Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 17


dorință de moarte

Cine-i ea?
Are o vrajă despre ea
Ea-i frumoasă, dar să ai grijă cu ce spui în jurul ei
Am auzit că a ucis un bărbat, n-o simțit nimic
Ea are mâinile însângerate cu niște inele cu diamante
Cine-i ea?
Are o vrajă despre ea
Mă întreb oare unde se duce noaptea
Mă întreb dacă chiar vreau să arunc zarul ăsta, da, da
Îmi pierd somnul, mă întreb oare de ce are un buletin nou
Da, da, uite că vine
Mă întreb de ce nu-mi spune de unde vine
Mă întreb de ce ea mă face să vreau să fug
Eu, eu, mă întreb de ce, de ce
Am o dorință de moarte (Ooh)
Ea mă lasă fără respirație (Ooh)
Ea poartă o cruce prin oraș cu capul întors în jos
Sunt fără speranță (Ooh)
Am o dorință de moarte (Ooh)
O iubesc nesăbuită (Ooh)
Ea are două coarne pe cap și o coadă printre picioare
Ea-i scumpă (Ooh)
Ea-i malefică, asta-i tot ce știu despre ea
Ea-i fatală, nu mă simt în siguranță lângă ea
Am auzit că a ucis un bărbat în Hollywood
Acum ne ținem de mâini, mă rog la Dumnezeu să fie bună
Dar ea-i malefică, asta-i tot ce știu despre ea
Mă întreb de cum a ajuns în halul ăsta?
Mă întreb de ce niciodată nu are multe de zis
Hmm, hmm, mama e de vină
Totdeaună este înapoi acasă unde monștri sunt așezați
Hmm, hmm, a trecut prin iad
Nu-i de mirare că vreau să încerc să te ajut
Încerc să te salvez, o să mă omor
Eu, eu, mă întreb de ce, de ce
Am o dorință de moarte (Ooh)
Ea mă lasă fără respirație (Ooh)
Ea poartă o cruce prin oraș cu capul întors în jos
Sunt fără speranță (Ooh)
Am o dorință de moarte (Ooh)
O iubesc nesăbuită (Ooh)
Ea are două coarne pe cap și o coadă printre picioare
Ea-i scumpă (Ooh)

You're In Love With Her

So you're starting a new story today
I hope it will have a happier ending than ours
She has to make you forget a lot
Kind of a hard job after me, in fact
You'll have a special song and so on, start watching a new show
Plan out vacations, share photos
Anyway, she loves you a lot, how sweet
You call her 'my all' too, what's left for me?
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't tell me one word, nevermind
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, just don't smile so sweet like that
You're in love with her, don't tell me one word, nevermind
You're in love with her, so that's how it'd end
There's a lot she's to learn about you
You like your coffee bitter, with milk for example
You instantly fall asleep when played with your hair
You don't eat veggies, talk a lot when you're drunk
I hope you'll manage to make your mother like her
Because she didn't care for me much, you know
Anyway, we had put on those rings too at one point
Don't promise her things you can't keep too
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't tell me one word, nevermind
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, just don't smile so sweet like that
You're in love with her, don't tell me one word, nevermind
You're in love with her, so that's how it'd end
It's not worth being regretful, hostile or heroic over
I won't fight, I won't compete, if your heart's beating for her
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't tell me one word, nevermind
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, just don't smile so sweet like that
You're in love with her, don't tell me one word, nevermind
You're in love with her, so that's how it'd end


Antenna needles in snow fields,
the white hum of the meteorological station.
And silence like a heavy dream,
and nobody for miles around.
She spoke on the radio
every morning, while snow fell.
The model rockets on my desk
shook from the receiver sound.
Five AM and they woke me up,
it felt cramped in the bend of this peninsula.
Five AM and this voice in my ears again.
Freeze, don't breath, just listen.
She spoke of such things
which made the city look like a dream,
and the wood of the walls would grow again,
the air would fill with sounds.
When I went back to mainland,
they said I was a weakling,
and the transmitter was always silent.
They call her Grace.
Five AM and they woke me up,
it felt cramped in the bend of this peninsula.
Five AM and this voice in my ears again.
Freeze, don't breath, just listen.

Simfonia singuratati

Am inteles, singuratatea nu are sfarsit
in fiecare zi o sa sporeasca
Mereu a fost asa? Nu stiu...
parca erai de neatins cand plangeai in copilarie
o mul se obisnuieste cu timpul
sa fie ranit si sa-l doara
fiindca este normal sa te tot prabusesti
si sa te ridici din nou in picioare
singuratatea sta la panda pe drumurile mele
suferinta ma fixeaza cu privirea si ma vegheaza
Astept, astept, astept...
haide atacati-ma nu mi-e frica
norii sunt grei
sta sa ploua peste noi
am ramas fara tine
in final
Ege Kökenli

Doar noi doua in lume

Viața nu mă va speria
Tu esti langa mine
Daca cad ma ridici tu
Daca plang tu auzi prima
Nu mai impacheta ne trezim la dus
Daca ne plictisim de prosti nu ne este rusine de nimeni
Uneori destepte, uneori nebune
Noi cele mai urate, noi cele mai frumoase
Uneroi pluş, uneori perla
Noi suntem cele mai frumoase de aici
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Viața nu mă va speria
Tu esti langa mine
Daca cad ma ridici tu
Daca plang tu auzi prima
Nu mai impacheta ne trezim la dus
Daca ne plictisim de prosti nu ne este rusine de nimeni
Uneori destepte, uneori nebune
Noi cele mai urate, noi cele mai frumoase
Uneroi pluş, uneori perla
Noi suntem cele mai frumoase de aici
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Ege Kökenli

You're in Love with Her

Versions: #3
Seems like you start a new story today
I hope its end will be happier than ours
She needs to make you forget a lot of things now
Actually, it's a bit hard for her after me
You'll have your songs, a new series will be started
Trips will be planned, pictures will be uploaded
Whatever, she loves you very much, how sweet
You've called her 'my everything' too, what's left for me [then]?
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't say a word, nevermind
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't laugh that beauitully, it's enough
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, it would end like this, who knew
She has a lot of things to learn about you
For example you love coffee with milk, sugar free
You fall asleep immediately when someone plays with your hair
You don't eat vegetables, you talk a lot when you're drunk
I hope you'll be able to make your mom love her
'Cause you know, she didn't like me
Whatever, we also wore those rings
Don't give her promises you can't keep, too
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't say a word, nevermind
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't laugh that beauitully, it's enough
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, it would end like this, who knew
It's worth neither regretting, nor being enemies, nor being heroes
I won't fight, I won't race if my heart beats with him
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't say a word, nevermind
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, don't laugh that beauitully, it's enough
You're in love with her, you're in love with her
You're in love with her, it would end like this, who knew


Versions: #2
How hard it is to look at your beautiful face
It gathered the whole sun (rays) on itself again
My eyes are charmed, baby
Could one laugh like that for God's sake?
The heaven is your lips, kiss me so that I'll die
Its name is love, how would I know..
Could there be that kind of cruelness for God's sake
If you ask my name, I won't tell, I promise
Ah my hands are shaking
Ouch I'm getting a fever
It's called missing, it doesn't go when you touch
Ah -fill it, darling- love me so much that
My naughty darling
I drink it as wine
Fill it, darling
My heart is skipping, ah, come, I'm kind of sick


Supermodels, models, models
Ayy yeyy
ey yeyy
Oh No
She drive me Crazy,
Come near me
the place is full of beauties
i can't believe it
Do we enjoy this moment
do we enjoy this moment
Cuz everywhere i look
uh lala
Cuz everywhere i turn my head
uh lala
Supermodels, Models, Models
Supermodels, Models, Models
Pam Pam pam you go
I don't know if you're open for other things
Pam Pam Pam
Pam a torture, you and your new girlfriends
you're a classy lady
No one like you
with someone else in my mind
i have i have i have
Cuz everywhere i look
uh lala
Cuz everywhere i turn my head
uh lala
Supermodels, Models, Models
Supermodels, Models, Models
yey eyyyy
yey eyyy
Supermodels, models, models


Versions: #2
I tried so hard, believe me, to forget you,
Just like I promised to you that day when we embraced.
You saw a last kiss to be too much for me,
'I know,' you said, 'where it will end up.'
This morning I got up really early,
Made the dessert you love
While eating it by myself,
I cried without a sound.
Got up to make some tea,
Opened a movie to watch.
Time just wouldn't go by,
Cleaned up the whole house.
Been fed up with myself.
Am I stupid or what?
What's with me,
Why can't I escape from you?
The days don't pass here away from you,
The bottles have piled up every day in the kitchen,
I've grown disgusted by make-up, threw my mirrors to the trash!
Ate without a pause, so I gained weight.
Forgive me my love,
Couldn't bring myself to forget you,
Don't really feel like waking up,
Can't like any of the days without you.

Yellow Ribbons

Versions: #2
Last night a wounded little girl's been found
Yellow ribbons have been wrapped around
For one last time the grown-ups wanted to decorate her
With their prohibitions yet again
When I got closer and took a look I saw
The one laying there is my childhood and I've grown up
Watching the funeral rites with my seasonal gown
I went through fruitful gardens with heavenly scents
I ripped a flower, looked at it for the last time
Pinned my flower to my chest
Noone could cut new wounds anymore
Been hurt a lot, it won't sting anymore
If she falls today, she'll get up tomorrow
This girl won't pity herself anymore
While words were being spoken after me
I heard of whispers coincidentally
Asked if they knew the laying girl
While she was still breathing
We thought happiness lay hidden in different hearts
We were always half, we were mistaken
Noone could cut new wounds anymore
Been hurt a lot, it won't sting anymore
If she falls today, she'll get up tomorrow
This girl won't pity herself anymore
I walked a road from our home
The road was bigger than all of us
From death, from the both of us
And from our pitiful love
Last night a tiny flower died
Today the sun rose up again
Look a little girl just died here
Her soul matured into a woman
Noone could cut new wounds anymore
Been hurt a lot, it won't sting anymore
If she falls today, she'll get up tomorrow
This girl won't pity herself anymore

Role model

Ok, I'm going to attempt to drown myself