Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 32


The Miracle

It's enough for me
Your hug alone is enough
And that glance that makes
the rays of dawn shine
This printed dress
flowing over the body makes you
look like the color of life
In a world torn in two
Simply write to me
with lipstick on a mirror
Write I'm here
I will love you as long as I live
You will see the miracle
sparkling magically
Making every impossible possible
It's not enough
A kiss alone is not enough
I will knit a wreath of kisses
That you will always wear
in your hair
You are the last haven,
the lattern* of the sea
You are the haven of the heart
In a world torn in two
Simply write to me
with lipstick on a mirror
Write I'm here
I will love you as long as I live
You will see the miracle
sparkling magically
Making every impossible possible
  • *. πυροφάνι= fishing technique using light to attract fish

To who can i tell that I love them

For days I didnt go anywhere
I was walking in your dark eyes
And because the rain didnt pour
I was listening to your song
To whom can i say that I love them
If I dont say it to you
Open windows
And the weather is warm
We did mistakes but always theres one
That will win me over and how can i live anymore ...
Its a word that It hurts
You want to say 'we' again but you are lost
In the view in the endless space
Your hug you feel...
To whom can i say that I love them
If I dont say it to you
Open windows
And the weather is warm
We did mistakes but always theres one
That will win me over and how can i live anymore ...

I dance

You want me to be dangerous
You play me in the waves
And you burn me with the air
Your embraces are like a compass
Let them show us a summer
On the paths of love
With a glance, you'll see
That you're making me crazy1
You warm me like the sun
In naked seas
The heart that you want is waiting for you
It's switched on in your body
Look how it's beating
Let's go, you kiss me and we're flying
I only want to be next to you
Until the morning comes, I'll dance in your embrace
Let everyone look at us
Hold me, let's laugh
My body's on fire and I'm dancing
You'll see me in your depths
With a torn breath
You'll tell me how much you want my kiss
There's something they have that you're not telling me
They're taking us by the hand
To the most beautiful moments in life
  • 1. Literally, 'taking my mind'.

Sagetare de iubire

Nu stiu magie de mi-ai facut
Dar cu inima mea ai fugit
De sunt iubirea ta, spune-o
Nu-i o privire asta, este un vulcan
A fost scris
Cum sa evit asta
Astazi te-am gasit
Si maine voi pleca
Ah! Sagetata-i biata mea inima
Ah! Fulger, cum sa raman in viata?
Sa nu-ti dai inima catre altcineva
Eu nu am alta iubire in viata mea.
Am ochii pe care i-am vazut si-i voi astepta
Daca trebuie si o viata intreaga.
Sa nu-ti dai inima catre altcineva
Si de te-ntreaba sa spui de ma iubesti
Si de nu cred, inima mea, arata
Pentru ca te am in inima tatuaj.
Iti voi comanda inelul
Chiar de nu ma vrea tatal tau
Pe noi bucurii ascunse ne leaga
Esti din vise tu venita.
Ah! Sagetata-i biata mea inima
Ah! Fulger, cum sa raman in viata?
Sa nu-ti dai inima catre altcineva
Eu nu am alta iubire in viata mea.
Am ochii pe care i-am vazut si-i voi astepta
Daca trebuie si o viata intreaga.
Sa nu-ti dai inima catre altcineva
Si de te-ntreaba sa spui de ma iubesti
Si de nu nu cred, inima mea, arata
Pentru ca te am in inima tatuaj.

Mai mult

Intreba-ma ce vrei tu despre iubire
Daca dupa noi va mai exista
Intreba-ma despre granitele lumii
Despre greutatile pe care vrei sa le stii, iubirea mea
Doar nu ma intreba
Daca as muri pentru tine
Pentru ca raspunsul, iubita mea
Este simplu pentru mine.
Mai mult deca iti imaginezi
Mai mult decat iti este teama
Mai mult decat visezi
Cand dormi in bratele mele
Mai mult decat pe mine te iubesc.
Intreaba-ma ce vrei tu despre luna
Si daca va veni intr-o zi sa ne ia
Intreaba-ma daca iubirea se poate roti
Pe orbita in jurul norilor sa alerge
Doar nu ma intreba
Daca as muri pentru tine
Pentru ca raspunsul, iubita mea
Este simplu pentru mine.
Mai mult deca iti imaginezi
Mai mult decat iti este teama
Mai mult decat visezi
Cand dormi in bratele mele
Mai mult decat pe mine te iubesc.


Mi-ai promis o calatorie
Dar pentru noi ploua in fiecare zi
Ma oboseste acelasi drum
O paleta plina de nu-uri
Si poarta este inchisa
Desi pentru mine ai fost
Mereu o rana deschisa
Dar cine stie poate vom calatori impreuna
Intr-o zi sau poate intr-o noapte.
As vrea din nou sa ma doresti
As vrea sa devii o adiere
Sa petrec noptile in care arzi
Si camasa sa mi-o deschizi.
Dragostea nu este o calatorie
Este o lupta ce are o victorie
Dar ce doare mai mult din cele doua
Singuratatea sau apropierea.
Dar cine stie poate vom calatori impreuna
Intr-o zi sau poate intr-o noapte
Si poarta este inchisa
Desi pentru mine ai fost
Mereu o rana deschisa
As vrea din nou sa ma doresti
As vrea sa devii o adiere
Sa petrec noptile in care arzi
Si camasa sa mi-o deschizi.
Sa fiu o naluca in tacere
Sa fii tu tot de ce mi-e teama
Si cu un sarut
In bratele tale sa adorm.


Imi iau hainele si intr-un moment
trupul meu dintr-o data vrea sa plece
dar totusi am trait impreuna,
nu-mi pot aminti ce este al meu si ce-i al tau
Hai sa impartim sentimentele in doua
toate visele si toate cuvintele de 'te iubesc'
dar ar putea pamantul sa stanga, sa stearga toate sarutarile
Nu poate fi impartita in doua, inima nu poate fi impartita
Hai sa impartim sentimentele in doua
toate visele si toate cuvintele de 'te iubesc'
dar ar putea pamantul sa stanga, sa stearga toate sarutarile
Nu poate fi impartita in doua, inima nu poate fi impartita
Dar hai sa impartim totul la doi
stele, insule, amurgul
Dar amintirea primul sarut
va arde in noi o viata intreaga

Your Seabed

Versions: #5
Should I ever obtain the right to kiss you
I will be yours forever after.
And whenever you're down with a fever
I will be kissing your forehead
to absorb your pain inside me.
The person who hates you the most is the one
running through every possible password
to discover an opening.
The person who hates you the most
is always the most gentle
against your every misbehaviour.
I am the one who should be feeling thankful
To be able to be swim inside your seabed,
To float across your neck like a sea wave
Yes, I am the one who should be thankful
So, if it comes to it, let me drown.
Let me drown for you.


Versions: #5
Secretly in a narrow street
I saw what I wished I wouldn't see
You, with another man
Seems like a funny and tragic scene
What I am so afraid of
I don't want to be the third
And tonight I sleep alone
I don't want to be the third anymore
On this road that we go
I don't want to be the third anymore
Secretly in a narrow street
One skein, you're both embracing
Here, how can I stand?
What is (he) for you and what am I too?
What I am so afraid of
I don't want to be the third
And tonight I sleep alone
I don't want to be the third anymore
On this road that we go
I don't want to be the third anymore
Cowardly, on a cliff
I saw myself falling before I could think
You want me, but you want more
What are your steps
And what is the certainty?


New century, bring peace here on Earth
Bring a life-giving, liberated dawn
Give to the world an ever shining era
Give a kiss and unity, faith and strength
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
New century, from a divine almond tree, ,
Bring children with white flowers on their hair
Give to every creature the beauty of heavens
Give to every home light and company
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
New century, bring fire to guilt
To start of, bring us myrrh of fratenity
Bring us a home country, a common orchard for all people
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples

How many rains,How many winters

Now I counted the seasons right
they told me old truths, known words
who beats the darkness
I felt it even late
How many rains, how many winters
made my nights ages
And my thoughts stayed alone
having fear ruling over them
How many rains,how many winters
became customers throughout my years
And the droplets played rhythms
so as not to wake up the spring.
Now I counted the seasons right
they told me old truths,bitter words
for a moment that risks
and never looks back.
How many rains, how many winters
made my nights ages
And my thoughts stayed alone
having fear ruling over them.
How many rains,how many winters
became customers throughout my years
And the droplets played rhythms
so as not to wake up the spring.
Na na na na na..
How many rains,how many winters
became customers throughout my years
And the droplets played rhythms
so as not to wake up the spring.

Nu voi pleca

Versions: #1#2
Michalis Hatzigiannis -
'De Fevgo / Nu voi pleca '
Traducere versificata: Ciprian DRAGNE
-- 1 --
Nu voi pleca
La usa ta, la noapte, eu voi adormii
Pe treptele tale, eu voi innopta
Si doar stele voi imbratisa
Dar numele iti voi soptii.
-- 2 --
Nu voi pleca
Chiar daca vrei sa fac asa
Sau va ploua sau chiar de ma v-a inzapezii
Si noaptea sufketul imi va ingheta
Dar diminieata soarele ma va incalzii.
-- R --
Voi ramane pentru totdeauna de vei vrea
Ca sa te pot privii , aici voi sta
Voi fi mereu prezent, aici e viata mea
Decat impreuna cu tine voi pleca.
-- 3 --
Nu voi pleca
La usa ta intreaga noapte eu voi sta
Si glasul tau ca sa-l aud de as putea
Chiar cu prietenele de mine vei radea
Voi fi cu tine oriunde te vei mai afla.
-- R --
Voi ramane pentru totdeauna de vei vrea
Ca sa te pot privii , aici voi sta
Voi fi mereu prezent, aici e viata mea
Decat impreuna cu tine voi pleca.
-- R --
Voi ramane pentru totdeauna de vei vrea
Ca sa te pot privii , aici voi sta
Voi fi mereu prezent, aici e viata mea
Decat impreuna cu tine voi pleca,
Decat impreuna cu tine voi pleca.