic to my tales of misery the waves of my emotions,
How much difficulty I had to bear because of you,
Oh night candle,
In my cold and lonely hands,
Your empty place is left as my only need,