Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 1

Număr de rezultate: 52



Când lumea doarme cobor ,
pulover pe umeri în noaptea albastră
În inimă o chitară, în minte lucruri ciudate
și pe a mea față un pic de naivitate.
Vagabond, vagabond, vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate.
Singuri nu se trăiește,
fără dragoste nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.
Picioarele merg de la sine, ha, ha, ha
drumul pare un fluviu, cine știe unde va merge.
Nici măcar tu, fată poți să ma oprești din drum,
în ochii tăi nu e sinceritate.
Vagabond, vagabond, vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate
Singuri nu se trăiește,
fără dragoste nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.
Vagabond, vagabond, vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate.
Singuri nu se trăiește, fără dragoste nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.

Under the sky's flowers

So many different people,
the bare feet and the music
and your weird dress,
the burning fire and someone close to you.
The changing sky, he looks for you
You look so beautiful, and you continue the game
He loves you and it's night time again.
So many different people,
the sound of voices and the music
He comes looking for you, there's no afterwards
you run fast to me.
Under the sky's flowers
you look for me, you look so beautiful
and you continue the game, as always,
it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people sing, people love,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Under the sky's flowers
people suffer, people wait,
Under the sky's flowers
as always, it's just you and me.

Ultimul romantic

Ultimul, sunt eu
ultimul romantic,
sunt eu cel ce-ți poate oferi o floare
și să înțeleg din asta,
din expresia feței,
din tremurul unei mâini, dacă mă iubești.
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume care se poate emoționa
privind doi porumbei
sărutându-se într-o piață
nepăsători de cei prezenți
care poate călca în picioare
din graba de a ajunge acolo.
De ce, dacă un trandafir e un trandafir de cand există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
Soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
de când e lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, fiind deja multe lucruri
care sunt în schimbare, iubirea nu poate?
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume
care se poate emoționa
privind doi tineri
sărutându-se într-o piață
nepăsători de cei prezenți
cum facem acum, cum facem noi doi.
De ce dacă un trandafir e un trandafir
de când există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
de când există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, fiind deja multe lucruri
care sunt în schimbare, iubirea nu poate?
La la la la la la ...

Eu care te iubesc doar pe tine

Sunt oameni care au avut mii de lucruri,
tot binele, tot răul din lume.
Eu te-am avut numai pe tine
și nu te voi pierde,
nu te voi părăsi
pentru a căuta noi aventuri.
Sunt oameni care iubesc mii de lucruri
și se pierd pe cărările din lume.
Eu care te iubesc numai pe tine,
eu mă voi opri
și-ți voi dărui
ceea ce rămâne
din tinerețea mea.
Sunt oameni care au avut mii de lucruri,
tot binele, tot răul din lume.
Eu te-am avut numai pe tine
și nu te voi pierde,
nu te voi părăsi
pentru a căuta noi aventuri.
Sunt oameni care iubesc mii de lucruri
și se pierd pe cărările lumii.
Eu care te iubesc numai pe tine,
eu mă voi opri
și-ți voi dărui
ceea ce rămâne din tinerețea mea...
Din tinerețea mea
din tinerețea mea,
din tinerețea mea...

Am înțeles că te iubesc

Am înțeles că te iubesc
când am văzut că ajungea
a ta întârziere
ca să simt pierdută în mine indiferența,
ca să mă tem că nu ai mai fi venit.
Am înțeles că te iubesc
cand am vazut că ajungea
o frază de-a ta
pentru ca o seară
la fel ca alta
începuse ca printr-o vrajă a se ilumina.
Și a gândi că
puțin timp înainte,
vorbind cu careva,
mi-am impus să spun că de-acum
nu m-aș mai fi întors
să cred în dragoste
să mă amăgesc visând.
Și iată că apoi
am înțeles că te iubesc,
și deja era prea târziu să mă întorc.
Pentru puțin am căutat în mine indiferența,
apoi am dat frâu liber dragostei.
Pentru puțin am căutat în mine indiferența
apoi, apoi am dat frâu liber dragostei.

Era primăvară

Pentru tine
care din acea zi
mi-ai vorbit de dragoste,
în această seară voi cânta
cel mai dulce cântec de dragoste.
Era primăvară,
înfloreau trandafirii,
mi-ai spus multe lucruri
apoi, iubire, apoi iubire, iubire.
Amintirea acelor ore, știi,
îmi face inima să explodeze.
Acolo, în parc
noi doi singuri și multă dragoste.
Pentru tine
care din acea zi
te port în inimă,
cânt și spun:
'Dragostea mea,
te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc '.
Amintirea acelor ore, știi,
îmi face inima să explodeze.
Acolo, în parc,
noi doi singuri și multă dragoste.
Pentru tine
care din acea zi
te port în inimă,
cânt și spun:
'Dragostea mea,
te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc'.

M-am îndrăgostit de tine

M-am îndrăgostit de tine
pentru că nu aveam nimic de făcut ziua voiam să întâlnesc pe careva
noaptea voiam ceva să visez.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
pentru că nu mai puteam să stau singur
Ziua voiam sa vorbesc de visele mele
noaptea să vorbesc de dragoste.
Și acum că aș avea mii de lucruri de făcut
îmi simt visele pierzându-se
nu mai pot să mă gândesc la nimeni altcineva decât la tine.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
și acum nici măcar nu știu ce să fac
ziua regret că te-am întâlnit
noaptea vin să te caut.
M-am îndrăgostit de tine
și acum nici macar nu știu ce să fac
ziua regret că te-am întâlnit
noaptea vin să te caut.

You Got Me Used To

You got me used
To all those things,
And you showed me
That they are wonderful.
Subtly you came to me
Like temptation,
Filling my heart
With nervousness.
I couldn't understand
What you wanted,
In your strange world
And from you I learned.
That's why I wonder
Seeing that you've forgotten me,
Why you didn't show me
How to live without you.
I couldn't understand
What you wanted,
In your strange world
And from you I learned.
That's why I wonder
Seeing that you've forgotten me,
Why you didn't show me
How to live without you.
Without you, without you.

For Example, I Like the South

For example, I like the road
with burnt green—perhaps later
with darker spots without dew—
with prickly pears and the thorns of thistles.
For example, I like to see
the woman in black, mourning forever
on her doorstep every evening
while awaiting her husband to return from the fields.
But whom am I missing, do you know?
We were the same age—
all of my dreams for you—
all of my love and my freedom.
For example, I like to steal
ripe pears from branches if I'm hungry—
but when I drink, I pay right away
for water, of which there is more than bread on this earth.
Walk with that farmer
who perhaps takes the same route as me
to talk about grapes, to talk about wine,
which is still a luxury for him who does.
But whom am I missing, do you know?
We were the same age—
all of my dreams for you—
all of my love and my freedom.
For example, I like just for fun
to kick a clod of earth—
to pass it to the children around the fire—
they sing, play, and make war.
Then I like to discover far away
the sea when the sky fades to dusk—
to follow the lights of lamps
and having reached the beach, I like to sleep.
But whom am I missing, do you know?
We were the same age—
all of my dreams for you—
all of my love and my freedom.
But whom am I missing, do you know?
We were the same age—
all of my dreams for you—

A Little Girl Like You

The time of love has passed
like a dream that will not come back.
You were too beautiful, too young for me
What remains for me now without you?
I will never forget again
that evening when I met you
You were so small—so unusual for me—
a little girl like you.
With your hair a little unkempt—
with your black eyes a little downcast—
I never thought of falling in love this way—
nor could you actually tell me 'yes.'
You said yes, I love you.
I want you to stay close to me.
But you want love and love is not there—
I did not give my heart to you..
I spend my hours now remembering—
I spend time now wondering why
you came and then you left like that—
you left me waiting for you here.
I spend my hours now remembering—
I spend my time now wondering why
you wanted to hurt me so much when
I gave you only good things.
My baby won't come back tome.
I will no longer hold her next to me.
Now her path heads far away and she
will walk down it without me.
The time of love has passed
like a dream that will not come back.
You were too beautiful, too young for me
What remains for me now without you?
You were too beautiful, too young for me
What remains for me now without you?

A Rose on the Cap

A green forest amidst the blue—
and four stars up there—
a rose on my cap.
The violin plays along
and I do a little magic—
around the world I search for love.
A lawn under your feet—
the sky over me—
a bite of an apple
and I am a King.
What I have is enough for me—
I want nothing more—
a rose and my violin.
I am happy because I know
that one day I will find
the queen, waiting for me.
Then I will stop
and make with my papers
a castle all for her.
But you are my queen—
love will not want—
I will give you the rose—
then I will go away.
A sweet dawn that fades—
another rose that knows
my love, where it be?
Where will it be, where will it be?
Where will it be, where will it be?
Where will it be?

I Would Like

I would like, I would like, I would like
to live my days once again
and to awake to the voices of my era
that I know now, I will never hear again.
I would like, I would like, I would like
to find those paths that still belong to me,
and go back to that house where I
felt myself a little more real, because you were there as well.
I would like, I would like, I would like
to fall once again into her eyes—
to search in silence for a bit of ourselves
In the fragrance of a summer together.
I would like, I would like, I would like
to return to understand myself better—
and I know that I can't do it without her—
without her so very close—I miss her so much.
I would like, I would like, I would like
to live my days once again
and to awake to the voices of my era
that I know now, I will never hear again.
I would like, I would like, I would like
to return to understand myself better—
and I know that I can't do it without her—
without her so very close—I miss her so much.


Bright like the sun—clear as water—
Bright—like this feeling
that takes over inside of me, and I don't know what it is.
Consuming fire, consoling wind—
bright, like what hurts me the most—
you come back here, and I do not know why,
So tell me what you want from me—
you would also want to take my soul—
you want a man next to you—
to hold onto you and then throw you away like a toy.
And I don't know what I wouldn't do, what I might pay
to erase at least one moment—
but I know that, in the end, I could not go on, without your light
to help me once again find the night.
Bright, like the sun, clear like water—
Bright ...
Bright, clear, bright ...

How Difficult For Me

How difficult for me, my darling,
how difficult for me to love you so,
given my desire, love, to go away one day—
to go without you to travel the world.
Gven my desire, love, to go away one day—
to go without you to travel the world.
How difficult for me, my darling,
how difficult it is to see the the drowning
of all of my dreams in a glass of water—
without ever having seen the sea.
Of all of my dreams in a glass of water—
without ever having seen the sea.
How difficult for me, my darling,
how difficult for me to love you so,
loving you always as I dreamed—
I cannot live without you.
Loving you always as I dreamed—
I cannot live without you.

Love, Come Home

come home,
I beg you,
come back to me.
come home,
I beg you,
come back to me.
do you want to leave me
in a world so sad
for one so alone?
I will wait
all of the days you want,
but I beg you, come home,
come back to me.
come home,
I am afraid of the world
without you.
come home,
I am afraid of the world
without you.
I beg you
to rekindle
that joy
that bound you to me.
I will wait
as long as you want,
but I beg you to come home,
come back to me.
come home,
I beg you,
come back to me.
come home,
I am afraid of the world
without you.
come home,
I beg you ...

Day After Day

Day after day,
time passes by—
the streets always alike—
the same houses.
Day after day,
and all is as it was before—
step after step—
the same life.
And the eyes search about
for a future seen in dreams.
But dreams are only dreams
and the future is now almost the past.
Day after day,
life passes by.
Tomorrow will be a day
much like yesterday.
The ship has already left the port
and, from the coast, it appears to be a distant dot.
This evening, someone also
comes back home disillusioned—slowly, slowly.
Day after day,
life passes by—
and hope now
is a habit.

South America

The blue sky, you and I—
and there is nothing else in the world.
Hold me a little, love me a little
I'll take you away with me.
You will come to know and love
what I love the most—
and the sun is always out.
Comes enjoy it as well.
There are people who are nothing else
than a part of me,
And you will see it, you will understand it—
you have to try it with me.
There you will live and laugh.
You won't want to leave ever again.
Melancholy—leave it here—
you won't need it there.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
Joy is a sort of madness—
it takes hold of you and never fades.
Love there, love stays—
love will laugh at you.
The nights there are magic—
I don't know what it is—
but a first kiss is all that it takes—
and you're in love.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.

Song Sung Blue

Song sung blue—
I no longer have a voice.
Song sung blue—
turn off that light.
You and I, the world is here—
life is here.
We are in the hands of love.
But there is something in me
that now is dying.
Song sung blue—
what is going on with me?
Song sung blue—
look at me and you will see.
Me and you, the simple fact is that
we no longer understand one another.
We now have the need for the fantasy
of other blue moons.
You and I, the world is here—
life is here.
But when the sun dies
in your eyes—
I just cannot live anymore.
Song sung blue—
listen to me, my love,
Song sung blue—
I have to bid you goodbye.
Maybe one day in the spring,
we will find each other again.
But for now, it's too late, my love
I have to bid you goodbye.
Song sung blue—
it lasts a little longer,
Song sung blue—
I want to bid you goodbye.
Maybe one day in the spring,
we will find each other again.
But for now, it's too late, my love ...

If Ever They Told You About Me (Smile)

Versions: #2
If ever
they told you about me,
who knows whether, in the end,
you will find
a smile for me.
Even though
for far too long now there has been
silence between us,
I think of you still, you know.
Whatever else
they told you about me,
I hope you will recall
I was to you.
Even though
you suffered as much as me,
I hope you will be able
to smile for me—
if ever.
Even though
you suffered as much as me,
I hope you will be able
to smile for me—
if ever.

If I Could, My Love

If I could, my love,
I would give you everything I see—
but I can only give you what I have—
and unfortunately that is not a lot.
If you would be my love,
I would like to be a great man—
to be able to love you like a queen—
but unfortunately things are what they are.
If you would be my love—
in order not to waste this, your life,
I should leave and tell you goodbye—
but unfortunately I am not that nice.

South America

The blue sky, you and I—
there is nothing else in the world.
Hold me a little, love me a little
I'll take you away with me.
You will come to know and love
what I love the most—
the sun shines, say yes to it.
It shines for you as well.
There are people there who live happily—
that is a part of me,
And you will see it, you will understand it—
you have to try it with me.
There you will live and you will augh.
You won't want to leave ever again.
Melancholy—leave it here—
you won't need it there.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
It is a bit crazy, very innocent people—
it takes hold of you and lasts.
They give you love, they give you heat—
love will guide you.
The nights there with their magic—
will take hold and fill you with joy—
a single kiss, a first time—
you're in love.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.
So it goes in South America
sweet South America—
South American woman—
South America.

I Think of Her and I Am With You

I no longer recall
whether it was springtime or not.
I remember strolling the streets
when all of a sudden there,
in front of my eyes,
an angel passed.
Then she smiled at me—
I later found her hair
in my bed.
And when I awoke,
I sought to sort out
whether her face was
just a dream, or was it really true?
Sorry my love—
but, since that day, I—
I think of her
and I am with you.
The winter began for us.
The sun faded—
that woman was no longer here—
she had been erased from my mind.
But a letter came—
and my heart stopped—
'I am the woman who, that night, you
took into in your bed.'
'You won't believe this, and I do not want you to believe me,
but you have left in me a deep memory—
a memory that will remain with me.
Do what you want, I love you.'
Now tell me what—
what should a man do
in such a situation?
I stay with you and think of her.
I think of her and I am with you.
The winter began for us.
The sun faded—
that woman was no longer here—
she had been erased from my mind.
But a letter came—
and my heart stopped—
'I am the woman who, that night, you
took into in your bed.'
'You won't believe this, and I do not want you to believe me,
but you have left in me a deep memory—
a memory that will remain with me.
Do what you want, I love you.
Do what you want, I love you.'

For Whom

Come back soon, my love.
Come back soon to my home.
Do not go out into the world without me—
you would miss out on how you are losing me—
come back soon.
I am alone at night—
if I lose myself in my thoughts,
I end up wanting to die—but why?
I wonder what I am worth without you—
and for whom do I live? For whom?
For whom—my heart will beat in the dark.
For whom—for whom shall I live?
For whom—smile and laugh again.
For whom—if you are not here?
If the love that you gave me
amidst the foliage on that grass—
had stayed in your big blue eyes.
Come back soon, my love—
if you are are not there,
whom do I live for? For whom.
For whom—smile and laugh again.
For whom—if you are not here?
For whom—my heart will beat in the dark.
For whom—for whom shall I live?

Step by Step

Where am I going?
Why? Who am I?
How long have I been running?
What a flight.
But I've always put myself first—
I have walked my way—
there is no other way for me—
me alone.
Step by step ending here—
and I started from nothing.
How many times have I said 'no'—
always dying a little inside.
But I would follow the same course again
with my head held high—
sometimes you just cannot do it any longer:
being strong.
And paying the price, whatever that be,
to continue,
step by step, I
am here.
A woman's smile—
a full house—a gesture—
it is knowing that one gives for a reason—
a bit of serenity is enough for me.
And that is why I never stop it:
my life.
That is why I am losing you now,
my friend.
The regret will never leave me—
but I chose to put myself first.
Step by step,
I stay here.

If I Am Here Tonight

If I am here tonight,
it is because I love you—
it is because you need me
even if you do not know it.
If I am here tonight,
it is because I know how to forgive
and I will not throw it away like this—
my love for you.
For me to come here—
it was like scaling
the highest mountain in the world.
And now that I am here,
I want to forget
the saddest memories down at the bottom.
If I am here tonight,
it is because I know how to forgive—
it is because you need me
even if you do not know it.
It is because you need me
even if you do not know it.


please go away—
there is so much of you in my house—
no, do not ever enter.
There are so many people who have a need to suffer—
and who cry a little every day.
On the contrary, I want to live and sing
and I must tell you—no!
please go away—
no, do not be obsessed
with dwelling with me.
Now, I am going to paint my room red—
as soon as you are gone, I will do it.
And, in your place, I have already invited Hope—
and finally I will live.

The Two of Us

And the sun is about to set for us.
The evening has already waned for us.
We are holding hands—
the road seems much longer than ever.
And the sky is above us—
and the sky is within us—
and around us, people smile at us.
We talk and, in the meantime, we stroll.
Higher than the rest of the world,
further ahead than the passage of time—now
we fly and, without noise,
life already vanishes behind us.
And the sky is within us—
and the sky is below us—
we will have more space to be us—
we will know what we will be.
The two of us—two out of time—
but the sun is awakening us already.
We are holding hands—
on the street, people smile at us.

Bright Eyes

I was just a youngster
but I thought like an adult,
and I always looked ahead.
And I studied day and night—
and for the licensing exam,
I completed the first test
when I saw two bright eyes
with two bitter tears
that fell onto a white sheet of paper.
And, with my test complete,
much like offering a flower,
I put it on her desk.
Ah love, love, love—
it burned me.
Her eyes took aim at my heart—
it hit me ...
I saw leaves playing with the sun—
I saw trees above me—
and I love her, and I love her, and I love her.
A seagull against the wind
files—flies and seems to stand still—
just like my thoughts.
I changed inside and out—
but about that feeling—
the past seems like yesterday.
Those two bright, bright eyes—
those two bitter tears—
I do not know where to find them anymore.
And I don't know if it's for better or for worse—
if it is instinct or if it is courage—
I will continue to look for them.
Ah love, love, love—
but what ...
a glance pierces your heart—
but where...
I saw leaves playing with the sun—
I saw trees above me—
and I'll call out to you and search for you—
and I love you.
Ah love, love, love—
What is it ...
Ah love, love, love—
and I love you, and I love you, and I love you ...
Ah love, love, love—
What is it ...

New World

I know Ribbellandomi—
and knowing, I would leave—
and leaving, I would die—
and dying, I would understand.
And understanding. I would come back—
and coming back, I would suffer—
and suffering, I would hate—
and hating, I would know
that I have nothing without her—
that I have nothing without her.
It is completely senseless being together with her
but I have nothing without her.
How I humiliate myself with her—
but I have nothing without her.
New world—my world—
but where are you—where I am?
And what do I have—what will I have?
I have nothing without her.
I have nothing without her.
I have nothing without her.
It is completely senseless being together with her
but I have nothing without her.
How I humiliate myself with her—
but I have nothing without her.
I know how to leave—
and leaving, I would die—
and dying, I would understand
that I have nothing without her

The Paper Dove

And now that love has ended
every day is a life—
a breath is over without you
but why, but why?
But where are you going?
Rush to find the sun,
leaving behind you a man who doesn't know
what and where reality is.
There must be a place
where the woe lasts for only an instant—
where a sunset lasts for a year,
and a love lasts forever.
I think that there is
a place where you can
stop time—stop the world—
as it pleases you—where you can meet
someone who smiles like you, who is sweet like you,
who loves like you—
I am sure that I will meet you—
I will meet you—I will meet you
in the blue silence of the sky.
White and fragile fly the paper doves—
our reason rises higher than all of them
and steals the last spark of the sun—
then—then there is nothing more.

I Understood That I Love You

I understood that I love you
when I saw that all it took was
your hesitation
to banish from me
my indifference—
out of fear that you will not come back.
I understood that I love you
when I saw that all it took was
one sentence from you
to make an evening
like any other
begin to light up as if by magic.
And to think that only a short time ago,
while talking to someone,
I found myself saying that now
I would never ever again
believe in love—
never again delude myself and dream.
And it's then that
I understood that I love you,
and that it was already too late to go back.
For a bit, I searched in myself
for indifference—
then I let myself fall in love.
For a bit, I searched in myself for indifference—
then I let myself fall in love.

I Fell in Love with You

I fell in love with you
because I had nothing better to do.
By day, I wanted to meet someone.
At night, I wanted something to dream about.
I fell in love with you
because I could no longer remain alone.
By day, I wanted to talk about my dreams.
At night, I wanted to talk of love.
And now that I have a thousand things to do,
I feel my dreams fade away—
and I no longer think
of anything else but you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.