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National Anthems & Patriotic Songs - Anthem of Ogadenia (Former) - Abab versuri traducere în engleză
Steagul împestrițat cu stele
1. O, spune, poți tu zăriÎn lumina timpurie a zorilor,
Ceea ce cu atâta mândrie salutăm noi
În ultima licărire a crepusculului
Ale cărui largi dungi și stele briliante,
În timpul periculoasei lupte,
Le vedeam deasupra meterezelor,
Atât de elegant fluturând?
Și strălucirea roșie a rachetelor,
Bombele explodând în aer,
Probând, de-a lungul nopții,
Că steagul nostru era încă acolo.
O, spune, drapelul cu dungi și stele
Tot mai flutură oare
Peste pământul celor liberi
Și peste casa celor viteji?
2. Prin pâcla mării,
El abia se vedea pe țărm,
Unde arogantul amfitrion al inamicului
Se odihnea în temută liniște.
Ce este oare acel obiect pe care briza
În timp ce suflă intermitent deasupra înaltului abrupt,
Aci abia-l ascunde, aci abia-l expune?
Acum el prinde strălucirea
Primelor scânteieri ale dimineții,
Reflectând în acest moment pe deplin glorios sclipirile apei:
Da, acesta este steagul împestrițat cu stele.
O, fie ca el să fluture în veci peste pământul celor liberi
Și peste casa celor viteji!
3.Și unde se află acea bandă de inamici
Care cu atâta lăudăroșenie jurau
Ca în dezastrul războiului
Și în confuzia luptei
Nici o casă și nici o țară
Să nu mai fie cruțate?
Sângele lor a spălat
De contaminare urmele nebune
Ale pașilor lăsați de ei.
Nici un refugiu nu poate salva
Pe mercenari și pe sclavi
De teroarea luptei sau de tristețea mormântului
Old Maritza Shivers
Old Maritza shiversin blood of the havens
Widow is weeping
In the midst of war.
March, march
With our Field Marshall!
In war and fight to fly
To reach the heaven's might!
Children of Bulgaria,
Whole new world await us.
Hail, to victory
In every century.
March, march
With our Field Marshall!
In war and fight to fly
To free the Balkan Sun!
The Lion of the Balkans
In war in heavens
against freedom's tyranny
Is leading once again.
Young and clever
In storms of nations
We are worthy now - for -
A Land of blessed peace.
We are the people
Obliged by honour and liberty
For our motherland
To guard the Balkan Land.
March, march
With our Field Marshall!
In war and fight to fly
To free the Balkan Sun!
Let us unite, let us become brothers
Oh sacred land of our ancestors,The light which lights the way of our lives,
You invite them to pass on to us
Their dreams, their hopes, their desires.
In the shelter of the columnar pines,
In the shade of the flame trees,
In the valleys of your rivers,
Their heart is always there.
Let us unite, let us become brothers,
No more violence, no more war.
Let us march, in confidence and solidarity,
For our country
Let us unite, let us become brothers,
No more violence, no more war.
Let us march, in confidence and solidarity,
For our country
Land of speech and sharing,
You offer to a stranger,
In the tribe or in the village,
A place to rest.
You want to house tolerance,
Equity and respect,
Enfold them with your giant arms,
Oh Land of freedom.
Let us unite, let us become brothers,
No more violence, no more war.
Let us march, in confidence and solidarity,
For our country
Let us unite, let us become brothers,
No more violence, no more war.
Let us march, in confidence and solidarity,
For our country
Oh land of multiple faces,
North, South, Loyalty Islands,
Your three provinces are the image
Of your great diversity
We, your children, resemble you
Tempering our memory.
With a single voice, let us sing together:
Land, you are our future.
Let us unite, let us become brothers,
No more violence, no more war.
Let us march, in confidence and solidarity,
For our country
Let us unite, let us become brothers,
No more violence, no more war.
Let us march, in confidence and solidarity,
For our country
Imn - Din furtunoasele secole ale poporului maghiar
Doamne, binecuvântează-l pe maghiarCu bunăvoie, cu belşug,
Întinde asupra-i braţ păzitor,
Dacă se luptă cu cei potrivnici lui
10th Year March
Versions: #1We got out of, with a clear conscience, every battle within ten years,
We created fifteen million younker within ten years, from all ages
At the outset the world-renowned c-in-c1,
We knitted the mother country with iron nets, from all quarters
We're Turkish
Salvation March
Versions: #1Our blood has spilled as waters for salvation
For you, homeland, may our lives be sacrificed
By spilling blood and dying, we liberated you
We had a doubtless faith in our hearts
We always devoted our hard work to you
Our ancestry, by devoting, ruled the world
Homeland, we cleansed you with our blood
You won't be soiled anymore as Turk is our name
Attila, Genghis and Tamerlane once trembled the world
We sacrifice lives to gain glory, we are their sons
Lives sacrificed, blood spilled, enemy begged for mercy
Long live and never die, shine may our future
National Anthem of Crimean People's Republic (1917~1918) - Ant etkenmen
I pledge to heal my nation's woundHow could these brethren of mine suffer?
If I don't grive, worry for them and not care,
May the warm blood in my heart dry up and flow not!
I pledge to bring light to this dark country
How could not two brothers help each other?
If I don't sorrow and mourn by seeing all this,
May the tears in my eyes turn into handfuls of blood!
I pledge, give my word to die for the nation
To know, see and wipe the tears of my nation
Even if I live without seeing it and be a mighty khan,
Still, gravediggers will come to bury me one day
Samoan National Anthem - The Banner of Freedom
Samoa, arise and rise your flag, your crownSamoa, arise and rise your flag, your crown
Look at those stars that are waving on it
This is the symbol of Jesus dying for Samoa Oh
Samoa, hold fast your power forever
Don't be afraid, God is our foundation
Lots of freedom
Samoa, arise, wave your flag, your crown.