Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 26
It's time now!
Gain some timeDon't wait for a dream to come, run toward it
If it knocks on your door then get up and open the door
There is nothing faster than days
You are the back1
You are the support that protects them and keeps them standing
As long as your eyes are on tomorrow thinking about them
Dreams will bring you dreams
It's time now. It's time now and here is your path to take
Finish what you've already started. It's a life you're building
Just do it now. There are things that we delay
That become too hard to be finished. So why to delay?
The whole time
Your presence was the secret of their strength
You are trading your lifetime to give them
You are keeping your eyes straight forward
It's time now. It's time now and here is your path to take
Finish what you've already started. It's a life you're building
Just do it now. There are things that we delay
That become too hard to be finished. So why to delay?
- 1. The support
Draw a heart
Draw a heart and a smile on the windowThe keys to own the world are right before your eyes
Be happy, sing, listen to me
Strenghten your heart
This light was created for your eyes
Draw a heart and a smile on the window
The keys to own the world are right before your eyes
Be happy, sing, listen to me
Strenghten your heart
This light was created for your eyes
A good heart is unable to love someone else
A good heart is selfless, not selfish
A good heart isn't afraid to show its feelings
A good heart is well-meaning and calm, now matter how down it is feeling.
Draw a heart and a smile on the window
The keys to own the world are right before your eyes
Be happy, sing, listen to me
Strenghten your heart
This light was created for your eyes
Draw a heart and a smile on the window
The keys to own the world are right before your eyes
Be happy, sing, listen to me
Strenghten your heart
This light was created for your eyes
Oh my god!
Oh my god!1My heart is on fire.
I have my eyes on you
I can never let go of you
A single glance would be enough for me
Step by step
First, just loosen up with me,
Calm down and listen
The charm in your eyes is so seductive
That it shows out in my eyes
I've noticed that, when you are in front of me
I forget myself, my name and my words
That's exactly what I was dreaming about2
I don't need to search any more or get confused
Today we are having a silent conversation
And tomorrow you will be in my arms, in my house3
But this will be determined by my tactics
It is up to the moon4 to decide
Among others,
comparing beauty,
just mentioning your name
or showing your picture
is quite enough5
I'm not kidding
Just get along with me bit by bit
It's the charm in you that makes you different
But I've already flipped your cards6
So, just get along with me
My Eyes Staying Up
You whom I've lived my entire life looking forYou who between whose hands,
I forgot all this world.
You made me love my life & forget before you, why I lived !
You, in whom my soul is
You, in whom my soul is
My eyes are staying up for you all the nights
Oh, your speaking & the charm in your eyes
You made me forget myself, not knowing what took me
You fell in love, O my poor heart, & with out mercy !
Gentleness & innocence in your eyes & your kindness
And your speaking, from so long,
I've been dreaming of
I become at my best state while you're in front of me, because..
You are the nicest place that
My heart found comfort at.
Ramadan Lightened
Ramadan has a special soul (air)
A door for the neighbor open wide
And children with lanterns going & coming.. singing to Ramadan.
Family & loved ones
And a gathering of friends
The smell of days of generosity & love .. & joy everywhere.
Ramadan Ramadan.. Ramadan lightened (illuminated) everywhere
And generosity overflows & ever increases more
And we feel each others' troubles more & more x2
It has a different taste
And when the sun goes down,
The whole family gather & come together .. the near & the far.
Ramadan is a feeling
Not just days
As it is a month of joy beginning .. & at its end the night of Eid.
Ramadan Ramadan.. Ramadan lightened (illuminated) everywhere
And generosity overflows & ever increases more
And we feel each others' troubles more & more x2
Everyday Like That
Why would I need my eyes, while yours are a miracle & a marvelWhy would I need my voice, I said all I had inside me
By reason, what I'm ever going to need?!
Why would I need a mirror, while you're in front of me & with me
Why would I need people & world, as you're enough for me
By reason, what I'm ever going to need?!
Oh, if everyday was like that
Everyday like that
What's all that !
Where was that !
I lived waiting for you all my lifetime, missing you
Now, I can't find a tiny thing missing in my life
Actually, I'm much better
I won't leave you for a moment, you owned my mind
Starting tomorrow, you won't find a single happy memory without me in it
In short,
You & I are different (peerless).
Take Me To You
Take me to youLet me live in your love
My life with you, my life for you
My dreams, hopes & my lifetime, my dear, all with you,
Calling for you.
With the voice of love & expectation
And my longing ensnares me to you
A feeling I can't describe
While I'm flying around (wandering), & waiting for you..
I love you, oxygen of my soul
My inhales, your eyes are my home
A dream-way I walk, &
Live in, you soul of my soul
And I find myself again,
With my present & past
You the truest love, & prettiest love, hard to forget
A touch of your hands
Would revive me with a new lifetime
My love, meeting you makes me feel safe
And if you accept, my soul is yours,
To keep you in joy
I fell in love
And I say it out loud, to all.
And I'm living with you a feeling,
That's making me happy & making me,
Go to you before you come to me.
They Said About You
They said about you that beauty in your eyes dweltThey said that you are prettier than all the girls
They said about you that beauty in your eyes dwelt
They said that you are prettier than all the girls
And that your love is a rough path
They said you've something from angels
I went to see you, & honestly,
You exceeded all expectations !
They said your eyes to be the ultimate model of beauty
Everything about you is prettier than imagination
They said your eyes to be the ultimate model of beauty
Everything about you is prettier than imagination
But there is a wall hiding you
Difficult for any one to reach you
I said I'd go, what harm if I fell for you
As who has ever died of love !
And when I saw you, my heart got attracted hard to you
You, whose love was imposed tightly upon my heart
And when I saw you, my heart got attracted hard to you
You, whose love was imposed tightly upon my heart
If I'm to say, you a full moon at its grandeur,
I would be describing you less than you deserve & it more than it is (the moon)
In a matter of seconds you did to me
What no human ever done to me
I Am With Her !
Since the day her eyes met mine,And I saw this beautiful laugh,
I've been dreaming of the day she'll be mine, & I hers,
And wake up to find my love beside me..
And now what's been in my imagination is happening in front of me.
My love beside me, in my arms from this night.
Oh God, finally I'm with her !
It called..
Joy brought us together by love, & called us
Me & my love, & our third is happiness
And the dream became true..
Since when have my deepest desire been to reach her ?!
The word 'My love' .. say it, my love !
Years of my life will be nothing measured to this word.
Make me happy, say it, please.. for long.
Oh StraNger
Flying at five o'clock, and people traveling and bags a lot.I am between the farewell tears, and called back and last look.
I was making my decision.
What I need to do, is to eat my life
And my lover, Kulthalha, a year ago, my life failed
Oh stranger,
Oh stranger, you are far away
Welcome to a new country
A strange and high confusion,
And two tears in kind,
And our Lord appreciates me,
What is the world alone.
The unit has four walls and a thinking in the reel and I From Mena
Medicine if you prefer and I doubt
Loved the min
For my soul in the mirrors.
God forgives the circumstances of the joy of joy,
And the sayings of the nations are like a year and I return.
Ah, see
The story is ours
the story is oursand the nights have taken us away
no matter how many times life takes us away from each other
and separate us
there's still in me
for you, a thousand things with me
I still hear our voices
of our laughter and happiness
still, everywhere I go
my love, you've got a mark on my soul
still the precious one
and I remember everyday we've lived together
no matter how many faces I see
no matter how many lands separate us
the hearts are longing to meet
what we share is a life
honestly, and without swearing
the best time
I won't forget it
whenever I'm sitting in a gathering
still my mind goes absent
when you're mentioned suddenly
and try to find a way to calm down
this is longing and this is its reign
hurts the ones who are no longer together
and their fates
to remember their love forever
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا
A few silent photos hanging around usphotos of the best years with people dear to us
some of them left and are no longer with us
and our youth and childhood
behind them, we've written the date of our meeting
photos keeping something within us that's keeping us alive
photos of travels, of happiness, of sleepless nights
of a lover who'd appeared in my life for a while
and of the best days
oh, how wonderful
if that moment were to come back
most of our old photos
happiness, togetherness and decorations
and no one looks sad in them
and you can't find a sad photo
photos of a vacation
on the beach at 8
I wish if we took
a photo of every second
photos of our birthdays
and gatherings with our friends
and people that we couldn't keep 1
they're in another place
- 1. the ones who passed away
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا
From the start
From the start I told youThat love isn't always enough
And that life has other ways to deal with us
In that day, a tear from you fell down on my shulder
You said : try
I said : okay
But never leave me
If you will go, go now
If you will stay, don't go away
I didn't want myself to believe in a love that ends with wounds
For nights, I have been building an illusion and a dream and in just a second every thing was gone
And it's my destiny to get a great and tough wound from my love
Sometimes when the wound comes fast, it will be much easier
From the start I told you
And you refused to listen to me
Today, I ask you
What can I do with my heart that loved you?
It's hard for me to forgive you after your wound
And what is harder is to live
By the way, I will miss you
Even if I don't forgive you
Nu pleca departe de noiNu părăsi tărâmurile noastre, doar nu pleca de lângă noi
Spune-mi cine îți va lua locul?
Spune-mi cine va înlocui dragostea ta?
Spune-mi cine va întreba de mine când sunt trist?
Spune-mi cine?!
Adevarul este că viața ne-a batjocorit
Nici rămas bun, nici o atingere a mâinilor
Când în ziua aia m-ai îmbrățișat și ai plecat
De ce nu mi-ai spus că e ultima îmbrățișare?
Mi-as dori să mă fi lăsat să fiu lângă tine până în ultimul moment
Mi-aș dori să mă fi lăsat să îți spun cât de mult te iubesc
În ciuda distanței dintre noi, nu voi uita dragostea ta, te voi vedea cu bine într-o zi ...
Tu, cea mânioasă și întristată
Hei, tu ești cea supărată și mânioasă pe mineȘi nu vrei să-mi mai vorbești.
Nu vrei să mai vorbești cu mine, iubirea mea, regret!
Ești viața mea și viața mea e cea mai prețioasă,
Ochilor mei le-ai luat somnul, cu absența ta,
Iar nopțile mele sunt lungi, cât timp te aștept, iar ție nu-ți pasă.
Te rog, iartă-mă, inima și ochii mei nu încetează să întrebe despre tine,
Te rog, nu pleca! Pentru iubirea noastră, te rog iartă-mă!
Oh, iubirea vieții mele, rămâi cu mine,
Nu fi încăpățânată și nu pleca, ajunge!
Vino să mă vezi ce-am ajuns după ce ai plecat,
Hei, hei, hei!
Hei, tu ești cea supărată și mânioasă pe mine
Și nu vrei să-mi mai vorbești.
Nu vrei să mai vorbești cu mine, iubirea mea, regret!
Ești viața mea și viața mea e cea mai prețioasă,
Ochilor mei le-ai luat somnul, cu absența ta,
Iar nopțile mele sunt lungi, cât timp te aștept, iar ție nu-ți pasă.
Te rog, iartă-mă și de data asta!
Mi-e mai dor de tine ca oricând,
Am devenit nedemn de tine? E asta ultima oară când suntem despărțiți?
Inima mea îndrăgostită a cântat la ușa ta
Și și-a dorit să se întoarcă iubirea ta minunată.
Pentru iubirea noastra, e ultima dată când fac asta!
I Forgot
I forgotYes my darling, I forgot
I forgot my life and the years of my life when I was with you
We just met each other
Since that day my hope is that I can win a piece of your heart
Some greetings go smoothly
And sometimes another greeting comes with a conversation
The greeting makes us forget time, people and places
And with you a greeting is a surrender
Some greetings go smoothly
And sometimes another greeting comes with a conversation
The greeting makes us forget time, people and places
And with you a greeting is a surrender
What I am experiencing is new
“My love” – I’ll say it 100 times from my heart
I’ll keep saying and repeating
I love you, I love you, and I’ll never forget
Some greetings go smoothly
And sometimes another greeting comes with a conversation
The greeting makes us forget time, people and places
And with you a greeting is a surrender
Some greetings go smoothly
And sometimes another greeting comes with a conversation
The greeting makes us forget time, people and places
And with you a greeting is a surrender
A fost odată ca niciodată
A fost odată ca niciodatăO perioadă minunată, cu dulci sentimente de siguranță.
A fost odată o iubire așa cum nimeni n-a mai simțit vreodată, pun pariu!
Indiferent cât efort făceam pentru ea, eram mulțumit și nicicând obosit.
Ce gemeni? Puțin spus. Era iubita mea!
Și eu eram cel la care visa și m-a surprins în timpul visului,
Un final ciudat care nu se potrivește niciunui film.
Nu există poveste de dragoste care să dăinuie, când eroul se dovedește a fi un laș.
A fost odată ca niciodată...
Oh, ce mare durere aduce despărțirea!
Ce mi s-a spus despre amărăciune nu e nici pe departe la fel cu ceea ce gust acum
Și mai ales când e fără voie...
Nu există magie! Cel rănit nu merge la culcare, iar apoi se trezește vindecat,
Iar eu nu uit și acesta mi-e cusurul/ defectul.
Și eu eram cel la care visa și m-a surprins în timpul visului,
Un final ciudat care nu se potrivește niciunui film.
Nu există poveste de dragoste care să dăinuie, când eroul se dovedește a fi un laș.
A fost odată ca niciodată...
In the Embrace of Your Eyes
I found myself in the embrace of your eyes
And I will remain yours
I've been waiting for you my whole life
My entire life is all yours
Years go
Years pass by
My darling, I will live my life with you
Don't push me away
for my sake, please.
I have no one but you
Being with you
I have reached the last of my dreams
I finally don't fear
the world and the days
Darling, you are the one who made me forget
the nights in the past
Oh you've taken away my heart, my eyes
And my soul too
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.
My Precious Forgot Me
Days and nights passed and I stayed awakeI say tomorrow her heart with sympathize with me and come to me
I miss her, what else should I do, my precious forgot me
I miss her, what should I do now, my precious forgot me
Oh Lord
I miss my darling’s eyes, I swear
She took the best years of my life with her
I won’t forget my darling for even one night, I swear
Days and nights passed and I was filled with love
And at night her shadow comes to me and talks to and consoles me
I miss her, what else should I do, my precious forgot me
I miss her, what should I do now, my precious forgot me
Oh Lord
I miss my darling’s eyes, I swear
She took the best years of my life with her
I won’t forget my darling for even one night, I swear
Oh Lord
I miss my darling’s eyes, I swear
Why Did We Go Away From Each Other?
When I was away from you I felt broken down, I missed a lot of thingsAnd I also understand you and know that you’re not well
Because I understand you and know you, I always see you as my darling
You long for every beautiful memory I experienced next to you
And I am like you and even more
Sometimes I get lost in thought and think about why you and I went away from each other
I didn’t find an answer and came to you
Maybe if I told you would you tell me what we gained
When I was away from you I felt broken down, I missed a lot of things
And I also understand you and know that you’re not well
Because I understand you and know you, I always see you as my darling
You long for every beautiful memory I experienced next to you
None of us knows what tomorrow is hiding
But I can tell you everything that happened
The hardest days of my life, ones that I will never be able to describe
And you certainly felt / understood me and experienced similar days
And I am like you and even more
Sometimes I get lost in thought and think about why you and I went away from each other
I didn’t find an answer and came to you
Maybe if I told you would you tell me what we gained
When I was away from you I felt broken down, I missed a lot of things
And I also understand you and know that you’re not well
Because I understand you and know you, I always see you as my darling
You long for every beautiful memory I experienced next to you