You are my Life
Ya lil ya ayn ya lil ya lil
Your eyes returned me to the days that had gone by
They taught me to regret the past and its wounds
Which I experienced before my eyes saw you
It was a lost life
One Step
One step
Take even one step for me
You hold dominion over my heart
One look is all I ask for
and you understand and can see
Witness my condition
Look at what's happening to me
I am wholeheartedly in love
Ten, one night passed, then ten
You betrayed our relationship
I score you ten out of ten in keeping a distance
One wink from your eye
A wink on the cheek
This is sensitive and meaningful talk
One word is all I ask for
and you understand and can talk
Witness my condition
Look at what's happening to me
I swear that I'm in love
Your approval is a blessing
The days of your approval were pleasant
I hope whoever envied us goes blind