Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


M-am pierdut mamă

Speranțele mele au dispărut într-o mare de durere
Plangand lacrimile mele nu se vad in valuri
Fotografia sangereaza atarnata intr-un gol
Aripile marmorate* bat noaptile
Unde sunt visurile mele nevinovate?
Eu cand am crescut mama, mi-am murdarit mainile
Unde sunt bucuriile mele acele zambete de primavara
Eu cand am devenit toamna mama, florile mele s-au lasat
De-ar fi o mica speranta scumpa mea
Ca o frunza rupta de pe ramura, sunt singura mama
O pasare din povesti zboara prin visele mele reci
M-am pierdut pe strazile oarbe, vino si gaseste-ma mama
Unde sunt visurile mele nevinovate?
Eu cand am crescut mama, mi-am murdarit mainile
Unde sunt bucuriile mele acele zambete de primavara
Eu cand am devenit toamna mama, florile mele s-au lasat
Ege Kökenli

Which one of us haven't loved

Versions: #2
Which one of us haven't fallen into the deep darkness of love
Which one of us haven't loved like crazy ones
Which one of us haven't waited the way of some unfaithful ones
At secluded place or in any cornerhead
These roadways keep storing any some memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly, so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul to love like crazy
Lover's (one) eye is blind and there ears are deaf
That's why we haven't seen what's right or wrong
Love was ruined or burned , however we loved despite that
Oh those unfaithful ones aren't catched the value of anything
These roadways keep storing a bit of memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly ,so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul (all we need) to love like crazy