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Sun Doors

You don't give me a sign
I'm going by the riverside looking at the river
I hear the radio on
And it's playing, what united us
I'm going by Chiado [Lisbon neighbourhood]
History everywhere, the one that shook
One day my love
Now it's past, in Rossio [Lisbon square]
Whether you forget or keep
Earlier or later
You will remember
That we were like Lisbon
And if this isn't familiar
Then I don't know
What else may go
What else may come
We saw this landscape
Like a mirage, but it wasn't
There in the
Portas do Sol viewpoint
An 'us' came up
Now I sing in Sintra, and even if I lie
It's said there
That this sentence I say, broken-hearted
Is for you
Whether you forget or keep
Earlier or later
You will remember
That we were like Lisbon
And if this isn't familiar
Then I don't know
What else may go
What else may come
And you are here or are away
A 'before' in the 'now'
In a postcard
Say 'Don't like someone,
That dreams beyond Portugal'
Whether you forget or keep
Earlier or later
You will remember
That we were like Lisbon
And if this isn't familiar
Then I don't know
What else may go
What else may come

From My Post to Yours

Life goes on, it was decided that way
Hands getting older, a sign in me
That already looks right to let it go
But I wanted you to know than it went by in vain
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
And yesterday was that yesterday, almost looked like it
I know that on that day
What existed
Died, it had no salvation
The door in our house
Highly echoed
And read, all my heart
And today I bring the day when someone said
If it is to suffer, let me write and without
Fearing everything and feel it for once
Lost in love, in a place that saw me
Forgotten by colours of an old canvas
If it is to hide, I come and recall
That I know that on that day
What existed
Died, it had no salvation
The door in our house
Highly echoed
And read, all my heart
From June to January
From my post to yours
Of who I always wanted
And was very close to happening
From Porto to Lisboa
On a flying bird
It was far that God wanted
That it would be very close to happening

I bid you, Gongyla

I bid you, Gongyla,
Appear, having put on the cloak[1]
The milky-white one, again desire
Flutters around you

Yes, it was

I've bathed in the sun
I've showered with rain
I've found hope
I've searched for life
I've broken laws
I've cursed the rules
Every step is a new attempt at walking*
Climbed high mountains
Fallen in deep valleys
Gotten rewarded for good deeds
And paid for the mistakes
Sometimes it was all for nothing
Sometimes it was phenomenal
A cry of joy or a call for help?
Because sometimes
The burden on my shoulders gets so heavy
And I ask myself:
Was it worth everything?
And I think: Yes, it was
Yes, it was
Yes, it was
Yes, it was
I was in the deserts
And I swam in the oceans
Still I travelled further
To grow closer to myself
We've borne children
We've gotten grandchildren
Every step is a new attempt at walking
I've often cried in the beginning
And then won at the end
Somewhere, I've taken my fate
In my own hands
And I'll keep singing
And when I'll get pensions,
A cry of joy or a call for help?
Because sometimes
The burden on my shoulders gets so heavy
And I ask myself:
Was it worth everything?
And I think: Yes, it was
(And it always is, again and again)
Yes, it was
(And it always is, again and again)
Yes, it was
(And it always is, again and again
Yes, it was
Yes, it was

Kiss me Awake

“That’s you’re girlfriend, she’s craving
Can’t get enough of you”
Love at first sight
A hundred long years separate us
An invisible wire and: Click!
At the beginning of a new phase
Breathless I lie in slumber
Frozen in a deep trauma
Locked up, miles away
No rainbows far and wide
Kiss me awake
From my icy sleep
Kiss me awake
From the sleeping beauty slumber
In a cold sleep I wait for you
I conquered time already long ago
Come here to me and wake me
The sun war rampages over there
Kiss me awake
From my icy sleep
Kiss me awake
From the sleeping beauty slumber
Kiss me awake
Day and Night
Kiss me awake
Awake, Awake, Awake, Awake
Kiss me Awake

What did you do in my dream?

What did you do in my dream
What did you do in my dream
You could be God
My greatest love
Or my guitar teacher
My father or he,
Who I’ve already missed for so long
The head of my record company
My secret admirer
My friend and even my son
Who I so willingly kiss
I close my eyes once again
And hope now you come again
I feel you, I feel you
What did you do in my dream?
Why’d you come in there?
What did you do in my dream?
I woke up suddenly
And all morning long
I thought only of you
What did you do in my dream?
Why did you sneak in?
Tell me, how’d you get inside there?
What did you do in my dream?
Maybe you’re my night spirit
Or an angel who watches over me
You’re surely not the devil
I don’t let him near me
In any case, you’re not something
Because you’ve got that certain something
And that is mostly much too wonderful
To be true
I close my eyes once again
And hope now you come again
I feel you, I feel you
What did you do in my dream?
Why’d you come in there?
What did you do in my dream?
I woke up suddenly
And all morning long
I thought only of you
What did you do in my dream?
Why did you sneak in?
Tell me, how’d you get inside there?
What did you do in my dream?
I close my eyes again
And hope you come again now
I feel you, I feel you
You could be God


Good night and sweet dreams
What happens to you along the way
Where your purpose is, that you were there
You told me so much about your world
Good night and sweet dreams
Even if I can’t be there
I wish for you simply what you want
I think that you get it all for yourself
Don’t lose your way
Big journey in to the future
It carries you out into adventure and burns up
because nobody cries, you run on
And land somewhere, Tokyo
I could tell stories too
But you’ve experienced them
Good night and dream yourself away into paradise
I’ll be here when you get back
Miracles take their time
Big journey in to the future
It carries you out into adventure and burns up
because nobody cries, you run on
And land somewhere, Tokyo
Big journey in to the future
It carries you out into adventure and burns up
because nobody cries, you run on
And land somewhere, Tokyo


Empty galaxies
Three million years
Stars that burn up
Until I finally experience something
Several epochs
So long I sit already
At least two weeks
Before my telephone
Maybe it was even yesterday
There I had no reception
Or was it prior to that
In any case, too long
In any case, too long
Tower without a princess
Heart on new paths
Kingdoms lost
I accommodate you
Stones under feet
I always get to
How far I still have left to journey
In any case, too long
In any case, too long
For every storm you gift me a rainbow
For every tear I write you a new song
For every worry I want a new hope
When you find it, call me up and take me with you
End of all the paths
Speed of light
Until I meet up with you
The way is never too far
Dreams like in spring
Blossoms in the city
Colors that have never yet
been seen by anyone
Run to every hour
A summer without money
Until the last second
The first curtain drops
I belong to you
Everything's clear and
You belong to me
Everything's clear and
I belong to you