Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 60
Moscow Blues #2
From the train cars to the platform, don't forget your thingsIs it just me or is it really a little warmer here?
The taxi's already waiting, where are they taking us?
To someones' friends' apartment — we'll find accommodation there
What avenue is this, I've never been here before
The game's at seven, we'll be here again at ten pm
Again a car, we need to drive to the hall
It's only afternoon and I'm already tired
Where's the dressing room, what sort of equipment?
A thought: one more round, pour it! And it's time to go back
It's time to go onstage, I'm not dressed yet
Ah, how this all seems like a fever dream!
The last сhord, I'm squeezed out like a lemon
My eyes are spinning, my ears are ringing
I need silence, I need peace
But who are all these people and why are they being so nice to me?
So many compliments that they seem like flattery
Hey, bassist, what are we doing here?
Who's she? Did I know her
In a past life or do I just recognize her face?
Hey, where's the cognac? There it is on the table.
Tonight they won't find us anywhere
Hey bassist, what are we doing here?
Ah yes, it's simply that
Moscow takes everything just as it is
Hug me
I know you want us both to look upBring me the stars that you're hugging
And tonight I risk being closer to the sun
To burn in the fire alongside you
And I'm doing it tonight
I do everything for us
You're walking around inside my ego
I want your breath in my throat
I want to feel you
Sometimes I get lost
I just want to look at you now
The to embrace texture of your lips
Hug me now so we can leave away
There's a lot of crazy things I wanna do with you by my side
Whatever you want, come and ask me
I know what you want, I feel what you're saying
I carve our moments in the sand
Our thoughts become real
I'm catching the sky
I don't waste time, I reach our target
I'm chasing what you ask for
I don't know where I'll end up with you
But I'll do it
I do everything for us
You're walking around inside my ego
I want your breath in my throat
I want to feel you
Sometimes I get lost
I just want to look at you now
The to embrace texture of your lips
Hug me now so we can leave away
There's a lot of crazy things I wanna do with you by my side
Whatever you want, come and ask me
Hug me
Mă duc, mă duc... acasă
Mă duc, mă duc acasăAm o amintire pe care n-o pot lăsa
Mă duc, mă duc acasă
Mă duc, mă duc acasă
Eşti demult şi departe
dar încă îmi amintesc de tine
Mă duc, mă duc acasă
Am o amintire pe care n-o pot lăsa
Şi ştiu că nu voi fi singur
Mă duc acasă
Cei dragi vor fi toţi acolo
şi pot să le văd chipurile zâmbind
Oh, renunţ
E ca şi cum ai trăi în război
Nu poate fi drept
şi nu pot înfrunta lumea asta
Nu mai pot
Nu-mi pasă unde duce şoseaua asta
(Mă duc, mă duc acasă)
Ştiu că nu voi fi singur
Mă duc
Mă duc acasă
Ştiu că mă vei aştepta mereu
Şi acum mă-ntorc la tine
Oh, renunţ
E ca şi cum ai trăi în război
Nu poate fi drept
şi nu pot înfrunta lumea asta
Nu mai pot
Nu-mi pasă unde duce şoseaua asta
I know there are no flowers but today I stole from a gardenThe most beautiful I saw to give it to you, give it to you
And, tired of Netflix, today I got myself a DVD
I rented a movie, the first we saw
Since the routine is slowly wearing us out
And time assures that life is killing us
I can't find another way
To remind you how we fell in love (Ha)
If tomorrow is late
And if our story ends
I will make you not forget
That one day you were my girlfriend
But today I want to take advantage of you
Since you are here with me
And fall in love like before-e-es, hey, yeah-eh
Like when we were friends (Yeah, eh)
What I think is that we walk hand in hand
So that our paths do not separate
We live together but we look like neighbors
I'm a mess as a chef but I cook you
I'm willing to do whatever it takes, so that it doesn't go away for you
Ignore comment 'from out there
They say nothing is forever
So I want to be your nothing
I'm willing to do whatever it takes, so that it doesn't go away for you
Ignore comment 'from out there
They say nothing is forever
So I want to be your nothing
If tomorrow is late (No-no-no-no)
And if our story ends
I will make you not forget
That one day you were my girlfriend
But today I want to take advantage of you
Since you are here with me
And fall in love like before, hey, yeah, eh
Like when we were friends
La-la-la-la, lai-lala
La-la-la-la, lai-lala
La-la-la-la, lai-lala
(Like when we were friends)
La-la-la-la, lai-lala
La-la-la-la, lai-lala (Oh-oh-oh)
La-la-la-la, lai-lala (Eh
Promisiuni pe care nu le pot ține
Care e diferența dintre un om și un monstruEste undeva între 'pot' și 'vreau'
E undeva între promisiunile pe care le-am făcut
Și faptul că nu am putut să văd ceva care îmi stătea în cale
Obișnuiam să cred că știam ce vreau
Niciodată nu l-am văzut venind dezlipit
Obișnuiam să cred că știu ce vreau
Acum e timpul să văd dacă e adevărat
Am avut atât de multă siguranță
Până în acel moment în care am pierdut controlul
Și am încercat, dar nu a fost niciodată după mine.
Nu am avut niciun inamic
Decât frica de necunoscut
Și timpul mi-a adus la cunoștință că vor exista
Promisiuni pe care nu le pot ține
Care este diferența dintre o pierdere și o confiscare
Am încercat să o fac mai bine, dar am făcut-o mai rău,
Am încercat să o fac corect, acum treaz în noapte
Știu că realitatea îmi stătea în cale
Obișnuiam să cred că știam ce vreau
Niciodatănu am văzut venind nelipit
Obișnuiam să cred că știu ce vreau
Acum e timpul să văd dacă e adevărat
Am avut atât de multă siguranță
Până în acel moment în care am pierdut controlul
Și am încercat, dar nu a fost niciodată după mine.
Nu am avut niciun inamic
Decât frica de necunoscut
Și timpul mi-a adus la cunoștință că vor exista
Promisiuni pe care nu le pot ține
Am avut atât de multă siguranță
Până în acel moment în care am pierdut controlul
Și am încercat, dar nu a fost niciodată după mine.
Nu am avut niciun inamic
Decât frica de necunoscut
Și timpul mi-a adus la cunoștință că vor exista
Promisiuni pe care nu le pot ține
Promisiuni pe care nu le pot ține
Ce însemnau cuvintele
Prima dată când am auzitN-am știut ce a fost
L-am ascultat iar și iar
Nu mă mai săturam
Știam fiecare silabă
Și spațiul din mijloc
Și mă întrebam
Care ar fi propria mea melodie
Am crezut că am înțeles ce însemnau cuvintele
Am crezut că știam sensul din spate
Am memorat sunetele și ritmurile
Și m-am întrebat despre poveștile din spate
Am crezut că am înțeles ce însemnau cuvintele
Am crezut că sunt scrise pentru mine
Un mesaj ortografiat într-o limbă
Pe care doar cei care au fost acolo
Au fost acolo pot citi
Prima dată când am auzit
N-am știut ce a fost
A fost pierdut, nervos și strălucit
Nu mă mai săturam
Dar povestea din spate
Mi-ai dezvăluit-o
Și am realizat
Ai trăit ceea ce n-am văzut
N-am înțeles niciodată ce însemnau cuvintele
N-am știut sensul din spate
Am memorat sunetele și ritmurile
Dar nu am știut poveștile din spate
N-am înțeles niciodată ce au însemnat cuvintele
Ele n-au fost niciodată scrise pentru mine
Un mesaj ortografiat într-o limbă
Pe care doar cei care au fost acolo
Au fost acolo pot citi
Îmi doresc să nu fi știut ce au însemnat cuvintele
Sau să înțeleg sensul din spatele lor
Am memorat sunetele și ritmurile
Și acum știu poveștile din interior
Îmi doresc să nu fi știut ce au însemnat cuvintele
Că ele nu erau scrise pentru mine
Un mesaj ortografiat într-o limbă
Pe care doar cei ce au fost acolo
Au fost acolo pot citi
Au fost acolo
Au fost acolo pot citi
Au fost acolo
Au fost acolo pot citi
Vorbește despre viața ta
Ieșind în lumina străzii, la miezul nopții.Șoptește vânt, prinde-mă în far.
Vorbește despre viața ta, aș vrea să știu.
Nu este ușor să mergi acolo unde nu merge nimeni,
Și nimeni nu știe.
Trebuie să fim atât de îndepărtați?
Cum poți să fii atât de ireal?
Care este motivul pentru care te ascunzi și
Cum te simți atunci când plângi?
Văd că vorbești cu mine în ghicitori.
Fă ce îți place, te duci unde bate vântul.
Vorbește despre viața ta, aș vrea să știu.
Nu este ușor să meargi acolo unde nu merge nimeni,
Și nimeni nu știe.
Trebuie să fim atât de îndepărtați?
Cum poți să fii atât de ireal?
Care este motivul pentru care te ascunzi și
Cum te simți atunci când plângi?
Mă întind după o anumită deghizare pe care o lași,
Și pot să văd după ceața din ochii tăi că visezi.
Trebuie să fim atât de îndepărtați?
Cum poți să fii atât de ireal?
În nori, alergând și urmărind umbre.
În mulțime, înghețat în fereastră.
Vorbește despre viața ta, aș vrea să știu.
Nu este ușor să mergi acolo unde nu merge nimeni,
Și nimeni nu știe.
Trebuie să fim atât de îndepărtați?
Cum poți să fii atât de ireal?
Care este motivul pentru care te ascunzi și
Cum te simți atunci când plângi?
Mr. Joker
You're always covering your true selfYou're a liar, you're too good
You talk too much, you've got thick skin
You wanna showoff, but you're trashy
Why don't you look at the mirror
You always run, you avoid
You're hiding your real personality
You're a cheat and fake
Hey hey hey Mr. Joker, why do you stink
Hey hey hey Mr. Joker, why do you stink
Face to face, you talk sweet
Once you turn around, the scent disappears
They can see you, you're a double crosser
You should know that you're a joker
(Repeat Chorus 4x, fade)
All you know is to bragAll you do is dress up +
Don't you know
You're full of yourself
You dressed up to hook up*
With the woman you're courting
Nothing is happening
With all your silliness bro**
And all you do is talk (Boo!)
All you wanna do is show off
But you got nothing to show***
Why do you insist
If he/she**** doesn't want you
It's better to go plant sweet potato
You're also helping yourself
All the women know
This is your last trip
Stop being boastful (yeah!)
This night
Imagine you and me tonightMaking the impossible possible
And that kiss that you didn't deny me
In the end has to be the cause
I love you and you know that
I show you with every detail
And in your heart I can very easily lose myself
And I pray to God please never let them find me
This night is set for us
Let me get a little closer to your lips
And I seem crazy the way I look at you
This night will pass me like a sigh
This night is set for us
Let me get a little closer to your lips
And I seem crazy the way I look at you
This night will pass me like a sigh
I have to confess
That I like you a little more
And I also lose myself alone in your gaze
Because when I have you I don't miss anything
I have reasons to tell you
That the love of my life is you
And in your heart I can very easily lose myself
And I pray to God please never let them find me
This night is set for us
Let me get a little closer to your lips
And I seem crazy the way I look at you
This night will pass me like a sigh
This night is set for us
Let me get a little closer to your lips
And I seem crazy the way I look at you
This night will pass me like a sigh
The black bird and the white bird
The black bird and the white birdLive in peace in the Sky.
They never, never pretend
to lead a true free life.
I would like to be able
To follow there this free bird
That I can hear singing
In the blue Sky
Just when I wake up
I would like to be able
To follow there this free bird
To be able to see above the clouds the Sun shine.
In the realm of the stars,
In the love-country,
No flower of evil
Shall ever be born.
The birds share the best part
In a cry of joy.
The difference in colours
Just doesn't exist.
The black bird and the white bird
Above the frontiers,
When they sing in the same voice,
It's for the whole World.
I would like to be able
To follow there this free bird
That I can hear singing
In the blue Sky
Just when I wake up
To follow there this free bird
To be able to see above the clouds the Sun shine.
The black bird and the white bird
Are made to love each
Other and cross the ocean
to meet each other.
They were not born to the World
In the same nest
Yet It's the same round dance
That they dance today.
The black and white birds were made
To love each other.
You offered me all
I feel cold , yet, the sun's shining.I 'm all alone, yet think I see
You all around.
I recall when you were smiling
It was the bliss that was growing
All around us.
Within the house of happy days,
The big silence of your farewell
Is just endless.
And here I am, as if in jail,
I come, I go, I pace the room,
Lost without you.
You offered me all, then took all from me,
Nothing's left to me
Than this pang in me.
You offered me all, then took all from me
And yet my heart beats, beats for you only.
I lie here, lonesome already
In this big bed where, next to me,
You would wake up.
I thought I saw at day, at night,
So much love in your bright clear eyes
Was mistaken...
I still love you, you've gone so far,
And I stand here like an orphan
Lone in the night.
A summer's day will sure come back
But there will be snow in my heart
All of my life
You offered me all, then took all from me,
Nothing's left to me
Than this pang in me.
You offered me all, then took all from me
And yet my heart beats, beats for you only
Who will say to you ?
Versions: #1Oh, I often walked
Often looked around to find you..
I shouted out to call you.
And I often thought
That I could admit it to you
Yet, no, I never dared to.
Who will say to you / who will say to you ?
How much I love you. ?
Who will say to you / who will say to you ?
How much I love you. ?
Who will say to you / who will say to you ?
How much I love you. ?
Who will say to you / who will say to you ?
How much I love you. ?
I often tried to
Unveil, reveal your secret name,
To tell all / the truth to you.
I desired you with all my body
With all my heart
I thought that you would understand.
Who will say to you / who will say to you ?
How much I love you. ?
Who will say to you / who will say to you ?
How much I love you. ?
Et coetera.
She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy
She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy,Just like when I used live next to her.
When I see her hair, it's a bit snowy
But in her heart, never comes the winter.
When I'm far from her
I imagine her
And I think I can still see her smile.
She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy,
I can redis / cover myself in her.
True, her forehead is already wrinkled,
So often she had to look after me.
When I'm far from her
I imagine her
And I think I can still see her smile.
She still has her little girl's eyes, mummy,
Just like when I used live next to her.
When I see her hair, it's a bit snowy
But in her heart, never comes the winter.
Tell her
Versions: #1Tell her, do that for me, tell her,
That a day without her
To me feels shorter.
Tell her, lie if you must, tell her
That I realise
Just how right she was.
Tell her, that I enjoy life again
That, already, I'm not single
That , for me, she's nothing.
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her, ..oh whatever
Tell her, do that for.me, tell her
That I've given up with
Being unhappy.
Tell her, thatI love another girl
Tell her, just what you can figure,
But she must believe you..
Tell her, that I never,
Tell her
Ever, think more of her,
The day you see her.
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her..no matter what
Don't forger
Tell her oh oh oh
Tell her oh oh oh
Let's Help
I avoid fight and chaosLots of hot head and fight mongers
Why do we need to hurt others
Do we need to be thugs?
If we are really brave
Why don't we face ourselves?
I'm done with movies
Let's bring out our real motives
Let us help the blind
Let us help the deaf
Let us help the lost
Let us also help
ourselves (Oy!)
Let's learn to respect ourselves
Let's learn to understand others
Work hard so we'll be successful
Let's forget being lazy
Let's avoid our illusions
Let them know that we are one nation
Even if we don't know each other
We are brothers and united
(repeat REF without last set of chords)
Even if we don't know each other
We are brothers and united
No Touch
I'm so into youThe way you shake your hips
When you smile
I'm tickled
I need your lips
I need your cheeks
When can I bring you home
Cmon cmon
Cmon Cmon
Even then you are
My everyday dream
When can I score*
When can I have you+
[Repeat refrain]
Can I touch (No touch)
Can I hold (No touch)
When do I get a chance**
O I've waited to long
I'm so into you, longing++
To get what I want
Your sweet mmm
Annoying, always missed
I can't get a kiss
Just don't mistake me for
Sex maniac***
You're so tempting when you walk
Your hips drive me wild
I'm timid to come near
You look so posh
[repeat refrain and chorus]
[repeat refrain]
[repeat refrain]
Cmon cmon
It's time to change our evil waysThere's one person the devil would like to invade
If this happens, chaos ensues
Avoid the devil
He won't
Ever stop
Avoid the devil
He won't
Ever stop
Can't you see his presence
Wherever we go, temptation is strong
And the devil can bring us to hell
Avoid the devil
He won't
Ever stop
Avoid the devil
He won't
Ever stop