Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 22


My last name

Versions: #1
My last name
And so it fits to you, so it fits
So it fits to you my last name, yes, yes
And to me so it fits , so it fits
To love you only one, ye-ye
And so it fits to you, so it fits
This is my last name
After all, if the world is full of love -
Then we are love
I love your eyes
There is no evil
Just pure beauty
And now she's mine
My eyes are for you, yeah
A heart for you, yeah
A soul for you, yeah
And my love, ye
You are my the Sun
I am the sky for you
And I will cover you
By clouds of my heart
And so it fits to you, so it fits
This is my last name (my last name), yes, yes
And to me so it fits , so it fits
To love you only one (you only one), ye-ye
And so it fits to you, so it fits
This is my last name (my last name)
After all, if the world is full of love -
Then we are love (love, love, love)
Listen, dear
If the Sun stops shining
If the sea suddenly hasn't of water (ooh-ooh)
If the stars all go out in one wink
I will love you anyway
Nothing it can be better
Than through the years to love you alone
Сause you are everything that I live, oh-oh-oh-oh
And so it fits to you, so it fits
So it fits to you my last name,(my last name) yes, yes
And to me so it fits , so it fits
To love you only one, (you only one)ye-ye
And so it fits to you, so it fits
So it fits to you my last name,(my last name) yes, yes
After all, if the world is full of love -
Then we are love(love,love,love)


Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
If you were like everyone else,
Who would you be like?
When you are near, you give me strength
Make dreams come true.
You write I'll break up with you
You are just like that, you are in my destiny
Now I understand why without others I can
Without others, I can
I can't live without you
I can't live without you
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
Spent so long time to find you
I don't need all these people, they don't equal you
I will put you into my life
For a thaw to come to our hearts
I'm fine with you, honestly
Because we are so closely connected to each other
And now you are in my songs
So now you will live in me
You will live forever
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.
Let you be wrong
But the real
In your soul, there is what I am treated with
You are mine, and I am proud of that.


Fall asleep with me
Here it's only you and me
Outside the window, there is the surf
It's my love, crashing in waves
Sleep with me
Here it's only you and me
Outside the window, there is the surf
I am here with you
She scattered her feelings among the stars
And now there are with me, wherever I am or not
You welcome me home with happiness inside
Which lifts me high up into the sky
You shine so bright for the whole world
You became a gift, which I didn't deserve
But you are by my side, and with you, I live
Fall asleep with me
Here it's only you and me
Outside the window, there is the surf
I am here with you
Fall asleep with me
Here it's only you and me
Outside the window, there is the surf
It's my love, crashing in waves
Sleep with me
Here it's only you and me
Outside the window, there is the surf
I am here with you

Under the windows

Wake me up this morning.
The city is still asleep and we are alone.
Like many others, not lonely.
Nobody can understand us.
Give up everything and just hug you.
Drown in yours eyes, the stars on your cheeks.
Sounds go off in our windows.
I can be just silent near you
When only two of us in the room.
Every minute, who we are without each other.
Who are you? Who am I?
Under the dark windows, do you hear?
How we get closer.
To any height, if you are near me
You make hands warm.
We leave the cold behind the window
Where snow melts and there is no action.
The arrows freeze on the clock
When you fall asleep in my hands.
And so go on until the morning, for start this again after.
Sounds go off in our windows.
I can be just silent near you.
When only two of us in the room.
Every minute, who we are without each other.
Who are you? Who am I?
Under the dark windows, do you hear?
How we get closer.
To any height, if you are near me.
Close your eyes, if you want.
We take off above and leave everything without an answer.
We can't be closer than we are.
No matter we divided by cities, countries or millimeters.

O poveste

Dacă vrei, o să strâng tare în brațe,
Eu nu-mi amintesc, așa cum a fost înainte,
Dar, eu cu tine, eu o voi face mai des,
Ochii tai triști, dar îi voi fixa,
Verzi glinzi al sufletului, mă înec în ele,
Eu chiar nu mă rezist,
Amintește-ți tu momentele astea, eu ți le dau.
Noi ne trezim și adormim,
Împreuna visăm un singur lucru - a iubi!
Să fie odată și pentru totdeauna,
Noi ne trezim și adormim,
Sincer ne jucăm în dragoste, înțelege-o!
La noi e doar un suflet.
Noi ne trezim și adormim,
Împreuna visăm un singur lucru - a iubi!
Să fie odată și pentru totdeauna,
Noi ne trezim și adormim,
Sincer ne jucăm în dragoste, înțelege-o!
La noi e doar un suflet.
Îmi place să văd, cum te trezești,
Doar în visele tale, tu zbori cu mine.
Sus, unde nimeni nu ne va deranja,
Cu umbra mea, te voi acoperi de soare,
Ne înțelegem unul pe celălat, chiar și suntem tăcuți,
Doar așa, nu poate fi altfel.
Amintește-ți tu momentele astea, ți le dau!

Cu ea

Seara, băltoace, orașul zgomotos.
Doi pe un drum pustiu.
Umbrele în geamuri, sunetele vântului.
Și pe suflet nici o neliniște.
Noi suntem singuri undeva deasupra pământului.
Și nu avem nevoie de nimeni.
Iubirea ne duce în înălțimi.
Cu ea până dimineața ne pierdem pe noi.
Pe străzile orașului, cât mai suntem tineri.
Cu ea până dimineața ne pierdem pe noi.
Pe străzile orașului, cât mai suntem tineri.
Ne dezlipim noi de pământ.
Încercând să găsim în imponderabilitate.
Ceea ce până acum nu am știut.
Mai sus de cer, mai departe de ochii altora.
Unde istoria e scrisă despre noi.
Noi suntem aici.
Ne înecăm unul în altul până peste cap.
Noi suntem singuri undeva deasupra pământului.
Și nu avem nevoie de nimeni.
Iubirea ne duce în înălțimi.
Cu ea până dimineața ne pierdem pe noi.
Pe străzile orașului, cât mai suntem tineri.
Cu ea până dimineața ne pierdem pe noi.
Pe străzile orașului, cât mai suntem tineri.

Right or Wrong

Right or wrong
I get lost at night
Something's happening to me
I haven't been answering calls for a long time
And no one's waiting for me at home
I don't understand myself
Why am I not with you now
I wasn't getting enough of you
But now I'm better off left alone
To my heart
Was what I did right or wrong
When I closed off my heart for hundreds of years
Was what I did right or wrong
But I know that you'll help me spark a light in it
Right or wrong
Right or wrong
It's not by chance that my eyes
Keep falling upon you
I doubt it, but maybe this time
It'll all be different for us
I'll stop time and wind it back
Maybe then I'll find an answer
I'll stop time, I have nothing else to wait for
Then will it be right or wrong
Was what I did right or wrong
When I closed off my heart for hundreds of years
Was what I did right or wrong
But I know that you'll help me spark a light in it
Right or wrong
Right or wrong
Right or wrong
Right or wrong
Was what I did right or wrong
When I closed off my heart for hundreds of years
Was what I did right or wrong
But I know that you'll help me spark a light in it
Right or wrong
Right or wrong


I'm not myself
Lonely sky
I see no one
I'm not myself
I don't remember where you are
But I so want to take you away with me
No, stop, this won't be difficult
Let's choke on each other
No, stop, let's make it look stupid
We'll repeat everything in circles
And we were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Playing with fire
We were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
And we were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Playing with fire
We were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Who are you without me?
Who am I without you?
We'd better figure this out
I'll just walk up and hug you
And it'll all be clear to us
No, stop, this won't be difficult
Let's choke on each other
No, stop, let's make it look stupid
We'll repeat everything in circles
And we were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Playing with fire
We were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
And we were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Playing with fire
We were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Falling down, down
Falling down, falling down
And we were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Playing with fire
We were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
And we were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down
Playing with fire
We were falling, falling down
We'd been needing to
We were falling, falling down


Dance, dance for me
Burn up so gently in these flames
I do know that you're my sinner
Dance, dance for me
And your hair's blowing in the wind
Take your time and follow my voice
The night was revealing
Let's keep the day that way, too
Your thoughts torn to shreds
Your skin glowing in the fire
You standing naked beside me
This is what I need right now
We got lost in time
But this is temporary
And no one will find us
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Into the light, we're not going out into the light of day
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Dance for me, dance
Dance, dance for me
Burn up so gently in these flames
I do know that you're my sinner
Dance, dance for me
And your hair's blowing in the wind
Take your time and follow my voice
You've lived up to expectations
You gave yourself to me in no despair
A courageous dancer with a wild conscience
Can you stay with me
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Into the light, we're not going out into the light of day
We're not around, we're not around for anyone
Dance for me, dance
Dance, dance for me
Burn up so gently in these flames
I do know that you're my sinner
Dance, dance for me
And your hair's blowing in the wind
Take your time and follow my voice
We're not around, we're not around for anyone


(Misha Marvin)
We could breathe equally
If all our blood is mixed
With some unearthly feeling
A special feeling
At night we whisper to each other 'shush' ¹
We wish nobody is hearing us
And I ask for one thing - just be closer
Chorus (Misha Marvin):
Just be closer, closer to me.
Just be closer in this fire
Just be closer, just be closer
Just be closer, somewhere inside
I do not know how I would live, if not for you
Just be closer
(Masha Koltsova)
Dark paints draws the night
I do not want our story to end
I just need you very close
I'm weak without you
I whisper to you more and more quietly
I'm afraid that no one will hear
And I ask about one thing
Just be closer
Chorus (Masha Koltsova):
Just be closer, closer to me.
Just be closer in this fire
Just be closer, just be closer
Just be closer, somewhere inside
I do not know how I would live, if not for you
Just be closer
(Misha M. & Masha K.)
Just be closer, closer, closer
Just be closer, closer, closer
Just be closer
Just be closer
Chorus (Misha M. & Masha K.):
Just be closer, closer to me.
Just be closer in this fire
Just be closer, just be closer
Just be closer, somewhere inside
I do not know how I would live, if not for you
Just be closer
Just be closer


(Mișa Marvin)
Putem respira în mod egal
Dacă tot sângele nostru se amestecă
Cu un oarecare sentiment misterios
Un sentiment special
Noaptea ne șoptim unul altuia 'șșșt'
Vrem ca nimeni să nu ne audă
Și eu îți cer un singur lucru - stai mai aproape
Refren (Mișa Marvin):
Stai mai aproape, mai aproape de mine
Stai mai aproape în acest foc
Doar stai mai aproape, doar stai mai aproape
Stai mai aproape, undeva înăuntru
Nu știu cum aș trăi, dacă nu pentru tine
Doar stai mai aproape
(Mașa Kolțova)
Culorile întunecate atrag noaptea
Nu vreau ca povestea naostră să se termine
Am nevoie doar de tine foarte aproape
Sunt lipsită de putere fără tine
Îți șoptesc din ce în ce mai încet
Mă tem că nimeni nu mă va auzi
Și cer un singur lucru
Doar stai mai aproape
Refren (Mașa Kolțova):
Stai mai aproape, mai aproape de mine
Stai mai aproape în acest foc
Doar stai mai aproape, doar stai mai aproape
Stai mai aproape, undeva înăuntru
Nu știu cum aș trăi, dacă nu pentru tine
Doar stai mai aproape
(Misha M. & Masha K.)
Doar stai mai aproape, mai aproape, mai aproape
Doar stai mai aproape, mai aproape, mai aproape
Doar stai mai aproape
Doar stai mai aproape
Refren (Misha M. & Masha K.):
Stai mai aproape, mai aproape de mine
Stai mai aproape în acest foc
Doar stai mai aproape, doar stai mai aproape
Stai mai aproape, undeva înăuntru
Nu știu cum aș trăi, dacă nu pentru tine
Doar stai mai aproape
Doar stai mai aproape


You want that I hug you tightlier,
I dont remember it happening before,
But with you, I will do that more often,
Your sad eyes, but I will fix it,
Mirrors of the soul are green colour, in their tones,
I even dont resist.
Remember those memories, I'm giving them to you!
We wake up and we sleep,
We together dream about only one thing, to love!
For once and forever,
We wake up and we sleep,
To be honest we play with love, get it!
One soul for two!
We wake up and we sleep,
We together dream about only one thing, to love!
For once and forever,
We wake up and we sleep,
To be honest we play with love, get it!
One soul for two!