Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 47
I’m fine, I’m fine
Because of you I’m fine, I’m fine
Even a mirror breathless happier
It’s a miracle where to stay forever
The eastern world is going to protect you, no more painful world
Open the door and spread out in front of you
Immediately here is our
Take a step over into the clouds, the road is in the approaching place
Remember this moment only to us only utopia
Bright light is my eternal breath, my wish are now end of accomplishment
The length that goes beautiful, this is our secret
It is a fire that does not turn out, continue to shine
I’m fine, I’m fine,
Because of you I’m fine, I’m fine
Even a mirror breathless happier
It’s a miracle where to stay forever
The eastern world is going to protect you, no more painful world
Open the door and spread out in front of you
Immediately here is our
You and my eyes turn away from the distance and sullen to hear from a far
Oh make you walk
Bright light is my eternal breath, my wish are now end of accomplishment
Hold your under the sky, ill promise you forever
Follow me there is no lie here keep shining
I’m fine, I’m fine, because of you I’m fine, I’m fine
Even a minor breathless happier it’s a miracle where to stay forever
The eastern world is going to protect you, no more painful world
Open the door and spread out in front of you
Immediately here is our
Numerous scars and pain
Eventually tears and flowers, this world will be blooming
You and my eternal space
Nu-mi pasă
Dacă piciorul mi-e prins într-o piatră, când merg, e ok
(Probabil, probabil, probabil)
Dacă începe să plouă fără să fie vreun nor pe cer, e ok
(Probabil, probabil, probabil)
Indiferent dacă asta sau aia se întâmplă, nu contează
Doar cântă ”Lu Iu la la”
Sau poți cânta și rap
Eu o să cânt rap
Sau poate mă voi juca
Sau poate voi merge la Spoonz, la masa 81
Și voi mânca multă înghețată
Nu contează dacă lucrurile nu merg așa cum am plănuit
Doar continuă și fă ce vrei
Nu-mi pasă, totul e ok
Nu contează dacă ai întârziat un pic
Așa că nu-mi pasă, totul e ok
Tu, tu, tu și eu
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum
Totul o să fie bine
Lasă noaptea să treacă și domnul soare să răsară, să răsară
Dacă oricum o să răsari, răsari deasupra norilor
Aici și acolo, mergi peste tot și salută-i pe toți
24 de ore nu e timp destul
Ca să facem doar lucrurile pe care vrem să le facem
Nu contează dacă lucrurile nu merg așa cum am plănuit
Doar continuă și fă ce vrei
Nu-mi pasă, totul e ok
Nu contează dacă ai întârziat un pic
Așa că nu-mi pasă, totul e ok
Tu, tu, tu și eu
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum
Totul o să fie bine
Fă ceea ce vrei să faci
Mergi oriunde vrei să mergi
Tu ești cel mai important
Cine se ceartă la saună
Stricând buna dispoziție?
Spune orice vrei să spui
Nu-mi pasă, totul e ok
Nu contează dacă ai întârziat un pic
Așa că nu-mi pasă, totul e ok
Tu, tu, tu și eu
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum (acum acum)
Oh, mai bine ca acum
Totul o să fie bine
At The End of Our Love
Versions: #2
I know that you’re going to leave. Your eyes have told me you’re not coming back. and though it hurts deep inside of me, I had a feeling that one day this would happen.
You loved me I know. I won’t deny it. I don’t have any reason to. Go on your way, and don’t look back. I know a new love, is waiting for you.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always spoils you. That he always takes you with him and that he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. May you never need anything. That he never fails you. That he makes you happy. For real happy.
But at the end of our love, my wish for you is, that he loves you, and wants you, takes care of you, and always sees you. That he never forgets you. That he never says goodbye. That he never fails you. May he make you happy, for real happy.
At The End of Our Love
What is Ours
I know it es easier to give up than to be brave
And that you were never one of those women who were led by the heart
and if the road grew long, stop, and I would drag you and we tripped
And so we continue this road, and I by your side
And what we said and not said and finally we forgot why
And you staring at emptiness, seeing how life goes by
but you dont do anything, you wait sitting down for your soul to be destroyed
And the years go by, the months,
the trains and you in the sidewalk but you always loose them
and when it is gone you scream at it but it does not stop
I can not give you more because I have nothing,
for you it was not enough giving you the sky,
you remained still seeing what is ours dying
and on the ground and on the ground
and you from afar, inert but with open eyes
seeing what is ours dying, what is ours
And you staring at emptiness, seeing how life goes by
But you dont do anything, you wait sitting down for your soul to be destroyed
And the years go by, the months,
the trains and you in the sidewalk but you always loose them
and when it is gone you scream at it but it does not stop
And tell me when it was
tell me where, where did the kisses end
tell me when we forgot that it was worthwhile
to keep fighting for our memories
the first dead anniversary
the first night not facing each other
in the same bed but so far away
And you staring at emptiness, seeing how life goes by
But you dont do anything, you wait sitting down for your soul to be destroyed
And the years go by, the months,
the trains and you in the sidewalk but you always loose them
and when it is gone you scream at it but it does not stop
With the noise that washes over me I walk
With the hopes that you'll be there, I walk
A corner of my heart that feel so empty left with warmth and traces of something
memories like dust that rises from my steps.
Me without you, I've become miserable
You don't know
You don't know about me
Oh baby, I eat well
I don't want to see you at all, I'm like this
I could find someone other than you Oh babe
That I can love even more
Words, words, words
Words that I tell myself
L.I.E. L.I.E. L.I.E.
All of them are lies
Oh, Oh
In moments like this
Oh Oh
I remember you're gone
I should have never opened my heart to you
I knew this would happen to my heart, it's a little bothersome
Is this a lonely heart?
Is it sadness from losing you?
Or is my heart just wrong?
I closed my eyes so I couldn't see anymore
But sadness is black, I know, I can't
Feel everything as whole, it's all shattered.
Me without you, I've become so miserable.
You don't know
You don't know about me
Oh baby, I eat well
I don't want to see you at all, I'm like this
I could find someone other than you Oh babe
That I can love even more
Words, words, words
Words that I tell myself
L.I.E. L.I.E. L.I.E.
All of them are lies
Oh, Oh
In moments like this
Oh Oh
I remember you're gone
Each day that passes inside my head
your warmth and presence become stronger
I miss you more, babe, tear me down
I'll become the air you breathe.
I miss you so much
that I don't have the strength to walk, Oh, I'm like this.
I miss you, no reason I can give, I just miss you
Oh, I'm missing you
The words I tell myself
Love you Woo
It's you who I miss
Oh Oh
It’s in moments like this
Oh Oh
That you’re gone
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru ru tu tu
Mie mi-e dor de tine
Dar tu mă faci să te aștept
Inima mea doare atât de mult că este aproape frumos
Sunt o persoană care este construită și distrusă de tine
Inima mea profundă este supărată şi amintirile îmi sunt în dezordine
Se simte ca şi cum m-aş vedea pe mine dintr-o zi diferită
Oh da
Merg înapoi în timp până la locul în care eşti tu
Du-mă acolo și lasă-mă să rămân acolo Oh e o
Chiar dacă nu mă poţi vedea în amintirile tale
Eu sunt al tău
Nu pot respira fără tine
În acest loc unde ne plimbăm printre amintiri
Aș fi mai bine dacă m-ai închide aici Dejavu
Înșeală timpul astfel încât nici măcar eu să nu știu
Ţine-mă prins în acest moment Dejavu
Spune woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
Nu poți dispărea nici măcar pentru o secundă Dejavu Dejavu
Spune woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
Pentru că mi-e dor de tine, cânt, al meu Dejavu Dejavu
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru
Îmi închid ochii la amintirile destrămate
Noi îndepărtăm finalul care deja a fost decis
Prins în destin
Sunt lăsat singur în această dorință
Mergi în lumină și lasă un fir de strălucire și pentru mine
De aici, te văd Oh e o
Aș fi bine dacă aș deveni umbra din spatele tău
Sunt al tău
Am nevoie de tine
În acest loc unde ne plimbăm printre amintiri
Aș fi mai bine dacă m-ai închide aici Dejavu
Înșeală timpul astfel încât nici măcar eu să nu știu
Ţine-mă prins în acest moment Dejavu
În oglinda în care doar eu existam
Te văd
Te pot vedea
Şi tu te uiţi la mine
Spune woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
Nu poți dispărea nici măcar pentru o secundă Dejavu Dejavu
Spune woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
Pentru că mi-e dor de tine, cânt, al meu Dejavu Dejavu
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru ru tu tu
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru ru tu tu
I am missing you and you make me wait
My heart aches so much it's almost beautiful,
I'm a person who is built up and destoyed by you
The deep heart is upset, and the memories are out of order
It feels like I'm seeing myself from a different day
Oh yeah
Walk backwards in time to the place where you are
Take me back there and let me stay there Oh e o
Even if I can't be seen in your memories
I'm yours
I can't breathe without you
In this place where we walk through memories,
I'd be better off if you confined me in here Dejavu
Trick the time so that even I don't know, Stay stuck in this moment Dejavu
Say woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
You can't dissapear, even for a moment Dejavu Dejavu
Say woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
Because I miss you, I sing, my Dejavu Dejavu
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru
I close my eyes at the broken memories, We turn away the end that's already been decided
Caught up in fate, I'm let alone in this longing
Walk in the light and leave a strand of brightness for me
From here, I see you Oh e o
I would be okay with becoming your shadow behind you
I'm yours
I need you
In this place where we walk through memories,
I'd be better off if you confined me in here Dejavu
Trick the time so that even I don't know, Stay stuck in this moment Dejavu Dejavu
In the mirror that only I existed in
I see you
I can see you
And you're looking at me too
Say woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
You can't dissapear, even for a moment Dejavu Dejavu
Say woo woo woo woo woo
Woo woo woo woo woo
Because I miss you, I sing, my Dejavu Dejavu
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru
Doo roo tu doo roo tu
Doo roo tu tu doo doo ru ru tu tu
What we had was the best
I have never told anyone
The cause of what broke it...
nor about the stitches
...of my heart
I don't want to go into details
But I think it's a crime
To use WhatsApp to break up with someone
in a relationship
I don't know if it was because of my plaid shirt
Because of my Star Wars collection
or my Kiss poster
I don't know if it was because I'm different
or as the people tell me
that you are weirder than Dalí
She left me through WhatsApp without a reason
And let me tell you truly
I did not understand what she wrote to me
She sent me a kiss, a pumpkin, a dancer
A blushing smiley
And what we had was the best
I never managed to forget you
Although it is nothing strange
What you did was more of an art than a disappointment
The truth is that it is brilliant
to say goodbye to the modern things
I think there's too much drama
for just such a little bit of love
I don't know if it was because of my plaid shirt
Because of my Star Wars collection
or my Kiss poster
I don't know if it was because I'm different
or as the people tell me
that you are weirder than Dalí
She left me through WhatsApp without a reason
And let me tell you truly
I did not understand what she wrote to me
She sent me a kiss, a pumpkin, a dancer
A blushing smiley
And what we had was the best
I would have prefered
that the punishment would have been face to face
I prefer the words
than the hidden codes of your WhatsApp
While trying to decipher it
I look like a KGB spy
I scratch my head like a monkey
that does not understand what is going on
She left me through WhatsApp without a reason
And let me tell you truly
I did not understand what she wrote to me
She sent me a kiss, a pumpkin, a dancer
A blushing smiley
And what we had was the best
(Oh, the WhatsApp)
And two hours later another message
My darling, change of status
(Oh, the WhatsApp)
Champagne, demon, high heel, gift
(Oh, the WhatsApp)
I'm back on the market
I could not take it anymore, I had to write to you:
'What's up, my dear?'
(Oh, the WhatsApp)
And all I heard was the crickets sing...
you dumped me with a 'read' check mark *
(Oh, the WhatsApp)
you dumped me with a 'read' check mark
(Oh, the WhatsApp)
you dumped me with a 'read' check mark
Our Bride Says
Our bride says,
'What is the head called?'
'It is not called a head,
But spacious fields.'
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the hair called?'
'It is not called hair,
But silk for weaving.'
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the forehead called?'
'It is not called a forehead,
But a shining sword.'
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What are the eyebrows called?'
'They are not called eyebrows,
But ribbons from the loom.'
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What are the eyes called?'
'They are not called eyes,
But vast scenic overlooks.'
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the nose called?'
'It is not called a nose,
But a date with fingerprints.'
Oh, my date with fingerprints!
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
Our bride says,
'What is the face called?'
'It is not called a face,
But a rose from the rose bush.'
Oh, my rose from the rose bush!
Oh, my date with fingerprints!
Oh, my vast scenic overlooks!
Oh, my ribbons from the loom!
Oh, my shining sword!
Oh, my silk for weaving!
Oh, my spacious fields!
Let the bride pass and kiss the groom.
A noastra dragoste!
Este atat de mirific cum totul start a luat
In a noastra iubire
A noastra dulce iubire !!
E atat de simplu, incat deja nimic nu ma surprinde
In a noastra iubire
Marea noastra iubire!!
Totul a fost precum intr-un vis
In a noastra iubire, de toate se intampla !!
Este asa, asa este
Si n-ai nimic ce ii poti face
Este asa, asa este
Asa ea se succede
Aceasta dragosteeee!!!
E asa de simpla, ca eu nu stiu a o explica
A noastra dragoste
A noastra dulce dragoste !!!
Si nu stiu cat timp iubirea dureaza
Insa astazi
Nimic nu-i comparabil, ooooohhh!!!
Totul a fost precum intr-un vis
In a noastra iubire, totul va triumfa !!
Este asa, asa este
Si n-ai nimic ce ii poti face
Este asa, asa este
Asa ea se succede
Aceasta dragosteeee!!!
Si nimic nu-i poti face
Este asa, asa este
Asa ea se succede
Aceasta dragosteeee!!!
Este asa, asa este
Si n-ai nimic ce ii poti face
Este asa, asa este
Asa ea se succede
Aceasta dragosteeee!!!
Si nimic nu-i poti face
Este asa, asa este
Asa ea se succede
Aceasta dragosteeee!!!
Happy Until Now
You don’t have to listen to a single thing
I will give you only good things
How I’ve been doing this days
It’s not important
By your side
I was conforted
And I was happy
I am not alone
You really don’t have to worry about me
I know exactly how you feel
I will try to understand how you feel
I can say all that I want
But how could I ever fully understand
It’s okay if you don’t understand how I feel though
Because I was by your side
I’ve been happy till now
With how much of a child I always was
Did I ever make you cry with my childish ways
Compared to you, who has always loved me
I still have so much to learn
Because I was always by your side
I was conforted
And I was happy
I am not alone
You really don’t have to worry about me
I know exactly how you feel
I will try to understand how you feel
I can say all that I want
But how could I ever fully understand
It’s okay if you don’t understand how I feel though
Because I was by your side
I’ve been happy till now
Because I was by your side
Because I was by your side
For me, they were never taken for granted
For me, they were so much like miracles
Those many days we spent together
Because I’ve been so happy till now
I am able to embrace the sadness
You taught me what happiness is
Seeing you, I will always be able to smile
Because I was by your side
I’ve been happy till now
Just One Day
My heart’s color has lost its shine
Because your two eyes aren’t here to paint over it
I think love is such a cruel thing
My wounds haven’t even healed yet
But love keeps reopening them
You left without a single word, what can I do about that
I’m too lacking of a person
That I couldn’t say anything to you, and now I’m like this
I can talk to empty air all I want but you can’t hear me
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll bear it
Because you will return
I’m sorry I lived a life that knew only you
So forgetting you is the one thing I can’t do
I can’t do it, why did you do this
Leaving me longing, why did you leave
Regret always washes over too late
Why is that
It’s not like regretting will change anything
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
No matter how I try to erase you every day to forget you
No matter how many words I use to try to hate you
I find myself, again and again
Longing for you
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
Because you will return
I’m going to look for you
I’m a little late, aren’t I
The time it took me to get here
It took quite a long time, it took quite a lot of walking
You never stopped waiting for me
You waited for me, you waited for me yeh
I saw you shedding tears at the back
I turned away because I felt too cowardly to approach you
What were you thinking with your eyes closed
Even without asking that, I already know the answer yeh
Every day might have felt like hell
You might have felt that you were all alone
I couldn’t even sort through my own emotions
So I felt too overwhelmed to approach you yeh
Can’t even look at the reflection in the mirror properly
Can’t take a single step over the threshold out of fear
A sailboat floating on its own in the middle of the ocean
From now on, I’ll become your wind and push you forward
I’ll put my faith in you, like you’ve always done for me
It’s okay to forget all the pain you’ve felt till now
Let’s walk together from now on
Let’s fly so we can shine
(Let’s walk together, let’s fly so we can shine
Let’s walk together)
When I was in darkness you shone brightly for me
You gave me a shoulder to lean on for a moment
I’ve gotten stronger now, I’ve received so much
I’m going to repay it all, so stay by my side
Beautiful, even more beautiful
Even more beautiful than the times that have passed
I will be your light from now on
You can always lean on me
(Let’s walk together, let’s fly so we can shine
Let’s walk together)
(Everyday, you are like a gift to me
You became my own personal light)
(Now) You can always lean on me
You can always lean on me yeh
(Everyday, you are like a gift to me
You became my own personal light)
(Now) You can always lean on me
You can always lean on me yeh
I’m a little late, aren’t I
The time it took me to get here
It took quite a long time
You never stopped waiting for me
You waited for me, you waited for me yeh
Our Planet
[Verse 1: Kali Uchis]
Having you close
My head gets damaged
I get close, my everything trembles
Now I have the certainty
That I haven't loss the want to
Wake up with you in the mornings
But I'm going looking for your gaze
And your eyes, baby, don't tell me anything
[Chorus 1: Kali Uchis]
Hello, you remember me?
I was the one you wanted so much
Give me this entire night
To be only you and me (here in our planet, here in our planet)
Only you and me (here in our planet, here in our planet)
[Verse 2: Kali Uchis]
I see you different
Going with other people
Friends I don't know
Now you seem like another
Tell me why you've changed so much
You don't see, you're fooling yourself
I know who you really are
I know, you still want me
[Chorus 2: Kali Uchis]
Hello, you remember me?
You swore to love me for life
Tell me, if we can pretend that
We're only you and me (here in our planet, here in our planet)
Only you and me (here in our planet, here in our planet)
[Bridge: Kali Uchis]
Only you and me, don't say no
Only you and me, only you and me
Only you and me, don't say no
Only you and me, only you and me
[Verse 3: Reykon]
I'm Reykon, the leader
Baby let's clear up these points
You say you notice I'm weird and it's not like that
You gave me the fame of a dog
And that I sink it to every girl
After that I showed you
The secrets of my world
It wasn't like that, tell me if it wasn't like that
Imagine we're in another planet
That your friends can't get in
Maybe then we can' do it
Only you and me (here in our planet, here in our planet)
Only you and me (here in our planet, here in our planet)
I'm Reykon, the leader
With Kali Uchis
Only you and I
Only you and I
Only you and I
Our love will be an anthem
Our love will be
Like those loves that everyone talk about
As intense and fatal like Romeo and Juliet
Crazy and adventurer like Bonnie and Clyde
Together we'll go with the swallows
The world will be our home
And our kisses will give the sweetest
And most beautiful concert there is
With my guitar I'll make a song
And it will be an anthem
It will talk about your hair glowing in the sun
And in my voice love will sing, love
Our flying shoes
Will take us to the lost paradise and there we'll make love everlasting
And with us will come all the loves of the earth
Again and forever to reborn
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.