Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 20



Raki să nu fie
Vin să nu fie
De vreme ce tu nu ești, nici mintea mea să nu fie
Zi să nu fie
Noapte să nu fie
Din moment ce tu nu ești, zilele să sece
Privește-mă cum sunt fără tine
Vino și tu și fă-mi o ciorbă
De vreme ce tu m-ai omorât
Vulturi să nu fie
Privește-mă cum sunt fără tine
Vino și tu și fă-mi o ciorbă
De vreme ce tu m-ai omorât
Vulturi să nu fie
Rude să nu fie
Fără tine nimeni să nu fie
Te rog să nu fie!

My Soul's Always Patterned

Versions: #1
Okay okay i admit, I'm excatly like that.
I'm this, then suddenly I'm that.
Meet me everyday from scratch.
I'll laugh then next thing you know, I'll suddenly cry.
I'll tell you things one time then I will hide.
Get used to my such moods.
You are not even aware..
But that's exactly what attracts you.
Why would you choose me otherwise?
When the market is full of patternless people.
How am I today?
Am I close or am I distant?
Offf.. how can I know
Am I an open lap or a trap?
My soul is always patterned.
But I always have been like this,
you loved me when I was like this.
Now even if you tell me to change, I can't.
Stop and take a look at my colors.
Make yourself a bundle of colors.
That way our love won't fade .
You are not even aware..
But that's exactly what attracts you.
Why would you choose me otherwise?
When the market is full of patternless people
How am I today?
Am I close or am I distant?
Offf.. how can I know
Am I an open lap or a trap?
My soul is always patterned.
How am I today?
Am I close or am I distant?
Offf.. how can I know
Am I an open lap or a trap?
I should choose to be one of them(either an open lap or a trap)
Am I calm or cool
am I yours or am I mine
Let me take some time to think about that.
Am I the heart or the mind?
Am i someone who is confused?
My soul is always patterned.

This Is Istanbul

Versions: #1
Is there a creature with no porkies?1
Is the road you're on two-by-twice?
Why is it that your inside feels chilly
Is it the hill you took snowy?
What if I turn on my heels?
What if I swear off?
What if I sell the
Sazan sarmalı short?
This place's called Istanbul
It sleeps with one eye open
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
Is there a creature with no porkies?
Is the road you're on two-by-twice?
Why is it that your inside feels chilly
Is the hill you took snowy?
What if I turn on my heels?
What if I swear off?
What if I sell the
Sazan sarmalı short?
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
Brave, beautiful
Cro- wded
Near the knuckle
This place's called Istanbul
It shades off into a fairy tale at nights
Should you won't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This place's called Istanbul
At nights uuuuu
Should you don't go to bed with it,
It entwines itself around you
This is Istanbul


Versions: #1
Let your money stay in your pocket
Let go, now you are comfortable
What this girl would do with the goods and property?
She works and earns
She bought the solitaire diamond ring
She threw the diamond eternity ring
How many carats is your heart?
This girl asks him
Right hands up in the air
Diamonds over here
I bought a diamond ring myself
I alone wore it by myself
Let them not be arrogant
I earn enough money
But the heart is the real piggy bank
If my loved is not in my hands
What should i do with the diamond on my finger?
One day will come the glory, fame, reputation, money
But love is on the black market every day
If my loved is not in my hands
What should i do with the diamond on my finger?
Keep the money in your pocket for yourself
Spend your heart on me
I bought my diamond but
I need a heart like a diamond


Versions: #1
Life sometimes chooses one
We say 'pas!'
The word goes to Pelin
Pelin has a style
For example she doesn't fall in love
We all meet
Pelin has no time
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Purple doesn't suit me - suit Pelin
Pelin Pelin
He doesn't love me, he loves Pelin
Fate doesn't smile at me
Smiles at Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Nobody chooses me
Choosing Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Life sometimes chooses one
We say 'pas!'
The word goes to Pelin
Pelin's love is such that
Not to be found in the whole world
Pelin's idea is that
Unable to compete with Pelin
Look at Pelin a Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Purple doesn't suit me - suit Pelin
Pelin Pelin
He doesn't love me, he loves Pelin
Fate doesn't smile at me
Smiles at Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Nobody chooses me
Choosing Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Pelin has a style
For example she doesn't fall in love
We all meet
Pelin has no time
Pelin's love is such that
Not to be found in the whole world
Pelin's idea is that
Unable to compete with Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
At Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin

Don't leave, or...

Versions: #1
Don't leave or I'll take all the sleeping pills
Then you'll be browsing through spirit books
I'll write a letter ending with 'I always loved you'
Think if you'll have any joy anymore afterwards
Don't leave or I'll jump off the nearest bridge
No need for a memory, this will be your only thing
Don't leave or I'll murder our next-door neighbors
Then I'll tell the cops 'He killed those innocents'
Don't leave, let my world spin, let it spin
Let my world spin, let it spin
I don't want anyone to die or anything
Don't leave or I'll chance upon a hired gun
Then you'll be washing ashore at desolate coasts
Don't leave or my name will be on the evening news
You'll be getting old in a mental hospital
Don't leave, let my world spin, let it spin
Let my world spin, let it spin
I don't want anyone to die or anything
Don't leave, don't leave
Don't leave, don't abandon (me), don't abandon (me), don't leave
Don't leave, don't leave, don't leave
Don't leave, don't abandon (me), don't abandon (me), don't leave
Don't leave, I don't want it

I Was Born Naked

Versions: #2
Some mornings I found myself lost when I woke up
It's as if I was a shadow, I was on the floor when I was standing
I don't know, I don't know
Everybody is on their own business, they are following a thousand wishes
Am I the only one who can't? A repentant?
I don't know, I don't know
I breathed in, I breathed out
I am here, I won't give up, no
I was born here naked
Sorry, but I am not ashamed, not ashamed
Sometimes whatever I do I feel like it's a 1-1 tie in the end
If they asked, they wouldn't know if I were a loser or a winner
I don't know, I don't know
It's always the same question, it's both hard and correct
While my days are going on, where is my courage?
I don't know, I don't know
I breathed in, I breathed out
I am here, I won't give up
I was born here naked
Sorry, but I am not ashamed, not ashamed
No, no, no, I won't give up
No, I am not ashamed

Vreau să aud totul despre tine

Stai stai stai stai stai
Nu te uita așa nu te uita așa
Ieși din vena mea
Nu exită nu există nu există nu există
Nu face așa nu face așa
Nu plec de lângă tine
Clic clic clic clic clic clic
Nu mă chema așa nu veni așa
Întoarce-te la ușa mea
Ieși ieși ieși
Nu spune așa nu-i spune ei
Am un răspuns înfiorător
Vreau să aud totul despre tine
Dacă asta nu este dragoste ce este
Vreau să te văd din nou în mintea mea să te pup din nou
Vreau să-ți povestesc totul parte în parte
Dacă asta nu este dragoste ce este
Vreau să te văd din nou în mintea mea să te pup din nou
Bufniță bufniță bufniță bufniță
Nu-mi arunca inima nu o arunca așa
Aud cei de afară
Mult Mult Mult Mult Mult
Nu vreau să ni-se rupă viața
Nu mă chema așa nu veni așa
Întoarce-te la ușa mea
Nu mirosii așa nu mirosii așa
Ieși din vântul meu
Vreau să aud totul despre tine
Dacă asta nu este dragoste ce este
Vreau să te văd din nou în mintea mea să te pup din nou
Vreau să-ți povestesc totul parte în parte
Dacă asta nu este dragoste ce este
Vreau să te văd din nou în mintea mea să te pup din nou
Vreau să șterg totul înainte de tine
Dacă asta nu este dragoste ce este
Vreau să te văd din nou în mintea mea să te pup din nou
Ege Kökenli

So good

I wanted rain, it rained
I had found a job, didn't hold on to it
while listening to everyone, only to me did it not listen?
Did I ask for too much and it didn't happen?
Once I tried but
he didn't really become mine
nobody other than you
nobody other than you
Nobody other than you become mine
so good it didn't happen
so good it didn't happen
He didn't hold on to my embrace
didn't keep my secrets at all
I lit up a match, it didn't burn
there was none left in the box
I gave pills, he didn't swallow them
I predicted destiny, didn't turn up like it
so good it didn't happen
my words weren't true at all
I ran after him, he didn't escape
so good it didn't happen
I was enthusiastic, now it's not there
He didn't even dip his bread with me
so good it didn't happen
I made up a lie, he didn't believe it
My shops were not open
so good it didn't happen so good it didn't happen
so good.


18 ani

Am dormit, arăt că am crescut
Dar am crescut, am crescut chiar și o zi
Erau întrebări, răspunsurile sunt foarte șic
Dar n-am purtat-o, nici măcar o dată n-am purtat
Și tu nici nu ai văzut asta!
Eu am încă 18 ani
Fie toate, fie nimic
Nu crezi că în ultimele trei ore
Nimeni sau nimic ...
Am dormit, arăt că am crescut
Dar am crescut, am crescut chiar și o zi
Erau întrebări, răspunsurile sunt foarte șic
Dar n-am purtat-o, nici măcar o dată n-am purtat
Și tu nici nu ai văzut asta!
Și tu nici nu ai văzut asta!
Eu am încă 18 ani
Fie toate, fie nimic
Nu crezi că în ultimele trei ore
Nimeni sau nimic ...
Ege Kökenli

Toate fetele ne-am strâns

Nu fetelor nu merităm asta
Nu fetelor nu putem accepta asta
Toate fetele ne-am strâns ne-am strâns ne-am strâns
întreabă de ce am purtat ce am purtat ce am purtat
Nouă ne-a plăcut de ei ne-a plăcut ne-a plăcut
Acum de ce ne-am forțat ne-am forțat ne-am forțat
Unu era atât de simplu încât ecuațiile
Doi au fost atât de slabi încât articulațiile lor
Trei verificați munca copilului
Ai cerut nu ai cerut nu ai cerut ai cerut
Unu sarcastic așa cum le-am umplut
Doi noi avem jucătorii ei ca o goarnă
Trei am ser pe drum ca un carşaf
Ai cerut nu ai cerut nu ai cerut ai cerut
Vom ridica duşumeaua apeşi pe 10
Haide hop hop am sărit hei se duc zilele hei
Lung lung am sărit glumele au explodat
Haide minge minge noi runde hei se duc zilele hei
Aştept să-ți aud vocea hei se duc zilele hei
Ne-am întins ne-am întins culmea ne mișcăm hei se duc zilele hei
Toate fetele ne-am strâns ne-am strâns ne-am strâns
întreabă de ce am purtat ce am purtat ce am purtat
Nouă ne-a plăcut de ei ne-a plăcut ne-a plăcut
Acum de ce ne-am forțat ne-am forțat ne-am forțat
Este atât de evident că obiectivele
Doi bani de sex și discuții de fotbal întotdeauna
Trei pentru a gestiona această slujbă pentru copii
Ai cerut nu ai cerut nu ai cerut ai cerut
Vom ridica duşumeaua apeşi pe 10
Haide hop hop am sărit hei se duc zilele hei
Lung lung am sărit glumele au explodat
Haide minge minge noi runde hei se duc zilele hei
Am decorat am consolidat ne ridicăm
Ne-am întins ne-am întins culmea ne mișcăm hei se duc zilele hei
Toate fetele ne-am strâns ne-am strâns ne-am strâns
întreabă de ce am purtat ce am purtat ce am purtat
Nouă ne-a plăcut de ei ne-a plăcut ne-a plăcut
Acum de ce ne-am forțat ne-am forțat ne-am forțat
Am purtat am purtat
Ege Kökenli

Te iubesc, nu te iubesc

Te iubesc, nu te iubesc
Nu știu câte frunze am
Te-am dat afară
Mă adun
Ai acum pe altcineva?
El seamănă cu tine?
Ce vei face eu nu pot
Bucățile nu ți-se mai potrivesc
O să mă antrenez pentru asta?
O să-mi rup inima pentru asta?
Nimeni nu te poate înlocui
Pisică rea Şerafettin
Spune cum mai tăiat?
Sunt atât de rușinos, atât ficatul
Nu mă mai găsesc
Nu mă pot lua înapoi
Eu în fiecare noapte visez
Mereu îți dau dreptate
O să mă antrenez pentru asta?
O să-mi rup inima pentru asta?
Nimeni nu te poate înlocui
Ege Kökenli

De la mine pentru tine

Vor veni din întuneric
Se vor pune în calea ta
Vor avea dinți galbeni,galbeni
Vor avea gheare ascuțite
Crezi că vei fi prins
Dar tu vei învinge mereu
Eu o să alerg să te ajut
O sa te învăț să zâmbești pe dinăuntru
Ți-se vor spune minciuni
Ți-se vor întoarce vorbele
Vor fi inimi de gheață
Vor fi cuvinte dureroase
O să fi rănit
Dar mereu tu o să câștigi
Te voi învăța să mergi
Dacă o să cazi o sa fiu acolo să te ajut
Uneori trebuie să taci să nu țipi
O să plângi fără rușine
Vor veni iubiri
Îți vor pătrunde în inimă
Ce priviri vor fi
Ce dulci cuvinte vei rosti
Vei crede că e mereu iubire
Dar uneori te vei înșela
Îți voi arăta că acolo trebuie sa te oprești
Te voi învăța să spui 'Trece și asta'
Uneori doar o să te spargi
Ca un pahar care cade
Uneori o să te lase singur
Ce o să faci
Vor fi planuri
Dar tu vei reuși întodeauna
Vei fi distrus
Dar mereu vei reuși
O să îți arăt drumul
O să te învăț să te iubești singur
Când o să pleci o să fiu acolo să te ajut

How Alas!

You've changed a lot but
I'm not the same as before either
So I've changed a little
How I missed you firstly
Then I became lighter (in amount)
But my heart had ever pulsed this summer
I don't believe that it's over
It will never end, ever
Loves like ours, which has no end
If I see you now
Would I not want to kiss you?
Would old smells not come out to?
We are just two crazy people
Will we break off what there is behind,
Leaving craziness?
Life can't stop, can't take it to the past.
Will we wither away,
Effacing our faces?
Aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa
How Alas !
Aaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaa
How Alas!
How was it, I want you to tell,
Your life as of the time that we finished 'we'
Did these years pass away well?
Think of that, that years we could have lived
Also that all the things happen after.
I don't believe that it's over
It will never end, ever
Loves like ours, which has no end
If I see you now
Would I not want to kiss you?
Would old smells not come out to?
We are just two crazy people.
Will we break off what there is behind,
Leaving craziness?
Life can't stop, can't take it to the past.
Will we wither away,
Effacing our faces?
Aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa
How Alas !
Aaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaa
How Alas!
Is there anyone who hasn't seen?
Or who hasn't heard?
Or 'I fell in love, I forgot that I love' who said
Is there anyone?