Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 102
The Shepherd
On the vast, silent moor
A shepherd lonelily wanders around
As his whitewashed flock
Is faithfully guarded by his dog
And in his wandering here and there
The shepherd thinks: Oh, how far
How far my moor is,
How far my moor is, my moor
On the vast, silent moor
Blooming flowers, sweet and delicate
Talk in the sun's rays
Like a flower garden, near and far
And content with his meager pay
The shepherd calls out: Oh, how beautiful
Oh, how beautiful my moor is
Oh, how beautiful my moor is, my moor
The Ballad of the German Shepherd
Pray for the German Shepherd
His she-wolf has gone
He searches for her like crazy
From farms to fields
But the river is in flood
And the paths inundated
The land has disappeared
And the bridges have fallen
He has lost her trail
And he goes nowhere
Everywhere is blocked
Her absence is everywhere
And the crickets break
His heart with their song
His courage sinks
In the setting sun
He thinks he sees her
Above the ferns
Crossing the night
With her light gait
Yes, it's really her
Her pace a little wild
Her gazelle like ways
You would say that she flies
She is there, so close
It truly is her scent
He turns, he clings
To his former happiness
And the day breaks
He has not found her
Except in dreams
He falls asleep exhausted
Pray for the German Shepherd
His she-wolf has gone
He searches for her like crazy
From farms to prairies
But the morning is cold
And his heart awakens
Beating more than before
But weaker than the day before
Suddenly she is there
At the end of the path
She doesn't look at him
Her distant companion
He lays down beside her
He courts her
And his good faithful eyes
Ask love of her
Pray for the poor German Shepherd
His she-wolf has returned
The collar around her neck
But her heart is no longer there
She has run the wild world
Known freedom
The days are longer
When one is tied
And he watches her
While knowing all too well
That he is a guard dog
Who guards nothing any more
Who puts a leash on them?
From where does their servitude come?
Love or weakness
The master or the usual
Pray for the poor German Shepherd
His she-wolf is gone
He looks for her like crazy
From farms to fields
But the river is in flood
And the roads inundated
The land has disappeared
And the bridges have fallen
He has lost the trail
And he goes nowhere
Everywhere is blocked
Her absence is everywhere
And the crickets are breaking his
Heart with their song
His courage sinks
In the setting of the sun
Aranjuez My Love
My love, on the water of the fountains, my love
Where the wind takes them, my love
The fallen evening, that one sees floating
Rose petals
My love and walls chafe against my love
In the sun, in the wind, in a sudden rainstorm
And in the years that pass by
Since the morning in May that they came
And when, singing, suddenly they wrote on the walls with the end of their rifles
Such very strange things
My love, the rosebush follows the traces, my love
On the wall and wraps around, my love
Their engraved names and each summer
From a beautiful red are the roses
My love, dry the fountains, my love
In the sun, in the wind of the plain
And in the years that pass by
Since the morning in May that they came
Flower on the heart, the naked feet, the light step
And eyes brightened by a strange smile
And on this wall when the evening descends
One would think they saw bloodstains
It’s nothing but roses!
Aranjuez, my love
Singuratate! E prietenoasa ca un mac
Ce a trait mereu in grau
Fara sa aiba nevoie de nimeni.
Ah, singuratatea mea!
Singuratate! E creatura delicata
Care nu stie ce e frumosul,
Nestiind nici de iubire, nici de falsitati
Ah, singuratatea mea!
Singuratate! Traieste ca oricare alta
In satul in care s-a nascut.
Spala, coase, plange si rade...
Ah, singuratatea mea!
Dar eu vreau sa fie asa, diferita, pentru ca e sincera.
E naturala ca apa ce vine
Curgand fericita din izvor,
Dar eu vreau sa fie asa, diferita, pentru ca e sincera.
E naturala ca apa ce vine
Curgand fericita din izvor,
Nestiind nici unde se duce.
Ce fericita treieste singuratatea mea!
Singuratate! E frumoasa ca un porumbel
Si clara ca soarele ce apare
Printre boscheti.
Ah, singuratatea mea!
Singuratate! E creatura delicata
Care nu stie ce e frumosul,
Nestiind nici de iubire, nici de falsitati
Ah, singuratatea mea!
Singuratate! Traieste ca oricare alta
In satul in care s-a nascut.
Spala, coase, plange si rade...
Ah, singuratatea mea!
Dar eu vreau sa fie asa, diferita, pentru ca e sincera.
E naturala ca apa ce vine
Curgand fericita din izvor,
Dar eu vreau sa fie asa, diferita, pentru ca e sincera.
E naturala ca apa ce vine
Curgand fericita din izvor,
Nestiind nici unde se duce.
Ce fericita treieste singuratatea mea!
In amintirea ta
Cine nu a plans spunand un adio
Cine nu poarta acea rana in inima
Ca nici trecerea timpului, nici o noua iubire
Nu au putut vindeca durerea sa
Cine nu a crezut intr-o noapte visand
Ca era numai un vis cruda realitate
Cine pentru cateva clipe nu ar fi zburat
Inainte nicicand trezindu-se
Nimic nu poate sa ma faca sa uit
Golul ce intr-o zi l-ai lasat tu in mine
Si daca acolo esti insa nu ma poti auzi
Azi eu cant in memoria ta
In fiecare moment in care voi retrai
Fiecare noapte, tea ce o vad sarind
Pe o umbra in ochii mei o stralucire efemera
Cand ma gandesc ca tu deja nu esti
Macule, dragut mac,
Iti va fi mereu sufletul
Eu te iubesc, iubitul meu micut
Asa cum iubeste floarea lumina zilei
Macule, dragut mac,
Nu fi atat de ingrat
Macule, macule
Cum poti trai atat de singur
Macule, dragut mac,
Nu fi atat de ingrat
Macule, macule
Cum poti trai atat de singur