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All Just a Game
Why can I no longer sleep at nightWhy do I always only think about you
Why do I always hope you call where I live
Why do I have tears on my face
We both ran laughing through the rain
Sat tight embracing in a Cafe
Danced in the streets 'til the morning came
We swore to ourselves - we will never hurt each other
It was all just a game
A little heart-to-heart feeling
To be a little bit happy with you
What was that about
It was all just a game
Of course tenderness changes much
We both walked hand in hand
Through a lovestruck land
Why did you say to me the 'Je t'aime'
Why did the seriousness leave our game
I think about the warmth of your caress
And search for a lost feeling
It was all just a game
A little heart-to-heart feeling
To be a little bit happy with you
What was that about
It was all just a game
Of course tenderness changes much
We both walked hand in hand
Through a lovestruck land
It was all just a game
A little heart-to-heart feeling
To be a little bit happy with you
Then it really happened
It was all just a game
A little heart-to-heart feeling
To be a little bit happy with you
What was that about
Trăiește-ți viața
Știu că e mai frumoasă decât mineCă are vise pe care eu nu le am
Că are un zâmbet de Madonă
C-a știut să facă bărbații să plângă
Știu că-n ochii tăi este
Privirea unui bărbat îndrăgostit
Știu că după câțiva ani
Există dorinți de evadare
Știu că ea n-are nimic cu asta
Că totul este vina ta
Știu că tu mă uiți uneori
Dar te rog, nu vorbi despre asta
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
Știu că n-ar trebui
Să vorbesc despre ea
Și-asta mă doare prea mult
Să petrec nopți așteptând
Fără să mă întrebi vreodată
Dacă am dormit, dacă am plâns
Dacă mi-a venit să țip
Tu știi
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
Știu că iubirea e prea puternică
Știu asta mai bine decât tine încă
Știu că n-avem aceeași vârstă
Că ea are parfumul furtunilor
Dar trebuie să-ți amintești
Că pentru tine am fost cea mai frumoasă
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
(Trăiește-ți viața) dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca...
Trăiește-ți viața
Știu că e mai frumoasă decât mineCă are vise pe care eu nu le am
Că are un zâmbet de Madonă
C-a știut să facă bărbații să plângă
Știu că-n ochii tăi este
Privirea unui bărbat îndrăgostit
Știu că după câțiva ani
Există dorinți de evadare
Știu că ea n-are nimic cu asta
Că totul este vina ta
Știu că tu mă uiți uneori
Dar te rog, nu vorbi despre asta
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
Știu că n-ar trebui
Să vorbesc despre ea
Și-asta mă doare prea mult
Să petrec nopți așteptând
Fără să mă întrebi vreodată
Dacă am dormit, dacă am plâns
Dacă mi-a venit să țip
Tu știi
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
Știu că iubirea e prea puternică
Știu asta mai bine decât tine încă
Știu că n-avem aceeași vârstă
Că ea are parfumul furtunilor
Dar trebuie să-ți amintești
Că pentru tine am fost cea mai frumoasă
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
(Trăiește-ți viața) dar nu pleca
Chiar dacă inima ți-e în altă parte
Trebuie să te întorci la mine
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu mă lăsa
Voi inventa fericirea
Vei vedea, vom uita
Trăiește-ți viața, dar nu pleca...
Nu mai rămâne nimic
Tu care mi-ai dat cele mai frumoase amintiriAscultă-mă o clipă,
Vino şi aşează-te puţin, am lucruri să-ţi spun,
Fără să ştiu cu adevărat cum
Mi-e teamă să nu te rănesc biata mea iubire.
Aminteşte-ţi, nimic nu trebuia să ne despartă,
Dar timpul şterge totul,
Este mult prea târziu pentru a începe din nou totul,
Nu mai rămâne nimic din dragostea noastră,
Trecând zilele nu mai rămâne nimic,
Şi este deja sfârşitul iubirii noastre.
Dar lasă-mă să îţi spun adevărul,
Nu am înţeles bine, spui tu
Cum iubirea se schimbă în prietenie.
Nu mai rămâne nimic din dragostea noastră
Nu mai rămâne nimic cu trecerea zilelor,
Şi este deja sfârşitul iubirii noastre.
Nu mai rămâne nimic, nimic.
Aminteşte-ţi, nimic nu trebuia să ne despartă
Dar timpul şterge totul
Este mult prea târziu pentru a începe din nou totul
Nu mai rămâne nimic din dragostea noastră
Nu mai rămâne nimic cu trecerea zilelor,
Şi este deja sfârşitul iubirii noastre.
Nu mai rămâne nimic, nimic.
Prietenul meu de-o viață
Tu,prietenul meu de-o viață,
tu mi-ai zâmbit
și m-ai luat
la tine acasă.
prietenul meu de-o viață,
tu m-ai protejat,
m-ai crescut.
trăind în preajma ta,
iubirea mea a crescut
odată cu mine,
zi de zi,
ca un copac
din grădină,
cu încetul.
prietenul meu de-o viață,
uită copilul
care am fost
pentru tine.
prietenul meu de-o viață,
deschide-ți ochii,
nu mă poate face să mă schimb,
chiar de-ar fi nevoie să strig
că te iubesc,
că te iubesc,
că te iubesc
prietenul meu,
iubirea mea dintotdeauna!
Adio noapte
Tu, care mergi cu capul plecatprintr-un deșert fără miraj,
într-o zi, într-o zi va trebui să spui:
”Adio noapte!”
Când crezi că ești singur pe lume,
când ți-e teamă și de umbra ta,
trebuie să încerci a supraviețui.
Adio, adio noapte!
Am parcurs, ca și tine,
drumuri fără glorie,
am băut din izvoare fără apă,
dar încă mai sper.
Voi deschide ferestrele,
am să renasc.
Mâine, mâine aș putea spune:
”Adio noapte!”
Vino, căile ni se intersectează.
Prinde-mă de mână, te însoțesc,
Căci în doi totul va fi mai ușor.
Adio, adio noapte!
Eu aveam nevoie să vii,
Tu aveai nevoie să vin.
E-adevărat că soarele există.
Adio, adio noapte!
Adio noapte, adio noapte!
Nu era nevoie
Nu era nevoie, nu era nevoieSă-mi trimiți zi de zi
Trandafiri cu vorbe de iubire.
Nu era nevoie, nu era nevoie
Să-mi înscenezi asta
Și să-mi spui: ”Te iubesc, te iubesc!”
Știi, n-ar fi trebuit să te crezi obligat
Să-mi juri, cu lacrimi în ochi,
Că lumina ta eram noi doi.
M-aș fi îndrăgostit pentru mai puțin, tu știi.
Astăzi suntem chit,
Urându-ne unul altuia noroc...
Și n-ar fi trebuit să mă duci atât de departe.
Am marșat, vezi tu,
Am crezut în scenariul tău de film.
Spuneai că între noi doi nu se va sfârși nicicând,
M-ai ținut strâns în brațele tale,
Și deja nu mai ai nimic să-mi spui.
Nu era nevoie, nu era nevoie
Să-mi oferi atâtea iluzii,
Și chiar cheia casei tale.
Toate astea doar mi-au distrus viața.
Din noi doi, în casa ta nu rămâne
Decât prenumele noastre pe cutia poștală.
Și n-ar fi trebuit să mă duci atât de departe.
Am marșat, vezi tu,
Am crezut în scenariul tău de film.
În punerea ta în scenă,
Stelele mele se sting.
Nu era nevoie, nu era nevoie
Să-mi spui că mă iubești, nu era nevoie.
The First Date
Ah—how sweet and disturbing it must be—that moment on the first date,
when the heart, tired of beating alone,
flies away in a thrill towards the mystery.
You, stranger of a crazed dream,
bring about for us
the happiness of loving for an entire life
at that moment of the first date.
When Old Man Time on a beautiful spring day
made from a simple child almost a woman.
In the blue dream of a happy future,
closing her eyes, she sighs in the depths of her soul.
Ah—how sweet and disturbing it must be—
that moment on the first date,
when the heart, tired of beating alone,
flies away in a thrill towards the mystery.
You, stranger of a crazed dream,
bring about for us
the happiness of loving for an entire life
at that moment of the first date..
An Elephant on the Thames
Since I lovethis musician who comes from England,
I no longer see clearly.
I have cobwebs in my brain
and all of my universe
is upside-down.
On the Thames,
there is an elephant eating cherries—
a white elephant.
On the Thames.
this white elephant says to me: 'Hello, Marquise,
what lovely weather! '
Everything swirls about.
Big Ben in madness plays free jazz all night.
And this is the dramatic part:
the hippopotamus
who was peacefully asleep
got frightened and ran away
from Buckingham.
Love is amazing.
Love is stunning.
What do you want, love?
It's a bit crazy, love.
Since I love
this musician who comes from England,
I no longer see clearly.
I have cobwebs in my brain
and all of my universe
is upside-down.
I like the clear wind of the afternoon—when there is no smoke
but only clean air.
I like the green of the fresh grass.
I like to run away from noise and its madness
but I cannot find anyplace in this world
where the sky is still blue.
Wind, wind,
take me away from here.
I will reach the firmament with you
where I can feel what you feel.
Take me to a new world
where I no longer hear laments.
Wind, wind,
take me away from here.
I need the forest and the mountains
but, in this century,
everything is damaged.
I like the noise of clear waters
and I only find dark currents —
and long wars raging every day—
and brief dreams that never come true.
Wind, wind,
take me away from here.
I will reach the firmament with you
where I can feel what you feel.
Take me to a new world
where I no longer hear laments.
Wind, wind,
take me away from here.
And the wind blows over the meadow
and here I remain.
It is springtime.
A World With You
Day after day,I have made love—
a world with you
where our rules were the same.
An incredible,
an inseparable
world with you
made of joy and love.
And our sky was clear and without rival.
The dust at our feet seemed to be made of gold.
The slightest glow was sunlight—
but this dream for you became too much.
Since then, every night
my sorrow rebuilds
a world with you
where your voice cries out 'I love you!'
And our sky was clear and without rival.
The dust at our feet seemed to be made of gold.
The slightest glow was sunlight—
but this dream for you became too much.
Since then, every night
my sorrow rebuilds
a world with you
where your voice cries out 'I love you!'
Day after day,
I have made love—
a world with you.
A Bit of Blue
This happiness over nothing at all—this shy and crazy love—
puts something wonderful
into my dark eyes—
a bit of blue.
Like a wind from Italy
hunting down shadows and rain,
you put when you want
into my dark eyes—
a bit of blue.
Tell me 'I love you,'
I will believe you.
Say it anyway
even if it's not true
On our stage,
sometimes you play unfairly.
That doesn't matter to me.
Make a spectacle of yourself.
You, the enchanter—you the harlequin—
the Pierrot—the magician—
discover fire for me!
Put the sun in my eyes—
into my dark eyes a bit of—
into my dark eyes a bit of blue.
Put the sun in my eyes—
into my dark eyes a bit of—
into my dark eyes a bit of blue.
Eyes of Love
Your eyes are gray.Your eyes are blue.
Your eyes are black, my love.
The eyes of love
change with the day.
They combine a thousand colors.
Your desire or fear—
your sorrows or happiness—
give to the eyes of love
the colors of life,
the colors of love.
But I do not know
the colors that they have for me.
Are they blue-gray,
your eyes, or gray or green?
Or black, your eyes, my darling?
Your eyes, my love,
die with the day.
They go away to marry the night
and alone, in the hollow of the bed—
alone, in the heart of boredom.
I give to my hollow dreams
the colors of life—
the colors of your eyes.
I am closer to you
than you believe—
closer to you—
closer to you—
closer to you—
closer to you—
closer to you.
Three Billion People on Earth
Everywhere eyes look up,and everywhere the same gestures
travel along each day with
the sun from east to west.
If your hand calms mine—
if my hand sows the grain—
love is on the way.
Three billion people on earth
who search for a light.
Three billion people on earth
who will love one another tomorrow.
If you plant a new tree
for one that burned down—
if you sit at the table
where they talk about peace—
if you trust in others—
if you still can pray—
love is on the way.
Three billion people on earth
who search for a prayer.
Three billion people on earth
who will love one another tomorrow.
If you walk towards the star
that lights up the morning—
if you refuse to believe
that your neighbor is at fault—
if you know how to think of others—
if others do the same for you—
love is on the way.
Three billion people on earth
who do not need wars.
Three billion people on earth
who will love one another tomorrow.
Three billion people on earth
who do not need wars.
Three billion people on earth
who will love one another tomorrow.
Go Without Me
Go without me,since already you live without me.
We are here—
strangers under the same roof.
Go search for
what I did not know how to give—
those four words of truth
that you could not find.
Go without me,
and work at being happy without me.
I will see
if I can do without you.
You are wrong
to want to hang on still
to what is only a dead tree
when the heart
no longer is the strongest.
Go without me.
Go sing your song without me.
You will say
to people whatever you want them
to understand.
I broke all your toys.
You are like
a thief who has been robbed.
Sure—but who would believe you?
Go without me.
We thought we were in love.
I believe
that is the story
of those who did not know how to see each other.
except in a bad novel,
could we tell ourselves
to believe it—
when you are young
and you are lying.
The theater is empty
and it seems wrong
when you see
the curtain fall.
Go without me,
and work at being happy without me.
I will see
if I can do without you.
You are wrong
to want to hang on still
to what is only a dead tree.
Say nothing
and go without me.
You Will Sing Tomorrow
Listen well—this is better than a story.It is advice for people today.
Reserve a spot in your memory for it.
This is advice that can help your friends.
If your life is upside down,
you will sing tomorrow.
If summer seems more like winter,
you will sing tomorrow.
If peace is mistaken for war,
you will sing tomorrow.
In the meantime, to help pass the time,
you can clap your hands.
If you missed your subway train,
you will sing tomorrow.
If your heart fell from great heights,
you will sing tomorrow.
If this melody shatters into pieces,
you will sing tomorrow.
But until then, to avoid the cold,
you can clap your hands.
If you lost your balloons,
you will sing tomorrow.
If you dream of buying a new house,
you will sing tomorrow.
If the earth stops turning,
you will sing tomorrow.
In the meantime, you know it by now,
when the end of the chorus arrives—
in the meantime, to help pass the time,
you can clap your hands.
La la la la la la la la
You will sing tomorrow.
La la la la la la la la
You will sing tomorrow.
La la la la la la la la
You will sing tomorrow.
In the meantime, you know it by now,
when the end of the chorus arrives—
in the meantime, to help pass the time,
you can clap your hands.
To Live Without Love
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
Me—I know that life begins
with happiness,
and that happiness matches
the rhythm of the heart.
Without love, you are nothing.
When you are in love, everything is good.
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
I like to laugh when you are drole.
I love your humor.
But I will be searching for your shoulder
when it comes to darker days.
Without love, you are nothing.
When you are in love, everything is good.
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
A child, somewhere in the world,
has just seen the day for the first time.
That means that, every second,
people make love.
Without love, you are nothing.
When you are in love, everything is good.
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
Do you hear my heart calling you?
It is not very far away.
Do not search for it—I will be the one
who will take your hand.
Without love, you are nothing.
When you are in love, everything is good.
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
Have you seen anyone who can live—to live without love?
Santa Maria of the Sea
Little Madonna, who looks out over the sea,Santa Maria,
with your cloak the color of blue sky,
Santa Maria.
Little Mother of the son of God,
keep us in your thoughts,
and remember the sorrows that, without speaking,
my eyes reveal.
An abundant rain,
Santa Maria,
gives us wheat in the fields—
thousands of flowers, too.
And protect us always,
Santa Maria.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
Little Madonna of gracious love,
if they beg you
and they implore you with much fervor
that you help them—
Little Mother of the son of God,
because your story
is the story of so many souls
that are devout
An abundant rain,
Santa Maria,
gives us wheat in the fields—
thousands of flowers, too.
And protect us always,
Santa Maria.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
An abundant rain,
Santa Maria,
gives us wheat in the fields—
thousands of flowers, too.
And protect us always,
Santa Maria.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
Give us all of your love
and the light of Heaven.
You Laughed
You laughed, happiness came into my life, it is true.The stars softly flickered when you dreamed.
You cried, the universe was all surprised, it is true.
It offered me a whole paradise of truth when you sang.
Here, I am alone, I think of you
who breathes without me over there.
You laughed, happiness followed you there, it is true.
The stars no longer flicker around me.
You danced, the universe prevents me already, it is true.
The hope of paradise, it is true, If you wanted it.
This is an entire world that would come back to me.
Yes, an entire world if you came back.
This is an entire world that would come back to me.
Yes, an entire world if you came back.
Yes, an entire world...
You Whom I Desire
You whom I desire more than water, more than bread,I leave my life in your hands.
You whom I discover in the same way that we discover life,
do not leave me, I beg you.
You, whose eyes are the color
of the sea, they are gray
when your heart is sad and lonely.
They become blue when you have
a craving to be happy.
Then you become the master again—the lover.
You whom I had already invented when I was a child—
I dreamed of you as my Prince Charming.
You are my past, my future, and my present.
I will love you for all of time.
You—if a day had to pass
in order to make you happier—
to distance me from what was the two of us.
Without disturbing you, far from your eyes,
I would go far away from you.
I would hide myself to better love you.
You, if one day life wanted to tear you away from me—
me—I would rather die with you.
You, you, you!
Excuse Me
Excuse me if I made mistakes with you.Excuse me and come back to me again.
Without you, life makes no sense to me.
Now, I know what you were to me.
Now, I know I was mistaken because,
without you, life makes no sense to me.
Days with so many “I love yous”—
and I didn't understand what you gave me.
It was the season of love
but I wanted to fly on my own.
I was searching for things that I already had
at the bottom of the sea, in the blue sky—
but my dreams then bring me back to you—only you.
Excuse me if I made mistakes with you.
Excuse me and come back to me again.
Without you, life makes no sense to me.
Days with so many “I love yous”—
and I didn't understand what you gave me.
It was the season of love
but I wanted to fly on my own.
Now, I know what you were to me.
Now, I know I was mistaken because,
without you, life makes no sense to me.
Excuse me if I made mistakes with you.
Excuse me and come back to me again.
Without you, life makes no sense to me.
We Called Him Chicano
In the poor neighborhoods where he grew up,the devil was stronger than the angels.
About all that the older boys taught him
was to lie at too young an age.
And we called him Chicano—
free like a bird of Mexico.
Barefoot in his childhood,
without knowing what he would do tomorrow.
Whatever will be, will be
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
It's your life, Chicano,
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
Watch out, Chicano,
For two matches, a piece of bread,
he trailed after kids of the same age.
And, at night in a garden,
they divided up all of their treasures.
And we called him Chicano—
free like a bird of Mexico.
Barefoot in his childhood,
which ended a bit too soon.
Between four walls, a little too cold,
He finished out his adolescence
for a stupidity that formerly
he had committed without knowing it.
Then we called him Chicano,
the gamin of the streets of Mexico
who wanted to come out of the shadows
and make way for the sunlight.
Whatever will be, will be
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
It's your life, Chicano,
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
Watch out, Chicano,
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
It's your life Chicano
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
Watch out, Chicano,
All Lovers
All lovers in the world have their song.They go off in couples while humming this song.
It is always the same—it always says 'I love you.'
All lovers have in their hearts a song.
It happened by chance when we were taking our leave
of the wonderful dream that love allows a couple.
It is in that way that our song was born.
All lovers in the world have their song.
They go off in couples humming this song.
It is always the same—it always says 'I love you.'
All lovers have in their hearts a song.
All of my life, I will sing this song only for you.
Yes, I will sing our song only for you.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ...
Paris, A Tango
This is the true tango of the old days.This is the true Paris—listen to me.
Here, you only have to draw out a few steps.
There, it's coming back to you already.
Tango, Paris, a tango—all the better, bravo, thank you, my tango.
Thank you for giving us your nights in music and in the oblivion
of another tango—my life, a tango—all the better, bravo for your dance.
You can leave us in the morning, tango, but come back to us tomorrow.
Every night in a cafe on a street in my neighborhood,
an old accordionist plays his songs to tourists.
But a melody, always the same, a tango serves as a refrain
to lovers who come like the both of us to sing to him.
This is the true tango of the old days.
This is the true Paris—listen to me.
Here, you only have to draw out a few steps.
There, it's coming back to you already.
Tango, Paris, a tango—all the better, bravo, thank you, my tango.
Thank you for returning suddenly and for having all the steps
during a tango—my life, a tango—all the better, bravo for your dance.
You can leave us in the morning but, tango, come back to us tomorrow.
You can leave us in the morning, tango, now I will hold onto you!
(Paris, a tango—my life, a tango.)
(La la la)