Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 68


Odă Atomului

pentru totdeauna
în metal: ocult,
diabolicul tău
Într-o zi
au bătut
la ușa
era omul.
te-au descătușat,
ai văzut lumea,
ai ieșit
pe timp de zi,
ai străbătut
scânteierea ta ajungea
să ilumineze vieți,
un teribil fruct,
cu o frumusețe electrică,
să stârnești flăcările
de vară,
iar atunci
a ajuns
cu ochelari de tigru
și armură,
cu cămasă pătratică,
mustăți sulfurice,
coadă de porc spinos,
a ajuns războinicul
și te-a sedus:
ți-a zis,
atomule, pari
un zeu grec,
o primăvăratică
croitoreasă din Paris,
pe unghia mea,
intră în cutiuța asta,
iar atunci
te-a păstrat la vestă
ca și cum ai fi fost doar o
nord americană,
și a călătorit prin lume
lăsându-te să cazi
în Hiroshima.
Să ne trezim.
se terminase.
Toate păsările
au căzut calcinate.
Un miros
de sicriu,
gaz din morminte,
a tronat prin acele locuri.
A crescut hidoasă
metoda de pedeapsă
ciupercă însângerată, cupolă,
din infern.
A urcat arzător aerul
și s-a risipit moartea
în unde paralele,
la mama adormită
lângă copilul ei,
la pescarul din râu
și la pești,
la brutărie
și la pâine,
la inginer
și la clădirile sale,
a fost praf
care mușca,
și-a dărâmat ultimele alveole,
a căzut, a căzut imediat,
pus la pământ,
au fost subiți leproși,
mâna copiilor lor
și micuța mână
rămânea în mâinile lor.
Așa, din refugiul tău,
din secreta
mantie de piatră
în care focul dormea
te-au scos,
scânteie orbitoare,
lumină înfuriată,
să distrugi vieți,
să urmărești existențe îndepărtate,
în adâncurile mării,
în aier,
în nisipuri,
de la ultima
cotitură a porturilor,
să ștergi
să asasinezi germenii,
să împiedici corola,
ai fost destinat, atomule,
să razi de pe fața pământului
să transformi iubirea într-o neagră solicitare,
să arzi inimi la grămadă
și să anihilezi sângele.
Of, scânteie nebună,
în giulgiul tău,
în mâinile tale minerale,
devino din nou piatră oarbă,
ignoră bandiții,
tu, cu viața, cu agricultura
înlocuiește motoarele,
intensifică energia,
fecundează planetele.
Nu mai ai
printre oameni
fără mască
grăbindu-ți pasul
și extinzând
pașii fructelor,
îndreptând râuri,
prea plinul
la pacea de pe ciorchine,
cu viteza fericirii,
întoarce-te pe teritoriul
pun-te în slujba noastră,
și în loc de scrumul
al măștii tale,
în loc de infernurile dezlegate
din furia ta,
în loc de amenințarea
teribilei tale luminozități,dă-ne
copleșitoarea ta
pentru cereale,
magnetismul tău descătușat,
pentru a stabili pacea între oameni,
și așa nu va mai însemna iad
lumina ta uimitoare,
ci va fi fericire,
speranță matinală,
contribuție cerească.

Poem 2

In its mortal flame, the light envelops you.
Absorbed, pale mourner, thus situated
against the old helixes of the twilight
that revolves around you.
Silent, my friend,
alone in this solitary hour of deaths
and filled with the lives of fire,
pure heiress of a day destroyed.
A cluster from the sun falls on your dark dress.
At night the large roots
unexpectedly grow from your soul,
and the things hidden inside you return to the surface,
so that a pale and blue village
newly born from you is nurtured.
Oh, magnificent, and fertile, and alluring slave,
from the circle that in black and gold follows:
proud, she tries and achieves a creation so alive
that her flowers succumb, and she is full of sadness.

The day I see eternity

If you notice me with an indigo yukata and a waiting face
Take my hand soon because I feel like crying
Take me to the riverside
When I wanted to say something important, a huge light
Was opening and handing
And being washed away by a cheer
In the night sky we were you and I
In a brief dream we made and oath without saying anything
Don't go, stay a little until you're scorched in my heart
With your shining profile
Bloom forever. When I close my eyes to pray
In that moment, show me the eternity
Fireworks falling in the blue water are sad
I didn't know it until I met you
You're so beautiful that it's scary
To the first summer where we were you and I
I hope to return someday wherever I am
Shine a little, stay by my side and hold me
Tell me the meaning of being in this world
Appear forever. When I close my eyes crying
In that moment, show me the eternity
Don't go, stay a little until you're scorched in my heart
Show me the eternity just once

Alas, Comrade Policeman

My driver’s license
isn’t valid since this summer, alas!
And the authority on duty
is demanding to see it, alas!
My mother-in-law washed my license
along with my whole ID
in the washing machine
all the way back in March, alas!
Refrain x2
Alas, Comrade Policeman,
why are you taking my measurements?
Why did the radar enforcement
catch my car?
Alas, comrade in blue clothes,
you’ve taken away my entire pay, alas!
My turn signals don’t work
and I don’t have windshield wipers, alas!
In order to get first aid
I’d need to prepare for days, alas!
Someone stole
my safety belt,
and as for my spare tire,
I sold it last night, alas!

8 septembrie

Ziua de azi a fost un pahar plin.
Ziua de azi a fost o vâltoare nesfârșită.
Azi, tot pământul a fost.
Azi, marea învolburată
Ne-a ridicat printr-un sărut atât de sus încât am tremurat
Sub lumina unui fulger,
Și, lipiți, am coborât
Cumpătați să nu ne dezlegăm.
Azi, corpurile noastre s-au extins,
Au crescut până la capătul lumii
Și au dansat până s-au topit
Într-o singură picătură
De ceară sau meteor.
Între tine și mine s-a deschis o nouă poartă,
Iar cineva, încă fără chip,
Acolo ne aștepta.

Va fi ca și cum nu am fi existat

Intr-o zi vom muri amândoi
unul departe de altul,
și nimeni nu-și va mai aminti de noi,
Nimeni nu-și va mai aminti
de timpul petrecut împreună,
așa de scurt, așa de veșnic scurt,
încât să pară o viață.
Intr-o zi nu vom mai fi,
și cine-și va mai aminti de noi?
de primele noastre zile,
de tine, de cât erai de fragilă și albă,
și de mine, că e mai bine să nu vorbim?
Într-o zi, aceasta e sigur,
nu vom mai fi,
și cine-și va putea aminti de mica noastră lume împreună?
atât de caldă și totuși atât de rece,
atât de ușoară, si totuși atât de dificilă
de scos din minte?
Doar tu și eu, acum, putem să ne amintim, după noi, nimeni.
Și va fi ca și cum nu am fi existat.


Îți voi trimite un sărut cu vântul
și știu că îl vei simți,
te vei intoarce fără să mă vezi, dar voi fi acolo
Suntem făcuți din aceeași materie din care sunt făcute visele
Aș vrea să fiu un nor alb
intr-un cer infinit
pentru a te urmări peste tot și să te iubesc in fiecare clipă
Dacă esti un vis nu mă trezi
Aș dori să trăiesc în respirația ta
În timp ce te privesc
mor pentru tine
Visul tău va fi de a mă visa
Te iubesc pentru că te văd reflectată
în tot ceea ce e frumos
Spune-mi unde ești în noaptea aceasta
din nou în visele mele?
Am simțit o mângâiere pe obraz
ajunsă până la inimă
Aș vrea să ajung până la cer
și cu razele de soare
să-ți scriu te iubesc
Aș dori ca vântul să sufle în fiecare zi prin pletele tale,
pentru a-ți putea simți chiar și de departe parfumul.
Aș dori să fac cu tine
ceea ce primăvara face cu cireșii.


Râsul este limbajul sufletului.


I hate this laziness that made me lay on my belly for years
Yet, I still rot away in my bed.
I may have still ways to go but I'm serious now
How many times have I said that?
Messy hair, single folded eyelids
My grades are in the bottom end.
I know I'm not popular with a third-rate appearance
Please give me your tears.
We're not honour students
So I'm fine with a life sentence, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I'm fine with a life of nonsense, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I don't care if I'm called the worst and complete waste, whatever.
At night, sentimental rockets filled with suicidal thoughts
in the form of 140 character poems fly.
I say if I'm befittingly BAD, then I'm going to stay in bed out of spite.
I wonder how long I'm going to live this way.
The loser barks, yet it would be better if they weren't here
Their only trick is to run away
They wait for treats with smooth talk
But flee the moment they see their prey.
They say lies are a means to an end
So I don't expect any sympathy, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
For the rest of my like I'm junk, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I don't care if I'm called the worst, I'll just be a hippy, whatever.
My motivation vanished so I'm tapping on my phone instead
I'll just play dead in bed.
If I drop dead then it'll make things easier, then why don't I do it?
Because I'm a coward, aren't I?.
The rumours buzzed about some guy again today. Well, honestly, I'm jealous
I may still have ways to go, but I'm serious
Nothing can fix what I've become, please help me, Buddha.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
For the rest of my life, I'll be a hobo, whatever.
Carefree STYLE whatever whatever whatever
I don't care if people call me braindead, whatever
Carefree STYLE
It'd be nice if I tried my best tomorrow
Carefree STLE
So I'm fine with being lazy today


Versions: #1
Campanella, I was dreaming
Gentian is blooming after you're gone
The town's transition never stops
With no intention, but leaving you behind
A swarm of nocturnal insects sleeping under midday sea
I think about the day that never comes back
Statue dancing to the sound of the organ
Time just passes by
Just as I was told, my hands are getting dirty
Blown by the wind at my back, I will go on living
To cuddle with you until the end of the day
I want to remember you
Campanella, is your place affluent?
Does that affluence dazzle you?
Heat devil shimmering on the tar
The light of summer is like an explosion
Conifer trees singing with a spotless white bird
Everything I gaze at is reduced to vestiges
I saw a button lying where the waves meet the beach
The loneliness you gave me
Just as I was told, some wounds never heal
Every time I look back to the twilight, I will realize my mistakes
Days go on without you
I'm left alone in dead silence
Shinning crystal catches and reflects lights
The scratch you made is now a part of the sparkle
Just as I was told, my hands are getting dirty
Blown by the wind at my back, I can still live
Just as I was told, some wounds never heal
Every time I look back to the twilight, I will realize my mistakes
To cuddle with you until the end of the day
I want to remember you

Miki Matsubara - Love is Energy (English Lyrics)

It's kindness to say that you've remembered
That I got lost in the prologue of the story
The season's mischief repainted the dream
That may be good for you, because I...
(You can dance, dancing in my heart)
I found some light dreams
You can dance (Dance, dancing in my heart)
Kindness may begin to slip (Higher, higher)
Love is energy
I always have warm eyes when I'm in a street corner
At times when you're sad, you can consult a friend
Rain will pour on withering flowers
Greeting with a new face over the asphalt
(I can dance, dancing in your heart)
I found the same blue sky
I can dance (Dance, dancing in your heart)
Kindness may begin to slip (Higher, higher)
Love is energy
I noticed that I was so close like this
Yeah, you were carrying happiness and that's lovely
(You can dance, dancing in my heart)
I found some light dreams
(I can dance, dancing in your heart)
I found the same blue sky
(You can dance, dancing in my heart)
I found some light dreams
(I can dance, dancing in your heart)
I found the same blue sky

Ode To The Lemon

From those citrus blossoms
by the moonlight,
from that
exasperated aroma
of love,
drenched in fragrance,
the yellowness of the lemon tree
the lemons lowered down to Earth
from its planetarium.
Tender goods!
They filled the coasts,
the markets,
with light, with wild
and we open
two halves
of a miracle,
frosty acid
from the halves
of a star
and the strongest liqueur
of nature,
unchanging, vibrant,
was born from the freshness
of the lemon,
from its fragrant home,
from its secret, acidic symmetry.
In the lemon, the knives
a small
the hidden apse
opened the stained glass windows of acids to the light
and in droplets
slid the topazes
the altars,
the crisp architecture.
So it is when your hand
grips the half
of the sliced
lemon on your plate,
you have poured
a golden universe,
yellow cup
with miracles,
one of the fragrant nipples
of the Earth's breast,
the ray of light that became fruit,
the tiny fire of a planet.


Laughter is the language of the soul.


Why do leaves commit suicide when they feel yellow?

Ode to the Onion

luminous flask,
petal by petal
your beauty was formed,
scales of crystal increased you
and in the secrecy of the dark earth,
your belly of dew became round.
Beneath the earth,
the miracle took place
and when your dense
green shoot appeared
and your stalks
emerged like swords in the garden,
the earth built up its strength,
revealing your naked transparency,
and like Aphrodite in the remote sea
replicating the magnolia
by raising her breasts,
the earth made you,
clear like a planet
and destined
to shine,
constant constellation,
round water rose,
the table
of the poor people.
you release
your globe of freshness
in the fervent consummation
of the pot
and the shred of glass
is transformed by the burning heat of the oil
into a curly feather of gold.
I will also remember how
the love of salad proliferates your influence
and it seems that the sky contributes
by giving you the fine shape of hail
to celebrate your clarity when chopped
on the halves of a tomato.
But within reach
of the people's hands,
splashed with oil,
with a little salt,
you kill the hunger
of the laborer on the rough road.
Star of the poor people,
fairy godmother
in delicate
paper, salts of the soil,
eternal, intact, pure
like the seed of a star,
and when the knife
in the kitchen cuts you,
the only tear that springs up
is without sorrow.
You make us cry without grieving.
I celebrate all that exists, onion,
but for me, you are
more beautiful than a bird
with blinding feathers,
you are for my eyes
a celestial globe, a platinum goblet,
a motionless dance
of snowy anemone
and the fragrance of the earth lives
in your crystalline nature.

My Soul

My soul is an empty carousel in the twilight. 

Sleeping Water

I want to jump in the water to fall into heaven.

Sonnet LI

Your laughter belongs to a tree cracked open
by a lightning bolt, by silver lightening
that falls from the sky breaking into a cup,
splitting the tree in two with a single sword.
Only in the highlands of the snowy foliage
is born a laughter like yours, darling,
it is the laughter of air freed in the heights,
the customs of Araucaria, my beloved.
My cordillera1, vividly clear,
the shadows are cut with the knives of your laughter,
the night, the morning, midday honey
And may the birds from the foliage leap to the sky
when like a squandering light,
your laughter shatters the tree of life.
  • 1. Mountain range

Sonnet LXXX (80)

From journeys and sorrows I returned, my love,
to your voice, to your hand flying on the guitar,
to the fire that interrupts autumn with kisses,
to the movement of the night in the sky.
For all men I ask for bread and reign,
I ask for land for the unfortunate farmer,
that no one expect a truce for my blood or my singing.
But I cannot renounce your love without dying.
That is why he plays the waltz of the serene moon,
the barcarole1 on the guitar in the water
until my head bows down dreaming:
that all the efforts of my life wove
this arbor vine where your hand lives and flies
guarding the night of the sleeping traveler.
  • 1. A gondolier's song

De tu ai să mă uiți

Vreau ca tu să știi
un lucru.
Știi tu, doar, cum este asta:
de privesc
luna de cleștar, ramul roșiatic
al domoalei toamne ce-mi bate în geam,
de ating
scormonind focul
impalpabila cenușă
sau corpul brăzdat de riduri al lemnului,
toate mă duc la tine,
de parcă toate câte există,
arome, lumină, metale,
ar fi mici ambarcațiuni ce se-ndreaptă
spre ale tale insule ce m-așteaptă.
Ei bine,
de-ncetul cu încetul n-ai să mă mai iubești,
N-am să te mai iubesc încetul cu încetul.
De dintr-odat’
ai să mă uiți
să nu mă cauți,
căci te voi fi uitat deja.
De socoți îndelung și nebunesc
al stindardelor suflu
ce îmi străbate viața
și te hotărăști
să mă abandonezi pe țărmul
inimii unde-mi sunt rădăcinile,
să știi
că în acea zi,
în acel ceas,
voi ridica brațele
și rădăcinile-mi vor pleca
să caute altă glie.
de în fiece zi,
în fiece ceas,
simți că mie îmi ești hărăzită
cu implacabilă dulceață.
De în fiece zi o floare
ți se suie pe buze să mă caute,
ah, dragostea mea, ah, sufletul meu,
în mine tot acel foc se reaprinde,
în mine nimic nu se stinge și nimic nu se uită,
iubirea mea se hrănește din a ta iubire, iubito,
și cât trăiești fi-va în brațele tale,
făr’ a le părăsi pe-ale mele.

Nu invinui pe nimeni !

Niciodat' nu te agata de nimeni , nici de nimic
fiindca in final , tu facut-ai
ce inima-ti poftit in a ta viata
Imbratiseaza greul ce se arata in a te cali
precum si importanta de-a incepe a te defini
Trufia omului desavarsit , se arata din
cenusa erorilor sale
Niciodat nu plange singuratatea-ti , ori ai
tai soarti, infrunta curajos si accepta !
Intr-un fel ori altul , este rezultatul celor ce
tu zamizlit-ai , si gandeste ca mereu
trebuie a triumfa !
Nu te amagi de propriul esec nici
nu-l pune pe seama altuia , imbratiseaza-te acum, ori
continua a gasi pretexte , precum un copilandru .
Aminte ia , caci fiece clipa-i
potrivnica a incepe , si ca nimeni nu-i
asa dezastruos , pentru a se da batut
Nu uita, conditia-ti din prezent
pricinuita-i de trecut, asemenea cum conditia-ti
viitorului e pricinuita de-al tau present !
Ia aminte , de la cei bravi , de la cei cu tarie de caracter
ce nu se complac in situatie , de la cei ce
'supravietuiesc/trec peste' in ciuda a toate. Zaboveste mai putin in
ale tale probleme , si mai mult in treburile tale , iar
greutatile tale , fara a le 'ingropa', vor pali .
Invata, a renaste , din launtrul chinului, si-a te ridica
mai maret decat cel mai mare
obstacol. Priveste-ti reflexia-ti
si-ai a fi liber si falnic , si vei inceta a fi un
pion circumstantial , caci TU
insa-ti croiesti destinul!
Ridica-te si priveste al diminetii rasarit
si simte lumina zorilor!
Tu esti , forta alei tale vieti ,
si RAZBESTE IN VIATA! Niciodat' nu zabovi asupra
sortilor, caci sorti-s ..
scuza pierzatorilor

The IV Sonet

Remembered, the beautiful creek/valley1
where mesmerising scents arises,
from time to time, a bird
longside water and slowliness: brought the winter.
Remembered, (shall be) the goods upon tis' earth:
Fiery scents , gold gems,
the grass neath the bushes, thy wild ways ,
riddle thorns alike swords.
Remembered , may be , thy sculpted legacy,
legacy of peace , and water of quietness
legacy alike a gem.
And that moment, perish alike split seconds::
we move on there,... where nothing is expected,
and found is , all that's to be explored.
  • 1. Personal Adaptation/Translation/ Work allowed under the moral and written rule , found under the section of 'Website Rules---Adding a translation----Paragraph no 10 'As translations can be a mean of knowing and understanding a new language, it's better if you keep at least a colloquial (Though YOU'RE FREE to keep an informal tone in certain contexts) language that's easy to understand - and you may use footnotes to add general explanations and comments in certain parts of the translation.' So that being said , my profile is the place for the non-literal translation's and adaptation so people may like it or not , still that won't ever change a thing , so like they say in our dear America : Deal with it !!!

Poem 12

For my heart your bosom is enough.
for your freedom my wings are enough.
From my mouth, what was asleep on your soul
will reach up to the sky.
In you is the hope of each day.
You come like the dew on the corollas.1
You sabotage the horizon with your absence.
Perpetually breaking away like the wave.
I have said that you were singing in the wind
like the pines and the masts.
Like them you are tall and taciturn.
And suddenly you become sad, like a journey.
You are as welcoming as an old road.
The echoes and nostalgic voices inhabit you.
I woke up and the birds that
slept in your soul sometimes migrate and flee.
  • 1. The petals of a flower, typically forming a whorl within the sepals

Poem 8

A white bee intoxicated with honey buzzes in my soul
and you swirl in slow spirals of smoke.
I am the desperate one, a word without echos,
he who lost everything, and he who had everything.
The last attachment, my ultimate anxiety crushes you
In my desert land, you are the last rose.
Oh, quiet!
Close your intense eyes. There flutters the night.
Oh, undress the frightened statue of your body.
You have intense eyes where the night flutters.
Arms of a fresh flower and the lap of a rose.
Your breasts look like white conches.
A dark butterfly has come to sleep on your belly.
Oh, quiet!
Here is the loneliness from which you are missing.
It rains. The wind from the sea hunts roving seagulls.
The water goes barefoot through the wet streets.
From that tree they groan, like they're ailing, the leaves.
White bee, missing, you still buzz in my soul.
You re-awaken in time, slender and quiet.
Oh, quiet!

Poem 1

Body of a woman, white mounds, white thighs,
you look like the world in your attitude of surrender.
My savage laborer's body weakens you
and makes a son spring from the depths of the earth.
I was just like a tunnel. Birds fled from me
and in me the night's powerful invasion came.
For my own survival I forged you like a weapon,
like an arrow in my bow, like a stone in my sling.
But the time of vengeance has come, and I make love to you.
Body of skin, of moss, of milk, avid and firm.
Ah, the vessels of the breast! Ah, the eyes of emptiness!
Ah, the roses of the pubis! Ah, your voice lingering and sad!
Body of my woman, I will persist in your charm.
My thirst, my limitless yearning, my unsettled course!
Dark channels where eternal thirst follows,
and weariness follows, and infinite pain.

Your Laughter

Versions: #2
Take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.
Do not take away the rose,
the lance flower that you pluck,
the water that suddenly
bursts forth in joy,
the sudden wave
of silver born in you.
My struggle is harsh and I come back
with eyes tired
at times from having seen
the unchanging earth,
but when your laughter enters
it rises to the sky seeking me
and it opens for me all
the doors of life.
My love, in the darkest
hour your laughter
opens, and if suddenly
you see my blood staining
the stones of the street,
laugh, because your laughter
will be for my hands
like a fresh sword.
Next to the sea in the autumn,
your laughter must raise
its foamy cascade,
and in the spring, love,
I want your laughter like
the flower I was waiting for,
the blue flower, the rose
of my echoing country.
Laugh at the night,
at the day, at the moon,
laugh at the twisted
streets of the island,
laugh at this clumsy
boy who loves you,
but when I open
my eyes and close them,
when my steps go,
when my steps return,
deny me bread, air,
light, spring,
but never your laughter
for I would die.


I have scarcely left you
When you go in me, crystalline,
Or trembling,
Or uneasy, wounded by me
Or overwhelmed with love, as when your eyes
Close upon the gift of life
That without cease I give you.
My love,
We have found each other
Thirsty and we have
Drunk up all the water and the blood,
We found each other
And we bit each other
As fire bites,
Leaving wounds in us.
But wait for me,
Keep for me your sweetness.
I will give you too
A rose.


Cu greu te-am lasat
Cand tu ma patrunzi , cristalin
OrI tremurand..
Ori nelinistit(a), ranit(a) de mine
Ori coplesit(A) cu iubirem precum
momentu cand privirea-ti
Intrevede al vietii dar ...
Ce necontenit , iti ofer ...
Iubirea-mi ...
Ne-am gasit unul pe celalalt
'Insetati' si-am
Baut toata apa si
Sangele ...
Ne-am regasit ..
Si am muscat unul din celalalt
Precum a focului muscatura
Lasand rani inlauntrul nostru
Insa , ... asteapta-ma
Pastreaza pentru mine , a ta dragalasenie
Eu voi a iti darui asemenea ....
Un Trandafir !!


Remember when
in the winter
we came to the island?
The sea raised
an ice-cold drink towards us.
The vines on the wall
rustled, dropping
dark leaves
at our footsteps.
You were also a small leaf
that trembled on my chest.
The wind of life put you there.
I didn't see you at first: I didn't know
that you were walking with me,
until your roots
pierced my chest,
they merged with the strands of my blood,
they spoke through my mouth,
they flourised with me.
That was your unseen presence,
an invisible leaf or branch,
and suddenly my heart was full
of fruits and sounds.
You occupied the house
that waited for you in the darkness
and then you turned on the lights.
Remember, my love,
our first steps on the island?
The gray stones recognized us,
the gusts of rain,
the howling of the wind in the shadow.
But the fire was
our only friend,
together we held on to
the sweet love of winter
with four arms.
The fire watched our naked kiss grow
until it touched the hidden stars,
and it saw the birth and death of pain
like a broken sword
against an invincible love.
oh, asleep in my shadow,
how the dream grew
from you,
from your naked chest
open with its twin domes
towards the sea, towards the island wind
and how in your dreams I navigated
freely, in the sea and in the wind,
but still submerged and bound
to the blue volume of your sweetness?
O sweet, my sweet,
springtime changed
the walls of the island.
A flower appeared like a drop
of orange blood,
and then the colors discharged
all of their pure weight.
The sea recaptured its transparency,
the night in the sky
highlighted its clusters
and now all things whispered
our name of love, stone by stone
they spoke our name and our kiss.
The island of rock and moss
resonated in the secret of its grottos
like the song in your mouth,
and the flower that was born
between the crevices of the rock
with its secret syllable
said your name as you passed
by a flaming bush,
and the sheer rock raised
like the wall of the world
recognized my song, dearly beloved,
and all things spoke of
your love, my love, darling,
because the earth, time, the sea, the island,
life, the tide,
the seed that half-opens
its lips in the earth,
the devouring flower,
the movement of spring,
everything recognizes us.
Our love has been born
outside of the walls,
in the wind,
in the night,
in the earth,
and that is why the clay and corolla,
the mud and the roots
know your name,
and they know that my mouth
joined with yours
because they planted us together in the earth
without us even knowing it
and we grew together
and flourished together
and that is why
when we pass by,
your name is in the petals
of the rose that grows in the rock,
my name is in the grottos.
They know everything,
we have no secrets,
we have grown together
but we did not know it.
The sea knows our love, the stones
from the rocky heights
know that our kisses flourished
with infinite purity,
like in their crevices a scarlet
mouth awakens:
thus they know our love and the kiss
that reunites your mouth and mine
in an eternal flower.
My love,
the sweet springtime,
flower and sea, they surround us.
We did not exchange it
for our winter,
when the wind
started to decipher your name
that is now repeated at all hours,
the leaves did not know
that you were a leaf,
the roots
did not know that you were looking for me
in my chest.
My love, my love,
offers us the sky,
but the dark earth
is our name,
our love belongs to
eternity and the earth.
Loving each other, my arm
underneath your neck of sand,
we will wait
as the land and weather changes
on the island,
as the leaves fall
from the taciturn vines,
as autumn escapes
through the broken window.
But we are
going to wait
for our friend,
our friend with the red eyes,
the fire,
when the wind once again
shakes the borders of the island
and ignores everyone's
will look for us, my love,
he will look for us, because we know him,
because we don't have him,
because we have
with us
the fire
We have
the earth with us
the spring with us
and when a leaf
falls from
the vines,
you know, my love,
what name is written
on that leaf.
A name that is yours and mine,
our name of love, one
being, the arrow
that pierced the winter,
the invincible love,
the fire of the days,
one leaf
that fell upon my chest,
a leaf from the tree
of life,
that made a nest and sang,
that grew roots,
that bore flowers and fruits.
And so you see, my love,
how I walk
around the island,
around the world,
secure in the middle of spring,
crazy from the light in the cold,
calmly walking in the fire,
lifting your petal weight
in my arms
as if I had never walked
except with you, soul of mine,
as if I did not know how to walk
except with you,
as if I did not know how to sing
except when you sing.

De tu mă uiți

Vreau un lucru tu să-l ști
Știi cum este
De eu privesc la clar de luna , la roșia ramură
A linei toamne de la a mea fereastră
De ating, aproape de flacără
Cenușiul de neatins
Ori încrestatul trup al lemnului
Totul către tine mă poartă
Precum tot ceea ce există
Mireasma , lumina , metalele
Erau micuțe bărci ce navighează
Către acele țărmuri ale tale , ce pe mine mă așteaptă
Ei bine , dacă acum ...
Dacă încetul cu încetul încetezi a mă iubi ...
Am să încetez a te iubi, încetul cu încetul
De brusc
De mine uiți
Tu nu mă căuta
Căci eu uitat-am deja pe tine
De îndelungat și rău gândești
Adierea stindardelor
Ce-mi trec prin a mea viață
Iar tu decizi
A mă lăsa , la țărmul
Inimii , unde rădăcinile-mi sunt
Amintește-ți ..că la acea zi , în acel ceas
Brațele-mi am să ridic
Iar rădăcinile-mi vor naviga
Să caute un alt 'țărm'
Dar,... de în fiece zi , fiece oră
Tu simți că destinată mie îmi ești
Cu necruțătoare drăgălășenie
De fiece zi , o floare
Se întrevede pe-ale tale buze , în căutarea-mi
A mea dragoste ,
În mine toată acea ardoare e repetată
În mine nimic nu-i pălit ori uitării dat
Iubirea-mi se înfruptă din dragostea-ți, a mea iubită
Și atât cât în viață ai să fi , are să fie în ale tale brate
Neparasindu-le pe-ale mele !

Verses of Neruda

Like two fools we started falling in love without seeing consequences
And here's me loving you too much
After everything we've gone through you make me lose my patience
You come here to say you didn't realize it
And here's me thinking about the moments I gave to you
You got me raving, this life is for you
And here's me thinking about the moments I gave to you
You got me raving, this life is for you
Why can't you see it if I'm there for you
If fate knows it you have to admit it
Your heart knows it you can't lie to him
You took my breath away don't leave me like this
Why can't you see it if I'm there for you
If fate knows it you have to admit it
Your heart knows it you can't lie to him
You took my breath away don't leave me like this
Why can't you see it that I'm sick
Pain is killing me seeing I don't have you anymore
With your kisses I go from heaven to hell
Without your lodestar you know baby I get lost
Without a doubt It's a madness loving you
You throw me to the ground and fly me to the moon
With your kisses I go from heaven to hell
Without your lodestar you know baby I get lost
Baby, sleepwalking in the wee hours of the morning
I portray you
Having you by my side was a luxury
But you went away and left a curse
To the verge of death I think I'm pushing myself
You say to me you are a love so pure
And you insist to put up a wall
What do you believe?
I keep on looking for you with faith
Baby wherever you are
I'm going to dedicate to you love songs that can reach you
The verses of Neruda that make you shiver
Why can't you see it if I'm there for you
If fate knows it you have to admit it
Your heart knows it you can't lie to him
You took my breath away don't leave me like this
Why can't you see it if I'm there for you
If fate knows it you have to admit it
Your heart knows it you can't lie to him
You took my breath away don't leave me like this
And here's me thinking about the moments I gave to you
You got me raving, this life is for you
And here's me thinking about the moments I gave to you
You got me raving, this life is for you
Why can't you see it if I'm there for you
If fate knows it you have to admit it
Your heart knows it you can't lie to him
You took my breath away don't leave me like this
I don't get that don't see
I don't get what you're going to do
You know I'm going to love you
I pray to God that you love me too

Îmi placi când ești tăcută

Îmi placi când ești tăcută căci parcă ești absentă,
Și mă auzi din depărtare și vocea mea nu te atinge.
Se pare că ochii ți-ar fi zburat
Și se pare că un sărut ți-ar pecetlui buzele.
Cum toate lucrurile sunt pline de sufletul meu
Te ridici deasupra lor, plină de sufletul meu.
Fluture de vis, te asemeni cuvântului melancolie.
Îmi placi când ești tăcută și parcă ești îndepărtată
Și parcă te plângi, fluture în șoaptă.
Și mă auzi din depărtare și vocea mea nu te ajunge.
Lasă-mă să tac și eu cu tăcerea ta.
Lasă-mă să-ți și vorbesc prin tăcerea ta
Luminoasă ca o lampă, simplă ca un inel.
Ești precum e noaptea, tăcută și înstelată
Tăcerea ta e stelară, atât de îndepărtată și de simplă.
Îmi placi când ești tăcută căci parcă ești absentă.
Distantă și îndurerată ca și când ai fi murit.
Un cuvânt atunci, un zâmbet ajung.
Și sunt bucuros că nu e adevărat.