Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 176


I believe in myself

Versions: #1
I've been told that I'm good for nothing,
that I waste air each time I breath.
I've been pinned to the wall with a sword,
I've even lost the desire to cry.
But I'm back.
I'm standing, I'm on alert.
Being the zero at the left doesn't suit me.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
I'm not scared of missiles or bullets,
so much war has given me metal wings.
I fly free, I fly over the grenades,
you won't drag me on the floor anymore.
I'm no longer on sale.
I'm standing, I'm on alert.
Being the zero at the left doesn't suit me.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
We're all so different, so unique, so original.
If you don't like that, I can't care less
about what happened in the past, the best is yet to come.
Ooh, ooh.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.
Oh, oh, I believe, I believe, I believe in myself.

Sowing flowers

My mother told me, when spring was blooming,
when spring was blooming, my mother told me.
My mother told me, when spring was blooming,
when spring was blooming, my mother told me
with a great wisdom, that I should live my life.
That I should live my life with a great wisdom.
With a great wisdom, that I should live my life.
That I should live my life with a great wisdom.
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
My mother told to me that I should go out into the field.
That I should go into the field, my mother told to me.
My mother told to me that I should go out into the field.
That I should go into the field, my mother told to me.
That I should cut a flower to give for their Saint's day1,
to give for their Saint's day, that I should cut a flower.
That I should cut a flower to give for their Saint's day.
My mother told to me that I should go out into the field
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
My mother told me to sow flowers,
to go out into the field to look for love.
  • 1. Name day

We Will Win

I see it worldwide
How we come alive
I hear the drum rolls
Just like a beating heart
You've waited so long
You're feeling so strong
Your dream became reality
And now it's time to shine
The fears have already been left behind
You need to feel the thrill
To win here, there's no
Looking back
It's played with the heart
Finally we can go crazy
People are feeling amazing
Feeling the love
Letting it shine
Let's go my people
Come on let's go and put your hands up
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
Come on
It's time to see the world rise
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
So, touch the sky
Let's live this dream
Hear the drums
Beating loud
We will win!
Take my hand
It's time to celebrate just
Heart beating loud
We will win!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win!
Like one big nation
No separation
The game and the party
They bring us together
We feel the same love
We dance the same song
And together we'll shout:
Go, go, Goal!
The fears have already been left behind
You have to get carried away
To win here, there's no
Looking back
The dream will become reality
Finally we can go crazy
People are feeling amazing
Feel the love
Make it shine
Let's go my people
Come on let's go and put your hands up
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
Come on
It's time to see the world rise
The party has already started
Let's raise our hands up in the air
So, touch the sky
Let's live this dream
Hear the drums
Beating loud
We will win
Take my hand
It's time to celebrate just
Heart beating loud
We will win
Let's go!
Let's go!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win
Olé! Olé! Olé! Ola!
We will win
Olé! Olé! Olé! Ola!
We will win
Let's go!
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
We will win

Clasa măgarilor

Amabile doamne și domni,
vă prezentăm clasa măgarilor
din care face parte orchestra Kramer cu soliștii săi.
Începem cu examinarea celui mai inteligent.
Tu Franco Cerri, știi să-mi spui
unde se găsesc Pirineii?
Pirineii se găsesc dacă se caută,
Dar dacă nu se caută, nu.
Toți repetenții clasei a treia 'D'
rasfoiesc silabisirea
repetând ABC-ul.
Intră profesorul cu ochelarii și cravata.
Ahi, ahi, ahi, cu acel registru
va fi interogatoriu.
Domnișoara Maccabei
vino in față, spune tu,
unde sunt Pirineii?
Domnule profesor,
eu nu știu, spuneți dumneavoastră.
Și hai să-l auzim pe Massinelli,
regele măgarilor,
unde sunt Dardanelele?
Domnule profesor,
eu nu știu, spuneți dumneavoastră.
Din curtea care se învecinează cu universitatea,
iese afară o găină care pune o întrebare.
sa auzim puțin!
Domnule profesor vă rog
îmi puteți spune dacă întâi s-a născut oul sau găina?
Ce figură,
profesorul nu știe.
~ ~ ~
Din curtea care se învecinează cu universitatea,
iese afară o găină care pune o întrebare.
să auzim puțin!
Domnule profesor vă rog
îmi puteți spune dacă întâi s-a născut oul sau găina?
Ce figură,
profesorul nu știe!

În căutarea ta (Singur mă plimb prin oraș) prin oraș)

Singur mă plimb prin oraș,
Trec printre mulțimea care nu știe,
Care nu-mi vede durerea,
Că mai mult nu am.
Fiecare chip pe care îl privesc, nu ești tu,
Fiecare voce pe care o aud, nu ești tu,
Unde ești, dragoste pierdută?
Te voi revedea, te voi găsi, te voi urmări.
Încerc în zadar să te uit,
Dar prima dragoste, nu, nu se poate uita,
Este scris un nume, un nume singur în străfundul inimii,
Te-am cunoscut și acum știu că ești iubirea, adevărata iubire, marea dragoste!
Singur mă plimb prin oraș,
Trec printre mulțimea care nu știe,
Care nu vede durerea mea,
Că mai mult nu am.
Singur mă plimb prin oraș,
Trec printre mulțimea care nu știe,
Care nu vede durerea mea,
Că mai mult nu am.

Natalie Wood

Jump off the edge, but open your eyes in mid air*
And fall back on your feet, always fall back to the ground,
Your friends have betrayed you, stabbed you softly,
If you got away, it's because it wasn't your time
Hammering on your head
Won't help you understand, life is so stupid
That some people can't take it, sometimes they jump off the window
If you got away, that's because you weren't ready
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
You're mad at everybody because of your little failed attempts
You see their philosophy is to not pay attention
And it gets embedded deep in you, you end up wishing
That you'd become like them, nothing left to give
You should understand, I'm the only one who understands
You should grab everything that's worth taking
And when they knock you down, you scream 'everything has given up on me'
You can't escape this, nobody can, not even I
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
And if at times you feel happy
Then you want to spoil it all, destroy everything, kill everything
Just so that you can prove that life really is awful
Natalie Wood, Natalie Wood
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
And you see Natalie Wood, you see Natalie Wood again
Without fever but in blood, each game has a loser
But you look nothing like her
Even if it leaves a taste of despair in you
Like Natalie Wood, like Natalie Wood
Natalie Wood, Natalie Wood

Night at Earth

Because long fingers don't exist
Other ideas are irrelevant
Night on Earth has fallen asleep
You are drawing new eyes by using stars
And now when everything is falling apart,
And like we just don't care at all
Night on earth has fallen asleep
You don't have power any more
I am closing my eyes
Night on Earth has ...
So where it got stuck this time
All we said was in vain
Night on Earth has fallen asleep,
You are drawing new eyes by using stars
And now when everything is falling apart,
And like we just don't care at all
Night on earth fell asleep
You don't have power any more
I am closing my eyes
Night on Earth has ...

You would humiliate me

Once when you get bored by the games
And you realise that you are gone
How you would humiliate me
Once when I am not around
And you recollect your memory
How you would humiliate me
Bang, bang!
Once when dreams disappear,
When you realise that everything is fake
How you would humiliate me
How you would humiliate me
Bang, bang!
And there is no one to protect you.
Bang, bang!
That hurts,
When love hurts.
How you would humiliate me

I Will Follow You

I will follow you, because on the road where you go, I'll go with you
I will follow you, because if you really love me, I'll bless you
I will follow you, and if someday I didn't find you in my path
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk through and I will follow you
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk and I will follow you
I will follow you, because on the road where you go, I'll go with you
I will follow you, because if you really love me, I'll bless you
I will follow you, and if someday I didn't find you in my path
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk and I will follow you
Your shadow
It won't be a shadow, it'll be the light of my destiny
If you don't love me and in the end we're friends
Say which streets you'll walk...
Which streets you'll walk...
Which streets you'll walk...
Which streets you'll walk...
Say which streets you'll walk...
Say which streets you'll walk and I will follow you

To the root

I keep crossing rivers
Hiking trought forests
Loving the sun
Every day I keep taking off thorns
from the deep of my heart
At night I light up dreams
to clean with the sacred smoke every memory
When I write down your name
in the white sand, with a back of blue
When I look at the sky in the cruel form of a gray cloud
you come into view
On afternoon I'll climb a hill
look at the past
you'll know I haven't forgotten you
I keep you inside me, as deep as the root
And it does not matter how much I grow up, you will be here
Even though I hide behind the mountain
Or found a field full of sugar cane
There is no way, my moonlight
That you'll go away.
I think that every moment that I survive while I'm walking by
And every second of incertitude
Every moment of my not knowing
Are the exact key to the tissue
I carry beneath my skin
That's the way I protect you
You are here inside (me)
I keep you inside me, as deep as the root
And it does not matter how much I grow up, you will be here
Even though I hide behind the mountain
Or found a field full of sugar cane
There is no way, my moonlight
That you'll go away.

Love Ends

Because the soul becomes empty
Like a pitcher in the sky.
Love ends!
Because it slips away softly
Like a shadow, a caress.
Love ends!
Because sorrow is smoke
And words are ash.
Love ends!
Because the heart of surrender,
A day comes that it breaks.
Love ends!
Because they become chains,
What were once white ribbons.
Love ends!
Because it becomes routine,
The most divine caress.
Love ends!
Because we are like rivers,
The water new every moment.
Love ends!
Because they die, the desires
For flesh and for kisses.
Love ends!
Because time has fissures,
Because the soul has fissures,
Because nothing is forever,
And even beauty becomes tiresome.
Love ends!
Because sorrow is smoke
And words are ash
Love ends!
Because the heart of surrender,
A day comes that it breaks
Love ends!
Because they become chains,
What were once white ribbons.
Love ends!
Because it becomes routine,
The most divine caress.
Love ends!
Because we are like rivers,
The water new every moment.
Love ends!
Because they die, the desires
For flesh and for kisses.
Love ends!
Because time has fissures,
Because the soul has fissures,
Because nothing is forever,
And even beauty becomes tiresome.
Love ends!

You're already leaving

You're already leaving
You're almost at the door
You'll go away
You've removed my pain
It's going to be hard
All the harm is already
filling holes that I need to cover up
Impossible to avoid it
And time passes
And now I understand it
I lived in my thoughts
I walk slowly
I was floating on the ground
And that's it, it had to happen and that's it
(And that's it)
Before you say what you're thinking
I want that you give me an opportunity
To see how I get away from this cave
Let me tell you all the truth
You're looking from above, like groping
Let's see if you see happiness pass
If you see it passing, by chance
(Time passes) Before you tell me what
you're thinking
(And I don't understand it) I want that you give me an
opportunity, to see how I get away from this
cave, let me tell you all the truth
(And before, and before you say what you're thinking)

Something hurts more

I would like you
to forget me for awhile
I just wanna drown
I just wanna get drunk
I don't wanna be
what I'm supposed to be
And I can barely feel a thing.
But you
You're always so pleased
You're always so happy
I just wanna kill you
I don't understand how
I never know if I've done it well or not
I don't know what I've turned into
I find it difficult
I thought it would be fun
But I can only cry
I stick my feet into what is earthly
But my mind begins to levitate
Walking through the clouds
No, for now I don't want to go down
But something hurts more
Something hurts more
And it never leaves
Something hurts more
Something hurts more
I would like you
to forget me for awhile
I just wanna drown
I just wanna get drunk
I don't wanna be
what I'm supposed to be
And I can't feel anything.
I don't know if I want you to listen to it
I don't want you to know who I am
When everything falls, it's destroyed
I dream of clouds
If you don't want to see me anymore
Tell me
If it's that you don't want to see me anymore
Tell me
I stick my feet into what is earthly
But my mind begins to levitate
Walking through the clouds
No, for now I don't want to go down
But something hurts more
Something hurts more
And it never leaves
Something hurts more
Something hurts more
I would like you
to forget me for awhile
I just wanna drown
I just wanna get drunk
I don't wanna be
what I'm supposed to be
And I can't feel anything.

Tell them

The same shit always repeats itself
You come in until you regret
You hide the keys from me under the sofa
You don't care about anything that could happen
I look at you and you don't notice
You pass me a note under the
I'm sorry if it made you feel bad
Something between the two has begun to change
I wake up by the clouds
If I dream of your face
You have your fly down
I don't know why you insist on hiding
Tell them1 that they don't run, that they can stay
(that they can stay) (x3)
We can begin a dance between
The legs,
You ask me for it if I sing like the mermaids,
We're looking for something to help us escape
Surely somewhere else we can recover
In case you ask yourself, I've already forgiven you
I can't sleep embracing the past
If in the end we'll all end up the same
Six feet under neither good nor bad exists
(we're going to dance) (x11)
Why not sharing life?
Without affection, it's cold for us
Tell them that they don't run, that they can stay
If in the end we'll all end up the same
  • 1. here and throughout the song it's the singular they, in the Spanish lyrics the gender isn't specified but Natalia talks about only one person

Somewhere else

I don't want to be sad anymore
Don't ask me anymore
Now I only see grey
When I try to remember what I said before
They've stopped shining
The jewels that dress me
I don't want to be sad anymore
I don't ask them to love me more
I don't want them to look at me
If they want me to be well, why do they scratch my
How will I sing again if I don't
have you, if I don't have you?
They all want to know, but no one knows if
I'm really fine.
Come, my love,
Take this pain away from me please,
Now I don't feel that it's getting better.
Let's go, both of us, let's go
I don't want to be sad anymore
Don't ask me anymore
Now I only see grey
When I try to remember what I said before
They've stopped shining
The jewels that dress me
I don't want to be sad anymore
Let's go, let's go somewhere else
Where no one tells us the steps
I don't care if it's winter or summer
It doesn't matter if they've pointed at us
Let's go, let's go somewhere else
I have so much that I haven't given you yet
I don't mind if it's the sky or a sin
Somewhere else, somewhere else, somewhere else
Come, my love,
Take this pain away from me please,
Now I don't feel that it's getting better.
Let's go, both of us, let's go
(Let's go)
You wanted to know my feelings
They're yours, I already gave them to you
I want to forget all of that
I don't bear that weight anymore
You wanted to know my feelings
They're yours, I already gave them to you
I want to forget all of that,
To start over
I don't want to be sad anymore
Don't ask me anymore
Now I only see grey
When I try to remember what I said before
They've stopped shining
The jewels that dress me
I don't want to be sad anymore

The Moon Is Bored

You're asleep for too long
And you're waiting on happiness to find you
That's sweeter to you
Than giving yourself away
In your life
Ships have sunk too often
And now you're disgusted
Afraid of love
Don't you understand? Everybody needs somebody
To wake him up with touches
My nights are sleepless since you're far away
I am the only one who knows you
The Moon is bored
There is laughter in front of your door
Take what is left
Throw everything else into air
The Moon is bored
He needs laughter and tears
He sent me to you
So we would catch breath together
So we'd catch together
You're dreaming for too long
And waiting on happiness to find you
You prefer that
To hoping
I am standing in front of you
And I'm no longer scared by the guards
When I feel
Your arms around my neck
There is laughter in front of your door
Take what is left
Throw everything else into air
The Moon is bored
He needs laughter and tears
He sent me to you
So we would catch breath together

A Little Bit from Me


The both of us exhausted at dusk,
Time doesn't breathe.
Without prejudices, without thinking why,
We join our lives.
We've decided to blend into one single being
By tasting every part of our skins,
Kiss by kiss and without giving up.
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
And your body dies of desire... Of desire!
You know that I've lost all sense of decorum
Just so I can love you,
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
Oh ooh!
This game is uniting the both of us!
I know that you want the same that I want:
A little bit from me,
A little bit from you
Without any other conditions.
Oh ooh!
I know that you have the same intention
And this game is turning us into addicts:
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications.

There are silences that know how to lie
Under the full moon.
Without permission, nothing needs to be forbidden:
We break all the barriers.
This has been something only between the both of us:
Everything was written deep in our hearts!
I look at you, you look at me,
I give you my life...
Your life is my own ¡ah!
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
And your body dies of desire... Of desire!
You know that I've lost all sense of decorum
Just so I can love you,
And your mouth always reaches heaven, it reaches heaven...
Oh ooh!
This game is uniting the both of us!
I know that you want the same that I want:
A little bit from me,
A little bit from you
Without any other conditions.
Oh ooh!
I know that you have the same intention
And this game is turning us into addicts:
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications.

If we're both feeling equally,
We shouldn't ever renounce to loving:
We only need to take the risk...
Oh, oh, oh...
And, even if you prefer it so,
You shall never forget my love
Because I've reached very deep.
And you know that, deep inside,
Inside your heart,
I know that you cannot forget me.
I'm a scar that you won't ever make disappear
Even with the passing of time.
Understand that you shall never find
Someone like me.
Oh ooh!
This game is uniting the both of us!
I know that you want the same that I want:
A little bit from me,
A little bit from you
Without any other conditions.
Oh ooh!
I know that you have the same intention
And this game is turning us into addicts:
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications.

(Shake it!)
Your heart is the one in power
And it wants my samba...
From Cuba to Spain
I'm giving my soul to you...
You know that you're my addiction!
A little bit from you,
A little bit from me
Without any complications...
(There's no need for so much fuss, baby...)

Airplane Windows

Right in the center
you arrived like an anticyclone
right in the center
you shot and i lost my mind
you knit a spiderweb
burning my bowels
arriving to that corner
I see my eyelashes jumping/falling
all those rheums
from plane window dreams
I'm running without looking at an existential gap
I feel salt embed in my wounds
I fall from my head
I know i'll get wet and i don't know how to sim
lost in this sea
from acid rain
cellophan paper smiles
my skin is burning
in fireproof flames
and no one will ever see it
I don't know if i want to escape
or rather get caught
by this darkness
To melt in a frozen hug
in an invisible cage
from this apparent reality
I'm running without looking at an existential gap
I feel salt embed in my wounds
I fall from my head
I know i'll get wet and i don't know how to sim
lost in this sea
I'm running without looking at an existential gap
I feel salt embed in my wounds
I fall from my head
I know i'll get wet and i don't know how to sim
lost in this sea
lost in this sea


Doctori au venit din oraşe depărtate
Doar ca să mă vadă
Stând peste patul meu ei nu cred
Ceea ce văd
Ei spun, că eu trebuie să fiu una dintre minunile
Creaţiei lui însuşi Dumnezeu
Şi cât de departe pot ei vedea ei nu oferă
Nicio explicaţie
Ziarele au întrebări atât de intime
Ei vror mărturii
Se întorc la capul meu, încearcă să fure gloria
Poveştii mele
Ei spun, că eu trebuie să fiu una dintre minunile
Creaţiei lui însuşi Dumnezeu
Şi cât de departe pot ei vedea ei nu oferă
Nicio explicaţie
Eu cred,
Soarta, soarta a zâmbit şi destinul
A râs cum a venit la leagănul meu
„Să ştiţi că acest copil va fi capabil”
Şi a râs când mi-a ridicat corpul
„Să ştiţi că acest copil va fi înzestrat
Cu dragoste, cu răbdare şi cu credinţă
Ea-si va face drumul ei, face drumul ei”
Oamenii mă văd, sunt o provocare
Pentru echilibrul vostru, sunt mai presus de voi
Cum vă zăpăcesc
Şi vă uimesc
Să ştiţi şi eu trebuie să fiu una din minunile
Creaţiei lui Dumnezeu însăşi
Şi cât de departe puteţi vedea voi nu oferiţi
Nicio explicaţie
Eu cred
Soarta, soarta a zâmbit şi şi destinul
Şi cum a venit la leagănul meu
„Să ştiţi că acest copil va fi capabil”
Şi a râs când mi-a ridicat corpul
„Să ştiţi că acest copil va fi înzestrat”
Şi a râs când a venit la mama mea
„Să ştii că acest copil nu va suferi
Cu dragoste, cu răbdare şi cu credinţă
Îşi va face drumul ei, face drumul ei
Îşi face drumul ei, face drumul ei”

That´s love

When you feel the beat of your heart, sweetheart
That´s love
If you feel trill when you look at me, sweetheart
That's love
They will sound , ding dang, ding dang
The bells ring
They are saying, dang ding, dang ding
That your love waits for me
Don't pretend to shout
And hide your love
At the end I will love you
With all my passion
And you will see that finally our hearts will be united
and with one feverish kiss our love will fuse
When you feel the beat of your heart, sweetheart
That´s love
If you feel trill when you look at me, sweetheart
That's love
They will sound , ding dang, ding dang
The bells ring
They are saying, dang ding, dang ding
That your love waits for me
Don't pretend to shout
And hide your love
At the end I will love you
With all my passion
And you will see that finally our hearts will be united
and with one feverish kiss our love will fuse
Love, love

Crying Girl

I don't know what it is with the flowers, crying girl
The flowers of a cemetery
I don't know what it is with the flowers, crying girl
The flowers of a cemetery
That, when moved by the wind, crying girl
They seem to cry
That, when moved by the wind, crying girl
They seem to cry
Oh, my crying girl, crying girl, crying girl, you are my little one
Oh, my crying girl, crying girl, crying girl, you are my little one
They may keep me from loving you, crying girl
But I’ll never forget you
They may keep me from loving you, crying girl
But I’ll never forget you
To a holy iron Christ, crying girl
My sorrows I told
To a holy iron Christ, crying girl
My sorrows I told
And they were so sad, crying girl
That the holy Christ cried
And they were so sad, crying girl
That the holy Christ cried
Oh, my crying girl, crying girl, crying girl, from a lily field
Oh, my crying girl, crying girl, crying girl, from a lily field
He who does not know about love
Does not know about martyrdom
He who does not know about love
Does not know about martyrdom
They all call me “the black one”, crying girl
Black but loving
They all call me “the black one”, crying girl
Black but loving
I’m like the green pepper, crying girl
Spicy but tasty
I’m like the green pepper, crying girl
Spicy but tasty
Oh, my crying girl, crying girl, crying girl, bring me to the river
Oh, my crying girl, crying girl, crying girl, bring me to the river
Cover me with your shawl, crying girl
Because I’m freezing
Cover me with your shawl, crying girl
Because I’m freezing
If, because I want you, crying girl, you want me to want you more
If, because I want you, crying girl, you want me to want you more
Since I already gave you my life, crying girl, what else? What else do you want?
Since I already gave you my life, crying girl, what else? What else do you want?
Oh my, oh my, oh my crying girl
Oh my, oh my, oh my crying girl

In my Land of Veracruz

In my land of Veracruz
I only want to drink coffee
A little bit of sugar and cane
To get me to move my feet
From the stalk of a banana
Of it's green and brown skin
I'm all in love again
I just want to see you again
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to love you
In my land of Veracruz
I just want to hug the sea
See the night from a hammock
In the morning just sing
My legs enter the field
In the sand only dance
In a ship to give my dreams
And in my house to be lazy
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz I want to love you
There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you
This distance makes me miss you
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you
I paint melodies with your landscapes
With your landscapes of lime green
A guava rose that I'll use for love
A red yellow pitaya and the flower
Blue of your gulf for passion
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again
Coffee with bread
In my land of Veracruz
I only want to drink coffee
A little bit of sugar and cane
To get me to move my feet
From the stalk of a banana
Of it's green and brown skin
I'm all in love again
I just want to see you again
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again


Destiny is so cruel
That it has already salted the honey
And the fields have withered away already
The ice cream has a bad taste
Life is darkness
If there's no king or snow white
And Benito was lost in the sadness, in the pain
And it hurt Maria, but she recovered
My grandmother says that
It's impossible to understand that life can be light (be light)
Enjoy laughter
Walk in the earth
Without love it can be worthwhile
And Benito was lost in the sadness, in the pain
And it hurt Maria, but she recovered
Destiny is so cruel
That it has already salted the honey
And my heart broken in two
Left me alone

Psalm About Two Brothers

Far in valley there were two fellows,
Two young fellows, two brothers native.
Ask one brother another, who has more injury,
One wound was cut, the second has a gunshot wound.
Chopped blood rising gunshot reaches for the heart,
Oh brother, dear bro who will take care of us?
Oh brother, dear bro who will take care of us?
Who will look after us, our wounds swaddle?
Answer gray eagle, I will look after you,
I'll look after you, with both eyes look.
Oh, eagle, gray eagle, wait hour or half,
In order to our father-mother knew and all the bells hired.
In order to our father-mother knew and all the bells hired.
All the bells hired, in the hallway cried.

Black hair

When my kisses entangled in black hair
Her beautiful black hair like in the blackest night
Will uncover the mystery that under the cover of darkness
Her black hair hide joyful, bright face
When under the cloak of her long, black hair
Two shining eyes hidden in the shadow of night
Become covered with blueish mist, because my trembling fingers
Will brush away the dark hair and skim the whiteness of skin
Whiter and untouched wrapped in black hair
Among which I lose my breath, among which I loose my sight
But I'm still living, because my senses are filled with dense smell
That is changing into tenderness on the tips of my fingers
When wet, dark hair is full of my whispers
Because sadness changed the tears of parting into the dark rain
That flows down from dark hair to tense whiteness of neck
Still hidden behind the curtain of of her black hair
When the storm of dark hair sets the white sails
Fills them with the dark wind from inky seas
Will leave with the boat of dawn, that suddenly disperses the darkness
It will leave with the sun and won't come back anymore
It will leave with the sun and won't come back anymore
It will leave with the sun and won't come back anymore
Black hair
Black hair

Nobody is safe

Look, I don't wanna alarm you
I don't wanna cry
but it'll happen
Look, you actually know it
It's part of the trip
Why hold on?
There's a prison inside you
and you don't wanna see it
You wanna believe
that you're the law and you don't see it
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Nobody is safe
Nobody is safe
Nobody is safe
Look, I don't wanna be
the slave to my own thoughts anymore
I wanna run and don't wanna be stopped
I wanna be free, people are my flag
Look, I don't wanna
hide from winter anymore
Only if we sing,
raise our hands,
we'll be together, those who once kept quiet
It goes straight to you, it can be the last time
No, there's no clock, the time is now
Take care of yourself
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Maybe tomorrow it'll come to you
Nobody is safe
Nobody is safe
It won't be today, no, no
It won't be today, no, no
It won't be..
Nobody is safe but it won't be today
Today you'll stay 'til the end, no
Today you'll stay 'til the end, no
Nobody is safe here, no..
Nobody is safe
It won't be today, no
It won't be today, no
It won't be today, no
Today you'll stay 'til the end, no
Nobody is safe here, no

Asta Va Fi (O Dragoste Eternă)

Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh oh da
Mm mm mm mm
Asta va fi
O dragoste eternă
Asta va fi
Cea pe care-o aşteptam
Asta va fi
prima dată când cineva m-a iubit, oh oh oh
Sunt atât de bucuroasă
că el a găsit la timp
şi sun atât de bucuroasă că
mi-a refăcut gândul
Asta va fi
o dragoste eternă pentru mine
Să te iubesc
e un fel de minune
fiindcă mi-ai arătat
cât de mult îţi pasă
mi-ai dat trilul unei vieţi
şi m-ai făcut să cred că ai mai multe triluri de împărţit, oh
Asta va fi
O dragoste eternă, o, da, va fi acum...
Ai adus mult soare în viaţa mea
M-ai umplut de fericire, n-am ştiut
Mi-ai dat mai multă bucurie decât am visat
şi nimeni, nimeni nu-ţi poate lua locul!...
Asta va fi: tu şi eu, da, domnule, pentru totdeauna
Îmbrăţişaţi şi strânşi şi sărutându-ne şi bucurându-ne împreună mereu
pe ploaie sau toate cele
Da, da, da, da, tu şi eu
atât cât trăiesc, dragoste am să-ţi dau, am să-ţi ofer
că meriţi atâta...
Hei, meriţi atâta
Meriţi atâta, da, da, da
oh, oh. oh. oh, oh
Dragostea, dragostea, dragoste, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea
Dragostea, dragostea, dragoste, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea, dragostea,
De acum înainte, de-acum înainte, de acum înainte, de-acum înainte
De acum înainte, de-acum înainte, de acum înainte, de-acum înainte
De acum înainte, de-acum înainte, de acum înainte, de-acum înainte

Hiçbir Şey Sonsuza Kadar Sürmez

Oyuncak gibi yüzün var
Sonsuza dek sürecek mi, hayır
Sadece güzel olmanı istiyorum
(Bunun hakkında düşünmene gerek yok)
Bana söylemek istediklerimi söyle
Doğruluğu al, ben cesareti alacağım
Beni yalanlarla besle ve korkumu ye
Kovalamayı kes ve doğru yap
Bir daha karşılaşmamayabiliriz
(Bu son kez olabilir)
Beni dünya sona erecek gibi öp
(Dudaklarını omurgama doğru bastır)
Tişörtümü çek ben gölgeyi çekeceğim
(Kirli sırlar, kirli yalanlar)
Sen benim son pişmanlığım olabilirsin
Son pişmanlığım
Sen güzelsin
İsmini bilmiyorum
Hepsi aynı
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hepsini çıkar
Ben hepsini attım
Sana ilk defa verdim
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
(Nakit, arabalar, kızlar, oğlanlar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Sıcak geceler, parlak ışıklar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Gerçek aşk, ilk dokunuş)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
[Billy Kraven]
Tadın sanki sevdiğim birşeye benziyor
Asit karışımlı alkole
Düşmek için ilk adımımı atıyorum
Bunun için yapacağım bir şey yok
Hey kişisel algılama
Acı değer, ben çok yönlüyüm
Hızlı ol hepsi değmeden önce*
Hiç kimse bu konu hakkında umursamıyor
Bir daha karşılaşmamayabiliriz
(Bu son kez olabilir)
Beni dünya sona erecek gibi öp
(Dudaklarını omurgama doğru bastır)
Tişörtümü çek ben gölgeyi çekeceğim
(Kirli sırlar, kirli yalanlar)
Sen benim son pişmanlığım olabilirsin
Son pişmanlığım
Sen güzelsin
İsmini bilmiyorum
Hepsi aynı
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hepsini çıkar
Ben hepsini attım
Sana ilk defa verdim
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
(Nakit, arabalar, kızlar, oğlanlar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Sıcak geceler, parlak ışıklar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Gerçek aşk, ilk dokunuş)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Sen güzelsin
İsmini bilmiyorum
Hepsi aynı
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hepsini çıkar
Ben hepsini attım
Ama hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
(Nakit, arabalar, kızlar, oğlanlar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Sıcak geceler, parlak ışıklar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Gerçek aşk, ilk dokunuş)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim

Too late

Maybe it's too difficult for us to be together
I think I prefer to disappear than to be afraid
I don't want more wounds, I don't believe us in a word anymore
It's impossible to start again so quickly
You are so unlike yourself
Former me is also gone since some time ago
Maybe it's too late, late already
Maybe it's too late in uh-uh-uh
Maybe it just seems to me
Maybe nothing will go on
It's late ...
We have a trouble
I think I prefer to disappear than to continue playing this
I'm just a background, I close my eyes
I lie to myself again
Maybe it's too late, late already
Maybe it's too late in uh-uh-uh
Maybe it just seems to me
Maybe nothing will go on
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...
Maybe it's too late, late already
Maybe it's too late in uh-uh-uh
Maybe it just seems to me
Maybe nothing will go on
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...
Already too la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ate ...

To Russia With Love

If you're falling, listen, look up to the sky.
Never give up. I ask you a favor:
Take my hand, and don't suffer anymore.
Turn to your faith. Come on, raise your spirits.
You should believe that miracles happen,
and that stars will show up soon.
Look around you, fill it with color.
I know the lights are starting to shine.
Feel my whole heart in this song.
See the fire shining through the sky.
The party's starting. Open up your heart.
We have today to celebrate.
Smile and dance, I'm your Natasha,
forever, until the end.
Come with me. Open up your heart.
Let happiness rain down.
Let the choirs sing: 'To Russia with love'
I give you my love as a gift.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
You can conquer the whole world.
Put on a pretty dress, take flight
so that you are the fire. Start believing.
Look around you, fill it with color.
I know the lights are starting to shine.
Feel my whole heart in this song.
See the fire shining through the sky.
The party's starting. Open up your heart.
We have today to celebrate.
Smile and dance, I'm your Natasha,
forever, until the end.
Come with me. Open up your heart.
Let happiness rain down.
Let the choirs sing: 'To Russia with love'
I give you my love as a gift.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
I love you Russia!
Come with me!
Come on!!!
Come with me. Open up your heart.
Let happiness rain.
Let the choirs sing: 'To Russia with Love'
I give you my love as a gift.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
To Russia with love.
Sing it! To Russia with love.
To Russia with love.
Happy New Year!
We love you, Zarina and I, your Natasha.

I have you by my side

I'm very thankful my dear,
For just being by my side!
My soul is melting
In your hands.
Let the years go by
Like a color succession,
Let the death get exhausted -
I have you by my side!
The bright stars
Are watching us,
The Bora* winds
Will forсe us down on our knees.
And I feel no fear -
I have you by my side!
My hope is -
In your love!
My heart
Won't be soften on the fire,
You're like an angel,
Release an arrow out of the sun!
I agree that my dreams
Are hidden from everyone,
My thoughts are drunk
On your magic love.
The bright stars
Are watching us,
The Bora* winds
Will forсe us down on our knees.
I feel no fear -
I have you by my side!
My hope is -
In your love!


Why does it appear, to be a dream to me
for I still feel the touch of your hands.
My throat tightens,
and my breath is unsteady.
Why do I feel, that this is nothing
for so many memories demand a look.
My wrists are tightened, and my mind is unsteady.
I don’t know, what happened here what took you away from here.
Was it ordinary fear or rejection?
I don’t know to whom it seemed there was too little, where are you?
How am I to go on, if I’ve given all of me to you?
I fold umbrellas into spikes, I sharpen knives I sharpen fangs.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
My fist vents rage into a wall
and from its stones I raise a stack.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
Why do I feel, this night will never end
even, if day would rise early
my throat tightens.
Don’t know what to do now,
how to get satisfaction?
How to quell the fright and fury?
Don’t know what to reach for, where is your raft?
I don’t have the strength.
How am I to go on, if I have given all of me to you?
I fold umbrellas into spikes, I sharpen knives I sharpen fangs.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry. My fist vents rage into a wall
and from its stones I raise a stack.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I’m changing gears, it’ll be better it’ll be easier. I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I erase you from here and straighten the fingers of my hand.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
Come back!
Don’t come back?
Go wherever you will.
Don’t stop it was just a dream. I’m already waking up.
I fold umbrellas into spikes, I sharpen knives I sharpen fangs.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry. My fist vents rage into a wall
and from its stones I raise a stack.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I’m changing gears, it’ll be better it’ll be easier. I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
I erase you from here and straighten the fingers of my hand.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry.
Þæs ofereode ... þisses swa mæg ...