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Love toy
Oh, how sad it has been for me to love you - ay, ay, ay
Oh, how sad your love has been to me
When I hardly believed in my luck
loving you gave me the pain
When I barely believed in my luck - ay, ay, ay
loving you, gave me pain.
You that tender love you promised - ay, ay, ay
You swore a thousand endless joys
The voice of another you barely heard
You forgot, you loved me.
The voice of another you barely heard - ay, ay, ay
You forgot, you loved me.
Still cruel, still cruel cheating - ay, ay, ay
That I love you I do not want to, no longer
That life is very sad loving
That I love you I do not want to, no longer
That life is very sad loving - ay, ay, ay
When love is made a toy
That life is very sad loving - ay, ay, ay
When love is made toy.
Eu voi fi aceea
Când vei auzi vântul în vale
Când vei vedea vulturul în libertate
Când vei simţi primăvara venind în tine
Eu voi fi aceea, accea voi fi eu.
Prea departe de tine eu trăiesc fără să exist
Aud cuvinte pe care nu le înţeleg
Oamenii din jurul meu eu nu-i recunosc
Şi caut un loc unde totul se poate schiba cu adevărat
Când vei auzi vântul în vale
Când vei vedea vulturul în libertate
Când vei simţi primăvara venind în tine
Eu voi fi aceea, aceea voi fi eu
Deschide fereastra vântului când dormi
Pentru că aerul mării vine să te-mbrăţişeze
Lasă-te legănat în ritmul vocii care te cheamă
Gândeşte-te la dimineţile de dragoste şi soare
Când vei auzi vântul în vale
Când vei vedea vulturul în libertate
Când vei simţi primăvara venind în tine
Eu voi fi aceea, aceea voi fi eu
Tu, vezi deja primele flori de liliac
Turtureaua vine să-şi cânte cântecul de trezire
Băieţii devin tandri şi fetele frumoase
Eu am urmărit steaua care străluceşte pe acoperişul tău
Când vei auzi vântul în vale
Când vei vedea vulturul în libertate
Când vei simţi primăvara venind în tine
Eu voi fi aceea, aceea voi fi eu
Eu voi fi aceea, aceea voi fi eu
An old child
I was born by a calm morning
Child of parents in love
I had a little donkey as a companion
And I slept good/happy days
Suddenly I woke up
And I saw, amazed
The time that flew by
The flowers that grew
The fire, the ice, the wheat and the foam
Now I was ten
The beautiful school time
So many lessons flying by
Five hundred Wednesdays
And school is finished
Here I am, thrown
Into the big universe
Where is the truth?
Can we do it again?
Would it be bigger?
Would it be less mean?
More just and more calm
I forget my age
Well before my white hair
I was an old child
We're all born by a calm morning
Half kings, half lonely
Grandfathers drinking tisanes
Abandoned on their chairs
And suddenly everything goes so fast
Our child outfits leave us
And time goes by
And the wheel turns
The snow is cold, the sand flows
Now we are ten
The beautiful school time
So many lessons flying by
Five hundred Wednesdays
And school is finished
We wanna know
We're busy, we worry
We bump into each other in the dark
To the ideas, to the idols
We always want to win
We have eternity
But we forget our age
At the end of the journey
At the last word of the novel
We're just an old child
At the last word of the novel
We're just an old child
Chiar acum
Luna pe cer, se târăşte încet
Peste timpul de sus
Şi eu stau trează, dormind greu
Atât de singură, doar pentru dragostea ta
Chiar acum , în fiecare noapte îmi amintesc
Zilele verii
Când florile umpleau fiecare creangă
În friguroasele zile cenuşii ale lui decembrie
Dragul meu, mi-e dor de tine chiar acum
Când te voi vedea din nou
Vino în braţele mele unde aparţii
Lumea mea va fi goală până atunci
Pentru că tu eşti cuvintele cântecului meu
Chiar acum , în fiecare noapte îmi amintesc
Zilele verii
Când florile umpleau fiecare creangă
În friguroasele zile cenuşii ale lui decembrie
Dragul meu, mi-e dor de tine chiar acum
În friguroasele zile cenuşii ale lui decembrie
Dragul meu, mi-e dor de tine chiar acum
Lumina lunii
Lumina lunii la Schönbrunn: istoria doarme.
Lumina lunii care luminează, reînvie un vechi décor.
Un prinţ de altădată- are douăzeci de ani-
Şi visează la un vultur şi la o ţară.
Lumina lunii la Schönbrunn: el se plictiseşte.
Atunci el pleacă spre trecut .
Departe de ceaţa de la Schönbrunn: gloria îl atrage.
Dar zilele sale trec şi el ştie că va muri
Lumina lunii la Schönbrunn.
Prin puterea rugăciunii
Prin puterea rugăciunii , în fiecare noapte, în fiecare zi
Prin puterea de a implora toţi zeii iubirii
Prin puterea de a-ţi cânta numele ca un poem
Prin puterea de a te iubi, va trebui ca tu să mă iubeşti
Pri puterea rugăciunii din adâncul inimii mele
Şi de a dispera să găsesc fericirea
Când voi plânge până la capăt de durerea mea
Prin forţa de a chema, va trebui să vii
Prin puterea rugăciunii şi de a trăi a speranţei
Soarele se ridică sfâşiind ceaţa
Voi putea cânta, ţipa, striga victorie
A venit rândul meu, a venit astăzi
Prin puterea rugăciunii, iubirea...iubirea...iubirea !
La poarta grădinii
Văd gestul tău la poarta grădinii
Tu, tu pleci, eu rămân
Şi tu-mi faci un mare semn cu mâna
Şi eu cunosc restul
Pentru că ştiu bine că mă uiţi
Pentru minuni minore,
Pentru o albină
Pe care ploaia o va îneca
Într-un trandafir din tufiş.
Este atât de senzual sărutul pe care dimineaţa
Cei ce se iubesc şi-l dau,
Eu trebuie să aştept la poarta grădinii,
Când seara te aduce înapoi.
Pentru că ştiu bine că mă uiţi
Pentru o pasăre care trece,
Pentru o trestie, pentru o umbră, pentru un nimic
Până ce se lasă noaptea
[ se lasă, se lasă noaptea]
Până ce se lasă noaptea
[ se lasă, se lasă noaptea]
Până ce se lasă noaptea
All Through the Night
All through the night—
between boredom
and sleep.
All through the night—
between dreaming
and the alarm's ring.
Me, to escape, I fly—
I cross galaxies—I am mad.
I laugh sometimes
to the point of crying.
I wait for love
and I forget the battles.
To live in
I have the entire day—
all of the light.
But I have the night
for madness.
All through the night,
I travel by train
and I journey by boat.
All through the night,
I live far away
in regal chateaus.
And my life begins over again—
and my memory gets lost—I am mad.
I laugh sometimes
to the point of crying.
I wait for love
and I forget the battles.
To live in
I have the entire day—
all of the light.
But I have the night
for madness.
Me, I live at night to sing
melodies that are not yet invented.
I laugh sometimes
to the point of crying.
I wait for love
and I forget the battles.
To live in
I have the entire day—
all of the light.
I laugh sometimes
to the point of crying.
I wait for love
and I forget the battles.
To live in
I have the entire day—
all of the light.
I laugh sometimes
to the point of crying.
I wait for love
and I forget the battles.
To live in
I have the entire day—
all of the light...
All of the Trees are in Bloom
All of the trees are in bloom
and the forest has taken on the colors
that you liked.
Pink apple trees against a blue sky
have the scent of happy days—
nothing has changed.
A little snow is left—
some of the snow that you shoveled.
I remember
when I awoke that I saw only
springtime breaking out
in our garden.
You laughed like a child—
you never made it up
when you laughed.
When your clear eyes gazed at me,
you knew how to see through me—
to read every thought.
You were so strong and yet
I rocked you like a child
when you cried.
I hurt you many times,
yet my entire life is you
whom I want to love.
Peter, I love you—
I had no one but you,
but you are now nothing but a shadow
who sleeps next to me.
When I came back home late sometimes,
you did not go to bed without me.
You waited up for me—
you talked to me all night—
about what our life might be like
if I wanted it.
One stormy evening before Christmas,
you told me it was sunny
and I believed it.
I remember, you told me,
that we would never leave one another—
and I believed it.
Peter, I love you—
I had no one but you,
but you are now nothing but a shadow
who sleeps next to me.
Why these flowers in the garden?
This blue night illuminated
by the stars?
I sense that spring is coming back
but that does nothing for me—
except to hurt me.
Despite everything—despite the weather—
I see you laughing and running
across the fields.
This was my last true springtime—
you went asleep for a long time—
for far too long.
In another world very far away,
is there a garden
more beautiful than the one here?
A grand theater where my love
replays and continues each day
to love life?
If You Love Me That Much
If you love me that much,
come, come, quickly—quickly—quickly!
Time goes by—beware—
like water through the fingers.
If you love me as you say,
give it to me soon—soon—soon!
Don't extend promises and expect credit—
give me proof for my entire life.
A kiss, my love,
is much better than a promise.
You promise every day—
you promise and me, I wait.
If you love me that much,
take me soon—soon—soon!
Time goes by—beware—
take me soon into your arms
You promise every day
to be here close to me
A good 'come close my love'
is better than 'later, my love.'
If you love me that much,
take me soon—soon—soon!
Time goes by—beware—
and love does not wait.
If you love me that much—
if you love me as much as I.
The Cherry Harvest
When you sing of the cherry harvest—
and of the cheery nightingale and the mockingbird—
it is a time of celebration.
Beautiful girls have foolish thoughts—
and lovers feel the sun in their hearts.
When you sing of the cherry harvest,
the mockingbird sings even better.
But the cherry harvest does not last long—
where you go to pick two while dreaming
of earrings—
cherries of love adorned the same
falling like drops of blood through the foliage.
But cherry time does not last long—
coral pendants that you pick while dreaming.
When you are there at the cherry harvest,
if you are afraid of being disappointed in love,
avoid beautiful girls.
I, however, do not fear such cruel hurt—
I will not live without suffering one day.
When you are there at the cherry harvest,
you will also have your share of heartache.
I will always love the cherry harvest.
It is from then that I keep in my heart
an open wound—
and Lady Fortune, having inflicted it upon me,
will never be able to stop my sadness.
I will always love the cherry harvest.
and the memory of it that I keep safe in my heart.
My Kind Fisherman
My kind fisherman,
pull in your nets.
Your heart is elsewhere—
it will never bite.
Love prevents
seeing clearly
and you are in love.
Deep-sea fishing
in the ocean
is a serious profession.
My kind sailor,
let us return to home.
You took my hand—
that's a pretty fish.
You are empty-handed—
do not worry.
Your boss is going
to raise hell.
Do not worry,
he will send you out to fish.
La la la...
My kind fisherman,
pull in your nets
to fish my heart.
It will be over fast.
Come make a stopover
in my eyes.
Leave your fish there.
Fish for a star
in my eyes—
on my lips, your name.
My kind sailor,
you must return to port.
You clasp my hand—
hold it even stronger.
Since you love me,
tell me,
with all of the sea as a witness.
Since you love me,
tell me
before all of the universe.
La la la...
Midnight for Christians
Midnight for Christians—
it is the solemn hour
when the Son of God came down to us
in order to erase original sin,
and in his heart bring down wrath.
The entire world thrills with hope
because this night gives it a Savior.
Worshipers, on their knees,
await your deliverance.
Christmas, Christmas—
here is the Redeemer.
Christmas, Christmas—
here is the Redeemer.
The Redeemer
has broken every chain.
Soledad (Loneliness)
Soledad, every night cradling my loneliness,
a song rises from afar like a prelude
and in my dreams I see you—
but you are not here.
Soledad, in the shapes of the clouds,
I imagine seeing your face
that I have kissed so many times—
but you are not here.
Soledad, in my helpless soul—
my sorrow wanders in silence.
I am strong and do not cry—
but you are not here.
And I hear memories that sing—
the sound of your footsteps, the tone of your voice.
Everything speaks to me of you.
It cannot be true that one day you will forget me.
And I hear memories that sing—
they are stronger than me—my heart flutters.
Everything speaks to me of you.
You told me that you loved only me.
And yet it is far from all that.
My love today is not here.
Soledad, when the wind makes the stars tremble—
when the sea lets the sails be retracted—
how good I would be in your arms—
but you are not here.
Soledad, they say time erases
the traces of the most beautiful love.
As you know, I do not change—
but you are not here.
Soledad, I toss in the river
this rose and my prayer
and if you see them, you will know
that I think of you.
And I hear memories that sing—
the sound of your footsteps, the tone of your voice.
Everything speaks to me of you.
It cannot be true that one day you will forget me.
And I hear memories that sing—
they are stronger than me—my heart flutters.
Everything speaks to me of you.
You told me that you loved only me.
And, like a burst of joy,
I have hope that one day you will come back to me.
It Was the Last Thing
Is not happiness in this world
nothing more than to love, nothing more than to smoke?
Do you not have a deep instinct
to love yourself, to love yourself?
Do not leave without love.
In the street, it will be daytime.
I was wrong very often, I know it.
Will you ever forgive me
if I hurt you?
It was the last thing I wanted.
I only have tears to defend myself
in your eyes—in your eyes.
I could have loved you better
and made you happier—happier.
Do not leave without love.
In the street, it will be daytime.
I was wrong very often, I know it.
Will you ever forgive me
if I hurt you?
It was the last thing I wanted.
You are going to forget our story
for a long time—for a very long time.
But time can remember nothing
Do not leave—do not leave.
In the street, it will be daytime.
My love, if you ever left,
I would suffer far too much—
but if you forgive me—
that would be the most beautiful thing that could happen to me
That would be the most beautiful thing that could happen to me.
That would be the most beautiful thing that could happen to me.
Keep You Heart Safe Here
She does her make up—
dyes her hair—
and then gives herself a manicure.
Will Ruby leave the city?
He remains in his corner.
The shadows on the walls tell them
that the sun is about to set.
Ruby, keep your heart safe here.
You know very well
that he did not want
to go off to war.
He is coming back from it
and so open your arms to him
the way you did before.
If he has changed, does he no longer
have any place as the man in your life?
Oh, Ruby, keep your heart safe here.
I know, it is hard to love a man
In whom everything is broken.
But be patient and you will see
that all can be worked out.
Just as you did, I waited
and then I went away.
Oh, Ruby, keep your heart safe here.
Ruby goes away—he sees the sky
change colors
much as he has already changed
many times over in his heart.
And if he could, me, I know
that he would take your life.
Ruby, keep your heart safe here.
Ruby, keep your heart safe here.
Sweet Night, Holy Night
Sweet night, holy night,
All is sleeping, not a sound.
The shepherds rushed with joy
to worship the son of God.
All is filled with elation
in the peace of Heaven.
Sweet night, holy night,
All awakes and all glows.
Do you hear those joyful cries?
Do you hear those happy songs?
Let all sing of Christmas.
Glory to the King of Heaven
Grand, Grand, Grand
I will have to fight with you.
You cannot take it
the way you are.
Your faults are so many
that you have no idea what they are.
You are worse than a capricious child.
You always want to win.
The most selfish and bossy woman
that I have ever known.
But if there is an up-side, it is that the right moment
you can turn into someone else.
In a jiffy, you
are grand, grand, grand—
I forget all of my hurt.
I find that all of my friends
are quieter than me.
They don't feel the need to discuss everything
the way you make me.
They receive gifts and red roses
on their birthday.
They always say yes.
They never have problems and are convinced
that life is complete.
But no—but no—
my life is just what you give to me.
Every day that I at war.
That's the way you like it.
I hate you, then I love you, then I love you—
then I hate you, then I love you.
Never leave me again
You are grand, grand, grand—
how you are grand, only you.
I hate you, then I love you, then I love you—
then I hate you, then I love you.
Never leave me again
You are grand, grand, grand—
how you are grand, only you.
Never leave me again
You are grand, grand, grand—
how you are grand, only you.
The Ocean
And the ocean remains where it is—
the ocean never ends—
a country of water—
a continent for a ship.
You, the ant—
you, the tiny human—
you, the earthling—
you are nothing, but you live.
You fight with yourself on every side.
You cannot stop hurting yourself.
And your house and your ideas,
and your songs, everything is rushed.
The ocean remains where it is—
takes its time—
never ends—
a dream of water—
a continent of repose.
In the hubbub—
cries of alarm—
where your heart suffocates.
In the thick cloud—
hysterical automobiles—
scrambling about—
peripheral highways.
You are killing yourself—
and every year
you get used
to making fun of it all.
The ocean remains where it is—
defends itself—does not give in—
the ocean continent—
for a giant.
The ocean remains where it is—
the ocean never ends—
a country of water—
a continent for a boat.
The ocean remains where it is—
takes its time—
never ends.
Goodbye, Angelina
Goodbye, Angelina, the bells of the crown
have been stolen at dawn—I hear them ringing.
And I need to hurry—I must catch up to them.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky is on fire,
and I'm leaving.
There is no point in making a lot out of it.
There is no point in letting everyone know.
This is an empty table on the seashore.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky shook.
I must leave.
Kings and queens leave the barnyard.
Two hundred gypsies entered the court.
In the room where anything goes, nothing is fine with me.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky is falling,
I will see you later.
Look at these pirates in the Milky Way,
who shoot boxes with a sawed-off shotgun.
Neighbors applaud, shouting for joy.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky fades.
I have to get away.
[Nana and Roch]:
King Kong and the elves will dance on the rooftops—
long familiar tangos, even while, with their fingers
makeup artists try to close the eyes of death.
Goodbye, Angelina, the sky is too dark,
I must escape.
[Nana and Roch]:
The machine guns spatter—dolls mobilize.
C-4 bombs explode in churches.
Label me as you wish—I will not argue.
But goodbye, Angelina, the sky rages—
I am going to look for peace.
Goodbye, Angelina, I am going to look for peace.
The Joy of Love
I found the joy of love
Without looking, he came to me
Chance and madness go
Hand in hand and beyond
Crossing the sea and time
If I wrote pages I erased
Something for me is gone
There will be nothing that will make me remember
Because the joy of love is more powerful
And if my life now is to love you
And my paths are happiness
I am like a merry bird that flies
Like a happy child
I found the joy of love
Without looking, he came to me
Chance and madness go
Hand in hand and beyond
Crossing the sea and time
If I wrote pages I erased
Everything I experienced, I forgot
No longer is there rain nor stormy weather
Because the joy of love is more powerful
I found the joy of love
Without looking, he came to me
Chance and madness go
Hand in hand and beyond
Crossing the sea and time
If I wrote pages I erased
Everything I experienced, I forgot
No longer is there rain nor stormy weather
Because the joy of love is more powerful
A Heart Too Tender
I have a heart more delicate than lilacs.
I have a heart too tender for that one—
who always gets what he wants from me—
including my love that he does not deserve.
I have a heart too stupid, it leads me nowhere.
My heart and my head are one and the same.
When you love much more than you should,
I believe that it is best not to show it.
That he looks too often at others,
you could say that is my fault.
He knows that he has nothing to fear.
Me, I never knew how to pretend.
I have a heart more delicate than lilacs.
I have a heart too tender for that one—
who always gets what he wants from me—
including my love that he does not deserve.
I have a heart more delicate than lilacs.
I have a heart too tender for that one—
Life, Love, Death
I can choose the stones to build my house,
and even a God for my prayers
and, when I despair, I have logic
that gives me courage and enlightens me.
But I can do nothing
about death, about life, about love.
I can choose where to be
and it's a game to see which way the wind blows.
I light a lamp, I make a fire,
and when they go out, I replace them.
But I can do nothing
about love, about life, about death.
I can choose war or peace
and even pleasure when it tempts me.
I can change my heart in any way—
even throw my soul into torment.
But I can do nothing
about life, about death, about love.
The Big Question
This is an adventure.
This is the big question.
It fills all literature—
all science pursues it.
This is a hope.
This is the big question.
Since the start of time, each of us dwells upon it—
but no one has found the answer.
You, my love,
who hold the thread of my days—
you, who found the ways of the heart—
you too, in front of the darkness—
at times you cry.
This is a big mystery.
This is the big question.
Some nights, you are ready to give up
and others, you feel close to the answer.
You, my love,
who hold the thread of my days—
on the other side of the curtain of night,
you will know the color of infinity.
You will know the reason to die.
To Better Love You
I will be the most tender, I will be able to prove to you
that I could bring myself to wait an eternity for you.
I could defend myself against an army
to better love you—to better love you.
I will learn every role, I will be at once
the happiest, the most amusing— I will have at times
the sadness of a weeping willow or merely its beauty
to better love you—to better love you.
I will be the same and different every day—
alternately loving and rejecting your love.
I will use caresses that have been forgotten—
I will be your mistress or your fiancée,
a courtesan or a princess as you wish
to better love you—to better love you.
I will be strong or weak but always just to win—
your faithful companion, your damned soul.
I will be everyone who has ever loved you
to better love you—to better love you.
And if you are God, I will perform miracles.
If you are the devil, I will choose your hell.
I will erase the memory of great lovers of the past:
Romeo and Juliet will be outdone.
I will invent poets to sing our praises
to better love you—to better love you.
And if I condemn myself, it is only to tame you.
If I abandon my body and soul to you—
it is very simply to be your wife.
I love you so—I love you so.
I love you so.
I love you so.
I love you so.
Forgive Me
I come with empty hands
I come because you won't come back
I come like a lost child
I come only to be able to see you
Forgive me for all this love, for not living without your affection
Forgive me for not letting my heart die of love
I come like a blind seeking light
I search in your eyes illusion
I come for being unable to forget
Because I've got (my) life in your hands
Forgive me for this love, for not living without your affection
Forgive me for this passion
I come simply to ask for forgivness
Four Suns
Four suns over our love—
four mornings—
four nights—
four days.
Four suns over our love,
we will love one another
even longer than forever.
Olive trees, orange trees
swaying in the summer breeze—
during four days, they heard the song
of our love as it began.
If they know the song,
and even if they no longer believe it,
tell them we are already
far beyond mere romance.
Four suns over our love—
four mornings—
four nights—
four days.
Four suns over our love,
we will love one another
even longer than forever.
la la la la
la la la la
la la la la la la
la la la la
Four suns over our love,
we will love one another
even longer than forever.
An Island
An island between the sky and water—
an island with neither soul nor boat—
crude, a bit like an insult—
savage, with no hope of escape.
An island, an island between the sky and water.
It would be there surrounded by the immense ocean—
there, with no hope of finding hope—
all alone against my destiny—
more alone than in the heart of a forest.
It would be there within my own defeat—
all alone, with no hope of conquest—
that I would finally know why
I left you—I who love only you.
An island like a target made of gold—
quiet, like a sleeping child,
faithful, ready to die for her,
cruel, by dint of being queen.
An island, an island, like a sleeping child.
It would be there surrounded by the immense ocean—
there, in order to avenge my vengeance—
all alone with my memories—
more alone than at the moment of death.
It would be there in the heart of Saint Helena
without joy, without love, and without hate
that I would finally know why—
I who love only you.
An island between the sky and water—
an island with neither soul nor boat—
crude, a bit like an insult—
savage, with no hope of escape.
An island, this island, my island—
it's you—
it's you—
it's you.
The still city listens to our hearts beating—
the autumn plays for us this sonata.
She enters trembling when I open my door—
romance that dances with the dead leaves.
Our eyes are dripping from being in the rain
and the horns of barges howl in the wind.
I love you—I love you—and in our beating hearts
the autumn plays for us this sonata.
In the fog and the wind, Paris
has long known how to recognize her lovers.
I love you—I love you—listen to our hearts beating—
in the heart of a sonata.
Go My Friend, Go
This is the feast of St. John's Eve.
This is the feast of St. John's Eve.
Your promised ones will all be at the celebration.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Your promised ones will all be at the celebration.
Yours is not there—I feel sorry for you.
He is at Paris or perhaps in La Vendée.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
What will he bring to his beloved
with all his earnings from hard work?
And the gold ring—and the white gown.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
And the gold ring—and the white gown.
If he still thinks of it during his long absence
and does not offer his heart to some other girl.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
Go, my friend, go, the moon rises.
Go, my friend, go, the moon sets.
If Life Could Sing
I would like to sing for every child who dies.
I would like to break down the doors of fear.
I could give up the one who betrayed you
then sacrifice myself to save his life.
I would like to sing for every child who dies.
I would like to break down the doors of fear.
I could give up the one who betrayed you
then sacrifice myself to save his life.
I could suffer for all of an eternity,
and condemn love to perpetuity.
I could write words of peace above all countries.
If life could sing, that would change the world.
I could suffer for all of an eternity,
and condemn love to perpetuity.
I could write words of peace above all countries.
If life could sing, that would change the world.
We will invite all souls to be sisters.
We will gather their inner light
to make an anthem ring out above all countries.
If life could sing, that would change the world.
The Song by Prévert
Oh, I would so like it if you could remember that song of yours.
It was your favorite, I believe—it is by Prévert and Kosma.
And every time dead leaves bring you back into my memory,
day after day, loves that have ended never stop dying.
With others, of course, I abandon myself but their song is monotonous.
And little by little I become indifferent to that “there is nothing to be done.”
Because every time dead leaves bring you back into my memory,
day after day, loves that have ended never stop dying.
Can we ever know where or when indifference begins and ends?
Fall passes, winter comes, and so too the song by Prévert.
This song, the dead leaves erase you from my memory.
And, on that day, loves that have ended will have finished dying.
And, on that day, loves that have ended will have finished dying.