Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 22


If you don’t love me, say so

Your love is a lie, I know
I can sense it through your eyes
Even through sensing it, I’m still in love
I laugh, sometimes, I laugh
Sometimes, I’m impatient and can't bear to go
Maybe these things are intentional to you
Day by day, you’ll be tested to see if you’ll love me
I’ll shower in your thoughts
Chorus - (x2)
If you don’t love me, say so

Totul a fost frumos

Totul a fost atât de frumos
De ce aveai nevoie de asta ?!
De ce nu mi-ai dat drumul mâinii mele?
De ce ai vrut să mă doară ?!
Pot să vă spun în sfârșit, ce este durerea
Va veni vremea, chiar o pot vedea pe tine
Când nimic nu doare atât de mult
El nu te poate ajuta și nimeni nu va fi cu tine
De ce nu-ți mai este frică de nimic?
Ești întărit, nu îți este frică de viață.
Că el va da totul înapoi într-o zi
Și nimic nu merge așa, cum ai crezut că o va face
Din nou, nu este suficient să dăm totul
Nu este suficient să o duci și mai departe
Uită-te la cer, privește puțin mai adânc
Care este sensul vieții singur?
Cine va fi încântat să te astepte acasă?
Cine va fi dacă există probleme și ești doar tu
Crezi din nou, ca nu va mai funcționa
În fericire am crezut, de ce a trebuit să-mi ia asta? (de la mine)
Ref.: 1x / T.J
Dacă cineva iti moare, sau te paraseste e la fel
E adevărat, îl întâlnești, dar nu-l vezi, e la fel
Nu o văd așa cum a fost la început
Dar asigură-mă, că memoria ta trăiește cu tine.
Sa-ti fiu in gand, dacă te afli într-un loc cunoscut
Sa-ti fiu in gand, când tu te aștepți la altceva
Nu uita ca cu tine am vorbit sincer
Să dărâmăm, ceea ce am atins cu greu
Nu ar trebui să mai existe nici unul dintre acestea care să-l strice
Mă doare să vad, ca asa usor imi dai drumul
Nu am rămas pe drumurile abătute
Tu deja ai deviat, asa continui liber.
Găseste-ți de cine ai nevoie din inimă curată
Vei putea să iubești, vei radia din ochi
Pentru că știu deja, că eu nu voi sta în umbră
Nu te voi aștepta în acel loc.
Refl.: 2x / T.J
Cât de mult te învață viața cand cazi
Cel mai rău s-a întâmplat, așa că nu am de ce să mă tem
Nici măcar nu întrebi, ce ma doare mai mult?
Doar un sentiment sau sunt obișnuit cu tine
Sper că ai cumpărat asta, nimic nu conta
Îmi poate spune cineva, ce să fac acum ?!
Tu stii aia, ca degeaba il cauti
Pe acel băiat , care am fost pe lume este pierdut
Asa este mai bine pentru tine, dacă nu există nimeni care să te protejeze
Spune-mi sincer, cât te înțeleg ?!
Asta dacă ai spune cu ușurință, că este FINALUL
Nu-ți aminti de rău, doar de frumos !!

Hope Not

I sit by the window where cool air blows
I think of you while looking at the far sky
I must be a fool who can’t be helped
Even when the four seasons change, I don’t
They say there’s no point in regretting but
I keep thinking of you
(I was wrong)
I will smile if
I see you as if nothing happened
For you I’m okay with being hurt
Since I only gave you pain during the time we were together
But you, the love you want
You need to meet someone better than me and be happy
But I hope not to the point where you forget me
I can’t fall asleep this night under the moonlight
No matter how much I wait, you won’t come
Next to me is an empty space
I’m not a stranger to being alone anymore
They say there’s no point in regretting but
I keep thinking of you
(I was wrong)
I will smile if I see you as if nothing happened
For you I’m okay with being hurt
Since I only gave you pain during the time we were together
But you, the love you want
You need to meet someone better than me and be happy
But I hope not to the point where you forget me
Still at this place, I can’t forget about you
For you I’m okay with being hurt
Since I only gave you pain during the time we were together
But you, the love you want
You need to meet someone better than me and be happy
But I hope not to the point where you forget me

A message from the heart

My heart sends a message about teary eyes
I'm awake but deep in a dream
If you search around the world
You won't find another lover like me
Come to me in spite of distance
For the reward of your patience
Don't separate your heart from mine
Come on a rainy night
To the edge of the wasteland
Come and oust the feeling of separation from your heart
I entrusted the test of staying together
In these cold silent nights
Yes, I'm waiting in the night
In case you suddenly come out of the door
My heart beats with yours
No matter how long I'm separated from you
Among all people in this world
You're the dearest to me

Queen of the Night

In front of wisps of violet clouds
she hitches up the dark carriage,
she is the Queen of the Night,
hangs black cloths over the land.
And when I close my eyes,
I hear her laughing with the wind
and I know we've been caught
where she spins her web.
Queen of the Night,
you play a false game with me,
Queen of the Night,
I don't know what I really want.
Queen of the Night,
You laughed at me.
Queen of the Night,
Your spell keeps me awake.
She wraps me in black linen,
wants to spin me a confused web of dreams
I can't escape from her power,
can't free myself from her clutches.

Queen of the weapons German Infantry

Comrads let us sing
a melody
cause there shall sound a song
on the Infantry.
Cause she is at all times
always battle ready
if it thunder, sparkles or cracks
Their steady fightings
this song is conceived.
Tanks and flyer
never make it alone
can never be the winners
on the battlefield.
Can never make it
without your commitment
commitment never!
Queen of the weapons
German Infantry!
Without stop through storm and rain
in the middle of the night.
without stop against the enemy
what may comes.
If even a hot day
if even a cold night
if even the home is far away
home is far away.
steady fights on all ways
proud the infantryman.
Tanks and flyer
never make it alone
can never be the winners
on the battlefield.
Can never make it
without your commitment
commitment never!
Queen of the weapons
German Infantry!


Versions: #2
The way how you dance and also the style how you walk
Moved me
from the first look
Whatever you do
It makes my heart
What's the price
for a night with you
I pay with Cash
Whatever you want
Whatever I need do it to me
Queen on your stage
Dance with me the whole night
world of light is dazing my mind
but you just thought about me
I look at you
and can't stand
Not even in the dream I saw the fire
What are you doing
When your illusory world breaks down
the light goes off
What happens with me
I pay with Cash
Whatever you want
Whatever I need do it to me
Queen on your stage
Dance with me the whole night
world of light is dazing my mind
but you just thought about me
Queen on your
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

The Snows

I did not cry, was not afraid, did not complain
You did not see a trembling hand.
I was sixteen, like from a hideout,
Like a puppy, they took out the hawks .
And further - echelons, the inhuman towers,
The barbed wire encircling the camps
The land of the bear, beyond the horizon - boundless,
Where every view burned with a candle ...
The Snows, the snows ... Red, black, white ...
The Siberian Years wraped, shored up ...
The Snows the snows chatted me up
All of life redeeming the debts.
The dogs howled, and the bullets sounded,
If there is a miracle - this is one miracle:
I do not know where the strength of a wolf came in
I do not know, how I only survived ...
I did not cry, was not afraid, did not complain
From those times of student days.
I'm old now, to go now to the hideout,
Yet again to unfurl out the flags...
I did not cry, was not afraid, did not complain
You did not see a trembling hand.
I was sixteen, like from a hideout,
Like a puppy, they took out the hawks .
The Snows ... The Snows ...

Show Me Your Love

Make me see if you're able
Make me hear that you like it
Make me hear what I no longer hear
Make me look into your eyes
If I still like it, if you touch me
Make me see what I no longer see
Come on, show me your love
As I need some of it
Because all this reality
Makes me feel afraid
Come on, find the beautiful words
For these sunless days
And make me say what I no longer say
Please make me understand
That what I am is not a mistake
Make some noise, as I no longer hear you
Come on, show me your love
As I need some of it
Because all this reality
Makes me feel afraid
Come on, show me your love
As I need some of it
Because all this reality
Makes me feel afraid
Make me see if you're able
Make me know that you like it
Because I
I no longer hear you
Come on, show me your love
Come on, show me your love
As I need some of it
Because all this reality
Makes me feel afraid
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


I stand alone at the window
The sky outside is gray.
Of this I think, so what?
Later, it will be blue again!
It will be beautiful once again,
The wind will blow all the clouds away
And with you tonight
We'll look up at all the stars.
Because with you,
I'm a queen
You give me heaven on earth
In the kingdom of love
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Only you.
The lights on the street
My path leads to you
At the destination of my dreams
You open the door
Oh, how wonderful
When dreams come true
Anything I want becomes my truth
Because you are here!
Because with you,
I'm a queen
You give me heaven on earth
In the kingdom of love
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Only you.
Each kiss from you is like a diamond
You give me red gold1 and jewels.
Because with you,
I'm a queen
You give me heaven on earth
In the kingdom of love
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Yes, with you,
I'm a queen
The king in my heart, that's you,
Only you.
  • 1. This is a fine wine.

King and Queen

He was of the Circus of Storytellers
She was of the Dancing Squadron Northern Galaxy
He had come to steel space shuttles
She had come and so he stole her
Then he took her as his dancing instructor
He became one of her hottest admirers
He told her all the stories he had to tell
And those that life had written
From this day on let us be King and Queen again
It would be nice, it would be nice
The whole land is getting ready for the party
It would be nice, it would be nice
The hour of truth strikes tonight
I'm dressing up, dancing legs shall be my standing leg
No alcohol, you see how I'm steering clear of the bar
It appears to me you're dancing on to me
Y'all make way now, I'm getting my dancing clearance!
And now they're on their way
To the intergalactic super dance tape

Books (reprise)

[Professor Abronsius:]
Elegies, cantatas,
Letters, chronicles and dates,
Plagiarisms, surrogates,
Catechisms, summaries,
Odes, fables and pamphlets,
And frivolous plots,
Bound in silk, velvet and leather,
Seem to have been kept in here
For hundreds of years!
— Professor, I've found Sarah!
[Professor Abronsius:]
Robespierre, da Vinci, Lessing
And Boccaccio together with Dante,
Dickens, Darwin, Goethe, Heine
And Rostand's ardent genius,
Thomas Moore, Diderot and Byron
In perfect condition,
And Cervantes, and Seneca.
There is no library like this
In the whole world!
— But she doesn't want to be rescued.
[Professor Abronsius:]
A legacy was bequeathed
To future generations,
Otherwise, without a doubt,
We would have stayed ignorant.
Who feeds on wisdom,
In him intelligence awakes,
And customs improve,
And truth comes
Into the world!
— Have you memorized all this well, my boy?


[Professor Abronsius:]
Books, books!
God, what books!
— But, professor, we have to find Sarah!
[Profesor Abronsius:]
Aristotle, Parmenides,
And Diogenes, and Maimonides,
Euclid's geometry,
The Iliad with the Aeneid.
I adore antiquity!
— She is somewhere near...
[Professor Abronsius:]
Marcus Aurelius and Cato,
Also Tacitus and Cicero,
A rare volume of Homer behind it,
Tibull, and Caesar, and Plato.
Romans, Greeks
Will be immortal for evermore!
— He keeps her locked up!
[Professor Abronsius:]
We learn pure thinking
From Kant,
While drawing moral values
From Hegel.
German philosophers
Are unsurpassed spirits.
Brilliant deposits
Are gathered in succession
On these shelves!
— We have little time!
[Professor Abronsius:]
Spinoza and Copernicus,
The humanists' Creed,
Paracelsus and Crusius
The idols of occultists,
Realists, moralists,
Classicists, causalists.
Rare editions
Keep all the riddles
Of the universe!
— It will get dark soon!
[Professor Abronsius:]
Here is Shakespeare and Macchiavelli,
Ekkehard and Kierkegard,
Also Molière and Mary Shelley,
La Fontaine, Marlowe, Tagore.
Here is Leonardo, Botticelli,
Edgar Poe, Marquis de Sade,
And Nostradamus with Avicenna,
And a whole range of other
Priceless volumes!

Now I Am Dead. I'm In Book Lines...

Now I am dead. I'm in book lines, not boulders,
Your hands adorn...
The chains of love are taken off your shoulders,
My ashes burn.
I can be flipped through in the times of trouble
From this day on,
Your roads forever will keep through life's rubble
My seal foregone.
I've dug myself a grave, the tomb of my verse,
With rolled up sleeves,
But listen - do you hear singing sky birds?
My verse - it lives!
My tomb's not empty, do not leave confused like
Poor Magdalene...
Just for a single moment touch my lips with
Your lips serene.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.