Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Mother, light the lamp

With teary eyes the old mother gazes on her pale boy.
Now mother's boy is on that road which leads the sick away.
'Oh mother, mother!' the boy whispers. 'Light the lamp! I can't see.
I'm leaving soon, I don't know the road. Light the lamp now, mother, oh!'
The mother brings the lamp and the sparkling flame gives a glow to the the patient's face.
He says quietly: 'Thank you, mother, that light is so incredibly bright.'
'Oh mother, the light fill the cottage, it glows like the sun in my eyes.
The waves sparkle once more, and there's the smell of the flowers, and a bird is flying towards the sky.'
And the lamp glows but the boy's eyes are no longer looking at the flame.
He is looking towards another light, greater and brighter than the little lamp.