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Număr de rezultate: 52
The Artist
We lived each day—
in those days, that was enough for us—
We ate little or nothing
in my attic full of dreams.
You shared with me
the wish for success
that I have inside.
I recited my life
and I sought out my path
through the world.
I used to read to you my poetry
that I only wrote to you in the evening.
I gathered up fantasies
that I unveiled only to you, love.
Where are you? What are you doing?
You are lost—now
what do you make of your feelings?
Wandering, you will not find
the right road
to come back here again.
Today I have much more than back then.
My life is not only expectation—
now I live in a house so grand
that I lose my way in it.
And I no longer write poetry—
you no longer listen to it, in the evening—
I no longer have fantasies
because here you are not here, love.
Where are you? What are you doing?
You are lost—now
what do you make of your feelings?
Wandering, you will not find
the right road
to come back here again.
Na, na, na, na, na ..
Without You (Save Me)
Without you, I think I might die.
The sun looks dead now—
life is a sort of game that,
without you, I might not play.
Without you, I think I might die.
I would be a lonely man who goes
far afield and then
I would lose my way.
I would—
I would like to scream at you—
the door is open—go ahead, go away
I am not afraid of losing you
and I do not want to see you anymore
without you, I believe that I might not live—
I might not live more than another day, as only you know—
like a butterfly that
will not live to see the sun twice.
But, without you, I think I might die—
I would be a lonely man.
This Love So Great
No, this evening,
I know it already—
this ends here, right here where
you said yes.
This evening—but you—
this evening, no—
do not tell me more, no—
Say nothing and search in me
for the desire to feel like myself.
This love so great
that gives me
emotions that
I have never experienced.
If I missed you this evening,
I might die—
it would be absurd not to live, I know—
to think of nothing, without you.
And it was always good with you—
if you go away now— I think that
I will end up going crazy.
This love so great
that gives me emotions that
I have never experienced.
If I missed you this evening,
I might die—
in this futile life,
you are the only certainty—
That is what is in me.
The Length of a Kiss
stay one more minute—
the length of a kiss—
what do you want it to be?
It seems unreal
that you, in a little while—
you will leave.
From this room
that has known
everything of us—
and then you will be
just a memory—
On your face, in the evening,
sadness kindles—
you cannot stop time—
my heart, yes.
My love, I want to
remember you—
that smile of yours.
My love, see,
I am not sad,
I smile also—
but why do you go?
Into the fog, disappears
a train and your kiss—
and there are those who say
leaving is a bit like dying.
But you are the one who leaves
and I am the one dying.
The Last Dreamer
A river without a bed—
a field without flowers—
a face without a name.
A day without sun—
a sky without stars—
the world without love.
The hot wind of summer—
friend of many years ago—
sunrises with a ruby sun.
Beautiful days of serenity—
on the roofs, songbirds,
to embroider melodies.
But time
has erased everything—
unfortunately that is so today.
But I am convinced
it cannot end everything—
it cannot end badly.
They will return—
the beautiful springtimes—
and love will be victorious.
The hot wind of summer—
friend of many years ago—
I recall how it was yesterday—
I burst with happiness.
The long rivers run to the seashore—
the nostalgia of the first 'no'—
I will be a deluded dreamer
but one day everything will change.
The long rivers run to the seashore—
the nostalgia of the first 'no'—
I will be a deluded dreamer
but one day everything will change.
The Ultimate Romantic
The ultimate: I am the ultimate romantic—
the one who can bring you flowers,
and know what you feel, just from the look on your face,
or the tremor of your hand—to know if you love me.
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two doves
making love on a piazza, ignoring the people
who almost trample them in haste while rushing by.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two young people
kissing in the piazza, ignoring other people—
just as we are doing now—just as the two of us are doing now.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
La la la la la la la...
It Was Spring
To you, who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
and then so much love, love.
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
It's Evening
It's evening.
If the windows are closing
a few at a time—
if people stroll and then turn
at every street corner in a hurry—
then that means—that means it's evening.
It's evening.
You raise your eyes to see a thousand windows,
each with a light on—
a car goes fast
and already, its roar sounds far away—
so that means—that means it's evening.
It's evening.
When no one thinks of anything other
than rushing home—
when a beggar leaves his post
in front of a church—
then that means—that means it's evening.
It's evening.
So that means—that means it's evening.
It's evening.
When you feel the need to have
someone close—
You shout the name out loud
but no one answers back—
Then you can say—you can say
that it's evening ... it's evening.
As I Love You
When the sun
rises over the sea
and shines down on us—
and I hold you in my arms
as I love you, as I love you.
You are here with me, I feel your breathing
in rhythm with mine
and I think I am dreaming
as I love you, as I love you.
You know I will live here with you—
you know I will live here with you—
and every day,
we will gaze toward the sea
and love one another.
This is what you wanted—
no one else around us—
and I feel happy—
and you are beautiful
beyond any other.
Your face
that I see here before me
speaks to me and smiles at me—
and shines like the sun
as I love you, as I love you.
You know I will live here with you—
you know I will live here with you—
and every day,
we will gaze toward the sea
and love one another.
You know I will live here with you—
and every day,
we will gaze toward the sea
and love one another.
How Difficult It Is
How difficult it is,
my darling,
how difficult it is,
to love you.
Given this desire that I have
to go away—
to travel
the world.
Given this desire that I have
to go away—
to travel
the world.
How difficult it is,
my darling,
how difficult it is,
to see the end.
Of all of my dreams
in a glass of water—
without ever
having seen the sea.
Of all of my dreams
in a glass of water—
without ever
having seen the sea.
How difficult it is,
my darling,
how difficult it is,
to love you.
Wanting you as much
as I want you—
so that I cannot live
without you.
Wanting you as much
as I want you—
so that I cannot live
without you.
And If I Were
And if I were only a normal man,
I would take this love as if it were an adventure—
and I would neither want to leave so badly,
nor crave so much to return, nor wish so much to die.
And I will come back, I will come back
or I will die, without you.
And if I were only a normal man,
I would take this love as if it were an adventure—
and I would neither want to leave so badly,
nor crave so much to return, nor wish so much to die.
And I will come back, I will come back
or I will die, without you.
Na na na na ....
I Who Love Only You
There are people who have had a thousand things—
all of the good, all of the evil in the world.
I have had only you—
and I will not lose you,
I will not leave you
to search out new adventures.
There are people who love a thousand things—
and get lost in the streets of the world.
I who love only you—
I will stop myself
and I will give you
all that remains
of my youth.
There are people who have had a thousand things—
all of the good, all of the evil in the world.
I have had only you—
and I will not lose you,
I will not leave you
to search for new illusions.
There are people who love a thousand things—
and get lost in the streets of the world.
I who love only you—
I will stop myself
and I will give you
all that remains
of my youth.
Of my youth—
of my youth—
of my youth.
My Friends
Versions: #2
My friends! My friends!
Tonight I am not coming,
do not wait for me—
tonight, my friends,
I am going to her.
Tonight I tell you—
if she wants to come back to me—
in the event that she is there—
I can no longer resist.
We all need someone
close to us in order to live—
and me,
I live for her.
And if I come back
and I want to cry,
please, my friends,
stay quiet.
Gather around me
and smile me because
a man, no, he cannot
cry for love.
And I—I live for her!
And if I come back
and I want to cry,
please, my friends,
stay quiet.
Gather around me
and smile me because
a man, no, he cannot
cry for love.
Crying for love.
No, no, no, no, no, no, he cannot,
no, he cannot cry for love.
No, no, no, no, no, no, he cannot,
cry for love.
Cry for love!
It Was Spring
To you,
who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
then love, then love, love.
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
40 and 20
Lies are always lies—
things that people invent—
to say that our love is forbidden—
I am 40 and you are 20.
That I am autumn in your life—
and you are sweet spring—
they do not know that I still have a summer,
that when I look at you, it burns you.
40 and 20.
40 and 20.
Love is what matters
and not what people say.
40 and 20.
40 and 20.
Take my hand,
stroll with me,
looking straight ahead.
It matters not that they do not understand me—
what does it matter if they gossip
that there is a huge difference—
I am 40 and you are 20.
That I have lived so much
and that you have so much innocence—
they do not know that our secret
is your youth and my experience.
40 and 20.
40 and 20.
Love is what matters
and not what people say.
40 and 20.
40 and 20.
Take my hand,
stroll with me,
looking straight ahead.
40 and 20.
40 and 20.
Love is what matters
and not what people say.
40 and 20.
40 and 20.
Take my hand,
stroll with me,
looking straight ahead.
Angela, Angela, my angel—
I did not believe that this evening
it would have really been our goodbye.
Angela, believe me, I did not want that.
Angela, Angela, my angel—
when I told you, I want to leave,
I just wanted to see you cry—
because I like to make you suffer.
I wanted to make you cry—
to see your tears—
to know that your heart
is in my hands.
Angela, Angela, my angel—
but tonight, instead of crying,
you look at my face in a strange manner—
as if I were now far away.
I beg you, Angela, no, do not leave—
you cannot leave me here all alone—
it is just not possible that suddenly
I can lose you—I can lose everything.
Angela, Angela, my angel—
I did not believe that this evening
it would have really been our goodbye.
Angela, believe me, I did not want that.
Angela, Angela, do not leave
I beg you, Angela, do not leave me.
Primul lucru frumos
Am luat chitara
si cant pentru tine
timpul pentru a invata
nu-l am si nu stiu sa cant
dar cant pentru tine.
Asculta aceasta voce
care canta este inima mea
iubire, iubire, iubire
e ceea ce stiu sa spun
dar tu ma vei intelege
Pajistile sunt in floare
mirosi a parfum si tu
as vrea sa mor
nu mai pot sa cant
nu cer mai mult
Primul lucru frumos
pe care l-am avut de la viata
este surasul tau tanar, esti tu
Printre arbori o stea
noaptea s-a limpesit
inima indragostita tot mai mult.
Asculta aceasta voce
care canta este inima mea
iubire iubire iubire
e ceea ce stiu sa spun
dar tu ma vei intelege.
Pajistile sunt in floare...
Primul lucru frumos
pe care l-am avut de la viata
este surasul tau tanar, esti tu
Printre arbori o stea
noaptea s-a limpezit
inima indragostita tot mai mult
Asculta aceasta voce
care canta este inima mea
iubire iubire iubire
e ceea ce stiu sa spun
dar tu ma vei intelege
dar tu ma vei intelege
Give me your hand, Zingara
Quick, tell me what fate you see.
Tell me about loves,
I have no fear,
Because I already know it's not up to me
Look in my eyes, Zingara,
If you see her hair colour,
Tell me if it's golden or if it has changed,
And if you know the reason why
And if it's written that I'll loose her,
Please, tell me why her love is dying
Give me your hand, Zingara...
Tell me you love me,
Give me hope
That'll be enough to make me happy
And if it's written that I'll loose her,
Please, tell me why her love is dying
Give me your hand, Zingara
Quick, tell me what fate you see.
Tell me you love me, give me hope
That'll be enough to make me happy
Chitara canta mai lent
Chitara canta mai lent,
Cineva o poate auzi,
Doar ea trebuie sa inteleaga,
Ea singura trebuie sa stie
Ca vorbesc de dragoste.
Canta greierii in grau
Si o pasarica pe creanga,
Nimeni nu doarme in aceasta seara,
Nici macar ea care la aceasta ora,
Imbratiseaza perna si suspina.
Luna s-a oprit pe cer,
Licuriciul pe mar,
Chitara mea canta mai lent,
Chiar daca mana e nesigura,
Canta chitara ca este timpul.
Timpul de a-i da tot binele ce-l am in inima,
De a-i spune adio pentru totdeauna sau de a o ierta
Si a o iubi cum nimeni o poate face.
E timpul de a respira o gura de aer proaspat.
O pajiste e verde cand este primavara.
Soarele e cald si apoi coboara seara, pentru noi.
Noaptea miroase a fan
Eu dorm pe sanul sau.
Doamne, cum ii bate inima.
Lumea doarme la aceasta ora,
Dormi chitara ca e timpul.
Timpul de a-i da tot binele ce-l am in inima,
De a-i spune adio pentru totdeauna sau de a o ierta
Si a o iubi cum nimeni o poate face.
E timpul de a respira o gura de aer proaspat.
O pajiste e verde cand este primavara.
Soarele e cald si apoi coboara seara.
Inima e un tigan
Aveam o rana in adancul inimii,
sufeream, sufeream.
I-am spus: nu e nimic, dar minteam,
plangeam, plangeam.
Pentru tine s-a facut tarziu, e deja noapte,
nu ma retine, lasa-ma jos.
Imi spuse: nu ma privi in ochi,
si m-a lasat, cantand asa:
Ce vina am
daca inima e un tigan si pleaca
Lanturi nu are,
inima e un tigan si pleaca.
Pana cand va gasi
pajistea cea mai verde care exista,
va aduna stelele de deasupra sa
si se va opri cine stie
si se va opri.
Am vazut-o dupa un an aseara
radea, radea.
Ma stranse, stiam ca inima mea
batea, batea.
Imi spuse: stam impreuna diseara
ce dorinta de a-i raspunde: da,
dar fara s-o privesc in ochi
o lasai, cantand asa:
Ce vina am
daca inima e un tigan si pleaca?
Lanturi nu are,
inima e un tigan si pleaca.
Pana cand va gasi
pajistea cea mai verde care exista,
va aduna stelele de deasupra sa
si se va opri cine stie
si se va opri.
La, la, la, la...